Let Change Be the Tradition ACADEMIC SENATE

Let Change Be the Tradition
October 24, 2006
1:00 p.m.
Humanities 107
Roll Call
Italics = Absent
Dibakar Barua, Jaima Bennett, Joyce Bishop, Gregg Carr, Dennis Carrie, Henrietta Carter,
Stephanie Dumont, Barbara Jones, Darla Kelly, Chip Marchbank, Veronica Pizano, Omid
Pourzanjani, Victor Quiros, Diane Restelli, Roxana Ross, Mike Shaughnessy, Marde Snedeker,
Terri Speakman, Elizabeth Sykes, Richard Ulrich, Renah Wolzinger, Mai-Ying Woo, Ryan
Hubble - Student Representative
Wes Bryan, Lois Miller, Linda Morin, Sylvia Worden
Stephanie introduced our new Student Advocate, Ryan Hubble.
IPD Chair Gregg Carr announced two opportunities currently available to faculty - the Dr.
John D. Renley Faculty Scholarship and the Hayward Award for Excellence in Education.
Information for both can be found on the GWC bulletin page or in the Senate office.
Stephanie announced that part-time Senator, Renah Wolzinger, and her band, South Coast
Simcha Band, have an album on the ballot for the 49th annual Grammy Awards in the
category of Best Traditional World Music Album. Congratulations to Renah!
Stephanie shared that one of our new tenure-track faculty members, Phuc Bui, Chinese and
Vietnamese instructor, has resigned. Replacement considerations for this position fall under
the Senate’s Full Time Faculty Replacement Policy and will be brought back to the Senate
for discussion.
Welcome Guests
Stephanie welcome our regular guests, along with presenters Sylvia Worden, Health
Center Director, and Linda Morin, CCCD Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator.
Approval of Agenda
The agenda was approved as adjusted: 1. Add Items V.1. & VII. 3.
Approval of Minutes from October 10, 2006
The minutes were approved as presented.
Opportunity for Public Comment
Members of the public have the opportunity to address the Academic Senate on any item that has been
described in this notice, before or during consideration of the item.
There were not requests for Public Comment.
Consent Items
Brian Kramer as Auto, Diesel, Body Frame, Architecture, Drafting & Floral
Representative to CCI.
The Consent Agenda was approved as adjusted.
ASGWC Report – Ryan Hubble
Ryan reported that the Inter Club Council, student Senate and Student Council are
evaluating the campus smoking policy; the Student Council sponsored a congressional
forum attended by state Congressman Dana Rohrabacher of the 46th district and
democratic nominee Jim Brandt. The event was moderated by GWC Political Science
instructor Margot Bowlby. The Student Council is holding its constitutional elections,
voting on Article 4. Section 3, which states that students must have 7 units in order to
participate on the Student Council, and the proposal is to change that to 5 units to comply
with the Board.
Call for Nominations
1. 2nd Call - Institutional Effectiveness Committee:
i. 1 At-Large Part-Time Faculty
2. 2nd Call - ASPT (Administrative Services Planning Team) Faculty Representative
and Liaison to Planning & Budget; Term is yet to be determined; ASPT meets 1st
Tuesday of every month,
3-4:30pm, Community Center 103.
3. Full-time, Tenured faculty to serve on the Board of Governors.
Unfinished Business
1. Request from the President to Add 3rd Co-Chair to College Technology Committee –
Discussion and Recommendation to Planning & Budget - POSTPONED TO
MSU (Bennett) to move New Business Item #7 up to #1
New Business
Senate Fall Celebration – Date and Planning
After discussion, the Senate agreed to hold our 2nd annual Senate Fall Celebration
on Tuesday, November 28th from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m., just prior to the Senate
meeting. Stephanie announced that she discovered, by the way of a student
Thank-You letter, that there is an Academic Senate Student Scholarship through
our Foundation. The thought is to hold a silent auction during our Fall Celebration
with the funds going towards the Senate scholarship. Laurie will notify Senators
regarding food, etc.
