February 21-22 Seattle Westin Hotel Thursday February 21

WASFAA 2007-2008 Executive Council Meeting Minutes
February 21-22
Seattle Westin Hotel
Thursday February 21st, 2008
Present: Doug Severs, Peter Miller, Steve Herndon, Tracey Lehman, Sandi Guidry,
Catherine King-Todd, Leslie Limper, David Tolman, Kay W. Soltis, Laura Hughes, Jeff
Lackey, Pat Downey, Bert Logan, Alexandra Edwards, Jodie Kuba, Wendy Olson,
Leonard Walker, Renee Davis, Frank Silva Jr., Frank Green, Francie Campbell, Carla
Idohl-Corwin, Jordon Grant, Judy Saling, Mindy Bergeron, Tami Sato, Colleen
MacDonald, John Nametz
Welcome by Doug Severs, announcements, introductions and housekeeping.
The meeting of the executive council was called to order by President Doug Severs at
1:15 PM.
Changes to the Agenda: Catherine King-Todd requested to move awards to the last item
of the day today. Doug Severs also said we would be moving Fund Development up on
the agenda. Also, update state president’s report person to Alexandria Edwards and
change AZ report person to John Nametz.
Motion- Frank Green moved to accept the revised agenda. Peter Miller seconded.
Motion carried.
Review and Approval of Minutes (Tracey Lehman); Tracey Lehman presented the
November minutes; Catherine King-Todd had 3 corrections and 2 clarifications to inquire
about in regard to the minutes.
Motion: Tami Sato moved to accept the revised minutes. Mindy Bergeron seconded.
Motion carried.
Review and Approval of To Do List: Tracey Lehman reviewed the To Do list and 3 items
were continued, 2 items are in progress.
Fund Development- Onita Clark and Judy Saling presented their report. Onita Clark
reported that Fund Development has had a challenging year, the number of sponsors is
down as well as the number of exhibit booths. It will be difficult if not impossible to reach
their budgeted income goal. The committee is $87,000 under their goal. This morning
Fiscal Planning suggested contacting vendors about banner advertisements to try and
increase revenue. This morning at Fiscal Planning it was also suggested that the new
chairs do a survey to vendors next year, Onita Clark will let them know. Doug Severs
said that WASFAA will need to be more budget conscious in the future, but luckily
WASFAA is fiscally sound at this time. Judy Saling mentioned that Fund Development
changed vendor options this year to try and accommodate vendors but this still did not
result in increased or sustained revenue. Judy Saling said they tried to reach other
vendors such as collection agencies but the response was poor. Jeff Lackey said that in
talking to collections companies he found that they want more contact with business
To Do: Onita Clark will let next year’s Fund Development chairs know they should
survey vendors next year.
Treasurer’s Report Peter Miller distributed the complete treasurer’s report to the council.
Peter Miller said that after the last meeting he was charged with buying two treasury bills
but they were combined in to one Treasury bill. Peter Miller reviewed the complete
treasurer’s report including our gains and losses to date.
The balance sheet as of 2/20/08 reflects our assets to date.
Peter Miller reported that the budget revision document is a recap from last year, there
are no 2008 revisions yet. The income and expense graphs are also from 2007-2008.
Motion- Tracey Lehman moved to accept the Treasurer’s report. Leslie Limper
seconded the motion. The motion carried.
Sandi Guidry reported that she has been reviewing the bank statements.
Fiscal Planning Committee Report -Steve Herndon reported that Fiscal Planning met this
morning for 2 hours. Steve Herndon reviewed the summary of activities from the fiscal
planning report. Steve Herndon reported that Fiscal Planning feels they need to be
proactive about the assumed fund development shortage in revenue. Fiscal Planning is
suggesting that we reduce the income goal of Fund Developments by $77,000. In order
to balance the budget we will take $77,000 from 2007 (of excess income) and transfer it
to Fund Development. Steve Herndon also reported that one committee, Electronic
Services, requested an additional $500. Fiscal Planning has recommended taking $500
out of member gifts to fund budget increase request.
Motion- Frank Green moved to accept the recommendation made by Fiscal Planning.
Alexandra Edwards seconded the motion.
Tami Sato asked for more information about the RSS feed Electronic Services was
pursuing. Pat Downey explained RSS. Doug Severs asked for a vote on the motion, the
motion carried.
