Pages 1-10 give graphic cross-pairs for Binford Variables, ending with pp6-10 V1-V30 in the Ethnographic atlas (with ET). Next, pp11-end come tables for Binford (2001) Threshold generalizations. The first two are tested on this page. Notes: This table is a beginning for a network diagram of variables with effects on one another that depend on critical thresholds: effective temperature (et), population density ( ), male contribution to diet (mdivlab), Below are some graphic thresholds Generalization 8.11, Binford (2001:266: point 2). These two plots are not suited to regression but better treated as thresholds. LBR$lati plot(LRB$lati,LRB$qtstor, cex =.5) latQtstor<-(LRB$lati>34)*1 threshold at 35 LBR$et plot(LRB$et,LRB$qtstor, cex =.5) qtstor3<-(LRB$qtstor>2)*1 threshold at 15.25 LBR$lati plot(LRB$et,LRB$store, cex =.5) threshold at 35 LBR$et plot(LRB$et,LRB$store, cex =.5) threshold at 15.25 table(qtstor3,latQtstor) L R lati 0 20 125 Row12 qtstor3 1 186 6 Row34 table(qtstor3+,etQtstor) L R et 0 127 18 etQtstor 1 22 170 LBR$et redo etQtstor<-(LRB$et>=14)*1 LRB$etShortGrowing <- (LRB$et>=18)*1 plot(LRB$et,LRB$growc,cex = .5) No threshold, well suited for regression 1 >1 packinx ave subdiv = 73.0 (subsisence diversity) constant slope with $pop <1 packinx ave subdiv 70.6 (subsisence diversity) upward slope with $pop????? wrong 2 Generalization 11.11 p420A packing<2 cor.test=-.16,p=.03 See subsets Generalzn 12.02 p434 cor.test =-.36, p<0.002 z<-which(LRB$packing<2 & LRB$subsp<2) plot(log(LRB$pop[z]),LRB$subdiv[z], cex=0.5) OUTSIDE OF TESTING BINFORD: test tropics with smaller overall (g3 groups) and add water in regression p=-0.21 r=-0.19 3 File Name: page Et 266:1 18.00 o + Threshold Table.docx Net Aboveground etThreshold Productivity etShortGrowing Season R2=0.77 w R2=0.82 wth LRB$grow ~15.25 266:2 15.25 o + etStorage (when colder R2=0.84 267:3 12.75 o + 268 267:4 11.53 o + 262 page 305a 305b store with qtstor etTerrPlant Anthon: put back ‘X’ ?? P267 LNagp (log10) minimum is 3.59 not 2.31 ~11.53 <11.53 c etPolar Btlnck etPolar % low 49.5% Key subsp 1terresanim MdivLab Threshold MdivLab MdivLab “foragers” ‘X’variable r=-.09 Supports Pathogen theory for grp3 (smaller) r=-0.21 p=0.0014 Conditional Fgs. Effect or Source Plot above Bailey 1960 Plot above (plot lati o by qtstor) +TerreAnim Nagp log10 35o lat. Fig.8.04/8 P261B Fig.8.08 Fig.8.04/8 Fig.8.14 Fig.8.08 Fig.8.12?? Fig.8.08 2.31-2.89? Warmer: no storage p260 Warmer: no storage p260 Warmer: plant dependent Warmer: Cold 3 aquatic Group1 size 2Storage 1Level 432 2Minor, short 1Smaller Aversize 1Level 42 2Minor, short 1Level 85432 2Major storage 1Level 875432 2Major/Massive 1Largest Aversize 1Level (5)4(3) 2Massive/Major 2terrespl Fig.8.22 Plant-dep. p304 Group1 size Increasing Decreasing 4 305c 305b 305a 306 306 306 306 306 353 420A 434 420B 420B 422 423 427A 427B 436 435 49.5% 77% >77% EfTemp 11.53 o 11.53 o 11.53 o 12.75 o 18.00 o MdivLab MdivLab MdivLab MdivLab MdivLab MdivLab MdivLab etShortGrowingSeason PopDen Threshold Terresplant Anim-aquat G8.10,8.12 p263 p264 Fig.8.23C p306 Fig.8.23A p306 Fig.8.23B p307 Aquat-dep. Aquat-dep. Aquat-dep. Terresanim Terresplant ?? No bias Increasing Decreasing Group1 ??Group1 Fig.8.11 #Mammals pres. Fig.8.11??? #Aquatic resour. Mobility strateg. Conditional, Lnagp Complexity & cond. thresh Diversity 53.16pd PopDen (pop) Plot above Intensifies Cplxty Wrong +cond Pop G11.11 Packinx < 1 subdiv Incr Subsis divers +cond Pop generally Packinx < 1 TerresRes Log10pd Incr Subsis divers -cond Pop PackInx > 1 Reduces Niche Breadth -cond Pop PackInx > 1 Increases Specialization Log10pd Pop Aquat-dep. and PackInx < 1 Linearly Reduces Group1*2*3 Size Each higher pd threshold is 5.79 times the value of the previous. For generic H-Gs the upper limit of pd is 5.79 times the packing threshold of 9.098 persons or 52.677 persons per 100 square kilometers There is a sharp reduction in the range of variability in subsistence diversity among wealth-differentiated Reduced Subsis hunter-gatherer who survive as hunter-gatherers despite increased levels of population pressure that exceed the diversity packing threshold. Both generalist and specialist cases converge at a subsistence diversity value of 71.75 with maximum population Subsis diversity at density. Beyond this point, no hunter-gatherers of this type remain in the nearly contemporary world. maximum PopD Niche breadth reduction is one response to the obsolescence of mobility as the major means of adjusting This occurs at consumer demand to the differential spatial distribution of edible products in the habitat during a seasonal cycle, PackInx = 1 (no + which occurs at the packing threshold. foraging room) As packing increases among those groups in which horticulture has been included in the subsistence strategy, This occurs at there is an increased specialization upon terrestrial plants. The same dynamics affects mutualists and product PackInx > 1 4-fold patterns Lnagp Lnagp 5 specialists, regardless of the products exploited for exchange with patrons, hosts, or employers – dietary specialization upon terrestrial plaints increases. 377 380 381B 381A 381C “ “ “ “ “ 404 404 422A 422A 422A 420 422B Log10?? 0.0pdt PackInx Threshold PackInx NoChang PackInx 1.57pt PackInx Intensification ??pt PackInx 1.57pt PackInx “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ -reverse Incr Subsis divers Incr PopDen PopDen Incr PopDen corollar Incr Subsis divers y NicheEff 1.6 Group1units<15 Jt/ExtdFm Increasing Terresplant Terresanim Terresanim Terresanim HiLat&Polar Warmer Terresanim Reduc.Sm.Anim Terresplant Terresplant PackInx < 1 PackInx = 1 PackInx > 1 PackInx < 1 PackInx > 1 To 85.0 >85.0 Increases Maximum of Reduces Increases Reduces Group1 size Increasing Stable Group2 Size Incr Terresanim Reduced depend. MDivLab +Fem Reduced BigGame “ Aqua.Resources Incr Terresplant “ Aqua.Resources Incr FemDivLab Incr Subsis divers Reduces PackInx? Group2 size Group2 size Group2 size Group2 size Group2 size 6 Extra row here Control for TerresAnim TerresPlants Aquatic p306 30 o C Where are the HiMale foragers on p306? .63 7 plot(LRB$et,log(LRB$nagp),cex = .5) .68 no log (LRB$et is always positive) .96 .98 8 Snowmax@12.75o C SnowTHRES@40o C .63 9 10 v 11 12 13 14 15 16 17