Trust, commitment, and older women: Exploring brand attachment differences in the elderly segment 信任,承諾,和老年婦女:探索年長者的品牌情感的差異 Understanding older adults’ product consumption behavior is of high importance to consumer and marketing research. Prior studies have mainly focused on older adults’ cognitive decline and compared their behavior to that of younger consumers. A neglected area of research has been older consumers’ brand attachment that is associated with potential differences between consumers in their fifties and in their seventies. In this article, the authors provide insights into the under-researched field of elderly women’s brand attachment. Drawing on socioemotional selectivity theory, a shift toward emotional aspects in brand relationships is proposed. A model involving trust and commitment processes is developed and empirically tested in a survey among 341 older women. Moderator analyses reveal significant differences between the “younger elderly” and the “older elderly” in relationships among self-concept connection, partner quality, trust, and commitment. For the younger elderly, how a brand is (based on trust judgments) seems to be more important. For the older elderly, what a brand does in its role as relationship partner becomes more relevant. 了解老年人產品消費行為是目前消費者和市場研究高度重視的部分。之前的研究 主要集中於老年人認知能力下降後,消費行為和年輕的相比。目前被忽視的研究 領域,在五十年代和七十多歲的老消費者目前,一直存在著消費者對品牌的依戀 之間的定位差。在這篇文章中,作者提供了根據研究領域的老年婦女的品牌情感 觀察的結果。社會情緒的選擇性理論,提出了一個趨向於情感方面的品牌關係。 並針對 341 位老年婦女信任和承諾的過程模型和實證檢驗的調查。作者分析,並 揭示“年輕的老人”和“老年的老人”之間的關係自我概念方面,合作夥伴的質 量,信任,和承諾的顯著差異。對於年輕的老人,一個基於信任後判斷的品牌是 似乎是更重要的。對於上了年紀的老人而言,卻是哪一個品牌能加強合作夥伴關 係的作用才是關鍵。 In industrialized Western countries, the population is rapidly aging. By the year 2020, one out of every six Americans will be 65 years of age or older (Yoon & Cole, 2008). Notably, this group has high purchasing potential (Sudbury & Simcock, 2009). Thus, it is not surprising that marketing to older consumers should be a top priority for companies (Beinhocker, Davis, & Mendonca, 2009). However, there still is a deficit in understanding older consumers’ behavior (Moschis, 2007; Yoon, 1997; Yoon, Cole, & Lee, 2009). 在西方工業化國家的人口正在迅速老化。到 2020 年,每六個美國人中就有一位 65 歲或以上。值得一提的是,這區域的人具有較高的購買潛力。這並不奇怪, 因此老年消費者,應該是公司最優先考慮的營銷對象。但是,仍然有銷售赤字存 在於老年人消費行為間。 Most consumer research on that topic is primarily concerned with contrasting older consumers with younger adults (Cole & Balasubramanian, 1993; John & Cole, 1986; Williams & Drolet, 2005; Yoon & Cole, 2008). Likewise, many companies do not consider elderly consumers as a heterogeneous group with diverse needs and preferences (Moschis, 2003; Weijters & Geuens, 2006). This comes at a high risk since older consumers may avoid brands that portray the elderly as being homogeneous (Tepper, 1994; Weijters & Geuens, 2006). It is therefore of major significance to explore whether systematic differences exist within the consumer segment of 50+ (Alreck, 2000; Moschis, 2003). In this article, the authors contend that elderly consumers are not only different from consumers in their twenties but that distinguishing between younger elderly and older elderly consumers illuminates current understanding of the aging process and its implications for marketing. 大多數消費者的研究主要關注的是,這一個主題的老年消費者與年輕的成年人之 間對比。同樣的,許多企業並不考慮老年消費者不同的需求和喜好列為重點。這 是在一個高風險的作法,因為年長的的消費者差異化可避免品牌被塑造成老年 化。因此,探討在超過 50 歲的消費者,是否存在系統性的差異是具有重要意義。 在這篇文章中,老年消費者不僅與二十多歲的消費者不同,並且區分低齡老人及 更年長的老年消費者,他們對市場營銷的理解。 Differences within the elderly segment have been observed by gerontologists (Carstensen, Fung, & Charles, 2003; Helson & Soto, 2005; Labouvie-Vief, Chiodo, Goguen, Diehl, & Orwoll, 1995; Lang & Heckhausen, 2001; Sneed & Whitbourne, 2003). Socioemotional selectivity theory (SST) suggests a change in motivation during human development influencing thoughts and behaviors of older individuals (Carstensen, 1995; Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999). Changes in emotion regulation that accompany aging might influence consumer behavior through differences in brand attachment. For example, older elderly consumers may focus on emotional and relational branding aspects to a higher degree than younger elderly consumers might do. 老人區域內的差異已被老年醫學觀察到。社會情緒的選擇性理論(SST)表明在 人類老年人,發展思想和行為動機間的影響變化。運用不同的品牌情感間情緒調 節的變化,伴隨老齡化可能會影響消費者的行為。例如,年長的老年消費者可能 集中在情感和關係,在一個比低齡老人的消費者,可能運用品牌推廣更高的程度 方面。 Several studies suggest differences in emotion regulation across younger elderly and older elderly consumers that have marketing implications (Carstensen, Fung, & Charles, 2003; Drolet, Lau-Gesk, Williams, & Jeung, 2010; Fung & Carstensen, 2003; Lambert- Pandraud, Laurent, & Lapersonne, 2005; Novak & Mather, 2007; Williams & Drolet, 2005). All studies focus on differences in construct mean scores (e.g., higher vs. lower variety seeking, higher vs. lower liking of informative vs. emotional advertising, higher vs. lower repurchase intent). To extend this view, the focus in this article is on differences in brand attachment processes (e.g., higher vs. lower influence of brand trust on brand commitment) across younger elderly and older elderly consumers. This extended perspective is important to researchers and managers because traditional thinking (e.g., high trust always leads to high commitment) may not apply to all consumer groups. In addition, the article contributes to existing research on the aging consumer by offering a theory that stresses changes in motivation, not cognitive decline. Thus, the authors provide a more optimistic view on aging and how it affects marketing-relevant behavior. 一些研究表明不同的情緒,調節整個低齡老人及年長的老年消費者營銷間的影 響。所有的研究都集中在,結構平均得分上的差異(例如,品排尋求信息與情感 廣告的高與低,回購意向的高與低,喜好的高與低)。為了延長這種觀點,在這 篇文章的重點是,低齡老人及年長的老年消費者之間,的品牌情感的程度差異, (例如,品牌信任與品牌承諾的影響力高與低)。這個拓展的角度是很重要的, 因為傳統的思維方式(例如,信任總是會導致高承諾)的研究人員和管理人員, 可能並不適用於所有消費群體。