Oh no! My favorite vase is broken! I am not sure.

Oh no! My favorite vase is broken!
I am not sure.
Eric, how did this happen?
The cat broke it.
Tell me the truth.
The wind blew it over.
Tell me the truth.
Lulu broke it.
Tell me the truth.
But your sister was at Grandma’s
house all day.
Eric, tell me the truth.
I’ll buy you a nice dinner.
And…? What else?
I’ll buy you some candy.
I don’t know.
I’ll give you some beautiful flowers,
Will you forgive me?
Oh, OK, I forgive you.
OK, OK, I broke it.
I played baseball in the house today.
And that’s the truth.
Clark, what’s your favorite holiday?
What’s your favorite holiday, Peggy?
Don’t you like me, Simon?
I do, Sophie.
But I saw you with another girl!
Let me explain.
You ate dinner with her.
So Ruby, what’s your favorite holiday?
My birthday!
That’s not a holiday!
Yes, it is!
My birthday is February 14.
Valentine’s Day.
Let me explain.
And then you went to the movies with
Let me explain.
Is she your girlfriend?
No, let me explain! She’s my sister!
Yes, my younger sister.
Oh, that explains it.
I am sorry, Honey. I forgot your
Will you forgive me?
I have to think about it.
Come on. Please? I am really sorry.
Will you forgive me?
You’re French, right?
Tell me about your culture.
OK, what do you want to know?
Everything. Tell me about your
Do you want to know about food?
Language? Traditions?
All of it!
Tell me about your culture.
OK, let’s go to a restaurant.
I ‘ll tell you all about my culture there.
Sounds great.
Merry Christmas, Eric! Let’s open the
I’m so happy. We can go to the beach
Christmas presents!
OK! I love holidays.
After that, we’ll eat turkey and lots of
other delicious food!
Yum! I love holidays.
Then we’ll make Christmas cookies!
Great! I love holidays.
I know! We all love holidays, dear.
But U hate when holidays are over!
today. It’s so hot.
I know. Don’t forget sunscreen!
I have my beach ball.
Great, but don’t forget sunscreen!
I have my sunglasses.
I know, don’t forget sunscreen!
You should wear your sunglasses.
I am going out to eat.
Have a good time!
It’s sunny today.
I don’t like wearing sunglasses.
But it’s sunny today.
And then I’m going to the movies.
Have a good time!
And then I’m going to have some ice
Have a good time!
Don’t you want to come with me?
How about wearing sunscreen?
No, I don’t like wearing sunscreen,
Well, don’t just stand outside without
sunglasses or sunscreen!
It’s sunny today.
OK, then I’ll go inside.
Yes! We’ll have a good time!
Peggy, can you swim?
Well, I can ride a bike.
That’s good. But can you swim?
I can play the piano.
Great, but can you swim?
I’m embarrassed! I can’t swim.
Hey, maybe you can teach me!
Oh no. I wanted you to teach me.
I can’t swim, either.
Eric, don’t take your shoes off.
The sand is hot.
Oh, Mom! It can’t be that bad!
Let me take my shoes off.
No, I’m telling you, the sand it hot!
It’s OK, Honey.
You can let Eric take his shoes off.
No, it’s too uncomfortable.
Let me try.
Ow! You’re right! The sand is hot!