Steve Herndon updated Fiscal Planning’s discussion on asset inventory and their
recommendation that the Historical Archives Committee complete that inventory once a
year. It was further recommended that the Historical Archives Committee will decide
annually what to keep, dispose of, donate etc. Wendy Olson asked if there was a time of
year that the inventory should be done. Doug Severs suggested it be completed and
submitted with their annual report. Steve Herndon suggested a timeline of before the
transition meeting in order to pass on an accurate inventory to the next chair.
Frank Green asked how Historical Archives would decide what to dispose of. Kay Soltis
said she thought that management of the asset inventory was in Policies and
Procedures already. Kay Soltis also said that the whole idea of the asset inventory was
that it would track depreciation so the chair would know when to dispose of items.
Catherine King-Todd said that it is not in Policies and Procedures and that is why we
need to do make a recommendation and decision. Onita Clark mentioned that Historical
Archives would consult with Fiscal Planning before disposing of items. Renee Davis
mentioned that as Chair of Historical Archives she is not on Fiscal Planning so how
would she consult them? She suggested she would consult with Executive Council.
Steve Herndon mentioned that he will continue with Fiscal Planning next year and will be
asking to include the chair of Historical Archives on the Fiscal Planning Committee so
there will be continuity.
Motion- Tami Sato moved to approve Fiscal Planning’s recommendation in regard to the
asset inventory being done annually by Historical Archives in conjunction with Fiscal
Planning and that Historical Archives and Fiscal Planning are allowed to dispose of
WASFAA physical assets as appropriate. Laura Hughes seconded. The motion carried.
To Do- Wendy Olson will add the above verbiage in regard to Historical Archives’
management of the asset inventory to Policies and Procedures.
Steve Herndon brought up the discussion of insurance coverage from Fiscal Planning.
Steve Herndon and Sandi Guidry have been working with Rust Insurance Company to
secure a proposal and coverage. Billie Jo Hamilton (a special guest at the November
Executive Council meeting) suggested this company who works with many other
regional associations. Steve Herndon reported we are expecting a bid of $6,000. Doug
Severs has the forms to review and sign.
Steve Herndon also updated the full council on the biannual review by Jordon and
Strategic Planning Committee Report Tami Sato reviewed her report and the activities of
this morning’s meeting. She has completed committee goals and committee chair
descriptions. Tami Sato said that she drafted the goals for the Representative-at-Large,
both segmental and associate and Treasurer.
Tami Sato reported that she reformatted the Measures Tracking Tool document and
added years to the tool for history. She will send this out to the full Executive Council.
Doug Severs announced that he has asked Tami Sato to complete his past president
year. He has a computer system conversion on his campus that will take much of his
time. Tami Sato will continue with Strategic Planning and Nominations and Elections.
Tami Sato mentioned that WASFAA may work with consultant Gayle Northrup in regard
to updating our strategic plan and membership survey results. Tami Sato also reported
that her group discussed the upcoming transition meeting and presenting the strategic
plan to new committee chairs. Doug Severs also reported that he requested Tami Sato
and Steve Herndon work on an article for the NASFAA Transcript on the WASFAA
Strategic Plan and membership survey results and actions.
Training Bert Logan distributed his report to the Executive Council. Bert Logan
mentioned that spring training is very compressed this year because of the expectation
that training was done by the time annual conference occurs (conference is usually in
May, it is April this year). Colleen MacDonald asked if each trainer was using the same
content at all locations. Yes. Bert Logan reported that they sent out another
announcement to the listserv about spring training last night. Bert Logan reported the
committee used anyone who listed training as their first choice on their volunteer
commitment. Bert Logan reported that this is his last year as co-chair and Cindy Pollard
will take his place.
Wendy Olson commended the Training Committee for having spring training; she knows
it is hard work.