此外,現有的研究對衰老消費者提供的理論,強 調在於活動力的變化,而不是認知能力下降。因此,作者提供了一個對於老化更 加樂觀的態度,以及它如何影響市場營銷相關的行為模式。 The remainder of this article is structured as follows. It starts with a review of the literature on SST which is the theoretical base of the authors’ contention of age-specific differences in elderly consumers’ brand attachment. Next, the key variables of the study are presented as well as a general model that serves as framework for this study. The central part of the conceptualization concerns the development of moderator hypotheses aimed to better understand the effect of chronological age from a socioemotional selectivity perspective. These hypotheses are tested through a survey among 341 female consumers who evaluated their favorite coffee brand. The investigation sought not only to theoretically and empirically delineate how aging affects brand attachment but also to illuminate important factors that determine trust and commitment processes within the elderly segment. In aggregate, the results present intriguing implications for research on aging, brand attachment, and SST. 本文的其餘部分的結構如下。它開始運用 SST 的文學評論,這是作者所引用於老 年消費者,品牌依戀年齡差異的理論基礎。接著,點出的研究中的關鍵變量,以 及形成一般化模型,作為本研究的框架。中央部分的概念,說明作者假設發展的 影響,用年齡的角度來看,更加方便地了解社會情緒的選擇性。這些假設的測試, 運用了一項調查:針對 341 位女性消費者,評價他們最喜愛的咖啡品牌。調查不 僅從理論上和經驗上要求,界定老齡化影響品牌的情感,但也能說明老年人在信 任和承諾的過程中決定的重要因素。總體來說,結果呈現老年人年齡問題研究, 品牌情感關係,SST 耐人尋味的影響。 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 理論背景 Socioemotional Selectivity Theory 社會情緒的選擇性理論 Most consumer research that investigates the elderly focuses on theories of cognitive decline during the aging process. For example, with regard to cognitively demanding tasks, older consumers are seen as having reduced working-memory capacities (Cole & Balasubramanian, 1993; Yoon, 1997; Yoon, Cole, & Lee, 2009) or being less able to think in terms of complexity (Labouvie-Vief et al., 1995). Alternatively, behaviors of elderly people might also be associated with changes in motivation (Carstensen, 2006). There is evidence that adult development involves a shift from expansionist motives, such as achievement or identity development, to motives involving security or threat avoidance (Helson & Soto, 2005). 大多數老人消費者老化過程的研究中,探討側重於理論的認知能力下降。例如, 老年消費者的認知困難的任務,減少工作記憶能力,或能回憶的複雜性。另外, 老人行為的變化也可能與動機有關。有證據表明,成年發展涉及拓張的動機,, 如成就或身份發展,轉變,從動機涉及安全或威脅迴避。 According to SST (Carstensen, 1995, 2006; Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999; see Charles & Carstensen, 2010 for a recent review), the subjective sense of remaining time until death plays a critical role in human motivation, cognition, and emotion because it affects the ranking and execution of behaviors which are geared toward specific goals. These goals can be either knowledge-related or emotion-related. When the future is perceived as limited, people tend to be more present oriented and immediate needs, such as emotional states, become most salient (Carstensen, 1995). Aging is inextricably linked to perceiving time left in life as more limited and thus is associated with increased preferences for and investment in emotionally meaningful goals (Carstensen, Fung, & Charles, 2003). This notion is evident in the work of Carstensen, Isaacowitz, and Charles (1999), who show that the proportion of emotional to nonemotional information recalled from social narratives increased from an earlier age group (53–67) to a successive one (70–83 years). Mikels, Larkin, Reuter-Lorenz, and Carstensen (2005) discover that younger adults outperform older adults when comparing a variety of pictures on brightness. When rating the intensity of positive emotional stimuli, however, older consumers outperform their younger counterparts. Hence, instead of solely focusing on reduced mental capacities, age differences can also be associated with motivation and focus on positive stimuli (Charles & Carstensen, 2010; Healey & Hasher, 2009). Growing old typically leads to less expansive goals (e.g., acquiring knowledge) in favor of emotion-related goals, such as balancing emotional states and sensing that one is needed by others (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999; Carstensen, Fung, & Charles,2003). Consequently, in everyday decision making, cognitive decline might not become overly detrimental for older elderly (Healey & Hasher, 2009). 根據 SST,對人生剩餘時間的了解意識,直到死亡為止,是一個人最重要的動機, 認知,和情感,因為它會影響特定目標的行為執行順序。這些目標既可以是相關 知識或情感之間的。當未來被認為是有限的,人們往往是更為現實的和迫切的面 對需求,如情緒狀態,成為最顯著的表現。老齡化是有著千絲萬縷的聯繫,隨著 越來越多的有限的生命裡,僅留著於感知、增加喜好與投資情緒間,具有意義的 目標。這個想法是明顯的觀點,顯示的情緒與非情緒信息的回憶比例,從早期的 年齡組(53-67)到(70 - 83 歲)間連續的逐漸增加。拉金,Mikels,路透社-洛倫 茲,和卡斯滕森(2005)發現,年輕的成年人比老年人,在比較了多種明亮的觀 念看法。,但是,年長的消費者比年輕人在評論時,情緒刺激的強度更加激烈。 因此,而不是僅僅著眼於減少心理能力,年齡差異也被運用於刺激的動機和重點 (二零一零年查爾斯與卡斯特森,希利和散列器,2009 年)。變老了有利於情 感相關的目標,如平衡情緒狀態和感應,一個是別人所需要的,通常會導致較廣 闊的目標(例如,獲取知識)查爾斯,2003 年)。因此,在日常的決策,認知 能力的下降,可能不會成為老年紀的老人過於不利的關鍵。 While it has been widely used in psychological research, relatively little research has considered the implications of SST within marketing (Drolet et al., 2010). Two studies analyze memory effects and liking of emotional advertisements. Williams andDrolet (2005) show that consumers older than 65 years report higher likings and recall of emotional appeals in advertisements. By contrast, young adults have higher likings and recall of rational appeals. Research by Fung and Carstensen (2003) also demonstrates that older people prefer emotionally meaningful appeal over knowledge-related appeal. Applied to relationships with brands, older elderly consumers may focus on emotional aspects to a higher degree than younger elderly consumers might do. In support of this notion, research has shown that old–old consumers, compared to young–old, middle-aged, and young buyers, are more likely to repurchase a previous car brand (Lambert-Pandraud, Laurent,&Lapersonne, 2005). According to Lambert-Pandraud, Laurent, and Lapersonne, positive emotions elicited by close relationships with a supplier and biased memory of positive features of a previously chosen option may account for this finding. 