Poultry Curriculum Committee Meeting Minutes February 2, 2013 Boscawen, NH I. Welcome and Introductions a. Who is doing Poultry 4-H around the state? b. Present: PJ White, Florence White, Jolee Chase (UNH-CE Program Coordinator), Michelle Siudit, Kim Steele, Jeff Santer, Laura Santer (YOUTH), Rhiannon Beauregard c. Clubs with Poultry Project Areas: i. Kim Steele (Hillsborough County): Hooves, Hens, Heifers, and Happiness ii. Jeff Santer (Hillsborough County): NH Cluckers iii. Florence/PJ White (Merrimack): Millville 4-H Club iv. Michelle Siudit (Rockhingham): Rockingham Roosters v. Strafford County Cluckers? vi. Other clubs that have poultry involved? II. Announcements a. Review of Animal Science Bonanza i. Poultry Skillathon and Quiz Bowl ii. Need more communication and preparation to run the room. Poultry members would like to be more involved in planning it and feel more prepared in running it. iii. There were two types of youth participating: experts and beginners. Next year have activities cater to both. b. Update to Website III. Review of Paperwork a. Emergency Action Plan PLEASE REVIEW AND SUBMT FEEDBACK BY MARCH 1 b. NH 4-H Policy on Replacement Animals PLEASE REVIEW AND SUBMIT ANY SPECIFIC CONCERNS FOR POULTRY BY MARCH 1 http://extension.unh.edu/4H/4HPubs/replanim.pdf c. Poultry Project Fact Sheet- will update, any suggestions? d. Poultry Broiler Record and Poultry Record- have existed for many years- any need for changes? IV. Competition Discussion a. Update the fair calendar to have more detailed information for Poultry events at the fairs (like which counties can show and what fairs have shows). b. Southern New England Poultry Show was discussed and how it is a great opportunity for NH 4-Hers to learn and compete. This years date is April 6, 2013. V. Other New Business a. Purpose of Committee i. Would like a statewide competition for 2014. Planning on having a statewide competition in 2014. 2013 would like to do a prep-clinic/event that we could have every year in preparation for the state show. b. Different Ideas/Proposals c. Development of the 2013 New Hampshire 4-H Poultry Clinic i. Saturday June 22 at the 4-H Youth Center in New Boston, NH ii. Educational Seminars and Showmanship/Judging Clinic iii. Suggestions for Clinic: 1. Chicken 101: Rhiannon will contact Dot Perkins to see if she can present 2. Health Requirements for Poultry: Rhiannon will contact Dr. Nicole Giguere from the State Vets Office to come present 3. Showmanship Clinic: Jeff volunteer to present on this 4. Meat Poultry Workshop 5. Egg Workshop 6. Nutrition Workshop 7. Housing Workshop 8. Judging Workshop- can we get a judge to do this? An APA judge? 9. iv. Volunteers for Clinic 1. PJ and Florence White will do Registration v. Certificate of Attendance and Completion for the youth’s records will be given vi. Rhiannon will develop budget and we can determine entry fees vii. We would like to invite other states as well. viii. Do we want to serve lunch? Perhaps a chicken barbeque? Or a local 4-H club could sell food as a fundraiser for the event. ix. Rhiannon will do a Save the Date Flyer to send out to folks. VI. Judges List a. Please send me the people you have used in the past for judges, either at fairs, or shows, etc. _____________________________________________________________________________ UNH Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer. University of New Hampshire, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and NH counties cooperating.