2008 SDBSI Kathy Campbell reviewed her report. She added that she did a newsletter
article about Sister Dale Brown Summer Institute. Kathy Campbell said she would like to
have her list of faculty approved; she does not need them approved so she just reported
who is participating. Kathy Campbell distributed a logo for their bag. Doug Severs
informed Kathy that earlier in the meeting there was a discussion of what member gifts
we have in storage that WASFAA needs to use before buying more. Sandi Guidry
reported what the bags in storage look like. Dave Tolman reported what they have used
in the past that worked well. Kay Soltis said since we have the sling bag left, she
suggests a 3 ring to go with it. Kay Soltis reported that we have so many sling bags
because we had planned to use them for SDB Summer Institute. Kathy Campbell said
they will try and work with what we have. She circulated a spreadsheet that listed what
they would like to charge as the cost of the institute. Kathy Campbell reported that they
do not know if they can get the handbook for free, if not they need to make copies of the
handbook. Kathy Campbell reported they expect 124 attendees, she asked the council
to look at the price breakdown. She reported that she and Mike Johnson discussed $548
for a double and $648 for a single. Doug Severs suggested we raise the rate to show
some profit, he suggests $590. Leonard Walker reported that at this time there will be no
cost for the facilities, $10,000 has been budgeted. Colleen MacDonald suggests we do
not adjust the budget based on no cost for facilities, it gives us a cushion. Kathy
Campbell reports their faculty cost are high because they are brining a trainer from
Hawaii and Alaska in order to have all states represented. David Tolman commented
that we should think about the total cost to directors including transportation, which is
different from the small regions that do not have as far to travel. Kay Soltis suggested
$575 to still make money but assist schools with sending employees. Frank Green
concurs that $575 sits better. Peter Miller asked about a commuter rate. Colleen
MacDonald says she thinks it is a nice gesture to have a commuter rate.
To Do- Kathy Campbell will ask Peter Miller to add her to the Kinko’s copying account
for SDBSI.
Motion- Peter Miller moved to accept the rate of $575 for double occupancy and $675
for a single and $475 for a commuter as the rate for SDBSI. Tracey Lehman seconded.
Motion carried.
2008 Annual Conference - Jordon Grant reviewed the conference report. He reports that
they have a full program (it is on the website). Jordon Grant says there will be a night
out packet included with registration which is cheaper than a dinner but offers activities
for attendees. The President Reception room is only available for an hour, Jordon will
ask for 2.5 hours. The Grant High School Jazz band will play at the reception. The room
block commitment is full and the hotel wants us to increase it. We are 100 attendees
behind in registrations compared to last year. The conference committee has found that
75 people have reserved rooms that have not registered for the conference. Jordon
Grant reports that the committee is not in favor of increasing the block but would like to
hear the council’s recommendation. Leonard Walker says the conference committee
needs to call the people who have rooms and are not registered and he says increasing
the block just increases our liability to the hotel. Kay Soltis said do not increase the room
block, do not find another hotel, we are responsible for 75% of the room block. Onita
Clark said that she has run into the problem before where rooms get double booked
because the company and the individual book rooms.
To Do-Jordon Grant will call those individuals with rooms who are not registered for the
Electronic Services- Pat Downey distributed his Electronic Services report. He reviewed
the tasks that he has completed including elections, spring training, award updates and
conference registrations. Pat Downey reported on the changes that have been made to
the vendor pages during the last year of change in the lending business. He is also
working on a new graduate issues page for the graduate Issues Committee. Pat Downey
also reported further on what the RSS feed can do for WASFAA and its members. Tami
Sato asked if reminder emails were sent to people to vote about voting. Pat Downey
reported that they were.
Peter Miller mentioned that there will be an additional form for committee chairs on the
To Do- Tami Sato will send the committee form to Pat Downey to post.
Catherine King-Todd asked if all state presidents could be all listed as chairs so they can
post things on ATAC.
To Do- For 2008-09 Pat Downey will list all the state presidents as chairs.
Wendy Olson thanked Pat Downey for posting the most recent Policies and Procedures.
Wendy Olson requested that the most recent by-laws be posted. Pat Downey needs the
by-laws in word format to have them posted.
To Do- Renee Davis will send the most recent copy of the by-laws to Pat Downey so he
can request that ATAC post them.
Frank Silva asked if there was a way to post comments on the website. Pat Downey
reported that there is a contact option. Frank Silva asked if we should have a way for
members to provide feedback.
To Do- Pat Downey will work with ATAC to develop a way for members to send input on
WASFAA and the WASFAA website.
There was a discussion about having a summary of “Who is WASFAA” on the WASFAA
homepage. Catherine King-Todd provided the 2-sided slick document to Patrick
Downey that includes the Mission Statement, Core Values, Organizational Priorities and
Membership Benefits. This is the document we provided to WASFAA members who
attended the conference in 2006.
