WASFAA Executive Council Meeting November 7 & 8, 2013


WASFAA Executive Council Meeting

November 7 & 8, 2013

Reno, NV – Silver Legacy Casino

Present: Laura Hughes, Leonard Walker, Terri Eckel, Ed Wagner, Melissa Moser, Mindy Bergeron,

Wendy Olson, Phong Moua, Sun Ow, Suzie Petersen, Cathy Bio, Jeff Scofield, Oscar Verduzco, Frank

Green, Monique Theriault, Kevin Jensen, Jack Edwards, Ashley Salisbury, Kay Soltis, Barbara Bickett,

Catherine King-Todd, Adam Hatch, Ashley Munro, John Bender, Abril Hunt, Sandi Guidry

Call to Order 1:04

Frank thanked everyone for being present and covered housekeeping items and meal logistics for remainder of our time in Reno. Also reminded everyone of consent agenda.

Review of Minutes from August 2013 EC GoTo Meeting – Terri

Terri sent out draft in August and incorporated edits at that time. No additional edits – Terri will post to website.

Review of To Do List:

Jack to revisit Monique’s inquiry re: Strategic Planning (SP) Measuring Tool at Nov. meeting –


Wendy to create the year-to-year income comparison report – DONE

Wendy to make some adjustments to budget so that Training income and budget is clearer –


Fiscal Planning (FP) - Wendy

Wendy reminded everyone that the budget is supposed to be balanced and that committee chairs need to request budget adjustments when necessary. Budget is meant to help expenses stay in line and should be referenced by committee chairs.

Wendy reported some changes to the budget and referenced the “Budget Adjustments History” document. She explained that $1440 had been decommitted from Communications Committee and that training committee income is down by $2000. To make that work, she had to adjust dues income up by

$560. Asset reserves as income remains at $16366, but will probably be significantly reduced when the end-of –year budget vs. actual is reviewed.

Wendy and Mindy need to spend some time together to make these adjustments work, particularly given some Training Committee uncertainties.

We have $263,782 in liquid assets and $675,956 in other assets for a total of $939,738 as of November 4 as reported by Mindy.

Biggest expenses for EC can be presidential travel – Frank did not travel to all conferences this year and that saved costs.

We are in good shape financially now and going into the future.

Motion to accept Wendy’s proposed adjustments to budget:

Jack made motion

Jeff second


Adam said he thinks there will be additional income for web training due to late payments.



Frank mentioned that he should have mentioned that there are two proxies for voting - Nevada (Sandi voting for Jesse Stasher) and Idaho (Laura voting for Roxanne Merle).

Wendy said she got budget requests for 2014 from some committees. Reminded everyone that this process is meant to keep us on track. Mindy and Wendy will be reviewing some of the 2014 budget line items and will finalize before year’s end.

Steve asked what’s dependency on asset reserves. Wendy said none.

Frank explained that FP committee reviewed this extensively earlier today and said that budget is continually changing and adjusted. We’re being conservative and not overspending.

Adam has some work to do in detailing his expenses from this year, but his challenge is making a budget for the next year given the out of sync timing for budget year vs WASFAA year and the responsibilities of his committee.

Motion to approve proposed 2014 budget:

Mindy moved

Kevin second.

No discussion. All approved.

Wendy explained that she completed historical review per Frank’s request so that we could plan better.

2011 conference loss was due to room block issues for Hawaii conference. She will continue to update this document.

Retention for records is 4 years. Cloud back up storage usage update was given by Ashley Salisbury in FP meeting. All current documents have been moved to cloud.

New Business for FP:

Rates for job postings will remain the same at $75. Rate for conference proposed $285 for conference for 2014. Rate for a follow up webinar for R2T4 - proposed rate is $20.

Motion to have 2014 conference rate be $285 + $50 for membership:

Monique made motion

Second Jack

No Discussion. All AYES.

