You are a pilot. Get ... the airport. Park your car in the parking lot. Walk...


You are a pilot. Get into your car. Drive your car to the airport. Park your car in the parking lot. Walk to the airplane. Get into your airplane and fly it to Hong


Where are we? We are in Taiwan.

Is Taiwan an island? Yes, it is.

Your father is a sailor. Your boy friend is a handsome sailor. Watch your boy friend take a taxi to the seaport.

How is the weather? It is too rainy to sail the ship.

Tell your boyfriend to come back home.

You are in Hong Kong and you are a pilot. Fly the airplane in the sky.

How’s the weather? It is windy. Is it too windy to land the airplane? No, it is not. Land your airplane in

Taiwan. Land your airplane at Taiwan’s airport.

Sail your ship. Go to the seaport. Get into your ship.

Sail your ship to Hong Kong.

You stand on the top of a building.

Sail your ship around the earth.

You sail your ship in the sea.

Get on a ship. Get in a boat.

You take some photographs of your mother with a camera.

In the water, in the sea, in the ocean

You go to the airport by taxi and watch the sun go down.

Watch an airplane land at the airport.

There is a gorilla in back of your house.

Are you a sailor or a pilot? I am a sailor.

You are a pilot. You fly your airplane in the sky. Are you on land? No, I am in the sky.

One ocean, two oceans

You travel around the world.

There are a lot of people in the world.

It is very hot. You wear a cap.

Do I have a watch? Yes, I do.

Do I have a cap? No, you don’t.

You go outside in a sunny day. You wear sunglasses.

You take off your sunglasses. You put on your sunglasses.

Tell me something beautiful in your house.

He is a kid.

Let me give you a spanking. Let me spank you.

Your parents give you a spanking. Are you a good kid?

Yes, I am.

There are twelve kids in this classroom.

Her hair is straight. Is my hair straight? Yes, it is.

Student’s hair is straight.

You make your hair curly.

Is curly hair beautiful or straight hair beautiful?

Straight hair.

You go down the street. You go straight on the street.

Do I have a taxi? No, you don’t.

Does she have a watch? Yes, she does.

She has a watch. He doesn’t have a watch.

Does Teresa have a broom? Yes, she has a broom.

Does Sherry have a sandwich? No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t have a andwich.

She has a box of cereal.

Does John have a ship? No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t have a ship. He has an airplane.

He has a photograph of his girl friend. He has a net.

She has a kite.

I have, you have, he has, she has

Do you have any toys in your home? Yes, I do.

Does Amy have a toy? Yes, she does.

It is a puppy. It is a kitten.

You feed some food to the puppy.

A dog is a pet. A bird is a pet, too.

You put a bird in a cage.

What is it? It is a rabbit.

What color are the rabbit’s eyes? They are red.

Do you have a rabbit? No. I don’t.

You feed some carrots to the rabbit.

Do you eat carrots everyday? No, I don’t.

There is a farm next to your house. You plant carrots on the farm.

Puppy, kitten, pet, rabbit, carrot, dog, cat