在營銷研究相對較少的影響 SST,已被廣泛應用於心理學研究(Drolet 等,2010) 。 兩項研究分析的情感廣告和記憶效果喜好。顯示,65 歲以上的消費者在廣告中 較容易發現自己喜好和情感訴求。與此相反,年輕人有更高的喜好和理性訴求。 馮卡斯特森(2003)的研究也表明,年齡較大的人,更喜歡充滿感情知識的呼籲。 運用在老年紀的老人消費者與品牌的關係,可能集中在情感因素方面,比低齡老 人的消費者,更需要較高的程度。在支持這個概念,研究已顯示,老老年消費者, 年輕,中年和年輕的購房者相比,有更多的可能,購回一個以前的汽車品牌(蘭 伯特 Pandraud,洛朗,Lapersonne,2005)。據到蘭伯特 Pandraud,洛朗和 Lapersonne,引起積極的情緒密切的合作關係,與供應商和有偏見的內存選擇的 選項,可以解釋這一發現。 In addition, considering a conceptual overlap between mortality perceptions and assessment of time remaining in life as limited (i.e., the foundational premise of SST), additional studies can be interpreted from the perspective of SST. For example, Rindfleisch, Burroughs,and Wong (2009) demonstrate that materialistic individuals are likely to seek solace in attachment to brands when mortality is salient. According to terror management theory (Pyszczynski, Greenberg,& Solomon, 1997), individuals need to buffer their existential insecurity associated with the awareness of one’s mortality. Among others, forming strong connections to brands can be a means of buffering their existential insecurity and thus, balancing their emotional states (Rindfleisch, Burroughs, & Wong, 2009). 此外,考慮死亡率之間的看法和評估的剩餘時間有限,以生活中的角度來看,進 一步的研究可以解釋一個概念上的重疊。例如,Rindfleisch,寶來,和黃(2009) 表明,重視物質的人有可能在尋求安慰時,在品牌情感與死亡率之間的有明顯的 關係。跟據恐懼管理理論(Pyszczynski,格林伯格,所羅門,1997 年),個人需 要來緩衝其存在的不安全因素,與一個人的死亡意識。其中,品牌可以緩衝其存 在的不安全的一種方式,因此,與平衡自己的情緒狀態形成緊密的聯繫。 Concluding, if one accepts that age relates to general patterns in emotion regulation (Carstensen, 1995; Carstensen, Fung, & Charles, 2003) and that emotions are key to brand attachment processes (Aaker, Fournier, & Brasel, 2004; Thomson, MacInnis, & Park, 2005), the assumption that older elderly consumers may focus on emotional aspects to a higher degree than younger elderly for building or maintaining brand relationships seems more than reasonable. Before presenting specific moderator hypotheses, the next section addresses brand attachment processes in more detail, leading to the development of a general model as framework for this study. 最後,如果人們接受,一般的年齡規律,品牌包裝過程中在情緒調節和情緒是關 鍵,假設年紀的老人的消費者,可能會集中在情感方面比低齡老人,建立或維護 品牌關係到一個更高超過合理的程度。下一節之前提出具體的主持人假說,解決 了品牌情感過程的更多細節,並發展一個通用模型作為本研究的框架。 Brand Attachment 品牌情感 Brand attachment is a relationship-based concept that reflects an emotion-laden bond between a person and a brand (Fournier 1998; Park et al., 2010; Thomson, MacInnis, & Park, 2005). In general, self-concept connection (“me-ness”) and partner quality (“we-ness”) can be considered important constructs that express consumers’ attachments to brands (Fournier, 1998; Kleine, Kleine, & Allen, 1995; Park et al., 2010; Thomson, MacInnis, & Park, 2005). By contrast, trust and commitment describe consequences of brand attachment (Aaker, Fournier, & Brasel, 2004; Sung & Choi, 2010; Thomson, MacInnis, & Park, 2005). Consequently, the four constructs are used in this study to address important notions of the brand attachment process (see also Keller & Lehmann, 2006).1 Figure 1 illustrates the brand attachment process and presents the conceptual model which describes how this process may be affected by age.2 General descriptions of the four brand- conceping constructs described in Figure 1 follow. In addition,trust and commitment processes that link the four constructs are considered because this will enhance understanding of the age effects presented in the next section. 品牌情感的關係為基礎的概念,它反映了一個人與一個品牌之間的連鎖關係。在 一般情況下,自我概念的連接(“我的特性”)和合作夥伴的質量(“我們的特 性”)可以被認為是重要的結構,明示消費者的附件品牌。相反的,信任和承諾 的品牌附件中描述的後果。因此,品牌情感的關係為基礎的概念,它反映了一個 人與一個品牌之間的連鎖關係。 (也見凱勒&萊曼,2006)0.1 圖 1 說明了品牌情 感過程和提出的概念模型,它描述了這個過程中,可能會由年齡受到的影響的四 個關連結構。此外,信任和承諾的過程,連接的四個構面的考慮,因為這將增進 了解的年齡在下一節中介紹的效果。 Brand trust is understood as a rather rational construct describing the willingness of the consumer to rely on the brand to perform its stated function (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001; Delgado-Ballester, Munuera- Alem´an, & Yag¨ ue-Guillen, 2003). Commitment is conceptualized as an affective construct and has been defined as a desire to maintain a relationship (Moorman, Deshpand´e, & Zaltman, 1993). Drawing on Escalas (2004) and Fournier (1998), self-concept connection is understood as the extent to which individuals have incorporated brands into their self-concepts (i.e., “me-ness” of a brand). Self-concept connections help make consumers’ lives more orderly and predictable, bolstering their sense of security (Fournier, 1998; Rindfleisch, Burroughs, & Wong, 2009). The fourth concept, partner quality, is conceptualized as the consumer’s perception of feeling wanted, listened to, and cared for, as well as his/her feeling of understanding the brand (i.e., “we-ness;” Fournier, 1998; Schwalbe,1988). 品牌信任被理解為一個相當合理的結構,用來描述消費者的意願,並依靠品牌來 執行其規定的功能。承諾被概念化為一種情感的構造,並已被定義為希望保持的 關係。Escalas(2004)和富尼耶(1998),自我概念連接被理解為個人在何種程 度上,已納入到自己的自我概念(即“我的性質”的一個品牌)品牌。自我概念 的連接,使消費者的生活更加有序和可預測的,從而加強他們的安全感。的第四 個概念,合作夥伴的質量,是概念化,作為消費者的感知,感覺想,聽著,和關 心為,以及他/她的感受,理解品牌(即“我們的性質,”富尼耶,1998;施瓦爾 貝, 1988)。 