1. Basic Information (1) Which social network do you often use? (multiple choices) Age 13~18 Option 19~25 26~30 31~40 Facebook 71% 59% 78% 92% Twitter 0% 6% 0% 0% Wretch 14% 4% 14% 0% Plurk 9% 31% 0% 0% Weibo 6% 0% 8% 8% (2)How do you know about facebook? Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 From TV 6% 8% 0% 0% From relatives 0% 0% 0% 48% From magazine or newspaper 0% 0% 10% 0% From friends 80% 86% 90% 24% From Internet 14% 6% 0% 28% Option 31~40 (3)Why do you join Facebook at the beginning? 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 In order to play games 20% 46% 21% 0% In order to find old friends 14% 7% 60% 17% Because all of my friends are using Facebook 60% 20% 19% 33% Because it is the hottest 6% 27% 0% website now (4)As you know, how many people use Faceook nowadays? Age 50% 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Everyone 7% 18% 4% 0% Lots of people 91% 82% 94% 55% Few people 2% 0% 2% 45% None 0% 0% 0% 0% Option First, according to the questionnaire, “basic information” is the first category and that consist of four questions. In the age of 13~18, most of them are using Facebook and Wretch, which account for 71% and 14% separately. In the age of 19~25, about 59% of students use Facebook frequently, followed by Plurk, 31%. The remaining students choose the options of Twitter and Wretch, which are 10% in total. 78% of people regard Facebook as their favorite social network between the age of 26~30. The highest percentages which is 92% similarly lies on Facebook from the age of 31~40. Second, from the data, we can discover that between13~18, 80% know about Facebook from friends and 20% from TV and Internet. What’s more nearly all of people in the age 26~30 get the idea of Facebook from friends. For people between 31~40, almost half of them get in touch with Facebook from their relatives. As a result, we generalize that most people in the age13~30 learn Facebook form their friends. On the other hand, in the age 31~40, they know Facebook because of their relatives. In the third question, we learn that each group of age has different reasons to start using Facebook, for instant, over fifty percent of people in the age13~18 join Facebook because all of their friends are using it and as the same percentage as the age between 26~30, people in this group using Facebook in order to find old friends. For people in the age31~40, they begin to join the Facebook owing to the popularity of Facebook. However, in the age 19~25 group, playing game is the major reason for them to join the Facebook at the beginning about 46% agree it and 27% people use it as it’s the hottest website recently. In addition, the influence of friends is about 20% and the other 7% people join it for finding old friends 2. Basic opinion toward Facebook (5) What’s your purpose of using Facebook (multiple choices) Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Post my latest situation 15% 12% 17% 3% Post photos to share with friends 15% 20% 24% 2% Play games 11% 23% 3% 19% Watch the news 2% 12% 0% 8% Look friends’ situation 31% 23% 36% 34% Manage business 0% 0% 0% 23% Spend time 26% 10% 20% 11% (6) What’s your favorite application of Facebook? (multiple choices) Option Age 13-18 19-25 26-30 31~40 Sharing photos 19% 33% 4% 16% Games 15% 38% 19% 6% Chatting room 20% 15% 9% 36% News Feed 35% 14% 49% 42% Mental tests 11% 0% 9% 0% (7) Does Facebook appeal you? If so, how does it work? (multiple choices) Option Age 13-18 19-25 26-30 31~40 The interface of Facebook 1% 0% 3% 7% It’s easy to find old friends 14% 25% 21% 18% It has several mental tests 5% 3% 6% 3% It has lots of funny games 7% 32% 9% 25% It’s convenient to update news 22% 14% 15% 2% It can connect with friends easily 31% 21% 20% 25% 20% 5% 26% It’s convenient to update news (8)What’s the disadvantage of using Facebook? (multiple choices) Option Age 2% 13-18 19-25 26-30 31~40 Deprived of privacy 21% 31% 25% 16% Wasting time 12% 19% 30% 16% Have too much mischievous platform 24% 3% 7% 0% Make people be addicted to it 31% 41% 19% 68% Easily contact unpleasant information(erotic, violence..,etc) 12% 6% 19% 0% (9)Why do you think Facebook can become so successful? Option Age 13-18 19-25 26-30 31~40 It’s easy to use 24% 33% 18% 18% It’s functional 2% 8% 14% 16% it can track everyone’s newest news 74% 59% 68% 66% (10)What differences between other social networks with Facebook? (multiple choices) Option Age 13-18 19-25 26-30 31~40 It’s easier to use 25% 12% 18% 26% It is functional 13% 12% 13% 24% It is much fun than other social network 6% 16% 2% 2% 31% 36% 31% 31% 25% 24% 36% My friends are using Facebook I can get instant news Basic opinion toward Facebook is the second category including the questions of the purpose, favorite