Presentation on Health Center Benefits for Part-Time Faculty
Sylvia Worden announced the implementation of a pilot program she has created
to assist with funding and to offer affordable health care to our 160-day
employees and GWC part-time faculty who are not eligible for benefits through
the district. These employees will have the opportunity to have an initial
appointment with a physician for the cost of $25, after which any medical
procedures, i.e. blood drawing, cholesterol screening, prescription drugs, etc., will
be provided to the patient at the Health Center’s cost. Sylvia asked Senators to
share this information with faculty, particularly part-time faculty and 160-day
employees who might benefit from these affordable services.
Presentation on Campus/District Disaster Preparedness
Linda Morin, CCCD Environmental Health & Safety Coordinator, gave a
presentation on our district’s disaster preparedness program, along with recent
and upcoming training opportunities for faculty, staff and management. She
shared that at a recent conference on disaster preparedness in community colleges,
she learned that our District is one of the leaders in the state in disaster
preparedness and that some of our disaster programs are used as models.
Linda’s PowerPoint presentation is available on the Senate Website under
“Current Issues.”
Discussion of GWC Academic Senate position on ASCCC Fall Plenary
Resolutions (those forwarded via agenda request on senate website)
After clarifying that there were no further requests for discussion on any of the
resolutions to be presented at the fall plenary, Stephanie informed the body that
she will use her best judgment as she votes on each resolution and will abstain
from any vote that she has not previously presented to the Senate for an
opportunity for discussion or input.
Senior Management Proposals for Increasing FTES (using the $200,000
allocation from the District)
Wes shared that GWC has been allocated by the district the amount of $200,000
one-time funds to be used to support enrollment growth incentive
activities/programs that will help increase FTES in the spring and summer of
Criminal Justice AA Degree Completion Program
New College Student Risk Free Program—“Take 1 Free at GWC”
Operation Call-Back – Phase 3 – Retention and Referral Intervention
The Senate discussed Proposal #2 and made a motion to endorse as follows:
MSU ( Bennett) to endorse the use of $50,000 of Enrollment Growth
Incentive funds to support the New College Student Risk Free Program –
“Take 1 free @ GWC” proposal, with a friendly amendment (Dumont) that
the endorsement include the Senate’s concerns regarding the need for
ongoing costs to support students who remain at GWC beyond the one free
class, with an amendment (Quiros) that the administration provide, within
one year, a report of the effect and concomitant issues relative to this
Ayes (14) Bennett, Bishop, Carr, Carter, Carrie, Dumont, Jones, Kelly,
Pourzanjani, Quiros, Restelli, Ross, Sykes, Wolzinger;
Nays (0)
Abstentions (0)
An in-depth discussion on Proposals #1 & 3 will take place at the November 14th
meeting, with the Senate providing Senior Management with recommendations
for the expenditure of the remaining funds.
IPD End-of-the-Year Report – Gregg Carr, IPD Chair
Planning & Budget Update
Information Items
1. Senate Committees – Vacancies
a. Academic Senate
Communication Studies/Journalism (2009)
b. CCI
Cosmetology (2008)
Learning Resources/College 100 (2009)
World Languages/Sign (2007)
c. IPD
Business/Marketing/Management (2008)
Computer Science (2008)
Cosmetology (2007)
Mathematics (2007)
Physical Sciences (2009)
World Languages/Sign (2009)
2. E-Business
a. E-Confirmations
John Lervold as the “Out of Discipline” representative to the program
Vitality Review Committee for Broadcast & Video Production Program
Nancy Boyer, ESL, to serve as the “Out of Discipline” appointment to the
Tenure Review Committee for Derrick Watkins, Criminal Justice.
Ron Gibson, Physical Sciences, to serve as “out-of-discipline” faculty
member on the Tenure Review Committee for Douglas Lloyd,
b. E-Voting
c. Other E-Business
3. 2006-2007 Meeting Dates
 November 14 & 28
 December 12
 February 13 & 27
 March 13 & 27
 April 10 & 24
 May 8 & 22
Written reports are due to the Senate Office by Thursday at 5pm the week preceding the
meeting at which the report is attached to the agenda.
10. Announcements
1. GWC Courtyard of Honor October 24, 2006, 2:30pm
2. ASCCC Fall Plenary October 26-28, Newport Beach Fairmont
3. GWC Program Reviews Due to Office of Instruction November 15, 2006
4. ASCCC Teaching Institute February 16-18, 2007, Sofitel San Francisco Bay
5. Accreditation Site Visit Schedule: March 5-7, 2007