13/14 EC Meeting Minutes May 19, 2013 Phoenix Arizona

13/14 EC Meeting Minutes
May 19, 2013
Phoenix Arizona
Respectfully Submitted by: Terri Eckel
Meeting Called to order 8:33
Those Present:
Frank Green, Kevin Jensen, Jack Edwards, Terri Eckel, Mindy Bergeron, Wendy Olson, Catherine KingTodd, Kay Soltis, Ed Wagner, Cathy Bio, Jeff Scofield, John Bender, Laura Hughes, Leonard Walker, Sandi
Guidry, Roxanne Merle, Pat Hurley, Steve Herndon, Sun Ow, Susan Shogren, Oscar Verduzco, Moua
Phong, Monique Theriault, Melissa Moser, Jesse Stasher
Frank Green began with presidential vision for the year. First and foremost – not to screw up too much
this year. To that end – he has 6 past presidents on the board. There are at least 10 future presidents on
the board as well.
Second - Strategic Plan - It is in place already and we need to be sure it’s a part of our lives. Goal #8 is
perhaps most important – collaboration goal – and easy one to accomplish, particularly because we do it
so well. And there’s a lot of potential for collaboration with other organizations. Example-posting of
RMSFAA Summer Institute to WASFAA website. They posted ours as well. We should share our
Third - Disaster Recovery Plan – each committee should think about how to safeguard our documents.
He’s asked Ashley to look at backup systems and perhaps the cloud. Quickbooks online is safe, but we
need to be sure that everything is safe without having to go to storage.
Fourth – end fiscally better than the previous year. Current year was good and he’d like to end a little
stronger than previous years. Of concern for Frank is that his year as president will be more expensive
than most due to his travel. It’s expensive for his travel because he’s from Hawaii. Frank can’t attend all
state conferences and has asked past presidents and Kevin to represent WASFAA at some state
conferences. Not possible for him to attend all due to overlap. Has already saved by having the
transition meetings here at conference rather than in June. Next meeting in person will be in November
– he’s a little concerned about that because it’s so far off. Face-to-face meetings are important, but
Fifth – He wants to be sure that we all have what we need to do our jobs. Asked all EC to be sure to ask
if they need anything – many great resources on the EC that can help.
Frank asked Jack for overview of 12/13 and accomplishments:
Strategic plan was main focus last year. When he realized that it needed to be revised,he
decided that Kay should lead the group and have the WHOLE EC be a part of it and be involved
with it since it’s a living document for the association.
Made some decisions to invest money in NASFAA.
Federal Relations had a lot going on and while it was an election year, it was important that we
got our perspective out there.
Introduced consent agenda – something that NASFAA does and allowed us to move along more
effectively in our meetings.
Pat Hurley asked if all things should be included in consent agenda – Should all President reports be
consent or should those be done as not consent? Frank and Jack said that there is always opportunity
for discussion by EC; questions can be asked; EC members can always elaborate on written report.
Frank referred to handouts –
Said Steve Herndon created “WASFAA Facts and Items of Interest” and asked that he address it.
Steve explained that he put together the document to give historical perspective and context when
discussing numerous topics during EC meetings or during discussions related to WASFAA business. It is
intended to provide snipits of info that can be referenced in one place. Steve went through the
document (reference document for specifics).
Other comments by Steve:
Steve said he would like to update section re: when some of the state associations became members of
WASFAA – that should be looked at since it probably isn’t accurate.
Catherine King Todd said she wants to be sure lifetime members are included in P & P’s.
Steve commented that we’ve debated continuing with ATAC over the years.
Steve said we may need to think about increasing membership dues – only about 11% of our budget.
Steve said Conference and Summer Institute bring in a large amount of revenue – we may be relying on
those two activities too heavily.
Wendy suggested that the document be included on the WASFAA website. Kay commented that she
wished that she had had it when she was WASFAA president.