Motion to offer $20 rate for follow up R2T4 webinar:

Terri made motion

Jack second

Discussion – Monique asked for clarification – Adam explained ALL would get the reduced rate.

Vote: All AYES

Treasurer’s Report – Mindy

Mindy reported that we are doing well financially. We have one investment with Vanguard and one with

Charles Schwab. Schwab has been fluctuating quite a bit this year but most recent statement showed a

$7000 increase.

Biggest challenge thus far was getting everything transitioned to her, but she’s got full access to everything now and is in charge.

Added potential liabilities line item for pulling out of contracts for hotels for events such as conference and MLI/SI. Also added line item in the income section for unrealized gains/losses on some securities, they aren’t liquid.

She’s become more adept at QuickBooks and can now give some detail on expenses from previous years/events. Training and Conference have asked for some detail. Encourages more to seek out detail on their specific committee budgets if they need it.

Been working with Tracey Corta to do 2012 taxes. Working on second extension. Tracy is reviewing previous year books for us as well. We’ve been charged a $50 late fee for some required reporting to the state of California where our non-profit address is.

Frank asked how can we avoid that late fee in future. Mindy said that she can keep track to avoid it and

Wendy suggested that it be added to the timeline.

Jack clarified why Schwab and Vanguard are so different in terms of yield on investment and explained that we are not permitted to move $ at any time we’d like.

Ed asked where she’ll put the liability for MLI when it is no longer a liability because MLI is over. Kevin said it would be moved to an expense.


Summer Inst. – originally planned for Seattle University (SU). They can’t accommodate M-F. Suggestion made by SU that we move the start of SI earlier to start on Sat. or Sun.

Abril concerned that people may not attend because it’s a long week and will have to go to work right after. Kay said it could be shortened if research time is eliminated. If we move to NASFAA CORE training it could be done in less than 5 days.

Laura asked if we should survey the membership about whether people would want to attend on Sat. or

Sun. Ashley Munro said she doesn’t have a preference, but even if it ends on Thursday, people may not be able to get home Thurs. night and would have to find another place to stay anyway. Jack said NASFAA conference starts on June 29 th and that’s a potential conflict.

Frank said that we would be using the NASFAA CORE and that would allow them to be formally certified and it will be at no cost to participants. Instructors would also be certified. Still coordinating logistics.

Leonard asked to do more research since he’s just learned of the option to start earlier at SU. Frank asked that the discussion be tabled until Leonard can do more legwork on logistics.

Nichole wants to know who has taught under CORE and would like to coordinate a conference call with anyone who has. Catherine, Barbara Bickett and Jack have all taught under CORE.

Conference Rotations:

Steve came up with proposal long ago that each state needs to have a conference within 10 years. There was a time when conferences were in CA every other year. Suggested that there be well attended events/states every other year. Suggesting that 2016 conference be in AK instead of WA. Here’s current plan:

2013 AZ

2014 NV

2015 CA

2016 AK

2017 WA

2018 ID

2019 OR

2020 HI

Kay questioned why we are having the conversation at all. We’ve got the latitude to switch things up as long as we have a conference in each state within a 10 year period. Steve said that p & p’s state that.

Frank said that we’re looking to book hotels/locations further out now. Wendy said we don’t want to be locked into a definite strict schedule. Sun said that she likes idea of having the latitude and it keeps us fiscally responsible.

Leonard asked for direction on how to proceed with conference locations and site selections. Jack told

Leonard to see what makes sense in terms of locations and proceed accordingly.

Strategic Planning – Jack

Jack said that SP Measuring tool will be distributed to everyone. He said it’s important for committees that do events (MLI, SI, Conference, Training) to be mindful of the committees tie to the measuring tool and to provide data.

Membership Survey needs to be conducted in near future so that we can tie it to the SP. We’ll begin working on it soon so that it can be sent to membership in spring of 2015 prior to the conference.

Previous surveys will be reviewed (Survey Monkey).

