Department of Applied English Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Department of Applied English
Southern Taiwan University of Science and
Advisor:Jaisy Chang 張家華 老師
The Legend of Sun Shooting Heroes
Group Members:
499C0103 朱政穎
499C0904 郭晏儒
49954039 黃秋雅
499C0095 陳琳安
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………2
About the Legend of Sun Shooting Heroes………………………4
The Legend of Sun Shooting Heroes…………………………………5
Reference and Resource………………………………………………………….29
We translated one of the chapter , “The Legend of Sun Shooting
Hero ” from ”看賽夏,祭矮靈”, which is a Taiwanese aboriginal
literature, into English and made a picture book. Since most of
picture books were published from overseas, we expect to
provide a brand-new topic of children’s picture book. Children
can not only be familiar with Taiwanese aboriginal culture
but also learn English through this picture book. Otherwise,
“The Legend of Sun Shooting Heroes”, is also a part of content
in the elementary school textbook. Hope that this picture book
could resonate with children.
A famous Taiwanese writer, Hung Lang, suggested that to improve language
proficiency, extensive reading is the most effective way. Children will understand
how to use vocabulary collocation correctly through extensive reading. However,
it is a critical issue that how to arouse a second language learner’s interest to read
Reading picture books is a brand-new way of learning English, for the delicate
pictures in picture book can arouse children’s interest. Besides, picture books will
not make language learner distressed for not having enough vocabularies. The
length of most picture books’ length is generally not too long, and the sentence
structure is not too demanding. So children can finish their readings in short time.
Therefore, Bureau of education in Taiwan starts to increase funding on picture
books. In addition, many Chinese and foreign scholars pointed out that the picture
books plays an important role on learning language, they indicated that picture
books are conducive to children’s language development and children who read a
large number of picture books have better language ability.
ESL (English as a Second Language) is quite popular in Taiwan. Most children start
to learn English when they are in kindergarten. Reading English picture books is
one of the popular EFL learning methods. However, most English readings, like
Peter Rabbit, The cat in the hat, are most from other countries. Even picture books
which were published in Taiwan seldom talked about the aboriginal culture, not
even aboriginal culture in Taiwan. We think that language learner is usually
familiar with their native culture. If a picture book or reader which written in
second language introduces the language learner’s native culture, it may reduce
their fear toward second language learning. Dr. Wu (Hsin-Rong Wu), who teaches
English picture book learning for five years, said that some American picture books’
would write in difficult vocabularies. For example, Iguana and Armadillo are
animals that we can not see in Taiwan. In addition, foreign festivals or life styles
are different from those in Taiwan. Those foreign picture books may not resonate
among Taiwanese students. Therefore, Dr. Wu suggested that English educators in
Taiwan should edit native picture books for language learners.
Although Taiwanese aboriginal culture is quite different from Han Chinese culture,
aboriginal culture still belongs to Taiwanese culture. We expect to promote
Taiwanese aboriginal culture to the world through our thematic studies. We chose
‘’ the legend of sun shooting heroes” which comes from Saisiyat as our topic!
The readership of this project is kids from 4 to 15. First, we chose the story, “the
legend of sun shooting heroes” from the book, “看賽夏,祭矮靈”. Second, we translated
this story into English. Third, we made a picture book and a short film to arouse
students’ learning interest. Meanwhile, it could help students to understand
Taiwanese aboriginal culture. Forth, we designed a simple teaching plan after
reading the picture book. Students could not only learn vocabularies and some
basic sentences in an interesting way, but to deepen their impression of Taiwanese
aboriginal culture!
About the Legend of Sun Shooting Heroes
It is said that there were 2 suns in the ancient times. Saisiyat’s people were in
suffering because of these 2 scorching suns. The legend mainly talked about how the
2 Saisiyat warriors shot down the sun. The story is lively and also rich in
implication. The author intended to arouse Saisiyat people’s cultural recognition
and make them cherish the valuable cultural heritage. In order to commemorate
Saisiyat’s warriors, the Chia yi municipal government built “Cha yi Tower”,
located at Cha yi Park.
Through this picture book, young English learner could not only realize the origin
of Cha yi Tower, but learn English through aboriginal culture and history.
→Chia Yi Tower
The Legend of Sun Shooting Heroes
Putting off the cigarette, Abu elder drinks the
wine and then says
“Long time ago, there were two suns in the place
where Saisiyat people lived.
When one set in the west, another one rose up
from the east.
There would be no night in the world, only the
eternal daytime.
These two suns were a problem because people
cannot tell the time.
Let’s Learn!
1. West n. 西方
2. East n. 東方
They were unable to know when to sleep or when
to have meals. The worse thing was that people
had to work all day long because the suns were
always been shining whole day.