The relationship investment model as proposed by Breivik and Thorbjørnsen (2008) suggests a link between partner quality and commitment. Social psychology also provides evidence that a partner’s attention to a relationship and his/her responsiveness to one’s needs and desires result in engagement in relationships (Laurenceau, Barrett, & Pietromonaco,1998). Thus, investing in good relationships with consumers might also be reciprocated. In addition, closeness and understanding have been shown to not only foster trust in interpersonal relationships (Dunn & Schweitzer, 2005) but are also important in creating and enhancing brand trust (Delgado-Ballester,Munuera-Alem´an, & Yag ¨ ue-Guillen, 2003). This notion is further supported by Sargeant and Lee (2004) in a study of donor behavior, implying that caring for consumers may develop trust. Consequently, a good partner quality is expected to positively influence brand trust. 關係投資模型,是由布萊維克與 Thorbjørnsen 的(2008)所提出,建議合作夥伴 的質量和承諾之間的聯繫。社會心理學也證明了合作夥伴的關注,關係和他/她 的反應一個人的需求和慾望的關係參與的結果。因此,在與消費者的良好關係, 也可能會得到回報的投資。此外,親近和理解已被證明不僅促進信任的人際關係 (鄧恩和施魏策爾,2005 年) ,但也是很重要的創造和提升品牌信任(德爾加多 -Ballester,Munuera Alem'an:YAG 激光“UE-吉蘭,2003 年)。這個概念進一步 支持薩金特和 Lee(2004)在一項研究中的捐助行為,這意味著關懷,為消費者 建立信任。因此,一個良好的合作夥伴質量是品牌的信任產生積極的影響。 Previous research indicates that consumers tend to connect their self-concepts with the image of a product or a brand (Belk, 1988; Escalas, 2004; Rindfleisch, Burroughs, & Wong, 2009). As Thomson, MacInnis,and Park (2005) show, strong attachments that link the brand to the self lead to consumers’ commitment to preserving a relationship with it. In contrast to these paths that have been suggested by previous research, literature is scarce about the influence of self-concept connection on trust. A starting point might be that trusters must rely on their perceptions of trustee characteristics to evaluate trustworthiness (Dunn & Schweitzer, 2005). It can be argued that a strong connection between a brand and individuals’ self-concepts may enhance their faith that the brand indeed bears reliance and integrity. In other words, identification might lead to confidence in the brand (Escalas, 2004). Morgan and Hunt (1994) provide partial support asserting that relationship partners shared values impact not only commitment but also trust. 之前的研究表明,消費者更傾向於將他們的自我概念,與一個產品或一個品牌的 形象相結合。強烈的依戀自我,導致消費者的承諾,保留了與它的關係聯繫起來 的品牌。在這些路徑由以前的研究已經提出,目前較缺少的是自我概念的信任連 接的影響。評價誠信的一個出發點可能是信任者必須依靠他們的對受託人特點的 認識,(鄧恩和施魏策爾,2005 年)。可以說,一個品牌和個人的自我概念之間 的緊密聯繫可能增強他們的信心,該品牌確實承擔自我的依賴和完整性。換句話 說,品牌識別可能導致對品牌的信心(Escalas,2004 年)。摩根和亨特(1994) 聲稱這種關係的價值觀,不僅影響的承諾,相信也提供部分支持。 In addition to the relationships between attachment expression and attachment consequence concepts, a path from brand trust on commitment is considered. Most researchers agree that trust comes from a feeling of security that a brand will meet a consumer’s expectations, and it represents the willingness of a consumer to accept vulnerability due to positive expectations (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001; Moorman, Deshpand´e, & Zaltman, 1993). Since commitment entails vulnerability, a consumer will only seek trustworthy brands (Morgan & Hunt, 1994). Prior studies have shown that trust is a major determinant of relationship commitment (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001; Garbarino & Johnson, 1999; Morgan & Hunt, 1994). 除了情感的表達及情感概念之間的關係,被認為是品牌的信任的路徑。大多數研 究人員認為,一個品牌能滿足消費者的期望,來自信任安全的感覺,它代表了消 費者由於積極的期望,願意接受的薄弱性, (喬德赫瑞霍爾布魯克,2001 年穆爾 曼,Deshpand'e,與薩爾特曼的的,1993)。由於承諾帶來的脆弱性,消費者只 能尋求值得信賴的品牌(摩根和亨特,1994 年) 。此前的研究表明,信任是關係 承諾的主要決定因素(喬德赫瑞霍爾布魯克加爾巴里諾生,1999 年,2001 年, 摩根和亨特,1994 年) 。 The main focus of this research, however, goes beyond the general model as presented in Figure 1 by addressing potential age-based differences between model relationships. While, on average, people older than 50 years place more importance on emotional goals than do younger adults (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999), research suggests an even increased emphasis on emotions after the age of 65 (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999; Charles, Mather, & Carstensen, 2003; Williams & Drolet, 2005). Thus, consumers’ emotional attachments to brands are likely to be different for 50–65-year olds than for yet older people. Specifically, the key proposition is that the impact of the more emotional and relational constructs (i.e., selfconcept connection, partner quality) on brand trust and affective commitment is stronger for the older elderly. The influence of brand trust on commitment, on the other hand, is expected to be stronger for the younger elderly. The authors elaborate on these ideas next. 本研究的主要焦點,超越了一般的模型之間的關係,解決潛在的年齡上的差異, 在圖 1 中。 ,平均年齡超過 50 歲的人比年輕的成年人更看重情感目標,卡斯特 森,Isaacowitz,和查爾斯,1999,研究表明,即使增加後,65 歲(卡斯特森, Isaacowitz,強調情緒查爾斯·查爾斯,1999 年,奧美與卡斯特森,2003 年,威廉 姆斯和 Drolet,2005 年)。因此,與 50-65 歲的年輕人相比,更老年的人,在品 牌的情感上可能是不同的。具體而言,關鍵的是上了年紀的老人,會有更多的情 感和關係結構方面,對品牌的信任和情感承諾產生影響。對品牌的信任,承諾的 影響,另一方面,闡述這些想法預計是為年輕的老人。 Age-Based Differences in Older Consumers’ Brand Attachment 年齡上的差異,老年消費者的品牌情感 SST is best known for describing the change in quality of social networks in the course of the life span (Carstensen, 1995, 2006; Charles & Carstensen, 2010). Research indicates that dependability in relationships is of particular importance to people in old age (Adams, Blieszner, & De Vries, 2000). Adults 65 and over are typically more focused on connectedness with others (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999; Williams & Drolet 2005). Hence, the general observation that the perceived quality of a relationship partner also determines consumer responses to brands seems to become increasingly relevant as consumers age. Because brands may even be perceived as impersonated relationship partners causing positive experiences or hurt (Fournier, 1998), the older elderly are expected to especially reward brands that meet their needs for caring and mutual understanding with higher commitment. The same process may occur with respect to trust. Partner quality includes aspects of predictability, dependability, and faith which heavily influence trust development (Wieselquist, Rusbult, Foster, & Agnew, 1999). Given that partner quality generally might be more important for the oldest consumers (Charles & Carstensen, 2010; Williams & Drolet, 2005), trust should be influenced to a higher degree by partner quality in this group. This leads to the first hypotheses: 最出名的 SST 描述的社交網絡質量的變化過程中的壽命(卡斯特森,1995 年, 2006 年,查爾斯卡斯特森,2010) 。