Let Change Be the Tradition ACADEMIC SENATE MINUTES October 10, 2006 1:00 p.m. Humanities 107 Italics = Absent Dibakar Barua, Jaima Bennett, Joyce Bishop, Gregg Carr, Dennis Carrie, Henrietta Carter, Stephanie Dumont, Barbara Jones, Darla Kelly, Chip Marchbank, Veronica Pizano, Omid Pourzanjani, Victor Quiros, Diane Restelli, Roxana Ross, Mike Shaughnessy, Marde Snedeker, Terri Speakman, Elizabeth Sykes, Richard Ulrich, Renah Wolzinger, Mai-Ying Woo, Student Representative Guests: Wes Bryan, Bob Fey, Dean Mancina, Lois Miller I. Welcome Guests II. Approval of Agenda The agenda was approved as adjusted: 1. Add Item V.2. III. Approval of Minutes from September 26, 2006 The minutes were approved as presented. IV. Opportunity for Public Comment Members of the public have the opportunity to address the Academic Senate on any item that has been described in this notice, before or during consideration of the item. V. Consent Items 1. Konrad Stein as Out-of-Discipline Faculty Member for Antony Hoang’s Tenure Review Committee 2. Collette Hausey to serve as Visual & Performing Arts representative to CCI for the 2006-08 term. The Consent Calendar was approved as adjusted. VI. ASGWC Report – No report (pending appointment) VII. Call for Nominations 1 1. Institutional Effectiveness Committee: i. 2 Academic Senators ii. 1 At-large Full-Time Faculty iii. 1 At-Large Part-Time Faculty Stephanie Dumont and Joyce Bishop were nominated to serve as the Senate representatives. 2. ASPT (Administrative Services Planning Team) Faculty Representative and Liaison to Planning & Budget; Term is yet to be determined; ASPT meets 1st Tuesday of every month, 3-4:30pm, Community Center 103. This call is to replace Travis Vail, who is unable to continue his membership due to a schedule conflict. The Senate agreed to put a call on the campus bulletin page for the three “At-Large” seats to give all faculty an opportunity for nomination. Nominations will remain open through Tuesday, October 17, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. VIII. Unfinished Business 1. Request from the President to Add 3rd Co-Chair to College Technology Committee – Discussion and Recommendation to Planning & Budget –POSTPONED. IX. New Business 1. 50% Law and District Directive (handout) The 50% law calculation, as specified by the Ed Code, requires that 50% of a district’s general fund apportionment be spent on classroom instruction. As our district is currently very low at 50.08%, the District has given a directive to campuses to reduce the number of non-instructional and 160-day employees to help balance out the percentage. Each campus will retain the money they save from these reductions to be applied towards instruction. Counselors, Librarians and faculty on re-assigned time are not included on the Instruction side of the 50%. Stephanie will research to ascertain if there have been any recent resolutions on the 50% law adopted at previous plenary sessions and share them with the Senate for use as we consider how to move forward with this issue. 2. Accreditation Report – Jaima Bennett, Accreditation Co-Chair (handout) Jaima recognized those Senators who contributed to writing the Self Study – Dibakar Barua, Joyce Bishop, Gregg Carr, Stephanie Dumont, Barbara Jones, Chip Marchbank, Omid Pourzanjani, Roxana Ross, Mike Shaughnessy, and Mai-Ying Woo, with special thanks to Barbara Jones and Mai-Ying Woo for stepping in to take over Standard 2.A. A draft of our self-study will be presented at the October 18 Board of Trustees meeting. Jaima provided Senators with a list of the standards and included notes on the progress and Action Plan for each standard. Jaima asked Senators to 2 access the self-study on the Q drive and review it for accuracy. Any suggestions or revisions should be forwarded to Jaima or Monte Perez. 3. Academic Senate Priorities for Faculty Requests in Fall 2006 Program Review Stephanie showcased a website created by Dwayne Thompson where faculty can obtain Program Review forms, particularly the new “Faculty Request” form, approved last spring by the Senate for use in the faculty prioritization process and required as part of Program Review. The Senate held a discussion to establish its hiring priorities for the current Program Review period, 2006-08. The Executive Board presented the following eleven priorities for consideration: Vocational, Basic Skills, Length of Time Since Last Hire, Health & Safety Concern, Outreach & Community Involvement, Diversity, Technology & Innovation, Life-Long Learning, Transition Success, Department Identified Priority and Enriches Curriculum. Senators agreed to rank the priorities in their order of preference, and the top two will be submitted to the Instructional Planning Team for inclusion in Program Review. MSU ( Ross) to reorder New Business Items #4 & 5 4. GWC Technical Assistance Hotline – Anthony Maciel, Director of Tech Support Services, and Cece Hunt Cece presented information on the new virtual help desk created by TSS, where users can submit their service requests online. A tracking system is in place where users can follow the progress of their request. The new site is accessible from the GWC Bulletin Page, or directly at http://opie-wb/helpdesk. Users can also get answers to technical questions or submit comments at tss@gwc.cccd.edu. This site is available immediately. 5. Tutoring Resolution for ASCCC Fall 06 Plenary– Gregg Carr, IPD Chair/Learning Resources Faculty Coordinator (e-attach) Senators were asked to review a resolution prepared by Gregg Carr and submit to Stephanie any recommendations in preparation for presentation at Saturday’s Area D meeting, where it will be reviewed for submission at the state Plenary Session on October 26. X. Information Items 1. View the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC) Executive Committee Resolutions and Papers for Fall 2006 Plenary on the GWC Academic Senate Website (www.onlinegwc.cccd.edu/senate) 2. Senate Committees – Vacancies a. Academic Senate 1. Communication Studies/Journalism (2009) b. CCI 1. Cosmetology (2008) 2. Learning Resources/College 100 (2009) 3. World Languages/Sign (2007) 3 4. 5. 6. c. IPD 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Auto Tech/Auto Collision/Diesel Architecture/Drafting/Floral/Engineering Technology/Environmental Studies Business/Marketing/Management (2008) Computer Science (2008) Mathematics (2007) Physical Sciences (2009) World Languages/Sign (2009) 3. E-Business a. Confirmation of Omid Pourzanjani as Academic Senate Vice President 20062007. Ayes (14) Marchbank, Kelly, Restelli, Carr, Carter, Bennett, Snedeker, Shaughnessy, Pourzanjani, Wolzinger, Ross, Dumont, Speakman, Quiros Nays (1) Barua Abstain (4) Jones, Carrie, Ullrich, Pizano c. Ted Palmer to serve as Out-of-Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Richard McLaughlin. d. Chip Marchbank to serve as Out-of-Discipline faculty member to the Tenure Review Committee for Nick Mitchell. e. Chip Marchbank to serve as the Senate faculty appointment to the selection committee for the Supervisor of Outreach. 5. XI. XII. XIII. 2006-2007 Meeting Dates October 24 November 14 & 28 December 12 February 13 & 27 March 13 & 27 April 10 & 24 May 8 & 22 Reports Written reports are due to the Senate Office by Thursday at 5pm the week preceding the meeting at which the report is attached to the agenda. Announcements 1. CCCD Board of Trustees Workshop Oct 18, 2006 6:30pm; Topic: Accreditation 2. GWC Foundation “Night at the Races” October 20, 2006 3. ASCCC Fall Plenary October 26-28, Newport Beach Fairmont 4. GWC Program Reviews Due to Office of Instruction November 15, 2006 5. ASCCC Teaching Institute February 16-18, 2007, Sofitel San Francisco Bay 6. Accreditation Site Visit Schedule: March 5-7, 2007 Adjourn 4