WASFAA Conference Committee Conference Call Meeting Minutes June 3, 2015, 10-10:30 am 2015-16 Conference Committee Chair: Ashley Coleman, University of Oregon, OR 2015-16 Conference Committee Members in Attendance: (*denotes new member) Ashley Salisbury, University of Nevada, Reno, NV Charity Strong, Carrington College, ID* Christina Padilla, Vanguard University, CA* David Downing, Washington State University, WA* Jennifer Miller, University of Arizona, AZ* Sun Ow, Great Lakes, CA Not in attendance: Mary Booker, Pomona College, CA Went over overview of communications committee o Publishing quarterly newsletter Submission deadlines are located here, so mark your calendars o Posting to Water Cooler Blog o Posting to social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) via HootSuite account o Listserv emails Had committee pick duties o Newsletter editors: Ashley S., Sun, Mary, Charity, David o HootSuite social media posting: David, Christina o Water Cooler Blog posting: Charity, Ashley C. o Listserv emails: Jennifer o Taking photos at WASFAA events: Christina, Ashley C. Went over 2014 WASFAA Membership Survey results o Why is social media not ranked as highly as email, newsletter, website and listserv in importance? David pointed out that Facebook in particular uses new algorithms that show posts with pictures and videos above posts with just words WASFAA should incorporate more of these into the posts o Listserv Ashley C. told everyone that there are two different listservs WASFAA uses Through WASFAA’s website any member can post to WasfaaL Certain members have access to wasfaa_announcements@wasfaa.org WASFAA Conference Committee Conference Call Meeting Minutes June 3, 2015, 10-10:30 am We could use the WASFAA Announcements to send messages that include pictures and links Does anyone use a listserv now they find effective? A couple committee members are subscribed to FINAID-L and receive many emails each day with questions and responses from FA professionals o They find it very helpful information Are these emails overwhelming? o You can set up a separate email folder for these messages to be directed to automatically so they are not in your inbox Should we ask the listserv directly if they would be interesting in using the WASFAA listserv like a typical listserv with questions/answers What goals should we set for 2015-16? o Considered different goals and came up with some great ideas: Work with WASFAA committees to advertise events, disseminate information and keep members informed of activities and opportunities for participation Strengthen our LinkedIn presence Increase member engagement and interaction in social media Make sure that members know what is going on with not only WASFAA, but their state organization and NASFAA, as well Reach out to state organizations in particular Side note: Kelly Forsberg has decided not to participate in the committee this year due to other commitments at her new job