To Do- Pat Downey will work with ATAC on a way to increase the information about
WASFAA on the homepage.
Nominations and Elections-Tami Sato reported there were at least 7 write in candidates
for the Ethnic Diversify Chair. She reported that according to Policies and Procedures
she needs a motion to destroy the ballots, since we do not have paper ballots; we need
to destroy the electronic ballot.
Motion- Peter Miller motioned to destroy the electronic ballot. Mindy Bergeron seconded
Motion carried.
Tami Sato thanked everyone who voted.
Federal Relations- Tami Sato reported that Vicki Shipley sent out a Federal Relations
Committee report. NASFAA is working on a side by side comparison about the
reauthorization bill (the senate and house versions). Vicki Shipley did write an article for
the newsletter, you will see it soon.
Tami Sato and Vicki Shipley will keep WASFAA updated on reauthorization. Tami Sato
urged us to let our representatives know how we feel about the issues with lenders, the
legislation and lenders going out of business, repayment complications, default etc.
There was discussion on a recent WASFAA listserv message on the lending issue that
reflected personal views and should not have been sent or stated differently.
Renee Davis mentioned that perhaps we need reminders about appropriate use of the
To Do- Doug Severs will write something up about appropriate use of the listserv and
send it out.
John Nametz asked what the email said. Tami Sato read the email in question. John
Nametz stated that he did not have a problem with the email in question.
Graduate/Professional - Colleen MacDonald distributed her report. She mentioned that
many committee members are no longer associated with who they were affiliated with
but are still contributing. She reported that her committee has drafted an email to send
out to their sector about the annual conference and the sessions that would be of
Colleen reviewed the GP federal issues recommendations. She reported that her
committee unanimously decided to send the following recommendations to the WASFAA
Federal Issues Committee:
Allow qualified graduate and professional students to receive a Federal Pell
Grant with new funding.
Create a grace period for PLUS Loan Programs for Graduate Students similar to
the Federal Stafford Loan Program.
Extend the interest rate reductions created in the College Cost Reduction and
Access Act of 2007 to all students with subsidized and unsubsidized Federal Stafford
Loans, including for graduate and professional students.
Reduces borrower interest rates on subsidized and unsubsidized Federal
Stafford Loans for graduate and professional students as follows:
6 percent for loans first disbursed July 1, 2008, through June 30, 2009.
5.6 percent for loans first disbursed July 1, 2009, through June 30, 2010.
4.5 percent for loans first disbursed July 1, 2010, through June 30, 2011.
3.4 percent for loans first disbursed on or after July 1, 2011.
Extend the maximum origination fee reductions created in the Higher Education
Reconciliation Act of 2005, “HERA” for graduate and professional students with Federal
PLUS Loan Programs, including those for Graduate Students.
Phases the 3% maximum origination fee on FFELP PLUS loans down to 0% by
July 1, 2010:
Lowers to 2% for loans first disbursed on or after 7/1/06.
Lowers to 1.5% for loans first disbursed on or after 7/1/07.
Lowers to 1% for loans first disbursed on or after 7/1/08.
Lowers to 0.5% for loans first disbursed on or after 7/1/09.
Eliminate the requirement to charge the origination fee for Federal PLUS Loan
Programs by changing the language to parallel the Federal Stafford Loan Program.
Colleen MacDonald reported that the federal issues committee commented that issues
with money will not be embraced by Congress at this time. Colleen says the GP
committee still feels that it is important to bring these issues forward. She is requesting
that the Executive Council embrace their (GP) letter that they would like to be sent to
Congress. Colleen MacDonald asked how the council feels about these issues (because
they do not just deal with graduate students). Catherine King-Todd asked if the
committee was making any recommendations about how to pay for these changes.
Colleen MacDonald reported no, they were not.
Doug Severs asked the council if it was ok to just go ahead and have GP send this letter
from WASFAA.
Frank Green reported that he did not think we should sign off on a letter we have not
seen and he also has a problem with advocating for PELL for graduate students when
that might hurt undergraduates and/or proprietary schools. Wendy Olson said she also
had a problem with that. Colleen MacDonald said they would add that they wanted new
funds to cover this. It was then discussed that most of the council would be more
comfortable with that verbiage.