Jeff asked if any of the state associations have a similar document. Those state presidents who
responded indicated they have nothing quite as extensive or thorough
Travel – Leonard and Sandi
Leonard went over the Travel Request Form. He said about 4-6 weeks prior to each EC meeting, we’ll be
required to complete a form.
Have Sandi book airline flights because we get points on SW credit card. It helps for Leonard and Sandi
to know the details of our flights so that they can coordinate shuttle from airports.
Kevin said that Leonard and Sandi are nosey about our travel for a reason. We’re trying to coordinate
room blocks and contracts.
Saturday night hotel is covered for THIS EC. At conference, travel is NOT covered, only hotel nights that
are required due to attendance at EC meetings are covered. For those who are on both EC’s Friday AND
Saturday hotel is covered.
Sandi will email everyone on EC when she gets home to solicit travel info: legal name, DOB, etc.
Don’t be surprised if Sandi or Leonard ask you to share shuttles/taxis from airports – it’s all to save the
association money.
If you decide to extend your stay and there’s an increase in the ticket price, YOU are responsible for
paying the difference. Sandi will pay for whole cost of ticket and you will be responsible for writing a
check to WASFAA for the difference.
Tickets must be purchased at least 3 weeks prior to event and approval by President is required for an
exception to that.
Abril said that she flies Hawaiian and gets the 5th flight fee – may be worth checking into one of those
credit cards.
If you drive and mileage is more than the airline ticket, you’ll only be reimbursed for the cost of the
airline ticket.
Rental cars must be approved through President for travel to EC meetings.
Wendy said that she finds the flight that works for her and then sends that info to Sandi – Sandi can
usually book the flight – so you can do the research and let Sandi know your preference.
Southwest or Alaska are preferred airlines to travel.
Kay said to pay attention to beginning and ending dates of agendas – be mindful of what’s happening
when and don’t arrive to EC’s late or have to leave early.
Ashley drafted some documents on how to post to the listserv; how to post to the blog; how to manage
your committee members – add/delete them; also can post quarterly reports or committee minutes
Ashley has an inventory of items in the storage unit. She distributed the inventory to those who asked
for it.
Frank said to utilize Ashley,s expertise with technology – she’s there to help, so don’t get frustrated with
Anything that needs to be posted to the website, send her final version and give her at least 2 weeks for
posting something to the website
She’ll set up GOTO meetings and she’ll need to know if web is to be set up. Be mindful that meetings are
set up for exact time that meeting is set for…it’s exact.
Fiscal Planning – Wendy Olson
Awards and scholarships are an important part of our budget.
Good idea for BIG committees with big budgets to work up a good budget with projections and submit
to fiscal planning. President signs contracts; Site Selection also involved and copy goes to Fiscal Planning
Treasurer’s Report that is distributed prior to EC meetings gives committee chairs sense of what’s been
spent – important to review this prior to EC’s.
Asset reserves is also looked at consistently.
Fiscal Planning Committee consists of President, VP, Treasurer, Past President, Electronic Services Chair,
Secretary, Fund Development Chair.
Treasurer – Mindy Bergeron
Went over the travel reimbursement form.
Alcohol – needs to have own receipt, WASFAA won’t cover.
Will accept faxed receipts for reimbursement, but follow up with snail mail.
Committee members will need to submit reimbursement form to Committee Chairs.
TO DO – check that scanned receipts are acceptable in lieu of real receipt.
Don’t need receipts for tips.
Charles Schwab account - $150,000 invested last year. Mindy sits on NASFAA finance committee and
they meet quarterly.
$192K in maximizer account. Since Mindy has taken over hasn’t had to go into reserves.
Presidents have Visas; Sandi has Visa; Mindy has Visa
Ed Wagner questioned why we have the NASFAA investment since it’s losing compared to our other
accounts. Frank Green said that it’s a long term investment and we expect that investment to do better
in time.
Mindy – NASFAA just voted on how they’ll distribute/invest those funds.
