崔涵雅 4A1B0007 休閒二甲 吳依芳

A: Good morning. Happy Travel Agency. What can I do for you?
B: I want to book a ticket from Taipei to San Francisco.
A: No problem. When do you wish to leave? And how many people are going to
travel with you?
B: October 17th , and I’d like to return on October 23rd. I’m traveling alone.
A: Do you have a preferred airline? And, which type of class do you preferred?
B: Eva Airline, business class, please.
A: Ok, let me check for the availability. There’s a flight to San Francisco on October
17th at 7:50 P.M. and back to Taipei on October 23rd at 8:30 P.M. Is it OK for you?
B: Yes, it sounds perfect. Please book the flight for me.
A: May I have your passport number?
B: Sure. It’s 987654321.
A: And may I have your name, please?
B: Yes. It’s Hao Beautiful.
A: I’m sorry. Miss Hao…? Can you spell it out for me?
B: B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L, Beautiful.
A: Do you have a preferred hotel? Or I can recommend a few for you? There are some
nice hotels in downtown area with a rate like Holiday Inn, Grand Hyatt.
B: I normally stay in Holiday Inn but this time I would like to try Grand Hyatt.
A: Nice choice. OK, let’s see if we have everything here. You are taking Eva Airline
on a business class and leaving Taipei to San Francisco on October 17th at 7:50 P.M.,
stay in Grand Hyatt, and back to Taipei on October 23rd at 8:30 P.M. The price for the
ticket is NT$40,460 dollars.
B: Yes, it sounds perfect. Do you take credit cards?
A: Of course. Could you give me your credit card number?
B: Yes, it’s 1111 2222 3333 4444. Thanks!