Advantages Some of the advantages that may be cited are the following : 1. Selective addressing capability A single receiver or group of receivers may be addressed by assigning a given reference code of them. Selective addressing can then be as simple as transmitting the proper code sequence as modulation. /vs_products_page2_34_78_cht.html 教育部網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫 Wireless Communication Technologies 2.4.1 1 Advantages 2. Code division multiplexing is possible for multiple access When codes are properly chosen for low cross correlation, minimum interference occurs between users. Thus more than one signal can be unambiguously transmitted at the same frequency and at the same time, that is called code-division multiplexing. x(t) b1 (t ) z(t) T 0 ( ) dt v 判斷 bˆ1 (t ) c1 (t ) b2 (t ) VT 0 PN 1 c1 (t ) x(t) PSK Modulator x(t) z(t) c2 (t ) b3 (t ) T 0 ( ) dt v 判斷 bˆ2(t) c2(t) Carrier VT 0 PN 2 c3 (t ) x(t) z(t) T 0 ( ) dt v 判斷 bˆ3(t) c3(t) PN 3 教育部網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫 VT 0 Wireless Communication Technologies 2.4.1 2 Advantages 3. Low-density power spectral for signal hiding Because of the wideband signal spectral generated by code modulation, the power transmitted is low in any narrow region of frequency, that is, the power spectral density is vary small. This property is known as low probability of detection (LPD). Noise 教育部網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫 Conventional signal Spread spectrum signal Wireless Communication Technologies 2.4.1 3 Advantages 4. Message screening from eavesdroppers Because of the coded signals employed, an eavesdropper cannot casually listen to messages being sent. Though the systems may not be secure, some conscious effort must be made to decode the message. This property is called low probability of interception (LPI). 教育部網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫 Wireless Communication Technologies 2.4.1 4 Advantages 5. High-resolution ranging Spread spectrum modulation has the inherent characteristic (autocorrelation property ) that the codes may be used for ranging. Resolution in ranging is afforded in accordance with the code rates used, and the sequence length determines maximum unambiguous range. 教育部網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫 Wireless Communication Technologies 2.4.1 5 Advantages 6. Interference rejection Spread spectrum modulation has the gain advantage, referred to as processing gain, to attenuate the interference. Processing gain is approximately the ratio of the spread bandwidth to the information rate. t t3 t t1 Jamming signal t t2 PG=7 教育部網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫 Wireless Communication Technologies 2.4.1 6 Advantages 7. Increased tolerance to multipath In fading channels, if the multipath is treated as interference, then its effect can also be reduced by the processing gain. Through the use of a Rake receiver to constructively combine multipath (diversity), it can effectively mitigate the effect of fading channel. Delay Re ceiver signal rDS (t ) Tc Tc Tc cos( 2 f 0 t ) C(t nTc ) C (t Tc ) C (t ) Rake Finger 0 LPF Rake Finger 1 Diversity Combiner LPF LPF Path Selection Rake Finger 2 I-finger combiner Output 教育部網路通訊人才培育先導型計畫 Wireless Communication Technologies 2.4.1 7