Research has come forward and wants to be sure that committee chairs, EC voting members and state presidents report out so that info and data can be incorporated into SP to better prepare for and plan for future. Example, state presidents will report out committee members so that WASFAA leadership can see who might be good volunteers for WASFAA.

Distributed Template for State Presidents & Committee Chairs:

Steve said there’s a lot of good information that state presidents have that can help with planning. For example, we’ve never asked for state presidents to set goals. What do they hope to get out of being on

WASFAA EC? Frank said that we really need info from State presidents.

Franks wants everyone to use the new reports for the Feb meeting.

Steve said that the quarterly state president report is not as comprehensive as the End of Year report, but there’s a lot of info that would be useful. Cathy said appreciates how it separates your role as a state president vs. role as WASFAA EC member.

Wendy not clear on difference between reporting on “Your State President Goals” and “State president goals for your state during your service year” on the template. Frank suggested that we use these and see how it goes in February.

Monique said it would be helpful for everyone to have the SP Measuring tool. Jack said that it is accessible via appendix F. Kay reminded everyone that at our transition meeting we were informed of where SP and SP Measuring is located.

Adam said that examples of expectations should be given to State presidents. Steve said this is not to be confused about what’s happening in State Presidents Group. They have their own goals.

Kevin said to add reference of parts of SP on the template so that everyone knows where to find things in the SP and can better understand what they are doing.

Frank said that at Feb. meeting, we’ll spend a couple of hours insuring that we all know what we’re doing with the new report format.

Jack will send out soft copy to everyone. Delete old forms from the flash drive that Frank gave us in

April. Jack will be sure that the correct forms are sent to everyone when they are due.

Frank thanked everyone for doing their part in writing comprehensive reports and he said future

WASFAA leadership will thank you as well.

Training Committee – Adam

Suggestion to have states nominate trainers so that training chairs have good people to choose from.

Melissa suggested that potential trainers be included in the state presidents reports.

Monique said that she’s not sure Adam’s suggestion will be successful. Adam said that we’ve got to do something because we know our states better than he does.

Catherine King-Todd said WASFAA has been challenged with this for years. Since training is a big part of our mission, we need to take this seriously and do whatever we can to help with it. Cathy said it is difficult to solicit trainers and to set real expectations for what trainers are supposed to do.

Leonard asked what do you do when a trainer isn’t any good. Kay said that exposure to training and repeatedly training generally makes a person a better trainer. Kay suggested that we have people cochair so that they can learn the ropes and the more they train, the better they’ll become.

Abril said that over 60 people expressed interest in volunteering via the volunteer form. All committees could gain from that interest, training in particular.

Laura said classified class can’t always travel due to their limitations in employee status as hourly employees.

Adam said Volunteer Development database is critical, but he doesn’t know those people as well as those coming from their own state. Abril said she does reach out to volunteers.

Laura said not all people that want to volunteer can pay reg. fee. Also, potential trainers don’t always have the confidence to train and think they have to know everything. We should communicate that to potential trainers that they don’t have to be experts.

Jack asked if trainers have to be in WASFAA region? Adam said they have to be members.

Barbara said that there are many trainers that work for Devry that could potentially train for WASFAA.

Jack said we will add trainer info to state president’s quarterly report. Also, Abril’s suggestion is also a good one – use Volunteer Development database.

Conference – Sandi

Committee has been meeting. Planning another silent auction. Est. 300 attendees. Has asked Justin

Draeger and Jeff Baker and NASFAA trainers. NASFAA trainer forms have been completed and still waiting on reply.

ED trainers generally come from the region in which the state is in. We’d prefer trainers from Region 10

Wendy liked Suzie Swafford’s presentation on VA and suggested that we try and get her to present at conference in Reno.

Theme “Creating Connections One Student at a Time”

Jean Russell is no longer with ASA and Carmen Dominquez is no longer with TG. Sandi still needs some help with Silent Auction.

