Unit 9 Teachers

Unit 9 Teachers
Vocabulary list
1. strict [strɪkt] adj. 嚴格的;嚴厲的
2. tough [tʌf] adj. 強硬的;嚴格的;冷酷的
3. patient [ˋpeʃənt] adj. 有耐心的,能忍受的,能容忍的
4. calm [kɑm] adj. 鎮靜的,沉著的;v. 鎮定下來;平靜下來
5. entertaining [͵ɛntɚˋtenɪŋ] adj. 使人得到娛樂的;使人愉快的;有趣的
6. funny [ˋfʌnɪ] adj. 有趣的;滑稽可笑的;愛開玩笑的
7. Knowledgeable [ˋnɑlɪdʒəb!] adj. 有知識的,博學的;有見識的
8. Inspiring [ɪnˋspaɪrɪŋ] adj. 激勵人心的
9. motivating [ˋmotə͵vetɪrɪŋ] adj. 給……動機的;刺激的;激發的
10. fascinating [ˋfæsn͵etɪŋ] adj. 迷人的;極美的;極好的
11. dull [dʌl] adj. 乏味的,單調的,令人生厭的
12. geography [ˋdʒɪˋɑgrəfɪ] n. 地理學
13. fair [fɛr] adj. 公正的;公平的
14. absolutely [ˋæbsə͵lutlɪ] adv. 絕對地,完全地
15. curious [ˋkjʊrɪəs] adj. 好奇的,渴望知道的
16. chemical [ˋkɛmɪk!] n. 化學製品;化學藥品
17. mess [mɛs] n.混亂,混亂的狀況
18. experiment [ɪkˋspɛrəmənt] n. 實驗;試驗
19. economics [͵ikəˋnɑmɪks] n. 經濟學
20. serious [ˋsɪrɪəs] adj. 嚴肅的,莊嚴的;認真的;不是開玩笑的;當真的
21. period [ˋpɪrɪəd] n. 時期,期間
22. dedicated [ˋdɛdə͵ketɪd] adj. 專注的;獻身的
23. supportive [səˋpɔrtɪv] adj. 支援的;贊助的
24. encouraging [ɪnˋkɝɪdʒɪŋ] adj. 鼓勵的;贊助的;促進的
25. frightening adj. 令人恐懼的;使人驚嚇的
26. enthusiastic [ɪn͵θjuzɪˋæstɪk] adj. 熱情的;熱烈的;熱心的
27. award[əˋwɔrd] n. 獎,獎品;獎狀
28. cheerful [ˋtʃɪrfəl] adj. 興高采烈的;情緒好的;使人感到愉快的
29. atmosphere [ˋætməs͵fɪr] n. 氣氛
30. positive [ˋpɑzətɪv] adj. 積極的,建設性的
31. scary [ˋskɛrɪ] adj. 引起驚慌的
32. play favorites on 對某人偏心
Strict is similar to tough.
Patient is similar to calm.
Entertaining is similar to funny.
Knowledgeable is similar to intelligent.
Inspiring is similar to motivating.
Fascinating is similar to interesting.
Boring is similar to dull.
1. I have geography class every morning. It’s my second class. I thought it would be fun, but I have to say,
our teacher is very boring. Almost all the students sleep through the class.
2. In the afternoon, right after lunch, is one of my favorite classes – my math class. I know you’re thinking,
how can math class be my favorite? Well, it’s the teacher, who is very funny. While he’s teaching, he
makes little jokes. It’s entertaining!
3. My science class is just before lunch. My friends and I sit in the back of the room and try not to think
about food. Anyway, we don’t like the teacher very much. He’s so strict. If we try to talk during the class,
the teacher, Mr. Davis, gets angry.
4. My last class of the day is English. No, not, grammar! In this class we read stories. Everyone gets a
chance to read and talk about the language in the story. We all like the class because the teacher is very
Further Listening
1. A: We have so much homework to so for this history class.
B: Yeah, I know it’s a lot of reading. But I don’t mind. Mrs. Rundle is a fair teacher. I can do it.
A: Fair? I’d be rather be watching TV.
B: C’mon, it’s fair! If you study history, you have to read. She never gives us too much.
A: You think she’s motivating, don’t you?
B: Oh, absolutely – She really makes me curious about history. That makes me want to read more.
2. A: I really don’t understand this stuff. So many numbers and names for chemicals…
B: It’s not that tough. Her class is really organized.
A: Organized? Look at my notebook! It’s a mess!
B: You’re not organized, but Ms. Gonzales is! I like her.
A: Why do you think she’s a good teacher?
B: She’s fascinating. She makes me interested in science – I can’t wait to do the next experiment.
3. A: Our economics teacher last year was so funny.
B: I know. That was an entertaining class. Not like this class right now.
A: Too bad we got Mr. Hand this year.
B: Ah, we’re unlucky, eh? He’s always so serious.
A: yep, he knows the subject really well, but he makes me tired from taking notes.
B: Exactly. Come on, let’s go home early today!
4. A: What do you think about the teachers in your morning class?
B: I like Mr. Bermingham in the first period. Math is difficult, but he’s really patient.
A: Yeah, he’s a pretty calm guy. What do you think about your second period teacher?
B: She’s intelligent but too strict.
A: I heard she’s tough.
B: I like Mr. Bermingham better. He makes me excited about learning.
Before You listen
A dedicated teacher works with students outside of the class.
A supportive teacher helps students when they don’t understand, for example, by explaining things.
She uses encouraging words, never frightening words to scare students. An excited, enthusiastic
teacher can make learning fun!
Extended Listening
A: OK. We’re here to decide who should be “Teacher of Year.”
B: It’s going to be tough!
C: I know!
A: We have four teachers that we have to choose from. So let’s get started. First let’s talk about Mr.
C: Oh, I like him.
A: He’s pretty new to our school – he came here only last year.
B: Everyone says he’s inspiring. He really makes students motivated to learn.
C: It’s really important to give the award to a teacher who is enthusiastic…
B: What do you mean by enthusiastic?
C: He has a lot of energy, is cheerful. Someone who is enthusiastic makes excited about working hard
and being good at the subject.
A: Next, Mrs. Lafferty’s on our list.
C: She’s really intelligent and her classes are great. She’s tough sometimes, but her classes always have
a good atmosphere.
A: The problem is that she was teacher of the year last year!
B: How long has she been teaching here, anyway?
A: A long time. Students love her because she is so encouraging.
B: What do you mean by encouraging?
A: Well, she gives support by saying good things, positive things to help, like “I know you can do it!” “Do
your best!” Ok, next is Mr. Peters. To tell the truth, he isn’t such a popular teacher.
B: Yeah, his class is hard.
C: But he’s serious and people respect him.
B: You know what I don’t like? He’s a little bit scary.
A: What do you mean by scary?
B: Wow, let me think. He makes me afraid. Mr. Peters says things like “I’m going to give you an F!” to
scare me so I’ll study hard. It doesn’t work, though.
A: You know what else I don’t like? When a teacher isn’t fair.
B: What do you mean by fair?
A: Fair is like honest – gives a good grade when you’ve really, really worked hard. Someone who is fair
doesn’t play favorites. They like all the students the same. Anyway, the last on our list is Ms. Jones.
She’s very entertaining, isn’t she?
C: She’s funny. And she also works hard. She often stays after school to meet with students to help
them understand and explain things.
B: And she’s active with two clubs. She’s totally dedicated.
C: What do you mean by dedicated?
B: Dedicated – Someone who works hard to do well in something they care about.
A: Why don’t we take a five-minute break to think about this and come back and decide?
C: Good idea!
B: Yeah, fine with me.