WASFAA Ethnic Diversity Action Committee Minutes: Conference Call Meeting June 11, 2015 9 a.m. PDT 1. Welcome a. Present: Helen Faith, Jena Greenwood, Leo Vogel, Christy Jones, Dewayne Barnes b. Absent: Robbie Richards, Jodie Kuba, Rachel Martinez 2. Goals Increase number of applicants for EDAC scholarships o Email membership to promote the scholarship Mention how many applications we have received in the past versus how many scholarships were offered Ask Leo to provide a brief testimonial on his experience as a scholarship applicant/recipient to encourage more members to apply Select EDAC scholarship recipients: o Summer Institute o Management & Leadership Institute o Annual Conference Provide feedback to WASFAA on issues impacting aid administrators and students from ethnic minority groups Present a session at the Annual Conference Provide an article for each WASFAA newsletter o Helen will write the summer article about the work we’ve started Mention that we’ll be reaching out to WASFAA members for their feedback o Future issues: Helen can write the articles, or another member of the group can volunteer to write an article if they are interested in doing so Produce a promotional publication about EDAC and scholarships o Example: trifold brochure or bookmark/buck-slip o Can be handed out at events, mailed to members, and posted on website Respond to questions from WASFAA’s Executive Council 3. Expectations Attend all phone meetings (within reason—don’t call in when you’re sick or on vacation) Respond to emails within 5 business days o We will conduct a significant amount of our work over email Participate in reviewing and scoring scholarship applications o If the scholarship application period presents challenges for a particular membership due to workload at their institution, this shouldn’t present a major challenge as long as we’re able to have most members participate in the review o Prior year: 10-12 applicants per event With increased scholarship budget and efforts to encourage more members to apply, we will likely see an increase in volume o Applications are pretty brief—a few paragraphs each. Each application doesn’t take long to review—just a few minutes. Contribute to an atmosphere of trust, respect, and collaboration Actively contribute your expertise, opinions, ideas, and experience toward the conference presentation and other projects 4. Timelines Scholarship applications (planning on about 6-8 weeks before each event, though we may be reviewing applications a little later than estimated below, depending on timing of applications): o February: Annual Conference o April: Summer Institute o September: Management & Leadership Institute Presentation: o January: proposal ready to submit This gives us several months to solidify our ideas and zero in on a topic/theme o March: presentation materials prepared i.e., PowerPoint and any handouts ready to go, allowing plenty of time to get ready to present in April o April: present at conference Ideally, we should have two or more EDAC members co-presenting. Leo, Jenna, and Christy are willing to help present, contingent upon whether or not they are able to attend the conference. 5. Next steps Other discussion issues o Question: what is EDAC’s scholarship funding source? Answer: WASFAA’s budget includes multiple income streams and expense categories. Income sources include membership dues, event fees, vendor donations, interest/investment income, etc. Then there are several different expense categories. There aren’t specific expenses tied to specific income sources—everything goes into an income or expense bucket, so to speak. EDAC scholarships are funded by the overall WASFAA budget. WASFAA’s been in a very strong financial position for a number of years, and rather than just building asset reserves, the EC may choose to allocate funds strategically to meet WASFAA’s goals. This helps to explain why our scholarship budget will increase for 2015-16 over prior years. o EDAC scholarship application: currently, there are just broad, general questions listed: your reason for applying for the scholarship, responsibilities in your current position, your career goals in the field, and to describe what you hope to learn [at the event] and how you would use this knowledge to help others. Members agreed that we should add a question that focuses on diversity. Action item: we will circulate ideas by email for use during the next scholarship application cycle. o Question from WASFAA as sparked by inquiries from NASFAA: should EDAC continue to focus on ethnic diversity, or should we broaden our focus to include additional diversity factors, such as sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, etc.? Historical perspective: EDAC came into existence shortly after the Rodney King incident, and there are very strong opinions among WASFAA’s long-standing members that historically have supported staying the course in terms of the focus on ethnic diversity. Some WASFAA members have expressed strong reservations with respect to diluting our mission. Several members agreed that we should consider a wider array of underrepresented and marginalized populations. These different groups generally have a shared experience in terms of barriers and challenges faced. State perspective: CASFAA board changed its committee from “Ethnic Diversity Committee” to “Access & Diversity Committee” to reflect change in goals/mission. They had to go out to the membership to change the bylaws. This change did not meet with any controversy or resistance. CASFAA’s diversity committee had different roots—a focus from the outset was to increase Native American representation and participation as an important underrepresented and marginalized group. Should weigh the pros and cons of broadening the mission of this committee versus having a separate committee to focus on other diversity issues No need to make a hasty decision; we can engage with WASFAA membership for their thoughts, and discuss with WASFAA EC in the coming EC year Action item: Helen will do some research before our next meeting to see what other regional associations are doing and we’ll talk about this again next time— this will likely be an ongoing conversation that may even extend into our EDAC session at the annual conference. o Brochure/marketing materials: Leo has experience in marketing and with relevant software. He can help with layout of brochure; everyone can contribute to content We can work on content via email o Reaching out to our membership more effectively: survey the membership directly? EDAC could send out an email to our membership; alternately, we could include questions in a general WASFAA membership survey, but then we would be constrained by their timelines and selection bias (i.e., only those who respond to the survey would be represented in the answers, potentially distorting the results). Questions to ask: What are their experiences in their offices? What sort of support or advice do they need? What feedback would they like us to share with WASFAA’s leadership? Are there state-specific issues we should be aware of? What are financial aid offices doing to support underrepresented students and staff? This question was the topic planned for EDAC’s session for the 2015 conference, but it never came to fruition; EDAC members reportedly had difficulty getting feedback they needed from WASFAA members to get this off the ground. o Should we have an EDAC reception/gathering at the conference? (Can they fit anything else into the conference program realistically?) Helen received an invitation to NASFAA’s Diversity Caucus at the 2013 Conference that she will forward to the committee. WASFAA could model this after newcomers’ session, wherein everyone is invited, but the emphasis is on members from racial and ethnic minority groups Day and time for monthly meetings o Forgotten detail: Hawaii time! We have a committee member who couldn’t call in today because 9 a.m. PDT is 6 a.m. for her (3 hours behind PDT and 4 hours behind PST). 4 hours behind MDT and 5 hours behind MST. This means that we shouldn’t plan future meetings that start earlier than 12:30 Pacific Time. The group agreed that we should have future phone meetings on the 2nd Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. Pacific Time. Future dates/times (all at 2 p.m. Pacific Time): Thursday, July 9 Thursday, August 13 Thursday, September 10 Thursday, October 8 Thursday, November 12 Thursday, December 10 Thursday, January 14 Thursday, February 11 Thursday, March 10 Thursday, April 14