Save the completed report using Committee title and date ( example: WASFAA_JRSMLI_Feb_11.doc). Submit your report via email to the WASFAA Executive Council listserv and post a copy to the Committee webpage on the WASFAA website. YEAR-END WASFAA Committee Report 2012-13 May 18-19, 2013 Executive Council Meeting Date Executive Council Meeting Location Pointe Hilton Phoenix, Az Committee Information Committee Name Electronic Services Chair(s) (Name, Place of Employment, State) Ashley Salisbury, Chair University of Nevada, Reno Nevada Committee Members (Name, Place of Employment, State) Please put an asterisk next to first-time volunteers. Committee Goals Strategic Plan Goals that are being met (check all that apply) Goal 1: Leader in providing training and professional development Goal 2: Consolidate and communicate the public policy positions of aid administrators Goal 3: Collaborate and coordinate with other organizations and associations Goal 4: Maintain and enhance the diversity of our membership and Executive Council Goal 5: Increase the participation of members in WASFAA activities Goal 6: Maintain the long-term financial stability of WASFAA Goal 7: Continually improve methods & processes for communicating with member’s Goal 8: Assess & monitor the performance of WASFAA & make strategic adjustments Specific Committee Goals (include progress toward goals and measurement of success) 1. 2. Collaborate with other committees to maintain website in a timely manner. Provide prompt, thorough and friendly website assistance to Page | 1 YEAR-END WASFAA Committee Report 2012-13 3. WASFAA officers, committee chairs, general members, partners and Job Link customers. Add access to selected archives to WASFAA website. Summary of Activities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Updated website to include new 12-13 EC Gathering 12-13 EC photos to update website – Sent what pictures were submitted Granted Chairs access to their volunteers Had State association websites updated on the resources page Worked with Fund Dev. and ATAC to update banners on website Working with Zack Duffy (Communications Chair) and ATAC to get blog up and running Working with CASFAA & Susan Shogren to get CASFAA set up on G2M Updated website to include 2012 Conference Award Winners Increased the availability/rooms for SDBSI Registration for SDBSI was brought down. Received 2011 website statistics and provided information to Strategic Planning chair Added Federal Issues letter regarding Fraud and Abuse to website. Updated PnP on Appendix B-7 to read “President Timeline”. Updated Leadership Archives on website to show 2012-13 EC & Committee Chairs Updated WASFAA homepage to include Jack’s acceptance speech and photo. Updated AK president to Ashley Munro Updated Federal Issues Committee to Federal Relations Committee Added 2012 Spring & Fall Newsletters to website Updated old awards on the WASFAA Website Updated Travel Reimbursement form on WASFAA website Updated History section of About WASFAA to include 12-13 EC & Committees Updated WFAA President on EC List serves & Website Updated Links & Resources page on WASFAA site to include IASFAA's new web address Updated the Partners/Vendors & Membership pages on website Updated Fall Training page on website Updating Executive Council Minutes/Report Index of website to include missing EC, FP & SP minutes as well as the Annual Business Meeting DRAFT Brought up Registration for Fall Training Brought up Registration for Conference Updated SI Page with new flyer Updated Scholarship & Awards Page/Form Added new WA & NV State presidents to EC listservs & website Removed Lawrence Persky from EC listservs & website Remove Zack Duffy as Communications Chair from EC listserv & website; add Judy Saling as Communications chair and add to EC listserv Updated P&P manual with updated page numberings and added State Presidents Committee Winter Newsletter was added to website Investigate Opt-Out options in membership renewal for blog - Not possible Page | 2 YEAR-END WASFAA Committee Report 2012-13 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. Posted W-9 to website Posted Conference Sessions to website Brought up Annual Conference General & EDAC Scholarship Forms Awards & Nominations Form was brought down PENDING: Adding Award descriptions on Awards page - 5 completed Updated Newsletter page with updates from the communication committee Brought up SDBSI Registration Brought up SDBSI Scholarship Forms Spring Newsletter was added to website Added final agenda to Conference page Brought down SI scholarship forms Updated P&P with Training refund policy & new verbiage for Alaska & Southwest Credit Cards & new Appendix C Added Early-Bird pricing and dates to SDBSI page - Include new information on SI homepage Added new communications page to website. Brought down early-bird pricing from SDBSI Registration page Updated P&P with run-off election policy to 6-4 Process of 6. Nomination and Elections Policies and Procedures Requested set up of new EC and ECV list serves for 13-14 STATISTICS: GO TO MEETING (5/1/12-4/30/13): Total Meetings: 64 Total Webinars: 10 Total Meeting Attendees: 156 Total Webinar Attendees: 42 Total Meeting Duration (minutes): 1682 Total Webinar Duration (minutes): 453 WASFAA Website (5/1/12-4/30/13): Budget Information Approved Budget $11,800 Budget Expenditures to Date 1. 2. 3. $1725 - ATAC Charges TOTAL = $1725 Event Information (complete if applicable per location) Event Name Location Date Number Cost of Registration Subtotal Attendees Complimentary Registrations (if Page | 3 YEAR-END WASFAA Committee Report 2012-13 applicable – i.e., scholarship recipients) Add more rows as needed for additional events. Suggestions for Future Committee 1. 2. Check in with committee chairs periodically regarding website updates and registration forms for their upcoming events. Complete tasks in a timely manner. Calendar of Events/Timelines Date Committee Member Responsible (if Description applicable) May Ensure updates for new EC are in place on website May Bring down Spring Training Registration form June Submit quarterly report June Bring down SDSBI registration form June Update Awards Nomination form with new chair contact information June If any are still needed for website, take photos of EC members at quarterly meeting June Contact Fund Development Chair regarding website and partnership options form for coming year July Contact Training chair regarding fall training registration November Contact Training chair regarding spring training registration November Contact Conference chair regarding event registration November Contact Awards/Scholarships chair regarding updates to scholarship form for conference and SDSBI November Submit quarterly report December Bring down Fall Training registration form January Contact President-Elect regarding next year’s EC members; send request to ATAC to build WASFAA_EC and WASFAA_ECv lists. Page | 4 YEAR-END WASFAA Committee Report 2012-13 February Submit quarterly/year-end report March Contact SDBSI chair regarding event registration April Submit final updates to year-end report April Bring down Conference registration form April Send in updates to website for incoming EC April Obtain any existing photos of incoming EC from Historical Archives chair; request remaining photos from individuals As Needed Manage job postings, post payments, post presidential highlights, newsletter, and other updates to website, assist officer, chairs and members with website Periodically Send payment reminders for overdue job posting invoices, review website to be sure all is up-to-date Page | 5