To Do- Colleen MacDonald will draft a letter and send it to the Executive Council to
Historical Archives - Renee Davis reported that she and some volunteers cleaned out
the storage unit in Seattle and closed it down. They have shipped items to Reno where
they will have new storage. She says the photos were not in the storage shed, she will
ask Kate Bligh about their location.
Newsletter- Renee Davis reported that they are about done with the issue that will be
distributed at the conference. She asked if we want to send the newsletter to members
who are not registered for the conference if so and how many years do we want to go
back. Kathy Campbell reported that in the past it was sent to non-conference attendees
and past year members.
Renee Davis encouraged everyone to contribute to the newsletter in the future; she
stressed how important it was to hear from everyone.
Judy Saling thanked Renee Davis for filling in as Newsletter Chair.
Catherine King-Todd suggested that we assign WASFAA Executive Council members
newsletter assignments in the next year. The council and the Newsletter Co-Chair in
attendance were in favor of this.
Motion-Leslie Limper moved to move into Executive Session. Mindy Bergeron
seconded. The motion carried.
Motion-Tami Sato moved to end the Executive Session. Tracey Lehman seconded.
Motion carried.
The WASFAA Executive Council meeting reconvened at 8:05 AM Friday, February 22nd.
Present- Tracey Lehman, Catherine King-Todd, Onita Clark, Tami Sato, Mindy
Bergeron, Judy Saling, Carla Idohl-Corwin, Frank Green, Frank Silva, Leonard Walker,
Jodie Kuba, Jeff Lackey, Bert Logan, John Nametz, Pat Downey, Kay W. Soltis, Laura
Hughes, David Toleman, Leslie Limper, Sandi Guidry, Wendy Olson, Steve Herndon,
Doug Severs, Kathy Campbell, Colleen MacDonald
Policies and Procedures- Wendy Olson distributed proposed changes to Policies and
Procedures as well as committee descriptions. The proposed changes for Policies and
Procedures are listed below.
2-4 One Representative-at-Large from active membership, defined in
article IV, section 2(b) of the associations bylaws (appointed by the
President and approved by the Executive Council)
2-6-D Vacancies filled by Ballot (to agree with by-laws)
3-8 Rep-at-Large now agrees with 2-4
4-1-D Members as specified in the bylaws: President-Elect, the
Representative-at-Large for Ethnic Diversity, and three WASFAA
members to be selected by the President (and subject to the approval of
the council) representing states other than those of the Chairperson and
the President Elect. No less than four states shall be represented on the
4-1-E Strategic Planning Committee- added 2nd purpose-To monitor
progress of implementation of the strategic plan
10-2-Scholarships WASFAA provides a minimum of four scholarships to
ethnic aid administrators for attendance at the Sister Dale Brown
WASFAA Summer Institute. The number and amount of each
scholarship is based on funding generated and subject to Executive
Council approval and the application and selection process is coordinated
through EDAC. In addition WASFAA may provide additional scholarships
for members to participate in WASFAA’s conference and institute events.
The Awards and Scholarship Committee oversees the administration of
these additional scholarships.
11 Awards-The recipients names have been removed.
Wendy Olson requested committees look at the Committee descriptions and give her
feedback for the next meeting. Wendy Olson requested feedback on the name for the
non-school Representative at Large, she also stated that awards descriptions need to be
updated in p and p, but they are updated on the website so she will take them from
there. Judy Saling said that in Oregon they call the representative “vendor liaison”.
Wendy Olson suggested that the representative could be a non-school person already
involved on the council. Doug Severs suggested that be a guideline and not in Policies
and Procedures.
Catherine King–Todd looked up the by-laws and found that the associate member is
listed as a person who is interested in student financial aid matters who serves as a
representative of educational institutions, government agencies, foundations, and private
and community organizations located in states and territories of WASFAA.
Wendy Olson reviewed the remaining changes on her handout that cleaned up Policies
and Procedures to be in line with the by-laws. She asked about 4-3-A3, committee
chairs having a liaison with the Executive Council. Catherine King-Todd said it has not
been used for 10-12 years. Steve Herndon said that was because of budget reasons,
and everyone could not come to meetings. It was decided to keep that in and make it at
the discretion of the President. Wendy Olson continued with questions on 10-2,
scholarships and if it was awards committee or awards and scholarships. Kay Soltis said
that change was when she was Awards Chair. Wendy Olson will update the committee
title throughout the document.
