The Web has the advantage of offering a course to... cost and with minimum effort. At the time of enrollment...

The Web has the advantage of offering a course to students worldwide at a very low
cost and with minimum effort. At the time of enrollment in a course over the Web
there is a need to submit students’ personal information along with other data. Most
students would prefer to submit the data only when they are confident that their
submitted information is secured.
1. Web 的優勢:在學習上面只需要花費最小成本與最小的努力就可達成。
2. 學生只會在他認為資料是安全的狀態下才會提交個人資料。
To win students’ trust, the e-learning system must be fully aware of the Internet
security threats and should be competent enough to administer the appropriate
technology to combat security threats. Encryption can be a way of information
protection based on cryptographic algorithms, but this is not sufficient. A
significant portion of Web users do not feel comfortable sending their respective
personal information over the Internet due to the lack of security. An e-learning
system that has the appropriate security will foster trust for the student and promote
loyalty in the system. This offers an opportunity of expanding the educational activity
of such an institution over the globe.
The risk and the challenges of the trust that discourage different users to participate
in the e-learning system include:
‧ Spoofing—The ease of copying and creating the existing pages of a Web site
makes it too easy to create duplicate sites that pretend to be the original. The Web
sites are published by different organizations for the purpose of conducting
fraudulent activities involving the illegal collection of private information.
Spoofing 欺騙(攻擊?)
‧ Interception of sensitive data— When sensitive data are transmitted through the
Internet, such as students’ details including ID, password, and creditcard number,
among others, hackers may intercept the transmission and obtain the sensitive
‧ Data alteration—The content of a transmission may not only be intercepted, but
also may be altered en route, either maliciously or accidentally. Student names,
passwords, and accounts sent through the Web all are vulnerable to such alteration.
‧Denial of services—The Web site can be altered by the hackers so that it refuses
service to the students or may not function properly.
DoS 阻斷服務
‧ No additional security—The security imposed for protecting the Web site is also
used for transmitting the scholarly materials. No additional securities are in place for
protecting such materials and other intellectual property (IP) sent over the Web to
the students.
Prior research
Sufficient security controls are required to reduce the associated risk in e-learning
systems. However, these controls should not be so restrictive that the overall
performance of the system is degraded. Some of such controls are:
‧ Authentication. This is the most primitive method of using a username and
password combination for protecting contents of a Web site from being accessed.
Username and password combination are easy to detect, therefore it is not a good
approach for Web site protection.
‧ Access Control. This restricts different groups of authorized users to access subsets
of information and ensures that only the intended user can access data and services
offered by the system. Access control should only be a part of entire security system
and therefore is not a full-fledged security control mechanism.
‧ Encryption. During the initial stage of digital data protection, encryption is used
based on cryptographic algorithms. Cryptography is implemented by transforming
the digital information into encrypted digital information, which is thereafter
inaccessible. Two major categories of encryption systems are symmetric key
encryption and asymmetric key encryption.
文件可以被擁有 key 的人加密讓檔案受到保護,但是 key 如果落入別人手中這樣
Encryption can be a way of protecting transmitted data over the Web based on
cryptographic algorithms, but this is not sufficient. It doesn’t prevent someone from
copying a file, but it prevents access to the content of a file. Encryption works only
when a person holding a key is the one who wants to protect the digital file. Giving
the key to anyone else negates the purpose of the encryption.
‧ Firewall. Firewalls are software or hardware security measures that filters
information passing between an internal and external network. A firewall controls
access to the Internet by internal users and also prevents outsiders from access to
the systems and the information stored on the internal network. A firewall typically
could be one of the two forms: software firewall and network firewall.
Firewalls are part of an overall security mechanism of an organization, therefore it
should not be considered as the sole security system.
• Intrusion detection. The software related to intrusion detection continuously
monitors the system and the network activity to spot any attempt being made to
gain access to the system. An alarm is generated when the detection system suspects
an attack.
An intrusion detection system only generates an alarm during suspicious attacks, but
it can not normalize the system activity.
• Protecting from viruses and spywares. Antivirus software is used to protect against
viruses. This software can detect viruses, prevent access to infected files, and
quarantine any infected files. The spyware can also be removed or quarantined.
Antivirus and antispyware software require regular updates to combat the latest
virus and spyware definitions available online.
• Digital signature. In an e-learning system, digital signatures are used to sign
licenses between participating users for transmitting digital content over the Web.
The licenses are thereafter used as a proof of usage rights. At the client side, such
licenses are verified for the verification of the usage rights.
Digital signature has the limitation of distribution, i.e., once a customer purchases
the usage rights, he can distribute the rights over the Internet, which causes a
violation of the copyright.
