策略行銷個案研究-7 腳踩喜瑪拉雅山— Cima Mountaineering,Inc. 組別:第2組 組員:雅惠、小燕、美貴、韻惇、玉如 日期:101年11月12日 大綱 • • • • • 公司背景 SWOT 分析 現況說明 主要議題 方案選擇 Background • Hoback Boot Company, founded in Jackson, Wyoming • Began as a Western-style boot company • Inherited from parents (president- Margret & VP- Anthony) • Company was refocused to increase revenues • 1981 Hoback was renamed to Cima Mountaineering 財報分析 • 損益表(比較1994、1995) 銷售淨額、營運所得、淨利均成長,但淨 利率略有下降。 • 資產負債表(比較1994、1995) 資產、負債及業主權益均增加 ※公司獲利不高,淨利率僅約4.3%,且1995 年較1994年下降,確有提高營收以及降低 成本的必要。 鞋子構造 SWOT STRENGTHS • Test hiking boots on trails • Discuss marketing strategies to increase profits and increase sales • Sales & Profits have grown steadily • Anthony & Margaret (owners) grew up learning the boot business • Quality emphasized throughout product line • Each line has different styles & features to cover many of the important uses in the market SWOT WEAKNESSES • Growth has slowed down as a result from foreign competition & a changing market • Market wants more casual, stylish boot for weekend hikers • Not much modification to the current boots SWOT • • • • OPPORTUNITIES Market wants more casual, stylish hiking boot for a variety of uses Ideas to extend the line & expand distribution Make boots at lower prices Light weight hiking boot for less experienced hikers SWOT • • • • THREATS Risk in new line of boots New boots = new set of marketing, competitive issues, and financing a new line Asolo, Hi-Tec, Salomon, Raichle, Reebok, Nike, Vasque, and Merrell Rocky Mountain Sports & Great Western Outfitters dropped Cima and picked up their competitors (more to come?!) 競爭者摘要 公司 區位 登山( 類型) 健行( 類型) 男性 女性 孩童 價格 Raichle 瑞士 是( 7) 是( 16) 是 是 是 高 Salomon 法國 是( 1) 是( 9) 是 是 否 中 Asolo 義大利 是( 4) 是( 26) 是 是 否 高 Tecnica 義大利 是( 3) 是( 9) 是 是 否 中/ 高 Hi-Tec 英國 是( 2) 是( 29) 是 是 是 中/ 高 Vasque 明尼蘇達州 是( 4) 是( 18) 是 是 是 中/ 高 Merrell 佛蒙特州 是( 5) 是( 31) 是 是 是 中 Timberland 新漢普郡州 否 是( 4) 是 否 否 中 Nike 奧瑞崗州 否 是( 5) 是 是 是 低 Reebok 麻州 否 是( 3) 是 是 是 低 Cima 懷俄明州 是( 3) 是( 5) 是 是 否 高 資料來源:Published literature and company product brochures,1995. Current Situation • Revenues are increasing but at a slowing rate • Cima is looking to expand but they can’t decide which alternative to choose • Losing business due to high prices • Competitors are becoming increasingly popular with a less expensive weekender style of boot • Cima currently only focuses on more expensive boots for a medium to advanced level of hiker and climber • Cima only sells using personal selling to specialty retailers while their competitors sell through mail order companies and chain sporting goods stores Problems • Distribution • Price • Competitors – Foreign – Domestic • Promotion Problems • Distribution – Currently, Cima boots are only distributed in Western Canada and the Western United States – Cima Mountaineering only sells their boots to retailers that specialize in mountaineering, backpacking, and hiking equipment » Do not use catalogs » Do not use sporting goods chains » Do not use internet Problems • Competitors – Foreign • Foreign companies exporting their boots aggressively into the United States • Asolo, Hi-Tec, Salomon, Raichle marketed on performance and reputation, usually to the mountaineering serious hiker and weekender segments of the market – Domestic • Vasque and Merrell market boots that compete with Cima, but are offering products for segments of the market where prospects for growth are better • Reebok and Nike new entry to boot market-- appearance and durability of hiking boot with the lightness and fit of athletic shoes-- expanding into markets that demand lower levels of performance Problems • Price – Current prices are too high to reach some of the market – Losing retailers due to high prices • Great Western Outfitters replaced Cima with Merrell due to customers asking for lower-priced boots Problems • Promotion – Cima needs to expand their promotion techniques • • • • Personal selling Print advertising Trade shows Point of sale displays – Only have 10 sales reps • All independent and sell complementary equipment – Print advertising is only placed in backpacking magazines • Summit, Outside, Backpacker Key Issue • How to expand the company in order to increase growth and keep up with competitors – Management is torn on which expansion approach to take • Expand existing Line • Develop new line 提案1:進入「週末旅行者」健行鞋市場 所需投資: 產品研發與測試 更新生產設備 合 計 35萬美元 15萬美元 50萬美元 提案2:擴充目前登山鞋和健行鞋產品種類 所需投資: 產品設計與發展 生產設備 合 計 2016/7/13 40萬美元 15萬美元 55萬美元 18 年度 2001-02 2000-01 1999-2000 1998-99 1997-98 售價 利潤1% 資本支出 回收期 WX550 164,420 14,104 8,420 5,590 4,050 WX450 24,590 21,115 12,605 8,430 6,160 $89 $69 以20%逐年UP 1% 35+15=50萬 1999~2000/ $774,713 2001~02 / $2,215,220 MX350 2,249 1,778 897 538 414 $219.99 成長利潤 投資 回收期 HX100 15,420 13,285 10,078 5,470 4,049 HX50 12,897 11,733 9,169 5,049 3,813 $119 $89 以毛利20%逐年UP 1% 40+15=55萬 1999~2000/ $968,180 2001~02 / $2,560,505 結論 : 提案1 與提案2支回收期皆為 3年; 經評估,提案2利潤較佳。 提案1 提案2 < 1999 ~2000 $774713 2001~ 02 $2215220 < $968180 $2560505 建議 : 採行提案2。 2016/7/13 20 簡報完畢 敬請指教