The Effect of Using Homonymic Method to 碩研應英一甲 黃森瑞(M960208)

The Effect of Using Homonymic Method to
Memorize Vocabulary for Elementary Students
What: English education for elementary school students is more and
more important, and “vocabulary” is the basic tool in
for learning second language.
Why: To investigate which strategy is the best way to help learners
acquire a large number of vocabulary.
How: To decide whether using of homonymic method could help
students memorize more new words.
What Expected: Students can improve their learning strategy or
skills for memorizing vocabulary.
Literature Review
Research has indicated that in order for learners to perform
well in listening, speaking, reading and writing, they need to
possess a rich amount of vocabulary (Ediger, 1999; Laflamme,
1997; Manning, 1999).
More and more researches recognized “vocabulary” as one
of the elementary linguistic resources for the purpose of
communication (Norman, 1994).
Research Question
Q: Whether the homonymic method is superior to the rote
rehearsal method for EFL students to memorize English
Subjects: 40 fifth grade students from Sin-Jin Elementary school.
These students were separated into two groups:
(1)experimental group (2)control group
Instrument: vocabulary cards
Questionnaire: The purpose of the questionnaire was to get the
information about students’ feelings and attitudes toward the
Procedure: Pretest Teaching Test Questionnaire
Data analysis
The results showed that experimental group was superior
to the control group in the test. Students can memorize
more new words with homonymic method than those
with rote rehearsal method.
Although it is true the teaching strategy is one of
vocabulary learning skills, learners can still acquire more
knowledge from other skills. Therefore, English teachers
should integrate the advantages of other skills with this
approach to make English vocabulary learning more