New Hampshire 4-H Animal Event Survey


New Hampshire 4-H Animal Event Survey

I have been in 4-H for (check one): ___1 – 2 years ___3 – 4 years ___ 5 years ___over 5 years



List all 4-H animal science project(s) you participate in during the 4-H year? ____________________________


In this 4-H program or project I have learned:

Please mark one box in each row

To use information to make decisions

To set goals for myself

To take responsibility for my actions

To listen well to others

To be respectful of others

To have the confidence to speak in front of groups

To work well with other youth

Always Usually

Sometimes Never

Has participating in Animal Science helped you


Please mark one box in each row

Learn more about my project

Work to achieve my project goals

Apply skills learned to future projects

Use information to make decisions about my project

Carefully listen and follow instructions

Recognize the value of being part of a team.

Clearly state my thought, feelings and ideas to other people

Value the contribution of others.

Meet new people.

Develop leadership skills as a result of my involvement

Work with a leader or mentor in my project.

Know what is required to be a successful contestant

Recognize the importance of education and learning

Be better prepared for my future

Increase your knowledge

Want to recommend 4-H to others

Always Usually

Sometimes Never

Does not apply

Please continue on the back of the page

This survey is being completed at the _______________________ (name of event)

The most important thing I have learned at this event is:



Next year I would like to see __________________________________________________ at this event.

(Please continue below or on a separate piece of paper if needed)

The following questions are optional; please leave any blank that you prefer not to answer:

Are you a: ___ Male ___Female I am _____years old (as of January 1 st of the current year)

How are you involved in 4-H? (check all that apply)

 4-H club

 4-H Afterschool program

Special Interest (SPIN) or short term group

Which of the following best describes your race? (Check each box that applies to you.)

Native American or Alaskan Native


 Black or African American

 Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander

 White

Which of the following best describes your ethnicity? (Check one box.)

 Hispanic or Latino

 Not Hispanic or Latino

Which of the following best describes the primary place where you live? (Check one box.)


Rural (non-farm residence, population less than 10,000)

Town or city (population 10,000-50,000)

Suburb of city (population more than 50,000)

City (population over 50,000)

Thank you for taking this survey

UNH Cooperative Extension is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

University of New Hampshire, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture and N.H. counties cooperating. 12/14/15