Tami Sato asked if all the changes could be in the main document instead of just having
updates because that is hard to follow. Tami Sato further explained she is asking for
changes in the body of the document as well as the appendix. Wendy Olson and
Catherine King-Todd said it is that way; the changes are in the body of the document
and noted in the appendix as well for historical purposes.
Motion- Jodie Kuba moved to accept all the changes that Wendy Olson brought forth
including correcting the name of the Awards Committee to Awards and Scholarships
Committee (which many thought was done) with the exception of 2-6-E and 4-1-E. The
motion was seconded by Sandi Guidry. Motion carried.
Membership- Jeff Lackey presented his report on Membership. He looked at
membership and he feels that in the past the bulk of membership has been with larger
schools but, that has declined as well as a decline in vendor population (AZ has the
biggest decline in membership). Jeff Lackey also reported that he thinks member
numbers get skewed because membership is available with event registrations and he
sees increases in months such as November, December and January. Jeff asked when
it would it be appropriate to update membership for 2008-09? He said there was a
question if it was too early for stand alone membership without the conference
registration. Catherine King- Todd said the Executive Council voted a few years back
that February could start the WASFAA year membership for those that signed up for
spring training. Doug Severs asked if that was in Policies and Procedures. Catherine
King-Todd and Wendy Olson will follow up on the membership discussion.
To Do-Catherine King-Todd and Wendy Olson will follow up on the membership
discussion in regard to what date can individuals register for an event and not sign up for
the current WASFAA year membership (but have it apply to the next year’s
Jeff Lackey reported that he also talked to the RMASFAA chair about memberships. He
explained that RMASFAA has an institutional membership instead of an individual
membership, institutions get one vote but they can purchase additional votes. This gives
large schools an advantage to have more votes. Jeff Lackey presented a new tiered idea
for memberships. Tracey Lehman asked if these rules had been applied to our current
database to see if we it would result in more dues income or less dues income. Jeff
Lackey said no, it had not be applied. Jeff Lackey further explained that this may or may
not work for public schools in the WASFAA region. He proposed that perhaps we should
explore this further, a block pricing structure for WASFAA membership. Steve Herndon
stated that the Executive Council has looked at this at least 3 times. Steve Herndon said
this was a topic on the membership survey, he said that they found that this was
detrimental to community colleges in California which held a very large membership.
Steve Herndon suggested we look at this with the next phase or revision of the WASFAA
Strategic Plan. Catherine King-Todd added that ATAC is geared toward individual
memberships and not institutional membership and that could be a problem. Steve
Herndon explained that at one time WASFAA reviewed core activities that should be
directly related to membership dues, membership dues=core activities cost. He said that
we should review that. John Nametz said we still do not have this right, he said an
individual membership is good if the cost is low enough to allow all to participate. Steve
Herndon reminded us that Fund Development and conference are our big money
makers and if those are low, which they are this year, we need to be concerned with
other revenue streams.
Research -Dave Tolman presented his Research Committee Report. He reported that
tables on the ACG and Smart Grants were posted on the website and asked if those
were helpful and if we all saw them. Dave Tolman added that the other highlights in his
report include an article on some research from Harvard and the University of Oregon
about the impact of aid on enrollment. He reported that the Research Committee has
submitted a position paper in the conference newsletter on cohort default rate and how
the reauthorization proposal linking school and their default rates and sanctions will
affect schools and students in low income areas. He reported that the Research
Committee is trying to present articles that get discussion going.
