Terri Eckel, Frank Green, Jack Edwards, Mindy Bergeron, Melissa Moser,... 13/14 EC Minutes August 8, 2013

13/14 EC Minutes
August 8, 2013
Via GO TO Meeting
Respectfully Submitted by Terri Eckel
Terri Eckel, Frank Green, Jack Edwards, Mindy Bergeron, Melissa Moser, Nichole Doering, Kevin Jensen,
Sandi Guidry, Laura Hughes, Wendy Olson, Steve Herndon, Kay Soltis, Pat Hurley, Catherine King-Todd,
Abril Hunt, Jeff Scoffield, Monique Theriault, Ed Wagner, Luhui Whitebear, Adam Hatch, Jesse Stasher,
Barbara Bickett, Phong Moua
Meeting convened at 12:07 Pacific time
Welcome & Housekeeping
Frank welcomed everyone and gave instruction on how to ask questions per the GOTO meeting set up.
Frank said we have a quorum and reminded everyone of who the elected officials are and who is able to
Frank said Terri distributed minutes from 5/19/13 EC meeting prior to this meeting and solicited any
final edits via email. Frank asked for any additional changes to minutes. Terri asked for clarification on
whether we needed a motion and if we were required to vote on minutes. Frank said voting on minutes
is not necessary. No changes were made – minutes of 5/19/13 EC are final. No To-Do’s to review from
5/19 meeting.
Terri also said that she is still figuring out how to best incorporate evotes into our minutes. She’s gotten
some good suggestions from Luhui and Wendy. Terri reviewed evotes conducted since last EC meeting
on 5/19/13 and explained that they were added to the minutes of the 5/19/13 meeting. Terri
referenced those minutes and explained that the following were voted on:
Mini Summer Institute for Delta Education
2015 Conference Hotel (San Diego)
Approval of NegReg Comments for Federal Relations Committee
Steve said that he needs to be added to agenda. Frank apologized for oversight.
Frank reminded about consent agenda and that people are not supposed to go over their whole report.
Strategic Planning-Jack Edwards
Reminded everyone that it’s important to be timely with doing reports – all are tied to the Strategic Plan
Appendix F – Jack drew attention to it – even though it states it’s for end of year, it should be referenced
for all reports written for EC. Helps us to insure that we are following the SP and drives any changes to
the plan in the future.
Kay commented that it’s really important to pay attention to the appendix because she’s trying to tie up
12/13 efforts and it’s not clear in the end of year reports how SP initiatives have been fulfilled.
Monique asked if there is an updated SP Measuring Tool. Jack said it would be updated by November
Steve said he thinks Monique was really asking about the new measures and whether it needs to be
approved by the EC or voted on.
Jack said that in the interest of time, he and Frank will discuss TO DO and that we’ll revisit this at
November meeting.
Fiscal Planning (FP)
Said committee had met on 7/22/13 and discussed grant writing as an opportunity and something that
FP will be checking with NASFAA on.
Mindy has had some challenges incorporating some of our future liabilities into her balance sheets –
examples contracts for future EC meetings and conferences. Still a work in progress.
Mindy wants everyone to think about what they’ll need in their budgets for the calendar and fiscal
years. Many adjustments were sent to her and Frank has those.
Mindy commended everyone for being frugal this past year.
Sun also made some adjustments and those were also positive adjustments.
Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report/Balance Sheet:
Jack made motion
Mindy Second
Adam asked for clarification on Training INCOME. Mindy said income was from late payment on a
webinar. Wendy said that what we are seeing are simply adjustments and that we should add some
income to the 1314 committee as a result of this late income.
Adam asked are we talking about 1213 or 1314? Wendy explained that she tried to coordinate the
expenses with the committee that had the expense.
Frank asked that we stay on track and that there’s a motion on the table. Asked for vote:
All AYES; no NAYS; no abstentions
Wendy explained that Ashley looked into cloud options so that all of our documents are disaster proof.
Frank explained Ashley looked at several options/companies and given cost and it’s capabilities, we
thought Cubby would be the way to go. Should cover us for 20 years – lots of space – Under $100 for a
year with 2 users – recommended that at least 2 people on EC have access to Cubby.
Steve – Referenced Adam’s question and said that there is a discrepancy with the training income – he
asked Adam if that was his concern. Adam said that he understood the discrepancy.
Wendy will make more adjustments to those numbers so that it’s clearer to training. What’s illustrated
is reflecting calendar year. Frank asked that the issue be reviewed by FP further. TO DO – Wendy to
make some adjustments so that Training income and budget is clearer.
Luhui said she supports proposal for Covey cubby. Seems reasonable given our needs.
Motion to use Cubby to assist in our disaster relief efforts
Luhui made motion
Mindy second
Discussion: None
All AYE; no NAYS; no abstentions
Wendy said that there are still things in storage that are available. Ashley has the WASFAA camera.
Would the communication committee want that for their committee work? Monique said that it would
be nice to use the camera but wants to see what the rest of the Communication Committee would like
to do.
Frank asked for a yearly income comparison report and Wendy will be doing that again. She’ll evaluate
at the end of the calendar year. TO DO – Wendy to create the year-to-year income comparison report.
Frank reminded the group that registration fees for MLI also needs to be approved;$ 675 for residents,
$455 for commuters.
Frank asked for motion for MLI registration.
