University Research Committee Minutes of meeting on April 4, 2008

University Research Committee
Minutes of meeting on April 4, 2008
Present: Richard Fitch (interim chair), Shelley Arvin (secretary), Mary Sterling, Carl
Klarner, Shawn Phillips, Gary Stuart, Susan Kray, Yuejian Peng, Tom Nesser, Julie Fine
(Faculty Senate ex officio).
Absent: Dawn Underwood (Sponsored Programs ex officio).
Location: Science Building, Rm 054
The meeting was called to order at 4:07 pm.
Klarner explained how the statistical model that is used to analyze proposal scores
operated. He suggested both a revision to the assessment worksheet and the method of
aggregating scores.
Fitch reported that he had looked at how much money was available to fund proposals.
The current balance is over $26,000.
Members were reminded that they may vote to fund parts of projects. Complete funding
is not required.
Members were asked to send their proposal scores to Klarner, who would analyze them
and send the analysis to Fitch. Klarner agreed to work with Fitch and Arvin to craft the
letters to send to those who submitted proposals.
Fitch stated that the Committee Summary Report was due to the Faculty Senate April 15,
Adjourned at 4:28 p.m.