Let’s Learn!
3. Sleep v. 睡覺
4. Shining adj. 發光的
So they suggested that they should do something.
They muster the representatives under different
family names. They discussed how to wipe one
sun out in order to have night time and day time
on the earth.
Let’s Learn!
5. Different adj. 不同的
They had an idea. They were going to have an
archery contest. The winner would help the
people to shoot down one sun.
Ren was the winner. All people hail Ren and he
was designed for fulfilling this tough task.
Let’s Learn!
6. Task n. 任務
He prepared bows and arrows, carried a bag of
sheepskin with small rocks and a bag of
tangerine seeds. He also brought along his two
children with him. He said goodbye to his wife
and family then went to the east where these two
suns rose
Let’s Learn!
7. Bow n. 弓
8.arrow n. 箭 9. Seed n. 種子
10. Wife n. 妻子 11. Family n. 家
They were spreading seeds along the road to the
Each place with seed was marked by rock.
Three of them were trekking in the long trip.
Without any recess, they kept proceeding to the
Time flied with tears and sweat. Ren was a
silver-haired old man and his children were
growing to strong youths.
However, every life is mortal. The father held
the hand of his two children with tears, and told
them “never give up going to the east” “someday
you can eliminate one sun and then you will find
the way home by the marked trees.”
Two brothers were in sorrow at the death of the
father. They buried him by themselves and spread
down all the seeds and rocks.
They prayed to their father solemnly and followed
what their fathers commanded.
They continued to march toward the destination.
Let’s Learn!
12. Father n. 父親
After 18 years, they eventually reached the place
where the two suns rose.
They climbed to the mountain top which is
closest to the suns. But it was so shining that
they couldn’t open their eyes.
Let’s Learn!
13. Top n. 頂端
The younger brother covered his eyes with leaves,
but those leaves withered very fast.
The smart elder brother sheltered from the
sunshine with sheepskin.
Let’s Learn!
15. Sunshine n. 陽光
After days of observations, they found the best
place and the greatest time to shoot the sun down.
However, the elder brother was frail and old now.
The young brother took the task from him after
everything was settled down.
When a sun was setting and another was rising,
they were waiting for the best time.
He shot out the arrows, but none of them hit the
As the sun rose higher he stood a lower chance to
hit the sun.
There were only two arrows left! Their effort
would go in vain if they miss it again.
The younger brother sweated and felt nervous
because he knew the two left arrows were the last
At this moment, his father’s voice appeared by
his ears “Shoot it! Shoot it down"
He took a deep breath and it seemed that his
father’s spirit went into his body. He saw the red
center of a target which resembled the bull’s eye
in his father’s arrow contest.
Let’s Learn!
16. Sweat v. 流汗
17. Nervous adj. 緊張的
18. Voice n. 聲音
Suddenly, the darkness enveloped the earth with
terrible lightning and rain. Therefore, Wind, rain
and lightning appeared. Now Human had to
survive in the irresistible natural power.
They had a great rest in the darkness as the sun
was rising. They went home along the trees.
Let’s Learn!
19. Tree n. 樹
When they were back to the place where their
father was buried, the trees grew very tall and the
rock turned into the human-like boulder. They
believed that their father became the boulder to
protect them.
Let’s Learn!
20. Protect v. 保護
Time went by. They were old men when they were
back to the village. A sun was shot down, but the
Saisiyat had to face the terrible weather, like
thunder, wind and rain.
Let’s Learn!
21. Village n. 村莊
22. Weather n. 天氣
23. Thunder n. 雷電
Their people started blaming what Ren did. They
considered the bad weather as a punishment
from the sun. They hence asked Ren family to
repent to the sun.
Now, as long as they have continuous rainy day,
they would hold the ceremony. So it is called
“Chi Chin ceremony” which is held by each
Let’s Learn!
24. Start v. 開始
25. Punishment n. 懲罰
26. Ceremony n. 儀式
Let's play!
Activity 1-Direction
Crossword Puzzle-Fill the correct direction in the blank.
Activity 2-Family
Do you know how to say each family member in English?
Now, let’s learn it from this tree!
Family Tree- Recognize the family member in English.
Activity 3-Fun Time
Connect the word to the right picture.
Activity 4-Tree
How does tree grows up?
Please write the correct answers in the line.
Activity 5-Sun
How do you feel about those 2 suns in the story?
Please write the correct answers in the line.
Activity 6-Sun
Do you know other words that are related to the sun?
For example: sunrise n. 日出
Activity 7-Let’s Draw Something!
How does sun shooting hero look like on your mind?
Now, let’s draw a picture!
Reference & Resource
。本土繪本閱讀與製作實施計畫。澎湖縣 102 年度