• Digital certificates. Digital certificates are used to ensure the genuineness of the
digital content and the valid authorization of the distributor. Digital certificates are an
essential mechanism to authenticate various parties involved in digital data
transmission. There is no prevention mechanism for distribution of digital certificates
and its usage.
Looking to the latest tech
The present study seeks to design a model that would fill the functional deficiency of
the present e-learning system using the latest technology. In this scenario, the digital
rights management (DRM) can be used that offers institutions more control over
their digital identities. In the present e-learning system, the student and the
contributor discloses his/her personal information along with other personal
identification to the institution in order for the institutions to use such information.
Only DRM ensures that the distributed right is not violated. Our proposed DRM based
e-learning system works to improve the level of trust in the mind of the students and
the contributors.
本研究主要是設計一個模型,採用最新技術,以彌補 e-learning 系統功能的缺陷。
用這些資料,數位版權管理(digital rights management, DRM)可以用來提供機構控
制他們的數位身分。只有 DRM 確保資料在散佈的時,權利不受侵犯。我們建議
的 DRM 基於 e-learning 系統的工程,以提高在學生和貢獻者的心目中的信任的
Unified modeling language (UML) is an object-oriented system analysis and design
paradigm that offers a generic prototype design technology developed by Grady
Booch, James Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson in the Rational Software Corporation.
This facilitates graphically visualizing, specifying, constructing, and documenting a
system’s blueprints. UML is used very efficiently to design the model of e-commerce
system, therefore it can be used to design the blueprint of the e-learning system.
UML consists of a number of graphical elements that may be combined to form a
diagram. The purpose of the diagram is to present multiple views of a system, or
model. The UML model describes what a system is supposed to do; it does not
explain how to implement the system.
UML includes nine diagrams: class diagram, object diagram, use case diagram,
sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, statechart diagram, activity diagram,
component diagram, and deployment diagram, which help to design a system.
To model our proposed system, we only consider the use case diagram, sequence
diagram, and the collaboration diagram. Use cases are used to document the
proposed system requirements and provide a useful technique which helps us to
clarify exactly what the system is supposed to do.
Identification of objects
The objects that are required in designing the proposed e-learning system include:
• Learner. In this context, learner is a generic term that refers to the student. In the
primary level, a learner is considered an information seeker. Whenever an
information seeker is registered in the e-learning system, he/she would be treated as
a learner. Again, a learner becomes an examinee when he/she has appeared for
• Counselor. This is a generic term which refers to a tutor. At the time of providing
information to the information seeker, he/she acts as a counselor.
During the academic session, the counselor becomes a tutor. During evaluation of
the student’s answer script, he/she becomes an evaluator.
•Controller. The entire supervision is done by the controller. The controller always
maintains a keen relationship with the sponsor and he/she is the highest authority in
our proposed system.
• Sponsor. Refers to the organization that sponsors the degree of the students. It
must be a registered organization under the government authority (i.e., Ministry of
Education) for offering a degree or diploma to the students.
• Developer. The system developer who develops the whole system and designs the
interfaces of various subsystems such as collecting information, creating DRM
packages, and transmitting those over the Web.
Use cases
Given the above information, we propose a newly developed model, subdivided into
a number of use cases. Here, each use case denotes a subsystem.
Use case 1: Learner
使用案例 1:學習者
As in Fig. 1, there are four different use cases related to the learner activity in the
system, these are:
• Seek information. The prospective student or existing student may seek
information about the activity of the organization.
• Register in a course. Different courses are offered to the students online along with
their respective eligibility.
Prospective students may register themselves in a given course.
• Attend academic sessions. Every registered/enrolled student attends academic
•Attending examination. Examination is a process for evaluating a student. Attending
examination is a mandatory criterion for successfully completing a course.
Three arrows connected with the learner denote the concept of generalization of the
super class learner and subclasses of information seeker, student, or examinee (as
shown in Fig. 1).
Use case 2: Counselor counsels the learners
使用案例 2:輔導員輔導學習者
In Fig. 2 there are four different use cases related to the counselor activity in the
system. These are:
• Counsel students. At the earlier stage, the counselor is responsible for providing
the appropriate information to the information seeker.
• Take classes. During the academic session he/she acts as a tutor and is responsible
for teaching.
• Participate in academic decision making. A tutor is not only responsible for
teaching, but also participating in academic decision making.
• Evaluate answer scripts. On completion of teaching, the tutor plays a role as an
evaluator of the answer scripts.
The super class tutor is specialized into three subclasses: counselor, faculty and
Use case 3: Controller controls the system
In Fig. 3 there are two different use cases related to the activity performed by the
controller in the system. These include:
• Overall supervision. The controller is responsible for supervising the overall system.
In our proposed system, he/she is considered the authority.
• Give instruction to the developer. At the time of development of the system, the
developer is working under the supervision of the controller.