application, the reason attraction, and the disadvantage and so on. Looking friends’ situation is the common purpose for all ages. Furthermore, people in the age between 19~25 not only use it for looking friends’ situation, but for playing games which are about 23% individually. Posting photo to share with friends are the second reason for the age between 19~30. None of the ages use Facebook for managing business except for the age of 31~40. There are twenty 17% three percent of people in this age using Facebook because of the business. News feed is the favorite application for the age between 13~18, 26~30, and 31~40. Nevertheless, students between the age 19~25 prefer the application of sharing photos and games. Also, funny games are the attraction for that age. For other groups, thirty one percent people between the age of 13~18 think the reason Facebook appeal them is because it can connect with friends easily and twenty six percent of people between the age of 26~60 consider it for the convenience of updating news. In the last group, twenty five percent people like it because it has lots of funny games and it can connect with friends easily. Except people in the age 26~30 think wasting time is the drawback of using Facebook, other groups agree that it would makes people be addicted to it, especially for the range between31~40, which accounts for sixty eight percent. In the opinion for the age 19~25 of students, there are few people think it deprived of privacy. A great number of people in all ages approve that tracking everyone’s newest new is the main key to meet with success that the percentage is all over fifty. Comparing Facebook with other social network, Facebook has the most users for the majority of people. In the age 19~25, thirty six percent of them believe their friends using it and getting the instant news are the two major differences with others. 3.Using frequency (11)How long do you use it? Age 13~18 Option 19~25 26~30 31~40 Less than 6 months 31% 10% 8% 48% Almost one year 45% 49% 44% 26% Two years 12% 24% 44% 4% More than two years 12% 17% 4% 22% 26~30 31~40 (12) How often do you use Facebook? Age 13~18 Option 19~25 Always 18% 46% 14% 2% Frequently 75% 52% 76% 38% Sometimes 6% 2% 8% 54% Seldom 1% 0% 2% 6% Never 0% 0% 0% 0% (13) Do you use it every day? Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 73% 78% 71% 36% NO 27% 22% 29% 64% 19~25 26~30 31~40 9% 8% 14% 33% 30mins for a day 16% 0% 0% 12% 1~2hours for a day 72% 26% 68% 49% 3~5 hours for a day 3% 52% 15% 6% Above six hours 0% 14% 0% 0% Every minutes 0% 0% 3% 0% Option (14) How long do you idle on it every day? Age 13~18 Option Less than 30mins (15) Why don’t you use it every day? Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 It’s boring 28% 14% 32% 2% It’s wasting time 72% 84% 68% 28% None of my friends are using it 0% 0% 0% 70% Option The third category is to understand their frequency of using Facebook. In the reference to the data, nearly fifty percent of the students in the age19~25 use Facebook almost one year and in this range over fifty percent people use it frequently and they also use it every day. Forty six percent of the students always use it and only few students sometimes use it. Moreover, most of them idle on it 3~5 hours for a day. For people between the age of 26~30, most of them use Facebook either almost one year, or two years. Similarly, in the age 13~18, nearly half of them use it almost a year. Besides, the majority of both people in these two ranges, not only use it every day, but idle on it 1~2 hours per day. On the other hand, people between 31 to40 years old, they start to use Facebook less than 6 months, which is 48% and over fifty percent of them only sometimes use it. Although, people in this range, half of them idle on it 1~2 for a day, still 33% of people use it less than 30 minutes. Also, there are 64% people in the age 31~40 don’t’ use it every day and the reason of it is because they have few friends using it. For those 22% people in the age of 19~25 who don’t use it every day, the majority of them think using Facebook every day is wasting time and the rest 12% people think it’s boring. In the other two ranges, for those who don’t want to use it every day have the same reason as people in the age 19~25. 4. Information of Facebook (16) What kind of information will you search for? Option Age Fashion clothes 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 9% 8% 25% 20% Music 14% 8% 8% 10% Superstars 40% 12% 0% 3% Academic information 0% 0% 0% 17% News 0% 6% 26% 36% Foods 8% 26% 16% 0% Sports 17% 8% 8% 4% Entertainment 12% 32% 17% 10% (17) Do you get more information because of the Facebook? 