研究表明,可靠性的關係在年老的人有特別 重要的意義,(亞當斯,Blieszner,德弗里斯,2000 年)。成人 65 歲及以上通常 更重視於與他人聯繫(卡斯特森,Isaacowitz,與查理,1999;威廉姆斯和 Drolet2005 年)。因此,一般的觀察,因為消費者年齡,合作夥伴感知質量,消費者對品牌 變得越來越重要。上了年紀的老人,因為品牌,甚至可能被認為是模擬合作夥伴 關係,帶來積極或傷害的經驗的品牌,以滿足他們需要的關懷和相互理解,產生 較高的承諾。同樣的過程,可能會出現與尊重信任的。合作夥伴質量方面的可預 測性,可靠性和信心,嚴重影響信託發展(Wieselquist,Rusbult,福斯特,阿格 紐,1999 年)。由於時間最悠久的合作夥伴的份量,(二零一零年查爾斯與卡斯 特森,威廉姆斯和 Drolet,2005 年)可能是更重要的,信任應該影響到更高的程 度夥伴份量。這導致第一假設: H1: The effect of partner quality on commitment is higher for the older elderly, relative to younger elderly. H1:年紀的老人相對年輕的老人較重視合作夥伴承諾。 H2: The effect of partner quality on trust is higher for the older elderly, relative to younger elderly. H2:年紀的老人相對年輕的老人較重視合作夥伴的信任影響。 Individuals strive to protect their identities from information that threatens their consistency and continuity (Greve & Wentura, 2003). Especially in late adulthood, factors such as a decrease in role repertoire, physical and psychological restrictions, and heightened mortality awareness may more frequently challenge self-concepts (Erikson, 1980; Sneed & Whitbourne, 2003) and, thus, the individual’s emotional balance. Positive emotions resulting from perpetuating one’s self-concept are likely to become even more important for the older elderly compared to the younger elderly (Carstensen, Fung, & Charles, 2003; Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999). Hence, brands that connect to the consumers’ self and help it to stabilize might be compensated with higher commitment. Likewise, nostalgic purchase behavior driven by the desire to connect to the past appears more frequently with aging (Holbrook, 1993; Olsen, 1999). As Schau, Gilly, and Wolfinbarger (2009) note, past identities allow retirees to experience continuities from the past, in the present, and into the future. Therefore, possessions or consumption experiences may help to achieve security and self-continuity (Belk, 1988),which becomes increasingly important with age. 個人努力保護他們的身份信息,可能威脅到他們的一貫性和連續性(Greve 的 Wentura,2003 年)。特別是在成年後期,生理和心理的限制作用大量減少,以 及提高死亡率意識等因素可能更頻繁地挑戰自我的概念(埃里克森,1980 年, 斯尼德和 Whitbourne,2003) ,因此,個人的情緒平衡。積極的情緒延續一個人 的自我概念有可能成為更重要的了年紀的老人相比,低齡老人(卡斯特森,鳳, 查爾斯,2003 年卡斯特森,Isaacowitz,與查爾斯,1999 年)。因此,連接到消 費者的自我,並幫助其穩定的品牌可能得到補償,具有較高的承諾。同樣的,懷 舊的驅動購買行為的願望連接到過去出現的更加頻繁與老化(霍爾布魯克,1993 年·奧爾森,1999)。 (2009)Schau,日利,Wolfinbarger 的注意,過去的身份 讓退休人員從過去的經歷連續性,在目前和未來。因此,財產或消費經驗,可以 幫助實現安全性和連續性(貝爾克,1988 年) ,隨著年齡的增長變得越來越重要。 H3: The effect of self-concept connection on commitment is higher for the older elderly, relative to younger elderly. H3:年紀的老人相對年輕的老人較重視自我概念的連接影響。 While there is evidence for age-group differences in the relationship between self-concept connection and commitment, the same does not necessarily occur with respect to trust. On the one hand, SST would suggest pursuing positive emotions based on identification through self-concept connection. Thus, a brand that is closely tied to one’s sense of self may be perceived as being more trustworthy especially by older consumers.On the other hand, identification might influence confidence in a brand irrespective of the consumers’ age. Once consumers identify with a person or object, they will also link attributes like reliability and integrity to it (Butler, 1991). In interpersonal relationships, a person may automatically associate a close friend with high levels of trust without thinking of specific evidence that supports or refutes the judgment (Dunn & Schweitzer, 2005). Likewise, given the close relationship between consumers and the brands they have incorporated into their self-concepts, trust will develop automatically. Despite better cognitive functioning, consumers in their fifties are likely to use this heuristic as well (Healey & Hasher, 2009). As with most automatic processes, this association is likely to be immune to the effects of increased age (Yoon & Cole, 2008). In absence of any study suggesting age differences with respect to identification-based trust creation, only low age-group differences in the effect of self-concept connection on trust are expected. 雖然有證據表明,以信任與尊重並承諾與自我概念之間的關係連接,在年齡間的 差異,相同的狀況不一定發生。一方面,SST 建議通過自我概念連接識別的基礎 上採取積極的情緒。但是一個品牌,如果與個人的自我意識是緊密聯繫在一起 的,會被認為是更值得信賴,尤其是年齡較大的消費者。另一方面,識別可能會 影響一個品牌的信心,無論消費者的年齡。一旦消費者認同的人或物體,他們也 將連接屬性,如它的可靠性和完整性(巴特勒,1991 年) 。在人際交往中,一個 人可能會自動關聯一個親密的朋友與高度信任,不考慮具體的證據支持或駁斥的 判斷(鄧恩和施魏策爾,2005 年)。同樣地,給定之間的密切關係 消費者已納入他們的自我概念和品牌,信任會自動發展。儘管有較好的認知功 能,在五十多歲的消費者有可能使用這種啟發式(希利散列器,2009 年) 。與大 多數自動的過程,該協會很可能是免疫的影響(尹與科爾年齡的增加,2008 年) 。 在沒有任何研究表明年齡差異就識別為基礎的信任創造,只有低年齡組差異的影 響自我概念的信任連接的預期。 H4: The effect of self-concept connection on trust does not change across both groups of elderly consumers. H4:老年消費者自我概念的信任連接效應,於兩個群體之間並不會改變。 In contrast to hypotheses H1 to H3 that propose stronger construct interrelations within the group of older elderly, the authors expect trust to exert a lower influence on commitment within this group. Combining the more rational nature of brand trust with propositions from SST, explanations for this assumption can be provided. First, due to their stronger focus on positive emotions, the elderly are less likely to question items they have known for a long time (Williams & Drolet, 2005). Instead of searching for evidence that a favored brand might have trust deficits, the older elderly rather focus on positive aspects of a previously chosen option (Charles,Mather,&Carstensen, 2003; Lambert- Pandraud, Laurent, & Lapersonne, 2005). Unless they become really dissatisfied with a product, older elderly do not look for alternatives (Novak & Mather, 2007). Thus, even a decrease in trust may not lead to a respective drop in commitment because the emotion-driven motivation may also favor those constructs with higher emotional power (Fung & Carstensen, 2003). Indeed, Laufer, Silvera, and Meyer (2006) show that in a trust threatening product harm crisis, the oldest consumers did not blame the company and did not react with reduced purchase. 