Slides are Not Documents • First, organize your content and messaging in Microsoft word, on paper, on whiteboard, wherever you feel comfortable. • Once you have your overall presentation worked out, work messages into small, easy-to-digest “bites” that can be represented simply and visually. • The time to design your visuals is after, and only after, you have mapped out your content and messaging clearly. Don’t open your visual presentation software until after you’ve done this. • Avoid using pre-made templates if possible. They tend to force you into a layout that may not be best for your presentation. • Your slide is not your script, either. It is a visual guide to help convey ideas, information and cue, but not provide, your talking points. • BTW, this whole slide is an example of what NOT to do with a slide. apply the picture superiority effect people remember information that is presented visually info graphic treatment roadmap/chart treatment continuum treatment continuum treatment create clear, simple slides 3seconds that’s about how much time you have can your idea be digested in three seconds? create clear, simple slides 1main idea per slide (or slides) create clear, simple slides slides it’s ok to use more slides! iterate build revise tweak perfect! additional tips slides are not documents use visuals and minimal copy per slide Use no more than one to two fonts – choosing a font “family can give you variety without inconsistency thou shalt not steal! use Google images for inspiration, but purchase, create, or use sites that offer free images for your artwork do not use unnecessary or irrelevant graphics, animation or media simplify ideas and information prize-winning presence prize-winning presence be confident SMILE engage don’t rush Practice, practice, practice resources (free vector images) (pay as you go photos and images) (ideas for powerpoint styles and presentation skills)