Use case 4: Sponsor sponsoring degrees
In Fig. 4 there are three different use cases. These are:
• Get registration under the Government Education Authority. The sponsor
registered itself under the Government. Education Authority before sponsoring
affiliation to any organization.
• Get affiliation. The sponsor is the key authority for sponsoring affiliation to the
controller. The controller will communicate with the sponsor about the affiliation.
• Sponsor degree. The sponsor is the authority for providing the degrees/diplomas
to the learner of an e-learning system only when the system is affiliated under the
The organization is a specialization under the super class sponsor.
Use case 5: Developer develops the system
Fig. 5 describes the activities of the Developer in the system, along with its six use
cases. These activities include:
圖 5 描述系統開發的活動,有包含六個使用案例,如下:
• Get instruction from the controller. The developer grows the system under the
direction of the controller. The developer is instructed by the controller.
• Design/Implement system. After getting proper and sufficient information and
instruction, the developer designs the system. In the next step, the designed system
is implemented.
•Create interface. The developer is also responsible for providing userfriendly
interfaces to the system that can be handled by nontechnical persons.
• Collect information. During registration or any other purpose, the student’s
personal information, or information about scholarly materials, is required to be
collected by the system.
• Create the DRM package. The collected information, along with the rights to open
such information, is wrapped as a DRM package.
建立 DRM 容器:
利用剛剛蒐集到的資訊為資料做 DRM 打包,必須讓擁有足夠權限的人才能開啟
• Send the DRM package. The packaged DRM is transmitted over the Web to the
user who asked for it. Using this, it is ensured that only the intended user opens such
a DRM package using a special key.
傳送 DRM 包裹:
將 DRM 訊息打包是為了在透過網際網路傳送的時候,只有擁有開啟權限的使用
者使用特殊的 Key 才能開啟他,。
The developer may be an organization or an individual. Two arrows are connected
with the developer to conceptualize this idea.
Data modeling using ER-Diagram
資料建模(使用 ER 圖)
An entity relationship diagram (ERD) of the proposed system is depicted in Fig. 6.
Different entities are shown along with their relationship.
ERD 圖利用不同的實體顯示他們之間的關係。
The sequence diagram for the proposed system
The sequence diagram explains the time dependent communication through
message passing among the different objects in the system. Fig. 7 describes how the
government authority, sponsor, and controller are communicating with each other.
In the Fig. 7, the sponsor requests registration from the government authority. In
response to the request, the government authority collects all the necessary
information about the sponsor, checks the validation of the sponsor, and thereafter
confirms the sponsor regarding the registration. In the same way, the controller
requests the affiliation to the sponsor, and after validating the controller, the sponsor
confirms the affiliation.
The sequence diagram presented in Fig. 8 describes how the controller, developer,
contributor, and administrator interact with each other. The developer is responsible
for developing the system under the direct supervision of the controller. The
contributor creates study materials and the developer collects the necessary
information about the study material and creates a DRM package along with the
rights associated with it. After the completion of development of the system, it is
notified to the controller, thereafter the controller delivers the control of the system
to the administrator.
Fig. 9 describes how the student, developer, and controller interact with each other.
At a very early stage, an information seeker collects information about the courses
offered by the institute. The information seeker requests registration from the
developer as a prospective student. The developer collects students’ information and
creates a DRM package consisting of information along with the rights associated
with it, such as copy, edit, and view. The confirmation about the registration is then
intimated to the students and the DRM package is sent to the Controller for future
Fig. 10 describes how the information seeker (student/examinee), counselor
(tutor/examiner), administrator, and controller interact with each other. Different
kinds of specialization and generalization of the objects used in the system, along
with their association with other objects over time, is described in Fig. 10. The
generalized subsystem appears before the objects mentioned above. From the
student registration to offer ing a degree, each step is considered in Fig. 10.
Much effort has been made to ensure trust in the participated users in the e-learning
system. Several considerations have been made in order to provide security to the
participants of such a system. However, no such functional solution to fill the
observed deficiency of the e-learning system has so far been developed.
In this article, an attempt is made to provide a generic functional model to fill such
deficiencies of the e-learning system.
In order to do this, we first considered the internal or external objects that are
related to our system, followed by identifying the association among those. Finally,
we have tried to find the behavior and interactions of such objects. To design the
model, we have used UML. The use case diagram explains the functionality of the
system using actors and use cases. The sequence diagram is used to describe
interactions among objects in terms of an exchange of messages over time.
Collaboration diagrams are used to make interactions between objects as a series of
sequenced messages. Collaboration diagrams describe both the static structure and
the dynamic behavior of the proposed e-learning system. The proposed UML model
has flexibility and can be used with little or no change in the existing e-learning