MLI – Kay

It is at 29 attendees. 27 are residents, 2 commuters. Net revenue, including membership $19,735. 24 are paid in full. 5 states represented. 18 from CA, 1 from AZ, 5 from OR, 2 from WA, 3 from ID.

Leonard said that having MLI and conference at same location helped to keep room rates down. Lots of advertising really helped with good registration numbers. They really wanted to keep costs down.

Kay said they are getting 17.83 contact hours and only one meal is on own. Not a lot of fluff in the agenda

Federal Relations – Barbara Bickett

ED is having listening sessions and one was held yesterday in CA. Scorecard is hot topic and there is a lot of talk about how the scorecard will be a detriment to low income students. Can’t really compare

Harvard to a Community College. 2 more sessions will be held in near future.

Barbara referenced 8 Page draft of the HEA comments that Frank distributed to EC via email prior to our meeting and asked for comments, criticism, additions, deletions, etc.

Frank said that the document will need WASFAA EC approval. Kay said NASFAA has a new task force on consumer information.

Abril referenced #5 Eliminating Homelessness question for independency and utilizing PJ instead. Abril said that not all schools do PJ. Barbara said that the issue with this is that students have a hard time getting documentation. Perhaps better to have ED give better guidance on it.

Kevin thanked Pat and Barbara for drafting the document. It was a lot of work and it represents the sentiment of many. We need to help Congress come to some good conclusions.

#3 General Provisions - Jack said from Grad standpoint, it’s ridiculous to ask for ATB/HS diploma proof for grad students. He supports eliminating DL fees. Uncoupling PLUS and GradPLUS great idea as well as

150% limit on sub loans.

#7 Define “other dependents” in household size to children who meet dependency criteria and others who are claimed as IRS exemptions - Frank said there are many kids that are dependents of someone other than their parent and irrespective of being claimed as a tax exemption, they should be included in


Adam supports 100% transfer between CB Programs and also supports eliminating SEOG ranking.

Melissa doesn’t support requirement for HS diplomas. Veterans struggle getting their DOD transcripts.

Most concur - get rid of it Selective Service requirement, same with drug conviction question.

Ashley Munro supports #1 and #11. AK has one IRS office in state and it’s difficult to get tax transcripts.

#7 Frank not clear on that one. For FWS students, why require I-9? Eliminate that one from document altogether. Kevin and Abril both commented that the I-9 requirement is an employment issue, not FA issue.

Written authorizations – Jack brought up requirement of having auth. for athletic fees.

#2 Title doesn’t seem clear. If indicating dislocated worker, auto simplified needs test. Barbara will change title.

#4 Wendy asked about Need Analysis – Barbara said it’s more about COA – and allowing FAA’s flexibility to include indirect costs for less than ½ time.

Barbara asked that people send her any other comments, edits via email. Frank said the final version will be vetted through EC and we will vote.

Kevin asked if we are all pretty unanimous about the ranking system?

Monique said we’re all representing different schools and we’re not comparing apples to apples.

Oscar said his school is 98% Pell eligible and place bound students. They would be very disadvantaged, particularly around the graduation rate requirement.

Kevin said he’d like it to be drafted almost as a position paper. We want to help students make good choices about where to attend college.

Consent Agenda:

Alaska/Phong Moua – Nothing else to report

Arizona/Ed Wagner – Good conference last month; 173 attendees; 51 newcomers. Moving away from ATAC.

California/Melissa Moser – Nominations have been done. Awards done. Strategic Planning is happening now. Moving conference to late Nov. instead of Dec. Expect about 700-800 attendees for this year’s conference. 500 registered now. Melissa’s email address has changed.

Frank will distribute the CA report.

Idaho/Laura Hughes – Nothing else to report

Nevada – Frank reported that there were 22 attendees and 6 vendors at their conference last month. They had one big stream of sessions that everyone attended at the same time. Leonard said that the attendance was an anomaly.