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Always 13% 53% 12% 3% Frequently 46% 10% 58% 7% Sometimes 41% 22% 26% 61% Seldom 0% 15% 4% 19% Never 0% 0% 0% 10% From the data, in the age 13~18, 40% of them will search for superstars, followed by 17% sports and 14% music. Entertainment is the most popular information for people in the age 19~25, followed by 20% that is food. What’s more, in the age 26~30, they always search for fashion clothes and news, which account for 51% in total. The last group has the same interest with people in the age 26~30, 36% of them focus on news and 20% on fashion clothes. Younger people will search for information about superstars, foods, and music most f time. On the contrary, people in the age 26~40 always look for information about fashion clothes and news. We can generalize a conclusion that only few people will search for academic information except people in the age 31~40. Over forty-six percent of people frequently get more information because of Facebook. In the age 19~25, more than fifty percent of students agree that they always get more information as a result of the Facebook. Similarly, 58% of people consider that they can know more information frequently by using Facebook. People in the age 31~40 have the negative opinion compare with the other three groups. They feel they sometimes learn more news from Facebook, which accounts for 61%. Most of people in our survey have positive opinion about getting more information because of Facebook. In other words, they always know more information after using Facebook. 5.Habit and opinion of using Facebook during work and class (18) Do you have the habit of using Facebook during the class or at work? Age Option 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 26% 73% 19% 6% NO 74% 27% 81% 94% (19) How long do you use Facebook when you are in class or at work? Age Option 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Less than one hour 83% 66% 88% 92% Less than two hours 17% 28% 12% 8% More than two hours 0% 6% 0% 0% (20) Do you think use Facebook when you are in class or at work can have influence on your work? Age Option 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 61% 86% 59% 72% NO 39% 14% 41% 28% (21)If you were an employee (student), do you think the company (school) should ban using Facebook in non-academic purpose when you are at work (in class)? Age Option 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 34% 53% 88% 26% NO 66% 47% 12% 74% According to the data above, we can figure out that in the age of 13 to 18, only 26% of students have the habit of using Facebook during class. On the contrary, 73% of students use Facebook during the class in the age of 19~25. Moreover, the percentage of using Facebook during work has dropped dramatically in the age of 26~30, only 20% of them use Facebook during work. In the age of 13~18, 83% of students use Facebook less than one hour and 17% use Facebook during class less than two hours. Similarly, in the age of 19~25, about 66% of students use facebook less than one hour and 28% of them use it less than two hours. Only 6% of students use Facebook more than two hours when they are in class or at work. Furthermore, 88% of people from age 26 to 30 use Facebook less than one hour during their work.From the data, we know that most of people who use Facebook during class or work are spending less than one hour no matter in which range. In the age from 13 ~ 18 and 26 ~ 30, they all think use facebook when they are in class or work have influence on their work which accounts for sixty percent. Identically, from the age of 19~25, 86% agree that use Facebook when they are in class or at work have bad effect on their study and in the age of 31~40, 72% of them have the same thoughts toward it as well. In the age 13~18, 34% of them think that the company should ban using Facebook when they are at work. About 53% of students in the age 19 to 25 agree the employer and teacher should limit their employees and students from using Facebook when they are at work. What’s more, 88% of people in the age of 26~30 strongly agree that using Facebook at work or class should be banned. Most of people who are over 31 years old agree that the company shouldn’t ban their employees using Facebook at work.People in the age from 26 to 30 can’t agree more that supervisors should restrict their employees to use Facebook when they are working. However, people in the age of 31~40 can’t agree more than that using Facebook during work or study is acceptable. 6.Advertisements on Facebook (22)Do you browse the advertisement on Facebook? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 6% 39% 12% 32% NO 94% 61% 88% 68% (23)Do you have the experience buying things because of advertisement on Facebook? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 6% 0% 2% 25% NO 94% 100% 98% 75% (24)Do you think the advertisement on Facebook would give you more impression on that product? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 2% 66% 30% 12% NO 51% 13% 47% 72% Have no idea 47% 21% 53% 16% (25)How do you feel about those advertisements on Facebook? Option Age 13-18 19-25 Annoyed 66% Have no idea It’s convenient to know new product 26-30 31~40 60% 65% 54% 34% 33% 3% 14% 0% 7% 32% 34% (26)What kinds of advertisement do you see most of time? (multiple choices) Option Age 13-18 19-25 26-30 31~40 Entertainment 42% 34% 0% 1% Commercial 26% 23% 28% 23% Food 2% 12% 44% 12% Discount for products 4% 22% 26% 61% Cosmetic products 26% 9% 2% 3% From our data, most of people do not have the habit of browsing the advertisement. In the age 13~18, only 6% browse the advertisement. In this age range, the percentage of browsing the advertisement is the lowest. Comparatively, in the age 19~25, about forty percent of students skim over the ads on Facebook. Advertisements on Facebook do not appeal users to look through it. Most of people nowadays do not spend time on it. Most of four groups of people in our survey do not have the experience buying things because of advertisement on Facebook. More than ninety percent of them never buy things as a result of blurb on Facebook. In the age 31~40, they are the only one group who have brought products on Facebook, which accounts for 25%. From the data above, we can generalize a conclusion that advertisements on Facebook do not have the power to stimulate the sales volume. In the age of 13~18 and 26~30, about half of them do not sure that whether they feel more impressive after they browse on the advertisements. In the age 19~25, more than sixty percent agree that the advertisements on Facebook can make them get more impression on products. On the contrary, over seventy percent of people between 31~40 consider that they can’t know more information about the products from the advertisements. People who do not browse the advertisements on Facebook have the same thought in four different age range. There are more than half of them consider the advertisements on Facebook is very annoyed. In the age 26~30 and 31~40, about thirty percent of participants choose the option of have no idea. The advertisement is irate for users on Facebook. In the age 13~18, 42% of students see the entertainment most of time, followed by 26% that is cosmetic products and commercial. Similarly, a majority of student see the entertainment and discounts for product in the age 19~25, which accounts for 56% in total. In the age 26~30, over forty percent of people spend their time on browsing the ads about food. Discounts for products is the main advertisement people see in the age 31~40.From the data above, we can figure out that younger people focus on entertainment more than older people. On the other hand, people in the age from 26~40 focus on food and discounts for products. 7.Privacy of Facebook (27)Do you think Human flesh search is a good way? why? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 65% 93% 62% 66% NO 35% 7% 38% 34% (28)Do you think Facebook can protect your personal information? Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 26% 20% 12% 16% NO 74% 80% 88% 84% Option (29)Why do you think Facebook can’t protect your personal information? Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 There’s no privacy on the Internet 16% 91% 66% 18% There are too many hackers on the Internet 15% 2% 0% 42% There is too much information exchange online quickly 69% 7% 34% 40% Option According to our data above, over half of people agree that Human flesh search is a good way especially people in the age of 19~25. Over 93% of students in the age 19~25 think Human flesh search are a good way for three main reasons. Some people think Human Flesh research can fight with immoral things. Some people think that we can make the government pay attention to some moral issues by Human flesh search. The others agree that with Human flesh search, people can find out the troublemaker easily than before. Four groups of people in different ages have the same opinion that Facebook can’t protect their personal information. More than seventy percent of people feel that their information can’t be protected perfectly by Facebook because about 91% of. people in the age of 19~25 think there is no privacy on the internet. About 70% of people in the age of 13~18 consider that there is too much information exchange online quickly. Moreover, the age 26~30 is the only group think the main reason why Facebook can’t protect their personal information is because there are too many hackers on the Internet. People use Facebook frequently while most of them think Facebook can’t protect their personal information. 