在假設 H1 到 H3,提出加強結構的相互關係年紀的老人組內,作者希望信任, 承諾在本組施加影響較低。結合對品牌的信任與主張 SST 的合理性,說明這個假 設可以引用。首先,由於他們更加注重積極的情感,老人是不太可能已經知道很 長一段時間(威廉姆斯 Drolet,2005 年)提出質疑。而不是尋找證據,青睞的品 牌信任赤字了年紀的老人,而集中先前選擇的選項的積極方面“(查爾斯奧美, 卡斯特森,2003 年蘭伯特 Pandraud,洛朗,與 Lapersonne,2005 年)。除非他 們成為真正的產品感到不滿意,年紀的老人不看替代品(諾瓦克奧美,2007 年) 。 因此,即使是信任的減少可能導致承擔各自的下降,因為情緒驅動的動機,也有 利於這些結構具有較高的情感力量(馮卡斯特森,2003 年)。事實上,勞費爾, Silvera,和邁耶(2006 年)顯示,在產品的危害威脅的信任危機,歷史最悠久的 消費者並沒有責怪公司並沒有降低採購反應。 By contrast, commitment is assumed to be less emotionally driven for the younger elderly (Fung & Carstensen, 2003). Therefore, rather rational information from trust judgments becomes more important, and recent trust experiences may strongly impact the development of commitment. Consequently, if younger elderly do not fully trust a brand, their affective commitment might be less compared to older elderly. In conclusion, this leads to the last hypothesis. 相比之下,承諾被假定為情緒驅動的低齡老人(馮卡斯特森,2003 年)。因此, 從信任的判斷而產生合理的信息,變得越來越重要,近期信任的經驗可能會強烈 地影響發展的承諾。因此,如果低齡老人不完全信任的品牌,他們的情感承諾可 能比年紀高的老人還低。最後,這將導致最後假設。 H5: The effect of trust on commitment is higher for the younger elderly, relative to older elderly. H5:年輕的老人較年紀的老人重視承諾信任的效果。 METHOD 方法 Sample Description 樣品描述 The sample consists of 341 female consumers. Women seem better able to express their brand attachments (Adams, Blieszner, & De Vries, 2000; Fournier, 1998) but are not expected to substantially bias results for gender-specific reasons as the psychological effect accounting for the moderating role of age (i.e., emotion regulation) is a human universal and does not depend on sex, race, or socioeconomic status (Charles, Mather, & Carstensen, 2003; Fung & Carstensen, 2003). Coffee as a frequently purchased packaged good was chosen because strong brand relationships may continue to impact on buying behavior into old age. In a study by Fournier and Yao (1997) coffee proved to be a viable product for analyzing consumer-brand relationships. According to initial qualitative work, older consumers show varying degrees of attachment toward coffee brands, ranging from simple habitual purchase to strong emotional ties. Additionally, most brands are well-known, exist for a long time, and address elements of brand relationships in their advertisements. 樣本包括 341 名女性消費者。女人似乎能夠更好地表達自己的品牌情感(亞當 斯,Blieszner,和德弗里斯,2000 年福涅爾,1998 年) ,但預期不會大幅偏差結 果性別年齡的調節作用(即特定的原因的心理影響會計,情緒調節)是一種人類 普遍的,不依賴於性別,種族,社會經濟地位(查爾斯,奧美,卡斯特森,2003 年馮卡斯特森,2003) 。咖啡作為經常購買打包是很好的選擇,因為強大的品牌 關係可能會繼續購買行為影響到老年。咖啡 Fournier 和姚明(1997 年)在一項 研究中被證明是一個可行的產品分析消費者與品牌之間的關係。根據初步的研究 定向,老年消費者對於咖啡品牌,範圍從簡單的購買習性,到以情感關係強列程 度呈現說明。此外,大多數品牌是眾所周知的,存在很長一段時間,地址元素在 廣告中的品牌關係。 Data were collected during 16 regional meetings of a national women’s association in Germany. The sampling allowed to control for two potential biases that might have confounded measures. First, chronic illnesses prevent older adults from advantages in emotion regulation (Charles & Carstensen, 2010). Respondents had no severe illnesses that dramatically decreased subjective well-being. Second, well-being is also affected by a loss in social belonging. Social interactions are pivotal to emotion regulation and benefit cognitive functioning of older adults (Charles & Carstensen, 2010). Members of a women’s association take part in regular social interactions with close friends; that is, age differences observed can be attributed to changes in emotion regulation. To assess a population that has had constant access to the coffee brands, all of the respondents are exclusively of West German origin.3 Participants completed a standardized questionnaire. To get a more nuanced view of satisfied consumers’ feelings about brands respondents’ favorite coffee brands were analyzed (Carroll & Ahuvia, 2006). They were first asked to name their top-of-mind most preferred coffee brands. All the subsequent questions were to be answered with reference to this brand. During the debriefing respondents did not report difficulties with answering the questions. 在德國全國婦女聯合會 16 個地區性會議收集資料。採樣可以控制措施可能會混 淆兩個潛在的偏見。首先,慢性疾病預防老年人在情緒調節(查爾斯·卡斯特森, 2010 年)的優勢。受訪者沒有任何嚴重的疾病,極大地減少主觀幸福感。其次, 幸福也受社會歸屬感的損失。社會的相互作用是情緒調節的關鍵,有利於認知功 能的老年人(查爾斯·卡斯特森,2010) 。婦女協會的成員參加定期的社會互動與 親密的朋友,年齡的差異可以歸因於情緒調節的變化。為了評估人口有經常訪問 的咖啡品牌,所有的受訪者都完全來自西德參加者完成一個標準化的問卷調查。 為了獲得品牌的受訪者最喜愛的咖啡品牌滿足消費者的感受更加細緻入微的觀 點進行了分析(卡羅爾和 Ahuvia 的,2006 年) 。他們是第一次來命名自己的頂級 心中最喜歡的咖啡品牌。所有的後續問題要回答這個品牌。在述職的受訪者沒有 報告難以回答的問題。 Differentiating the Elderly 年齡差異 Following previous applications of SST in consumer behavior (Fung & Carstensen, 2003; Williams & Drolet, 2005), the authors used chronological age to differentiate the elderly segment. In general, individuals are typically classified as “older” when they reach 50 (Olsen, 1999; Weijters & Geuens, 2006). Since 50 years represents the earliest age at which marketers label consumers as “older” (Beinhocker, Davis, & Mendonca, 2009; Tepper, 1994), this seems a reasonable lower bound for the study on hand. Referring generally to the 50+ population in studies on older consumers is indeed common practice (Yoon & Cole, 2008). 根據以往的應用中消費者行為(馮卡斯特森,2003 年,威廉姆斯和 Drolet,2005 年)SST,作者用實際年齡來區分的老人部分。在一般情況下,個人通常被歸類 為“老的”,當他們到年齡超過 50(奧爾森,1999 年的; Weijters Geuens,2006 年) 。自 50 年代最早的年齡在營銷標籤消費者“老的”(戴維斯,拜因霍克,門 東薩,2009 年,泰珀商學院,1994 年) ,這似乎是一個合理的下限為手頭的研究。 一般 50 歲以上的人口在研究老年消費者的確是常見的做法(尹科爾,2008 年)。 