Oregon/Suzie Petersen – Nothing else to report

Pacific Islands/Cathy Bio – Nothing else to report

Washington/Monique Theriault – Nothing else to report


Voting members of EC go into Executive Session to review Nominations and Elections

Nov. 8 th – meeting called to order at 10:04

Continue with Consent Agenda:

EDAC/Oscar Verduzco – Nothing else to report

Reps at Large - Frank explained that both Luhui and Nichole were unable to attend and to be sure to review their reports.

Awards & Scholarships/Laura Hughes – Nothing else to report

Bylaws and P & P’s – Kevin will report when he reports on President Elect.

Communications/Ashley Munro – Nothing else to report

Electronic Services & Historical Archives/Ashley Salisbury – We’ll have a new website soon.

Federal Relations – Nothing else to add

Fund Development/Sun Ow – Articles are being submitted to the blog, but are really advertisements. Suggestion is to allow vendors to post to blog for a minimal amount of money.

Fiscal Planning and Fund Development discuss further and come up with a proposal for EC to vote on ASAP. Frank said this is a new revenue stream and worth checking out.

Grad/Professional/Catherine King Todd – working on articles for the Newsletter and considering working on a G/P shopping sheet.

Membership – nothing else to add

Nominations and Elections/Jack Edwards – ballot will go out in early December. The candidates are: o President Elect

 Barbara Bickett - Devry (CA)

 Deb Barker-Garcia - Corinthian Colleges, Inc. (CA) o Vice President

 John Bender – Lewis-Clark State College (ID)

 Tracey Lehman – Oregon Institute of Technology (OR) o Treasurer Elect

 Mindy Bergeron – JFK University (CA)

 Helen Faith – Lance CC (OR) o Secretary

 Ashley Munro – University of AK, Fairbanks (AK)

 Ryan West – Western Oregon University (OR) o Representative at Large, Ethnic Diversity

 Oscar Verduzco – Heritage College (WA)

 Lakia Wilson – University of Portland – (OR)

Mindy has concerns with one of the President Elect candidates because she didn’t participate in EC when she was CASFAA president. She has serious concerns about her commitment to WASFAA. Kevin said we had two nominations and that the committee worked really hard to get more nominees. He also raised concern that we have two President Elect Candidates who are from the proprietary sector and are both from California. Ed took exception to the issue with two from the proprietary sector. Kevin explained that he doesn’t necessarily have an issue with it, but we’ll need to be able to explain it to our membership. Kay said they worked hard to find good candidates.

Steve said we need someone familiar with our organization and EC structure. It’s important to have someone on the ballot who will participate and he concurs with Mindy’s concerns.

Abril said Faith is incoming Oregon President and that holding both positions could be problematic. Jack said they were aware of that, but she did accept the nomination.

Adam cautioned that he wants to go out with survey for training and we can’t have two surveys running at the same time. Terri will be sure to coordinate the timing of ballot and training survey.

Research/Steve Herndon – he has tweaked the SP and has done some work on the Measuring

Tool. Also worked on new report templates. Next course of action is to work on the survey. TO

DO – Terri to check on last membership survey for Steve.

Training/Adam Hatch – Registration has increased to 103 – most were in PACFAA region. Wendy asked that Adam post a reminder to the listserv regarding registration for the webinar version of fall training.

President Reports

Past President/Jack Edwards

Jack went to Alaska conference. Ashley and Phong did a great job. Going to NASFAA board meeting in

Nashville (next conference location). Road to Relevance is assigned reading for this Board meeting. It’s about strategies for association and focusing on the strengths of those who volunteer. Everyone has have been assigned a chapter.

Jack posed some questions to EC:

How many are NASFAA members? Virtually everyone on WASFAA EC is a member – exceptions Steve and Nichole and Frank. Frank said it is expensive for some schools.

What are the top 3 things that NASFAA does to help us out?




Good presence at conferences

Jack said they have been talking about Justin’s travel and that he’ll burn out if he continues at his pace.