At time we set up the account with NASFAA 15% yield on our investment – at that time, Vanguard was
doing poorly.
Ed Wagner asked why our fiscal year matches our budget year. He explained that we’re not required to
structure things that way and thinks it might be better for a new President and his/her EC to set their
own budgets. Steve Herndon said that previous auditor made suggestion that we structure our fiscal and
budget years as they are currently structured. There will be a review of the books now that Mindy has
taken over and it is something that she’s open to reviewing. Right now, old budget is set by previous EC.
Wendy put the above on the task list for Fiscal Planning to investigate.
Catherine made the point that every committee is able to amend their budget throughout the course of
the year even though budget is approved. It’s worked for 10 years, not sure it needs to be changed.
W-9 is posted on WASFAA website for anyone who needs them.
We are getting points for airline ticket purchase. Currently have 290,000+. Sandi generally uses 35,000
points per ticket..sometimes as much as 45,000.
Jack asked why he sees his WASFAA card and his personal card on B of A’s card profile. Must be tied to
SSN – not sure we came to a conclusion as to why that is…
Kay said that we like to use the airline miles for Hawaii and Alaska because the ticket costs are so much
greater than travel to other states.
Mindy referenced the Treasurer’s report and reminded that she’ll send it out just before the EC
meetings. It went out a little late this go round because she wanted to include as much as possible in
conference registrations.
Fund Development – Sun Ow
6 business solution sessions and 25 vendors at conference. Vendors are really glad to be in the ballroom.
Cheryl Barnes and Robert Rogers are new to her committee and have done a great job.
Frank explained that there are a few EC members not present:
Nichole Doering – Summer Institute Chair
Luhui was VP and EDAC Chair for 12/13 EC and is now a Rep at Large
Ashley Munro – Communications Chair
Suzie Peterson – Oregon State President
Adam Hatch – Co-Chair Training – Susan Shogren is other Co-Chair. Frank said he wanted to have a solid
training committee given that it’s one of WASFAA’s primary missions.
Frank said that Quarterly Reports are due in July.
Frank has the WASFAA stationary.
Motion to adjourn – Jeff made motion and Roxanne seconded - All in favor
10:59 meeting adjourned
Email Vote Outcomes of the EC since the 5/19/13 EC Meeting
Mini Summer Institute for Delta Education
Motion Called and Made by Monique, Second by Ed
Motion: giving Nichole the approval to proceed in conducting a mini SI for Delta Education with the understanding
that all expenses for the trainers will be covered and WASFAA will receive payment in the amount of $2000.00.
Discussion documented in saved email correspondence
Vote – 11 ayes, 0 nays, 1 Abstention
Email from Frank to EC on 7/25/13:
Aloha All,
The motion:
“giving Nichole the approval to proceed in conducting a mini SI for Delta Education with the understanding that all
expenses for the trainers will be covered and WASFAA will receive payment in the amount of $2000.00.”
…has passed – Nichole and Adam, you are good to go.
Thank you all for your participation.
2015 San Diego Conference Hotel
Motion Called and Made by Luhui, Second by Jack
Motion: I move that we approve the 2015 Conference dates and site as submitted by the Site Selection
No discussion
Vote – 12 aye, 1 nay, 0 abstentions
Email from Frank to EC on 7/11/13:
Thanks to everyone for participating in the discussions, and thanks to the voting members for being so on
it! The motion to approved the 2015 Conference for April 12 -14, 2015 at Harrah’s Rincon Casino &
Resort, San Diego, CA has been approved. Mark your calendars!!
Approval of NegReg Comments
On 5/28/13, due to time constraints, Frank Green asked the Executive Committee to act on behalf of the
Executive Council and make a motion to approve the Federal Issues Committee’s comments for NegReg.
Motion made by Oscar, Second by Terri
Discussion documented in email correspondence
Motion passed unanimously with clarification to edit undergraduate loan limits in final document.