It is more difficult to draw a line between “younger” and “older” elderly. In the developmental psychology literature, researchers tend to use either 60 (e.g., Labouvie-Vief et al., 1995) or 65 years (e.g., Erikson, 1980; Lang & Heckhausen, 2001; Tepper, 1994) as a delineation point. Unfortunately, authors typically do not provide reasons for their choices. Based upon changes in life satisfaction (Lang & Heckhausen, 2001), the importance of retirement as a life event (Schau, Gilly, & Wolfinbarger, 2009), and a greater focus on emotional goals after the age of 65 (Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999; Williams & Drolet, 2005), the authors decided to use 65 years as the delineation age. Thus, they differentiate “younger elderly” (50–65 years; M =60.3 years, SD = 4.4, N = 138) from “older elderly” (older than 65 years; M = 72.5 years, SD = 5.6, N = 203). The average age in the younger elderly group is 60 years and in the older elderly group is 73 years. Thus, it has to be noted that authors do not contrast 50-years-old and 80-years-old but two closer groups. “年輕”和“老的”的老人之間畫一條線,這是比較困難的。在發展心理學文獻 中,研究人員傾向於使用 60 歲(例如,Labouvie Vief 等,1995)或 65 歲(如埃 里克森,1980 年郎與 Heckhausen,2001 年,泰珀商學院,1994 年)作為劃分點。 不幸的是,作者通常不提供的理由為自己的選擇。根據生活滿意度變化(郎和 Heckhausen,2001 年) ,退休的生活事件(Schau,日利,Wolfinbarger,2009 年) 的重要性,更加注重情感上的目標後,65 歲的(,Isaacowitz 卡斯特森,與查爾 斯·威廉姆斯和 Drolet,1999 年,2005 年),作者決定使用 65 年的劃分年齡。因 此,他們區分 M =60.3 年,SD =4.4,N= 138) ,“年紀老的老人”(年齡大於 65 歲,M=72.5 歲,SD =5.6,N= 203“年輕的老人”(50〜65 歲; )。低齡老人組的 平均年齡是 60 歲,上了年紀的老人為 73 歲。因此,必須注意的是,作者沒有對 比 50 年和 80 歲,但兩個比較接近的群體。 Measures 措施 Existing measures were used whenever possible. Respondents rated all measures on 6-point Likert-type scales (1 = totally disagree, 6 = totally agree). Commitment was measured with four items (e.g., “I am so happy with my brand that I no longer feel the need to look out for other coffee alternatives”). The items were based on the commitment subscale used by Aaker, Fournier, and Brasel (2004) and Park, Kim, and Kim (2002). Trust was measured with three indicators (e.g., “I have confidence in my coffee brand”) depicted from Delgado-Ballester, Munuera-Alem´an, and Yag¨ ueGuillen’s (2003) reliability dimension of the brand trust scale. Self-concept connection was measured using four items (e.g., “I feel a personal connection to this brand”). The items are adapted from Aaker, Fournier, and Brasel (2004) and Escalas (2004). Partner quality was measured with three indicators (e.g., “This brand shows a continuing interest in me”). The conceptualization and operationalization of partner quality differs slightly from Fournier’s (1998; Aaker, Fournier, & Brasel, 2004). One item was added that taps the consumer’s role taking (i.e., “I feel as though I really understand this brand”) based on Park, Kim, and Kim (2002). It is similar to a measure of partner quality that has been used by Breivik and Thorbjørnsen (2008; “I feel like I know what to expect from this brand”). Where necessary, authors refined items to adapt to the context (i.e., coffee brands) through group discussions, and pretested the scales (N = 93). The means, standard deviations, and correlations of the model constructs are provided in Table 1. 現有的措施即盡可能地使用李克特式量表(1 =完全不同意,6=完全同意) 。測定 四個選項(例如,“我很高興與我的品牌,我不再覺得有必要看其他咖啡的替代 品”)的承諾。該項目是基於艾克,富尼耶,Brasel(2004 年)和公園,金,金 (2002)所使用的承諾分量表。信託測定等 3 個指標(例如,“我有信心,在我 的咖啡品牌”)描述了從的德爾加多-Ballester,Munuera Alem'an,和 YAG 激光 (2003)“UE-Guillen 的可靠性維度的品牌信託規模。自我概念連接四個項目(例 如,“我覺得這個品牌的個人連接到”) 。該項目是改編自艾克,富尼耶,Brasel (2004 年)和 Escalas(2004) 。合作夥伴的質量測定等 3 個指標(例如,“這個 品牌持續對我感興趣”) 。的構想和合作夥伴的質量略有不同,富尼耶(1998 艾 克,富尼耶,Brasel,2004 年)。一個項目補充說,消費者的角色(即水龍頭, “我覺得我真正了解這個品牌”)的基礎上公園,金,金(2002)。這是一個類 似的合作夥伴質量的措施已使用(布萊維克與 Thorbjørnsen 的 2008,“我覺得 我知道什麼期望從這個品牌”)。如有需要,作者精製項目,以適應上下文(即 咖啡品牌),通過小組討論,並經過預先測試的規模(N = 93)。在表 1 中所提供 的裝置,標準偏差,和相關性的模型結構。 The multi-item measures are validated via confirmatory factor analysis. The authors analyzed this model using LISREL 8 (J¨oreskog & S¨orbom, 2004), which indicated a strong degree of fit (χ2 [71] = 176.86, p < 0.01; RMSEA = 0.066; SRMR = 0.036; CFI = 0.99; NNFI = 0.98). In Table 2, the descriptive statistics of the items and results of the measurement models are reported. Factor loadings (ranging from 0.71 to 0.90), composite reliabilities (ranging from 0.85 to 0.91), and average variance extracted (AVE, ranging from 0.63 to 0.73) show values above the suggested thresholds (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). Therefore, the measurement model seems to have both high reliability and convergent validity. The authors assessed the discriminant validity of these measures by employing Fornell and Larcker’s (1981) test of shared variance between pairs of latent constructs. The results reveal that the squared correlations between these pairs of constructs do not exceed the AVE for any single latent construct, which indicates discriminant validity. 多項目措施進行驗證,通過驗證性因素分析。作者分析了這種模式,使用 LISREL8 (J¨oreskog&S“orbom,2004 年) ,這表明一個強烈的擬合程度(χ2[71]=176.86, P <0.01,RMSEA =0.066,SRMR= 0.036,CFI =0.99 NNFI =0.98)。測量模型的項目 和結果在表 2 中,描述性統計報告。因素負荷量(範圍為 0.71〜0.90),複合可 靠性(範圍為 0.85 至 0.91),平均差額提取(AVE,範圍從 0.63 至 0.73),表明 上述建議的量值(福內爾拉克爾,1981)的值。因此,似乎具有高可靠性和收斂 效度的測量模型。作者對潛在結構之間的共享方差採用 Fornell 和拉克爾(1981) 測試,評估這些措施的有效性的判別。結果表明,這些對構造的平方之間的相關 性不超過任何單一潛結構,它表示判別有效性的 AVE。 