Catherine King-Todd said that there are 3 states that the Chair always goes to. For WASFAA conference, we’ve reached out to NASFAA to have Justin, the Chair (Craig), and at least one trainer. Jack said he sees that Craig has already cut back on travel.

Kay said that NASFAA is looking into an app for our phones.

Jack has to report to NASFAA what we’re up to with WASFAA committees .

Wendy asked if it appears we are better represented with NASFAA. Dan Davenport and Jim Brooks are both serving from the West – OR and ID. Real representation is Jack’s participation on the NASFAA

Board. We had Bert Logan for Rep at Large (RAL) and Kay Lewis (who won) on the ballot. WASFAA had an opportunity to vote in more WASFAA members, but not everyone is voting – Kay said it is really important to vote. Jim White is on the Nom/Elec committee.

Steve said in the past there was a closer association with the RAL and their affiliation with WASFAA.

NASFAA has downsized and regional Presidents have less influence and voting opportunities than commissioners. Frank and Jack have chosen to take advantage of observing. The RAL are now broken down by segment. Ethnic diversity, Private Sector, Community Colleges are represented – proprietary is

not. Has never been the NASFAA ballot. Kay said that when she served on NASFAA Board, they struggled with making the decisions to change the role of the RAL. RAL is our voice on NASFAA Board.

Ashley Munro commented that she has never seen the NASFAA ballot. Sandi commented that NASFAA only has one voting member per institution.

Kevin said he attended the NASFAA Leadership Conference twice. He was impressed by how many people were there and how they are all wresting with the same issues. He feels that we are well represented with NASFAA as a FA community and that WASFAA is well represented on NASFAA committees.

President Elect/Kevin Jensen

Things are coming together for next year. Working closely with trai figure meeting locations and times for meetings. Wants to be fiscally responsible. 2015 conference site is finalized. Working on EC members for next year. By February meeting, all should be in place.

P&P and Bylaws

Kevin referenced document that he sent out to EC with 7 discussion items to work through.

Configuration of EC – how might we save some money by having people serve in multiple positions? 17 voting members at all times is required per bylaws. In an attempt to save $, we’ve had,more than one person serve in different positions, but we MUST have 17 voting members. To merge any RAL would not satisfy the requisite number of 17 members. Kevin proposes that we insert some language into the P&P that only one individual per vote. Example – if Faith is nominated, she’ll be both Oregon President and

Treasurer Elect. Steve said he’s not sure Treasurer Elect was a position on the board when the bylaws were written. Catherin King-Todd said she thinks there was a Treasurer Elect. Jack said this is a By Law change and the vote has to go out to the membership. Section 2-4 of P&P needs to be updated. Frank said clearly we need 17 members and 3 RAL’s. One elected and two appointed. Seems OK to have a chair also be voting member.


Frank said he thinks going forward with meeting, we’ll get bogged down in some of the finer details. He asked that Kevin go through his 7 items.

Item #2 addresses the fact that the bylaws do not currently include Treasurer Elect as a voting member or officer. Frank is sure that Treasurer Elect was approved and suggested someone go through minutes from the past and see where it is documented. Kevin would like for someone to go through historical archives and find it. He’s sure EC took this to membership and that it was voted on. Steve said it was during Doug Severs presidency that it was voted on because he served as Treasurer Elect.

Wendy said that we need to make sure that bylaws and P&P’s reflect DATES for when changes were made.

TO DO - Mindy will look through her documents to see if she can find anything.

Kevin wants to add language to P&P’s so that it’s clearer that we must have 17 voting members. 2-4 subsection lists officers of the association. That section does not include committee chairs. Frank said he’d rather that it state that a committee chair and a voting member can be one person. Frank said he’d like all of the items to be discussed today, but no action or voting today. He wants one package of changes to go out to the membership for vote..

Item #3 - Wendy asked why 3 RAL’s and thinks it should clearly state why we have 3 different RAL’s.

Frank said it stems from the need to have vendors or non-school members serve on the EC. Kevin said that’s clearly stated in bylaws. He really doesn’t want to change bylaws if we can avoid it.