Dave Tolman also reported that no one applied for the research grant this year and that
they will do more outreach next year to promote that opportunity. Colleen MacDonald
suggested they work with the NASFAA Research Committee to promote that idea. Doug
Severs said they did try that in the past and it was unsuccessful but things could have
JR Sims MLI- Kay Soltis presented a report on the MLI event. She said it was a very
successful event and Frank Green was a great liaison with the hotel. Kay Soltis said they
were very conscious of cost so they tried to find low cost ways to make the event a
Kay Soltis reported that they tried team presentations and that worked very well. She
said they did a pre-event evaluation as well as a post evaluation. She reported that the
event was evaluated very highly. Kay Soltis mentioned that it is important to keep this
event small to enhance the learning experience. Jeff Lackey asked if there was a set
number for MLI, a cap? Kay Soltis said they did not have that problem this year. Sandi
Guidry reported that they have capped enrollment in the past because of the
Site Selection - Leonard Walker presented his Site Selection Report. He mentioned that
our transition meeting is the same time as NASFAA’s leadership event and the Hawaii
folks may need to choice one or the other. Laura Hughes said NASFAA had the date
posted wrong for quite some time and then changed their date on the calendar. Leonard
Walker reported that WASFAA is very good about putting all of our dates on all
Leonard Walker explained that he looks at the convenience of traveling from the airport
to the hotel as well as cost of the room for venues. He reported that the next conference
site will be in AZ but he has not visited there. Leonard says Fridays are his research day,
he looks at trends and travel in USA today and the New York Times. He is waiting for the
economy to catch up to hotels, perhaps they will go down in cost. At this point Leonard
Walker is looking at the Doubletree since we have been there before. Kay Soltis
suggested Leonard write an article for the newsletter about his activities as Site
Selection chair. Frank Green commented how lucky we are to have Leonard Walker do
our negotiations. Leonard Walker reported that he has worked hard to make sure the
contract language is the same, this will make it easier for his successor.
Sandi Guidry brought up that we need to have those attending meetings make their
plans early. Last minute air fare is very expensive and Leonard Walker does his room
block in advance, chairs cannot make last minute arrangements and expect WASFAA to
pay for it. Leonard Walker said WASFAA members need to be more responsible with the
associations’ money. WASFAA lost quite a large amount of money because of last
minute cancellations and plans at this Executive Council meeting. Laura Hughes said
she feels we need to have some guidelines and ramifications if you do not follow the
Volunteer Development- Frank Silva gave his volunteer report; he said he was very
surprised about the low numbers of volunteers. He said that he did not get out to all the
state conferences but needs to work more with the state presidents for recruiting
purposes. Frank Silva reported that the Training and Annual Conference committees are
the two committees that need the most assistance.
Frank Silva reported that the Volunteer Committee will have a table at the annual
conference; present the newcomers’ session and will co host the Presidents Reception
(and welcomes the opportunity to recognize volunteers). Colleen MacDonald asked if
Frank Silva would be sending out an email to the listserv about volunteering, Frank Silva
reported that he would.
Awards and Scholarships- Carla Idohl-Corwin presented her report. She reported that
Idaho has not had any submissions for scholarships. Carla Idohl-Corwin proposed
revised verbiage for the New Professionals Award, it reads…..This award is given
annually to recognize the outstanding contribution to WASFAA and the financial aid
profession. The recipient must have been active in WASFAA for less than five years and
made outstanding contributions at the institutional state, regional, and/or national levels.
The recipient must be a current member of WASFAA
Motion- Frank Green moved to accept the language proposed for the New Professional
Award. Laura Hughes seconded. The motion carried.
State Presidents Group Report - Alexandra Edwards reported on behalf of the state
presidents. The group is putting together a manual for the new state presidents. They
hope to have it done for the transition meeting in March. The group also plans to have a
meeting at the annual conference for incoming and outgoing presidents.
Alaska Report - Alexandra Edwards reported on the ALASKA conference and College
Goal Sunday and both were successful. They had 18 sites for College Goal Sunday
which is an increase over the last year. Alaska is currently in their nominations period for
new officers.
WA Report- Marilyn Ponti submitted a written report.
Oregon Report- Leslie Limper presented her Oregon report. She recapped the training
that OASFAA provided this year. Leslie Limper also talked about the recent OASFAA
conference held at the Eugene Hilton. She also reported that OASFAA completed
elections and read the new officers.
Leslie Limper also talked about the Oregon Attorney General and code of conduct that
many of the private schools were asked to sign. There was a meeting of interested
individuals this week to discuss the AG request and the code of conduct. Kathy
Campbell said it was the unfair trade practice arm of the AG that met with about 8
individuals from schools this past week; it involved community colleges and private
schools. Kathy Campbell reported that not all schools are being asked to sign a code of
conduct. She reported that the schools felt better after the meeting with the AG. Pat
Downey asked if any schools had signed the NY code of conduct already and will have
another code of conduct. Kathy Campbell reproved that only one school Lewis and Clark
signed both the NY code of conduct and will sign an Oregon code of conduct.
