02:49 Well, hello everyone and welcome to the imaginary friend support... As I am sure ______1________of you’re aware…

Well, hello everyone and welcome to the imaginary friend support group.
As I am sure ______1________of you’re aware…
Ah, six…
Sorry, as I am sure, all six of you are aware…
This group is designed to overcome (克服) your psychological…
Excuse me, I’m sorry. I think I’m in a______2_______.
I need to go out to the alcoholic anonymous (匿名)…
Well, it’s not here and if you ____3_____the next door, I’m sure they will be able to
help you.
No, no, it’s_____4_____ that is the alcoholic. It’s Gordon…
Ah huh, why don’t you and Gordon hang out (停留)for a few minutes?
Let’s get started,_______5_____?
Hello, I’m Maryline and this is my boy friend, Tony.
How long have you had your imaginary boy friend?
Ah, we met each other right after my real boy friend dumped me.
I think I know the cause of______6______.
Tony, you don’t listen to this for a second.
This is Fransisco. He is my secret Latin lover. Tony doesn’t know_____7______, so
just shu….
Hey, no problem.
_____8_______, you are…
Oh, hi, we’re Laurnece and Paul and I am Laurence’s imaginary friend.
Ya, he invented me during his lonely childhood and I’ve just been
Oh, that’s certainly an unusual case.
Do you ________10_________what do you think causes this illusion?
Well, answer the lady. She’s trying to help you.
You know, I’m sorry, Paul, I’m actually talking to..
Excuse me, Paul, could you tell your friend to stop flirting with me? It is obvious I
It’s ok, guys, don’t beat them up.
Ok, let’s try in focus, shall we?
What ______12_______is this, Gordon?
Is it you’re making up for, isn’t it?
Everyone who drives insists on driving.
Well, I might be beginning to think that maybe you should be next door____13_____.
That’s not finished.
Gush, it isn’t me that drinks. But if you stop him from obtaining it, it is worthy it.
What was that, the bar, yah.
Let’s go to the bar, but I’m _____14________you to keep an eye out on you.
Do you want a drink, Mike?
Oh, don’t look at me. I don’t exist.
Oh, yah, what about you?
Me, you’re asking me out in front of my boy friend and my secret Latin lover?
Are you crazy? They are gonna _____15______.
Ok, you know what. Let’s just calm down, everybody.
The important thing to remember here is that our imaginary friends are really just
fragments of our own minds.
Excuse me, are you finished _____16________this room yet?
We’re ______17_______done. Just give us a second.
Keep in mind that you are absolutely not crazy.
_____18_______is very creative.
Honey, we’re having a baby…
We’re having a baby.
We’re having a baby.
Oh, we’re having a baby. I couldn’t hear you. All right.
Well, good luck.
1. all three
2. wrong room
3. run
4. not me
5. shall we
6. that one
7. about him
8. Hi there
9. ever since
10. mind me asking
11. taken
12. the hell
13. after all
14. coming with
15. kick your ass
16. with
17. almost
18. What you are