example: WASFAA_JRSMLI_Oct_2.doc

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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report
Executive Council Meeting Date
November19-20, 2014
Executive Council Meeting Location
San Diego, CA
Committee Information
Committee Name
Federal Relations Committee
Chair(s) (Name, Place of Employment, State)
Jeff Scofield- Seattle University, WA
Tami Sato – Marshall B. Ketchum University, CA
Committee Members (Name, Place of
Employment, State) Please put an asterisk next to
first-time committee members.
Barbara Bickett – DeVry Institute, CA
Scott Cline – CA College of the Arts (CASFAA Federal Issues), CA*
Michael Dear – Mira Costa College (CCCSFAAA Federal Issues), CA*
Helen Faith – Lane Community College, OR
Patricia Hurley – Glendale Community College, CA
Kevin Jensen, College of Western Idaho, ID
Jodie Kuba, University of Hawaii-Manoa, HI*
Melissa Moser, Orange Coast College, CA*
Jenny Pak-Vincent, Socie Education, CA*
Vicki Shipley, NCHELP
Committee Goals
Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply)
Goal 1: Leader in providing training and professional development
Goal 2: Maintain the long-term financial stability of WASFAA
Goal 3: Assess & monitor the performance of WASFAA & make strategic
Goal 4: Increase the participation of members in WASFAA activities
Goal 5: Continually improve methods & processes for communicating with
Goal 6: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of aid
Goal 7: Maintain and enhance the diversity of our membership and Executive
Goal 8: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report
Committee Goals
Specific Committee Goals(Include progress
toward goals and measurement of success.)
Keep WASFAA members informed on the latest
federal-aid issues through list serve messages,
newsletter articles and reports to council
Educate WASFAA members by facilitating sessions
at the WASFAA annual and state conferences
Continue WASFAA advocacy efforts by identifying
federal issues where comment or
recommendations would be appropriate: NPRM,
Negotiated Rulemaking, Reauthorization, visits to
legislators, conference call with education
staffers, budgetary action, bills and proposals
Serve as communication link from the states in
the WASFAA region, to WASFAA, forwarded to
the NASFAA board/committees when appropriate
Research on-line products or tools that can
facilitate WASFAA members contacting and
advocating to their legislative representatives.
Collaborate with state and national organizations
in advocacy efforts and educational efforts.
Summary of Committee Activities for the Quarter
Activities from April 2014 to June 2014:
 Vicki Shipley facilitated a conference call discussion with staffers from the Senate HELP
Committee. We had a 40 minute call on the WASFAA talking points utilized at the
Leadership Conference and RHEA recommendations. Staffers requested additional
information and comments that FRC will follow-up with soon.
 WASFAA Reauthorization recommendations were finalized formatted with contacts
 Reviewed draft regulations and provided comment to Brad Hardison who is a non-federal
negotiator on the Negotiated Rulemaking panel that met four times on program integrity
issues such as cash management, PLUS adverse credit and state authorization
 Reviewed Gainful Employment NPRM summaries and S. 546, Harkins bill on improving
entrance and exit interviews.
 Sent WASFAA listserv messages on the 10/1 change in Direct Loan origination fees related
to sequestration, list of schools receiving campus-based funding for 2014/2015, the
change in Direct Loan interest rates for loans with first disbursements after 7/1/2014 and
the final regulations for PLUS adverse credit and GE.
 Attained access to potential new members who have volunteered for FRC and sent an
email inviting participation on the 2014/2015 WASFAA FRC. Received positive response
from three of six. New members have been added to ATAC system.
 Held first 2014/2015 FRC meeting on May 15th at 2:00 pm utilizing G2Mtg
 Sent final WASFAA Reauthorization recommendations to WASFAA List-Serve and members
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report
of House and Senate Education Committees. Requested help from membership to
forward recommendations to their state representatives that serve on the education
committees. Had 5 responders who sent recommendations to Sen. Murray, Rep. Heck
and Rep. Bonamici. Appreciate great work of Barbara Bickett and Pat Hurley who
facilitated this document and provided the contact information. Recommendations were
also sent to NASFAA.
 Invited WASFAA GPIC chair to serve on FRC
 Submitted article for WASFAA Newsletter
Activities from June 2014 to October 2014
 Held monthly FRC conference calls and posted minutes to the website. Jack Edwards had
to withdraw from the FRC committee.
 Submitted WASFAA comment on Harkin bill on proposed entrance and exit counseling
 Posted listserv messages: FSA webinar on 150% rule, Negotiated Rulemaking article,
NASFAA conference highlights, Common Elements in RHEA proposals, Experimental Sites,
Constitution Day, DE Hearings at CASFAA, PLUS Final Changes from NPRM, GE Final
Regulations and Election Results.
 Submitted WASFAA comment on PLUS NPRM that was approved by EC
 Reviewed and discussed Harkin Bill on triggers for a program review and sameness of
audits and program reviews.
 Reviewed the list of recommendations from the NASFAA consumer information task force
 Drafted a letter to support Fee Free Student Loan Act by Rep. Susan Davis (CA). Project
was tabled until after the elections.
 Discussed participation in Negotiated Rulemaking hearing on PAYE that will take place
after the CASFAA Conference. There will be good WASFAA presence. Other topics that
were suggested to bring up: ability of schools to reduce loan amounts, additional
mandatory counseling, program reviews, CDR challenges, rehabilitation rules, and the
numerous IDR repayment plans.
 Reviewed PLUS adverse credit final rules.
 DE Hearing on PAYE – Several FRC members attended. Pat Hurley gave testimony.
Measures Tracking Tool Data Collection Information (Include required
Measures Tracking Tool data collection information to help determine progress toward Strategic
plan goals/activities that are the responsibility of your Committee. See Appendix F of the current
WASFAA Strategic Plan for guidance.)
Data to
be collected for 2014-2015:
Include progress of FRC to strategic plan goals/activities in quarterly reports
Number of new volunteers serving on FRC - 5
Number of newsletter articles - 1
Number of Listserv messages - 19
Number of letters drafted on behalf of EC and sent to Congress or DE - 3
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Quarterly WASFAA Committee Chair Report
Number of letters drafted for EC and not receiving consensus
Number of members who took action to a request for call to action - 5
Collaborative efforts and new collaborative efforts -
Budget Information
Approved Budget
Budget Expenditures to Date
Event Information (complete if applicable per location) N/A
Event Name
Cost of
Complimentary Registrations (if
applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients)
Add more rows as needed for additional events.
Calendar of Events/Timelines
Committee Member
Responsible (if
Vicki, Barbara, Pat
Call with Senate HELP Staff
Jeff, Tami
Call between co-chairs
First Listserv Messages sent
Set up Quarterly Report template including SP Goals
Jeff, Tami
FRC Conference Call
Deadline for newsletter article
Jeff, Tami
Deadline for FRC Quarterly Report
Jeff, Tami
FRC Conference Calls (also 8/21, 9/18, 10/16)
Deadline for newsletter article
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