Idaho Report –Laura Hughes reported for Rod Dunn. Idaho held high school nights this
fall throughout the state and they are getting ready for their state elections. Laura
Hughes will attend the NASFAA leadership training next month.
Nevada Report – President Doug Severs received a report from the Nevada State
President and read the highlights. Leonard Walker reported that the Nevada annual
conference will be in November in Las Vegas.
PacFAA Report -Jodie Kuba reported on behalf of PacFAA, they have finished up high
school nights and College Goal Sunday. PacFAA will be holding elections soon (there is
only one person on the ballot for each position) and their annual conference is in March.
PacFAA has been notified that they may have a representative from the Department of
Education for spring conference or spring training every year and not both. PacFAA has
appealed the decision by the Department of Education. They are now putting pressure
on their state senators to change this. Frank Green asked how many people attended
spring training in other states.
Catherine King-Todd asked if we should keep NASFAA apprised of the situation. Doug
Severs said that he would notify NASFAA.
California Report - Mindy Bergeron presented her California report. The Executive
Council has been very busy, they are in the midst of a special election and it has been
difficult to find people to run. They recently had their state conference (December) and
had a large number of vendors. Doug Severs and Leslie Limper were special guests at
the conference. One of the highlights of the conference was a fashion show during one
of the lunches.
Mindy Bergeron reported they are also concerned about their budget and Fund
Development revenue.
Arizona Report – John Nametz reported for Ellen Neel. John Nametz reported that next
year is their 40th anniversary and their conference will be in the Phoenix area, it will
focus on professional development. They are striving to offer sessions and benefits for
vendor partners. He extended an invitation to the AZ conference. He is hoping to have a
special rate at this conference for the first 80 out of state visitors.
Ethnic Diversity Representative-at-Large- Andrea Williams was scheduled to report but
was unavailable. There was a written report submitted by Luhui Whitebear. Doug Severs
reviewed the written report.
Motion- Leslie Limper moved to accept Luhui Whitebear as chair of Ethnic Diversity
Representative-at –Large. Tami Sato second. The motion carried.
Segmental Diversity Representative-at-Large- Frank Green reported that he has looked
at the proprietary membership and he notes that it is a consistent membership, but the
same people. His goal this year was to increase membership in his sector. He reported
that he was invited to be a presenter at the CASFAA conference and that was a great
opportunity for him to promote WASFAA to proprietary schools, he followed up with 36
non-WASFAA members who attended CASFAA.
To Do- Colleen MacDonald and Mindy Bergeron will give Kathy Campell the needed
documentation to ensure that proprietary school people to get credit for attending
Summer Institute.
Past President - Tami Sato handed out information on individual development accounts,
(IDA’s). She attended NASFAA’s meeting as a regional representative and has been
participating in conference calls.
Tami Sato attended CLFE meeting and shared updates from the WASFAA region.
Jeff Lackey suggested we look again at the regulations that came out 2/7/08.He said if
they go to a campus to promote financial literacy they cannot have logos on their
presentations or clothing. He added that if they have an open forum there are new strict
Vice President - Sandi Guidry reported that most of her report has been covered under
other reports during the last two days. She continues to look over the bank statements,
investigate insurance coverage with Steve Herndon and work with Renee Davis on
archives. She is also working with the conference committee on their bag and assisting
other events with using the bags in the storage unit to save WASFAA money.
Kay Soltis thanked Sandi Guidry and Steve Herndon for working on insurance.
President Elect /Bylaws- Pat Peppin submitted a written report.
Motion- Tracey Lehman moved to accept the list of committee chairs with the exception
of training co chair Francie Campbell who cannot serve next year and with the exception
of Luhui Whitebear as Associate Member-at-Large. Alexandra Edwards seconded. The
motion carried.
President - Doug Severs reported that he has been busy attending state conferences
and participating in NASFAA monthly conference calls. He presented sessions at many
of the state conferences and has enjoyed his travels. Doug Severs reminded everyone
that he will not serve as past president and will not be at the transition meeting.
Leonard Walker asked if we were meeting before the annual conference and when and
To Do- Doug Severs will send out a reminder about the meeting times before the
Old Business -none
New Business-none
Motion- Laura Hughes moved to adjourn the meeting. Sandi Guidry seconded. The
motion carried. Meeting was adjourned at 12:05 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tracey Lehman
Secretary WASFAA