碩研英語一甲 李于涵 MA0C0219 Introduction: problem to be considered

碩研英語一甲 李于涵 MA0C0219
1. Title: 10 years after: Assessing changes
Introduction: problem to be considered
The article discussed the impact of terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 on
business-to-business (b-to-b) marketing in the U.S. It informed about several changes
occurred after terrorist attack including decline in business, cancellation of trade
shows, and decline in travel budgets. It mentioned that the tenor of advertising was
also affected due to terrorist attacks. It also mentioned about advertising campaigns
which convey a message of reassuring after the attacks.
2. Title: Do Management Accountants Perform Decision Analysis Better than
Accounting Students?
Introduction: explanation of the subject
The article indicated that traditionally, the role of management accountants has been
described as that of a counter, recorder, and reporter of financial information. This
role has recently shifted, however, from “bean counters” to business partners. As
business partners, management accountants are seen as organizational team members
and are involved in both strategic and operational decision making. This raises the
question: “Do management accountants really excel at decision analysis and
outperform accounting students who lack on-the-job management accounting
experience?” This question was answered by comparing the performance of IMA
professionals to that of nonprofessionals at a universal task.