8.Opinion about the effect of economy and its perspective (30)Do you think Facebook can provide better economy? Option Age 13-18 19-25 26-30 31~40 YES 64% 82% 47% 34% NO 36% 18% 53% 66% (31)Why do you agree Facebook can provide better economy? Option Age 13-18 19-25 26-30 31~40 There are more advertisement for us to see 18% 41% 11% 39% It’s easier to purchase things through Facebook 9% 8% 0% 3% 64% 51% 89% 58% Because Internet is the most convenient place for us to market products (32)Do you think Facebook can be dominated in the future? Age Option 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 0% 33% 0% 4% Probably 67% 67% 66% 77% Impossible 33% 0% 34% 19% (33)Why do you think Facebook can be dominated in the future? Option Age It’s the hottest website nowadays and it will continue to boom 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 0% 28% 0% 16% 36% 72% 67% 58% It may be added more functional widget on Facebook in the near future Because there are more and more users will join Facebook and it becomes more appealing. 54% 0% 33% 16% In terms of our data, in the age 13~18 and 19~25, they believe Facebook can provide better economy which accounts for 64% and 82%. However, the other two groups have the opposite thought toward this issue. Over half of them disapprove that Facebook can provide better economy. Most of people think why Facebook can provide better economy is because Internet is the most convenient place for us to market products, followed by there are more advertisement for us to see. The age 19~25 is the only group who think Facebook can be dominated in the future, only 33% of students choose the option of AGREE. On the other hand, most of four groups’ participants choose the option of having no idea. In the age 13~18, they think the main reason why Facebook can be dominated in the future is because there will have more and more users join Facebook and it will become more appealing than now. Sixty-two percent of people in the age 19~25 have different opinion about this issue. They think Facebook can be dominated in the future because Facebook may add more functional widget in the near future. The remaining two groups have the same thought with people in the age 19~25. Both of them agree that if Facebook can add more functional widget, Facebook can hold its status forever. Most of people think functional widget is the most important factor whether Facebook can dominated in the future or not. 9.Relationship and social life on Facebook (34) How many friends do you add in your friends list? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Below 10 0% 0% 0% 66% 10~50 0% 10% 0% 24% 50~100 21% 16% 11% 10% 100~150 2% 26% 68% 0% More than 150 77% 48% 21% 0% (35) What kinds of people do you add in your friends list most? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Friends 38% 76% 32% 52% Classmates 42% 11% 35% 12% Old friends 17% 13% 30% 38% Strangers 3% 0% 3% 0% (36) Do you accept strangers to be your friends? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Always 6% 22% 0% 0% Frequently 0% 12% 0% 0% 80% 22% 20% 2% Seldom 14% 33% 56% 62% Never 0% 11% 24% 36% Sometimes (37)Do you often chat with people on Facebook? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Always 0% 13% 0% 0% Frequently 66% 20% 10% 23% 26% 60% 72% 4% Seldom 8% 7% 18% 63% Never 0% 0% 0% 10% Sometimes (38) Do you have better relationships with your friends after you start to use Facebook? Option Age YES NO 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 86% 81% 80% 84% 14% 19% 20% 16% (39)Do you think Facebook would have positive or negative effect of social life? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 93% 86% 90% 88% NO 7% 14% 10% 12% According to our data, in the age 13~18, 77% of students have more than 150 friends in their friend lists. Identically, people in the age 19~25, their friend lists have more than 100 friends, which accounts for 74% in total. On the other hand, people in the age 26~30, 68% of their friend lists are around 100~150. In the last group, most of them do not add friends on Facebook more than 50 people. The younger, the more friends they have added in their friend lists, vice verse. 42% of students in the age 13~18 always add their classmates in their friend lists, followed by 38% that is friends. People in the age 19~25, friend is the main source in their friend list. There is no significant difference in the age 26~30, friends, classmates, and old friends account for about 30% in separately. The last group adds friends and old friends most of time. Friend is the most popular source for friend lists in all ages. Most of people in the age 19~25, 26~30, and 31~40, they seldom accept strangers to be their friends. Though thirty three percent of the students in the age between19~25 rarely add stranger as their friends, there are still twenty two percent of the students select the option of “Always” as well as “ Frequently” to take strangers to be their friends. 