Romeo and Juliet Ivy Stacy


Romeo and Juliet













In 1990, In the beautiful city of Verona, there were two families – the Montaques and Capulets. They hated each other for hundreds of years.

One day, the son of Montaques, Romeo, had some problems lately. His friend,

Benvolio, came to question him.

READER1/BENVOLIO: Hey! My friend, why have you been so sad recently?

READER2/ROMEO: Oh, I love the beautiful Rosaline, but she doesn’t love me.

READER1/BENVOLIO: Forget her. Look around you! There are many other girls!

Or… Do you want me?

READER2/ROMEO: Ben…Benvolio!

READER1/BENVOLIO: Just kidding! Don’t be so serious. I heard of there’s going to be a party. Let me take you to the party, o----k-----?



Mr.Capulet, Juliet's father, held this party tonight because of her baby daughter,

Juliet’s birthday. At the same time, Romeo was in this party, too. He was shocked heavily because he saw Juliet. He couldn't believe there is a woman who is more beautiful than Rosaline.

READER2/ROMEO: OH - MY - GOD! She is more beautiful than the moon. She is like a “bright jewel” in the darkness.

ALL: Then Romeo went to find Juliet and held her hand.

READER2/ROMEO: Your hand is too soft for my rough touch. But my lips are ready to touch your gentle hand with a kiss.

READER2/ROMEO: My lips, two blushing shy girls, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.

ALL: How dare you are!

READER3/JULIET: We just met, and you dare to kiss me. Even though you are rude, I still will let you kiss me because you are my my cup of tea!


Then the nurse came to take Juliet to her mother.

READER2/ROMEO: Wait! Ma’am Who is that girl?

READ4/NURSE: That is Juliet. She is a Capulets.

READ2/ROMEO: What? No!


Romeo was very surprised and upset. Then, Benvolio found him and took him away.

READER3/JULIET: Nurse. Who is that young man?

READER4/THE NURSE: That is Romeo. He is a Montaques.


After the party, Romeo was standing below Juliet's windows.

READER3/JULIET: O - Romeo, Romeo! Why is your name Romeo? Leave your family and change your name. If you can't, I will leave Capulets. It is only your name is my enemy. But what is important about a name and any others. Umm… except the appearance.

READER2/ROMEO: Call me '' love ''. My baby. That will be my name.

READER3/JULIET: How did you get there? If my family see you here, they will kill you.

READER2/ROMEO: I don't care. I don't want to live without your love.

READER3/JULIET: Dear Romeo, if you truly love me and wish to marry me. Take this ring, it is our pledge. Send me a message tomorrow.


Romeo came to find Friar Laurence and told him the whole thing. Romeo wanted him to witness their love.

READER5/ FRIAR LAURENCE: NO! NO! NO! I can’t promise you. I have watched Juliet since she was a kid. You don’t have that qualification to marry her!

READER2/ROMEO: We are truly in love. Please! Believe me!

READER5/ FRIAR LAURENCE: Umm…Unless you drink this poison. So I will trust you have the ability to bring Juliet happiness.

READER2/ROMEO: I will. Love makes me strong. Give me the bottle.


After Romeo drank the poison, his entire body was really painful. It just likes a million of ants is biting him. Soon, he can’t afford the pain, but fainted.

After half of day, he woke up with a shiny sunlight. But he felt his body had something wrong, he looked down.



He turned into a black dog! In fact, Friar didn’t want to help him at the beginning.

He gave Romeo a poison originally but he made a mistake , a turning-dog potion!

Romeo was so panic, but couldn’t think calmly.

READER7/SARA: Are you OK? Is there anything wrong?

READER2/ROMEO: Jesus!! A bird is talking to me! A BIRD IS TALKING TO


READER7/SARA: Calm down! Of course we animals can speak. Are you insane?


After Romeo realized the situation, Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt, came with his friends.

READER6/TYBALT: Frair told me that I don’t have to worry about Romeo anymore. He had made him drink the poison. That Montaque is really an idiot, isn’t he? HAAA~

READER2/ROMEO: He is such a jerk. I should teach him some lessons.


Romeo united animals like birds, cows, dogs, horse, cats, and even the fishes.

Birds pecked, horse kicked, cows crashed, dogs bit, cats scratched, and fishes shot ( 這

裡用 splashed 是否較恰當 ?) splashed Ok! water on his head. Tybalt looked so horrible. Then, They ran like hell.( 落荒而逃是否是這樣 ?) Ok! Romeo was very happy and thanked the animals, but he thought Juliet so much. He doesn’t know how to do.

READER7/SARA: Hey! I am Sara. Don’t be so disappointed! My master may help you, she is a nice person.


When Romeo saw Sara’s master, he almost stopped breathing. It’s Juliet, his love!

Romeo can’t speak. So he just moved back and forth beside Juliet, thought the way to let her know.

READER3/JULIET: Sara. What happened to your friend?

READER7/SARA: twi- twi- I don’t know.


Suddenly, Romeo remembered the ring Juliet gave him. He was showing the ring to Juliet right away.

READER3/JULIET: Where did you get this, that is the pledge of Romeo and I.


READER3/JULIET: GOD! You are Romeo.


Then, Romeo wrote down the truth. Juliet was very surprised, and decided to steal the antidote. On Wednesday morning, Juliet came to Friar Laurence.

READER3/JULIET: Friar, I have some doubt for god. Can you listen my words?

READER5/ FRIAR LAURENCE: Oh! My lady. Of course.


While Juliet was confessing, she saw a suspicious house, about ten meters away.

After finishing, Juliet went to the small house secretly, and broke the windows. She climbed into house. It looked like a laboratory. There were a lot cabinets put various liquid. But one of them was unique, it just looked like a brand- new one. Then she opened the drawer. There was only a bottle with some pure liquid.

READER3/JULIET: That’s it!

NARRATOR: Juliet rushed back to home, and held the bottle carefully.

READER3/JULIET: Drink this! Then you will recover.

NARRATOR: After Romeo drank it, he became a human generally.


READER3/JULIET: O~ my Romeo!


From that day, nobody has seen their face ever. It is said that they left happily with many animals surrounding. Perhaps we can see our friends happening these things someday, cross the difficult barriers. Everybody have the right to pursue our true love, don’t we?

All: (chorally repeating) 合念 Yes we can! God bless you! Bye bye~