Motion to set MLI registration to $675 for residents and $455 for commuters
Mindy made motion
Jack second
Kay said she tried to keep the residence rate down. She got comments about it being pricey. For
nonresident, she just took the hotel expense out. The $455 is new and something we’ve not done
before. Frank said it makes perfect sense given the location
Monique said this was last year’s rate? But $475 wasn’t a rate – what does that $455 represent in
expenses? Kay said it includes all meals, printing costs, books, honorarium, expense of outside trainers.
ALL AYES; No NAYS; no abstentions
The Training Committee requests a registration fee of $55 per person for WASFAA members and $105
for non-WASFAA members for the delivery of the in person Fall 2013 training session.
Motion -Jack makes motion to accept fees for training for Fall
Luhui second
Discussion: None
All AYES, No NAYS; no abstentions
Treasurer’s Report - Mindy
950K in assets – which is more than required budget as we need 2 years of reserves, so we have 3 years
of operating budgets covered.
Vanguard – she finally got things settled with Vanguard. We were getting quarterly reports and they‘ve
been doing well. Schwab – we have our own fund and it’s not doing as well. She had a meeting with
NASFAA in Vegas.
Taxes – extended to November 15th.
Mindy said she’s happy to break down committee budgets for people so they can better understand it.
Steve said that the asset reserve should represent 3 years average of operating budget and any
outstanding contracts. Mindy said that in FP meeting, Jeff said that we need to also include our meeting
contracts and seems we’ve not really included those or stopped including them. Mindy is trying to figure
out how to include in Quickbooks.
Monique asked if there’s a reason for a second filing extension. Mindy said she couldn’t get to it. At
least we’re doing it in the same tax year.
Frank asked about Jeff’s review of accounts. Jeff said he’s reviewing monthly and as of today everything
is up to date and looks good.
Jeff has accepted a job at Seattle University and will begin in September. He will continue with WASFAA
as VP.
Terri discussed the unfinished business from last year’s EC regarding the proposal to buy a certain # of
conference registrations and get one free. This is a suggestion that seemed to come from our
proprietary schools and Terri wanted to be sure to inquire about this in this year’s conference
evaluation. The qualitative responses seemed to indicate that most would not be able to take advantage
of this kind of offer because most aren’t able to send 4 or 5 people to a conference at a time. Terri’s
recommendation is to not pursue this further.
Kay asked if she could have a copy of the conference evaluation. Frank asked that it be distributed to the
whole EC. TO DO – Terri to distribute a PDF of the conference evaluation to the EC.
Laura has an outstanding conference payment to send to Mindy.
State Presidents Group - Kay
Kay thanked Monique for her involvement in the group and said things are going well.
State Presidents:
Alaska – nothing to add
AZ – nothing to add
Frank didn’t get reports from NV, OR or Idaho.
WA – nothing to add
Rep at Large - Nichole
Nichole apologized for not getting her report in on time. Forgot to do it she’s wearing 2 hats. Will have it
Awards and Scholarships - Laura
Laura asked what she’s able to spend. She was instructed to look at budget and concentrate on
expenses on bud/actual spreadsheet. Laura had questions about whether she’ll see changes in January.
Jack said to remember that we also have $ from the conference that was raised from Silent Auction that
needs to be included in our scholarship offerings this year.
Luhui explained it’s odd – this year’s committee only awards MLI. Money left over from conference
scholarships could be used for MLI. It’s about the timing of the event.
Bylaws – Kevin
P & P’s and bylaw changes have been made and he’ll send those to Frank for his review.
Jack asked if there is a Pres-Elect report – Kevin said there is and it will be distributed.
Sun – asked Sandi to look into Silver Legacy contract. Contract says that we need to contract out for
storage. Could be a $300 – $400 charge. Sandi still needs to look into this, didn’t completely understand
what Sun needed when she initially inquired about this. TO DO – Sandi to look into the storage charges
at the Silver Legacy
Conference - Sandi
Still working on a budget for Wendy. Committee is independently working on their parts now.
G/P – Catherine
Added some members to her committee and things are going well.
Nom & Elections - Jack
Soliciting from anyone who wants to serve on committee – particularly new members. Hopes to get
nomination info out in the next month
MLI – Kay
Now that budget is approved will start with marketing.
SDBSI - Nichole
Successful – really positive. Lots of profit due to concessions made by venue. Not a good venue. Next
year is 30 year anniversary of SI. She wants to have EC as part of banquet. Her experience in 2006 was
great and she liked having EC there. She understands why EC can’t be there and why decision was made.
She’d like to see EC there again.
Training – Adam
Asked everyone for input on how to better recruit people for training committee.
Volunteer Development– Abril
Nothing to add
Past President – Jack
Nothing to add
President Elect – Kevin
Working with Leonard on Site Selection and where we want to have meetings in 2014. Discussing
possibility of having EC during SI. For 2015, conference will be in San Diego. Will discuss more in
Monique – expressed concern about Oregon state president and said she’s been in contact with
President extensively. She offered to help.
Luhui said summer drive in is happening no in Oregon
Vice President – Jeff
Nothing to add
Frank congratulated Jack for making WASFAA proud at the NASFAA conference in Las Vegas. He
welcomed NASFAA to our region and did so in suit and tie.
Motion to adjourn
Motion made by Monique
Terri second
Meeting adjourned at 1:35 Pacific time