Steve said difference is that 2 nd one dictates that the RAL must be at an institution. While 3 rd one doesn’t have to be.

Item #4 – Kevin references section in bylaws where there was a cut and paste clerical error. Duplication of content in Article 8 section 6 and Article 6 section 6. Has to do with Treasurer’s responsibilities. Jack said Article 6 Section 6 should be deleted. Frank said it just needs to be cleaned up. Jack concurred and doesn’t want it to go out to the membership for vote.

Item #5 The WASFAA Bylaws indicate our principle office is located in San Diego County, CA. Kevin believes this should be updated. Jack and Frank ask…does it matter? Steve referenced a document that states we have the latitude to change locations.

Mindy said it’s challenging to have things changed in terms of addresses. She had a hard time getting things moved to her for Treasurer duties. Frank said we should just leave it in CA. Steve said we have to designate a definitive address that we call an office, if someone would be willing to be designated. Has to do with charter and a requirement of having a designated location.

Kay inquired about whether insurance has anything to do with it. Ms. Munro said that had to do with a specific event.

Barbara said that she CASFAA changes their location every year. Jeff pointed out that that’s within one state.

Frank said he wouldn’t want it to be in HI. Mindy said she will be Treasurer for the next 3 years. If elected we could use her address. She suggested table until February EC meeting.

Kevin points out bylaws state SD County, not a specific address. Kevin isn’t clear on actual requirement.

Could it just be CA. Laura asked what address is put on taxes.

Ashley Munro suggested a PO Box in CA. Steve said that it was the attorneys address at the time. Most associations switch address with Treasurer.

Item #6 - Reference to Robert’s Rules of Order - Kevin reported that new 11 th edition of Rules does cover electronic votes. Does the WASFAA EC we want to affirm that Rules is way we’ll manage parliamentary procedure OR do we want to use a less formal approach? NASFAA has adopted less formal way, Frank recommends that we be less formal and asked Kevin to make a formal recommendation at next EC. Wendy said Section 7 in bylaws states we are governed by Rules.

It was suggested that President Elect should represent President, not VP. Adam questions why have VP then. Jack said VP is source of check and balance.

Jeff said State ‘representatives’ could mean anyone from the designated state. What’s to prevent

PACFAA from not sending a president to WASFAA EC and then we could have one person with two votes. Frank said language should state one person cannot have more than one vote.

Kevin said there are miscellaneous updates in the P&P’s that need to be made re: committees. He’ll gather those and we’ll discuss at Feb. mtg.

Frank thanked Kevin for his hard work on the bylaws and P&P’s.

Vice President/Jeff Scofield

Jeff thanked Mindy for doing a great job with our money and financial matters. He had nothing additional to report.

President Report/Frank Green

Frank said he had nothing to add and wants us to know that he appreciates us all.

New Business

Frank said he’ll implement new meeting format for Feb meeting. Increasingly more people are flying in the night before EC and it’s costly.

Proposes that meetings will start on Thursdays at 1:00 with FP, SP and President’s Group. Whole EC will meet from 8-3 on Friday.

Catherine King-Todd said she is one of those that came in on Wed. night and she paid for Wed night on her own. This may be an option for some.

State President Group could meet at dinner the first night. Good opportunity for bonding; less formal meeting; we could feed them, which may also save us some money.

Federal Update

Frank reported that Suzanne Scheldt did provide a Federal Update and that he’ll send it out to everyone.

The following was addressed in the update (not all inclusive):

Application Processing

Dept removed reference to DOMA and gives guidance on same sex marriage

Question #50 – clarification on veteran definition

Questions #24 & #82 – reference to filing status.

Update on Sequestration – but nothing new.

150% loan limitation – she provided link for webinar

Verification for 14/15 – no big changes there – still no Verification Worksheets

FSA conference in LV 12/3 – 12/6. Over 4000 registrants

Adjourned at 11:25
