WASFAA Conference Committee Conference Call Meeting Minutes June 3, 2015, 10-10:30 am

WASFAA Conference Committee
Conference Call Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2015, 10-10:30 am
2015-16 Conference Committee Chair:
Ashley Coleman, University of Oregon, OR
2015-16 Conference Committee Members in Attendance: (*denotes new member)
Ashley Salisbury, University of Nevada, Reno, NV
Charity Strong, Carrington College, ID*
Christina Padilla, Vanguard University, CA*
David Downing, Washington State University, WA*
Jennifer Miller, University of Arizona, AZ*
Sun Ow, Great Lakes, CA
Not in attendance: Mary Booker, Pomona College, CA
Went over overview of communications committee
o Publishing quarterly newsletter
 Submission deadlines are located here, so mark your calendars
o Posting to Water Cooler Blog
o Posting to social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) via HootSuite account
o Listserv emails
Had committee pick duties
o Newsletter editors: Ashley S., Sun, Mary, Charity, David
o HootSuite social media posting: David, Christina
o Water Cooler Blog posting: Charity, Ashley C.
o Listserv emails: Jennifer
o Taking photos at WASFAA events: Christina, Ashley C.
Went over 2014 WASFAA Membership Survey results
o Why is social media not ranked as highly as email, newsletter, website and listserv in
 David pointed out that Facebook in particular uses new algorithms that show
posts with pictures and videos above posts with just words
 WASFAA should incorporate more of these into the posts
o Listserv
 Ashley C. told everyone that there are two different listservs WASFAA uses
 Through WASFAA’s website any member can post to WasfaaL
 Certain members have access to wasfaa_announcements@wasfaa.org
WASFAA Conference Committee
Conference Call Meeting Minutes
June 3, 2015, 10-10:30 am
We could use the WASFAA Announcements to send messages that include
pictures and links
 Does anyone use a listserv now they find effective?
 A couple committee members are subscribed to FINAID-L and receive
many emails each day with questions and responses from FA
o They find it very helpful information
 Are these emails overwhelming?
o You can set up a separate email folder for these messages to be
directed to automatically so they are not in your inbox
 Should we ask the listserv directly if they would be interesting in using the
WASFAA listserv like a typical listserv with questions/answers
What goals should we set for 2015-16?
o Considered different goals and came up with some great ideas:
 Work with WASFAA committees to advertise events, disseminate information
and keep members informed of activities and opportunities for participation
 Strengthen our LinkedIn presence
 Increase member engagement and interaction in social media
 Make sure that members know what is going on with not only WASFAA, but
their state organization and NASFAA, as well
 Reach out to state organizations in particular
Side note: Kelly Forsberg has decided not to participate in the committee this year due to other
commitments at her new job