Frequency-response-based Wavelet Decomposition for Extracting Children’s Mismatch Negativity Elicited by Uninterrupted Sound

Frequency-response-based Wavelet
Decomposition for Extracting
Children’s Mismatch Negativity
Elicited by Uninterrupted Sound
Department of Mathematical Information Technology ,University of Jyväskylä,Jyväskylä 40014,Finland
Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems,University of Cincinnati,OH 45221,USA
School of Psychology, Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China
Department of Psychology,University of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä 40014,Finland
Received 6 Apr 2011; Accepted 14 Sep 2011; doi: 10.5405/jmbe.908
Chairman:Hung-Chi Yang
Presenter: Yu-Kai Wang
Advisor: Dr. Yeou-Jiunn Chen
Date: 2013.3.6
Materials and Methods
The trace from -350 ms to -50
ms is the standard sweep
0 ms to 300 ms is the deviant
Solid lines: the WLD
Dashed lines:ODF
Dotted lines:conventionally
averaged traces
The trace from -330 ms to -30
ms is the standard sweep
0 ms to 300 ms is the deviant
 In the standard sweep, WLD and the ODF effectively
cancelled the responses to repeated stimuli
 In contrast to the conventional average
 In the deviant sweep, WLD almost completely removed P3a
 In contrast to the conventional average and ODF traces.