13 to18 years old is the only range that a large number of them are sometimes willing to add someone who they are not familiar with to be their friends. For the function of chat room, over sixty percent in the range between 13 to 18 years old use it frequently. Both people in the age 19~25 and 26~30 sometimes use it which are about sixty percent and seventy two percent. However, in the last age group 31~40, sixty three percent of people seldom chat with others on Facebook. A large number of people in all ages agree that they have better relationships with their friends after starting to use Facebook which account for more than eighty percentages because most of them think Facebook is a good way to make them communicate with friends instantly. In the same way, nearly eighty percent of people in different ages believe Facebook would have positive effect toward social life. Yet, nineteen percent of people in the age between 19~25 disapprove of using it makes their relationships become better than before and there are still fourteen percent of the students consider Facebook would cause the negative effect of social life. 10. Opinion about society on Facebook (40) Do you agree Facebook would make you have more concern about the society? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 YES 53% 82% 77% 86% NO 47% 18% 23% 14% (41) Which aspect do you concern most about the society? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Humanity 31% 15% 46% 12% Nature 18% 14% 7% 18% Politics 4% 5% 2% 32% Economics 13% 16% 22% 35% Entertainment 34% 52% 23% 3% (42) Do you agree Facebook would make the world become more peaceful? Option Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Agree 0% 25% 0% 12% Have no idea 62% 60% 55% 72% Disagree 38% 15% 45% 16% In reference to our statistic, over eighty percent of people for the age of 19~40 agree Facebook would make them have more concern about the society, but eighteen percent of the age 19 to25 of the students disagree it. In the first age group13~18, even though over 53% of them agree this issue, there are still over 47% of people do not agree it. Since Facebook sprang up, thirty six and fifty two percent of people in the age between13~18 and 19~25 are interested in the entertainment of the society. Besides, in the age26~30, they care for the issue of humanity most, followed by entertainment and economics which are about 23% and22%. For people in the age 31~40, both politics and economics are the topics they pay much attention to which account for 35%. Generally, no matter in which age of range, people have no idea for the phenomena that Facebook would make the world become more peaceful which percentages are all over fifty percent. Moreover, nobody in the age of 13~18 and 16~30 have the positive thoughts to this question, but there are still few people between the age of 19~25 agree it which is twenty five percent. For most of people between the age 13~18, 26~30, and 31~40, they have either negative thoughts, or no ideas for becoming more peaceful result from Facebook. 19 to 25 is the only age range that has the positive thoughts. So, we can understand that people in this age of range are more optimistic for the effect of Facebook. 11.Personal advices toward Facebook Question Age (43) Which function should be added on Facebook? (open question) 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 (44) So far, do you satisfy with the Facebook now? Age 13~18 19~25 26~30 31~40 Yes 58% 66% 79% 65% Half and Half 42% 34% 21% 35% No 0% 0% 0% 0% Option Four groups propose their own advices toward Facebook. First of all, they suggest that Facebook should add the dislike button for users to push because they consider that not every post is pleasing. Sometimes, a dislike button can express their emotion more precisely. Second, they think Facebook can provide free video call. If Facebook can provide video call, they can connect with their friends easier and faster. Third, they recommend that Facebook should automatically delete account which does not use for a long time. Finally, the most important function is to add a more securely protective system to protect their personal information. It cannot be denied that the privacy is one of the most important issues users on Facebook concern with most of time. Four groups of people in our survey have the same opinion that they generally satisfy with Facebook now. There are more than half of participants agree that they are pleased with Facebook.