New Hampshire 4-H Horse Communications Contest Score Sheet Individual and Team Presentations (Includes Demonstrations and Illustrated Talks) Name _____________________________________________________ 4-H Age ________ Years participating in Presentations ____________ Name _____________________________________________________ 4-H Age ________ Years participating in Presentations ____________ Title of Presentation __________________________________________ Club/County ______________________________________________ Each item must be scored by checking the box that best describes the presentation. The numerical value of each x appears at the head of its column. Key: O = Outstanding, S = Satisfactory, NI = Needs Improvement CRITERIA (If not applicable give 5 points) O 5 4 S 3 2 NI 1 COMMENTS INTRODUCTION – 10 points Introduction creative, aroused interest Introduction was short and to the point. ORGANIZATION – 25 points One main idea was demonstrated Clear order or logical sequence, if team, teamwork. Discussion related to each step as it was shown. Visual aids attractive, correct, easily seen & understood Materials and equipment were carefully selected, neatly arranged and well organized. Key points for each step were stressed. CONTENT AND ACCURACY – 25 points Facts and information presented were accurate. Enough information was presented about the subject. Approved practices were used. Appropriate credit was given to sources of information Content was appropriately related to the horse industry. STAGE PRESENCE – 10 points Presenter(s) were neat and appropriately dressed for the subject of the presentation. Effectively used voice & eye contact to engage audience Pace of presentation was appropriate. DELIVERY – 15 points Presenter appeared to enjoy giving the presentation If Team presentation, presenters worked equally Used correct grammar, terminology, pronunciation. Presenter seemed to choose words as they were spoken (preferred) as opposed to a memorized presentation? If notes were used, it was done without detracting from the presentation. EFFECT ON AUDIENCE – 5 points Audience showed an interest in the presentation. Could they go home and carry out the idea? SUMMARY – 10 points Summary was short and interesting; key points were briefly reviewed and summary properly wrapped up the presentation. Presenter handled questions easily TOTAL FOR EACH COLUMN Time: __________ Points deducted ____ Total Score Note time deductions in Total Score Area Adapted from the 2013 Eastern National 4-H Horse Round Up 12/2013 Time Guidelines: Individual: Juniors 5- 10 Minutes Seniors 9 – 12 Minutes Team presentation: Juniors 8-12 Minutes Seniors 10-15 Minutes Time Deduction: Deduct 1 point from the total score of each judge for each minute or fraction of a minute under or over that allowed. Introduction -- 10 point range (O) aroused interested and added to presentation (S) appropriate (NI) needs improvement Introduction was creative and interesting without being overly dramatic and detracting from the topic. Introduction was short and to the point without being too brief. Organization -- 25 pts range (O)Organized, logical & skillfully added to the presentation (S) - acceptable (NI) needs improvement One main idea was demonstrated without distraction from unrelated ideas. The demonstration was done in a clear and logical order; teamwork was equal if a team. Visual aids were clear, legible and understood. Posters, computer presentations, and other materials may be used. Materials and equipment were neatly arranged and well organized without clutter or unneeded items being used. Key points for each step were shown, including tips for success and cautions if applicable. Content and Accuracy -- 25 points (O) extremely accurate and thorough (S) effective (NI) needs improvement Facts and information were all accurate. Opinion or speculation was not presented as fact. The topic was covered thoroughly and enough information was presented. Approved practices were used, including safety measures when appropriate. Appropriate credit was given to information sources including publications, websites and individuals. Stage presence --10 points range (O) style and demeanor added to presentation (S) appropriate (NI) needs improvement The presenter was neat & appropriately dressed in apparel suited to the topic. (for example riding apparel for a saddling demo) The speaker directed his or her speech directly to the audience using eye contact and voice projection Delivery -- 15 points range (O) delivery expertly added to the presentation (S) satisfactory (NI) needs improvement Presenter(s) appeared to enjoy the presentation; teams worked together equally if applicable. Correct grammar, pronunciation, terminology was used. The words appeared to be chosen at the time rather than memorization. Notes were used sparingly, if at all. Reading of notes or script should be heavily penalized. Effect on audience -- 5 pts range (O) Audience maintained avid interest (S) -- satisfactory (NI) needs improvement The audience showed an interest and the demo conveyed the ability to carry out the idea. Summary -- 10 pts range (O) the conclusion added to the presentation, reinforcing ideas (S) satisfactory (NI) needs improvement The summary was short, interesting; key points and areas of interest were reviewed and summarized. The presenter answered questions easily; the content of the question was implied in the answer or the question was repeated. UNH Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. UNH, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and NH counties cooperating.