RESULTS 結果 Before the hypotheses are tested, construct means are compared across groups. As shown in Figure 2, the older elderly consumers consistently evaluated their favorite coffee brand as more positive with regard to the four model constructs than the younger elderly did. However, while partner quality, self-concept connection, and commitment are evaluated significantly better, the difference in trust judgments is not significant. The same findings can be observed when all four constructs are treated as latent variables (i.e., latent mean structure analysis; Byrne, 1998). As LISREL’s Kappa matrix implies, again three of the four constructs have significantly higher means in the older group. More precisely, the relative mean (compared to the younger group) for commitment is 0.30 (t=2.02), for self-concept connection 0.73 (t = 4.43), and for partner quality 0.39 (t = 2.94). Regarding trust, the mean difference is not significant (0.17; t = 1.77). 在假設檢驗,構造方式進行了比較,各組。如圖 2 所示,上了年紀的老人消費者, 的一致評價方面的四個模型結構更積極,比低齡老人更喜愛自己的咖啡品牌。然 而,在合作夥伴的質量,自我概念的連接,並承諾進行評估顯著的更好,信任判 斷的差異是不顯著。同樣的結果時,可以觀察到所有的四個構面都被視為潛在變 量(即潛在的平均結構分析;拜恩,1998 年)。 LISREL 的 Kappa 矩陣意味著,再 而三的四個構面在老年組有顯著更高的手段。更準確地說,相對平均相比,年輕 組承諾為 0.30(t =2.02) ,自我概念連接 0.73(t =4.43) ,與合作夥伴質量 0.39(t =2.94)。關於信任,平均差異不顯著(0.17,T= 1.77)。 Next, age-specific differences in brand attachment are inspected by using the multigroup approach.4 The multigroup method (Byrne, 1998) is a commonly preferred technique for detecting moderating effects. The authors start their inspection by assessing configural invariance (Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1998). With the exception of a slightly too high RMSEA value, the fit again is very good (χ2 [143] = 358.56, p < 0.01; RMSEA = 0.094; CFI = 0.97; NNFI = 0.97). Thus, no further adjustments were undertaken to avoid capitalization on chance (Bollen, 1989). In addition to configural invariance, metric invariance is necessary for comparing multiple groups (Steenkamp & Baumgartner, 1998). A comparison of the configural invariance model mentioned above (i.e., factor loadings are different within each group) to amodel where measures are constrained to be equal across groups yields a χ2 difference of 9.01 with 10 degrees of freedom (p > 0.5). That is, factor loadings are invariant, so testing can proceed for moderator influences on structural relationships (Bollen, 1989). Figure 3 shows the path coefficients for each age group, based on equal factor loadings. As shown in this figure, the path from self-concept connection on commitment is not significant in both groups. The remaining path coefficients differ across subgroups, indicating age influences. 其次,品牌附著特定年齡的差異進行檢查由使用多組接近的多組方法(拜恩,1998 年)是一種常用的首選技術檢測調節作用。作者開始他們檢查,評估構形的的不 變性(斯廷坎普和鮑姆加特納,1998 年)。除了一個稍微有點高 RMSEA 值,擬 合又是很好的(χ2[143]=358.56,P <0.01,RMSEA =0.094,CFI =0.97,NNFI= 0.97) 。 因此,沒有進一步進行了調整,以避免資本的機會(博倫,1989)。除了構形的 不變性,度量不變性用於比較多個的組(斯廷坎普&鮑姆加特納,1998 年)是 必要的。比較構形不變性上述模型(即,因子負荷是不同的各組內)AMODEL 的 措施限制等於跨組產生一個 10 度的自由(P> 0.05)9.01χ2 差異。也就是說,因 素負荷量是不變的,所以可以進行測試主持人的影響的結構關係(博倫,1989)。 圖 3 顯示了各年齡組的基礎上平等的因子載荷係數的路徑。正如該圖所示,從自 我概念連接承諾的路徑是不顯著的兩組。其餘的路徑係數的不同而不同亞類,表 明年齡的影響。 To test for differences in the relationships between latent variables, a so-called free model (i.e., while constraining factor loadings to be invariant, all paths of the structural model are set free across younger and older groups) is compared to one in which all structural paths are allowed to differ, except for the link that was potentially affected by the moderator variable. Differences in χ2 values between models determine whether age acts as a moderating variable; that is, a significant increase in χ2 from the free model to a model in which one relationship is set equal implies that the moderator variable has a significant influence on that relationship. The results are provided in Table 3. Hypothesis H1 stated that the impact of partner quality on commitment will be higher for older elderly, relative to younger elderly. Chi-square significantly increases when this path is constrained to be equal across groups ( χ2 (1) = 18.44, p < 0.001). Thus, the relationship is significantly stronger for older elderly compared to younger elderly. Consequently, hypothesis H1 is supported. Hypothesis H2 addressed the path from partner quality on trust. Again, the effect size is expected to be higher for older elderly. Constraining the path to be equal across groups leads to a significant increase in χ2 ( χ2 (1) = 6.36, p < 0.02). Thus, the relationship is significantly stronger for older elderly compared to younger elderly. Accordingly, hypothesis H2 is also supported. With regard to the path from self-concept connection on commitment, a χ2 difference test was not performed because the paths are not significant in either group. Consequently, hypothesis H3 has to be rejected. Hypothesis H4 posited that there will be no difference in effect sizes regarding the path from self-concept connection on trust. However, constraining this path to be equal across groups leads to an increase in χ2 ( χ2 (1) = 3.82, p < 0.06). This means that self-concept connection impacts on trust to a higher degree within the younger elderly group. Thus, this finding leads to rejection of hypothesis H4. The last hypothesis H5 stated that the impact of trust on commitment will be higher for younger elderly, relative to older elderly. As expected, χ2 significantly increases when it is constrained to be equal across groups ( χ2 (1) = 15.81, p < 0.001). Thus, the relationship is significantly stronger for younger elderly compared to older elderly. This result is in line with hypothesis H5. 為了測試不同的潛變量之間的關係,所謂的免費模式(即,制約因素負荷量是不 變的,所有的路徑設置青年組和老年組之間的結構模型)相比,一個在所有結構 允許路徑不同,除鏈接可能受影響的,由主持人變量。在χ2 值模型之間的差異 確定年齡是否作為調節變量,即,顯著增加,從自由模型χ2 一對一的關係的模 型,其中被設置為等於意味著主持人變量具有這種關係的顯著影響。結果提供於 表 3 中。假設 H1 表示,合作夥伴的質量承諾的影響會比較高年紀的老人,低齡 老人。卡方顯著增加時,這條路徑被限制在平等,各組(χ2(1)= 18.44,P <0.001) 。 因此,關係是顯著年紀的老人相比,低齡老人。因此,假設 H1 的支持。從信任 的合作夥伴質量上,假設 H2 解決路徑。同樣,規模效應預計將高於年紀的老人。 約束的路徑是平等的,各組到顯著增加,χ2(χ2(1)= 6.36,P <0.02) 。因此, 關係是顯著年紀的老人相比,低齡老人。因此,假設 H2 也是支持的。關於路徑 從自我概念連接承諾,χ2 差異測試不被執行,因為路徑是不顯著在任一組。因 此,假設 H3 被拒絕。假定,假設 H4 影響的大小,從自我概念的信任連接的路 徑不會有任何區別。然而,制約了這條道路上是平等的,各組增加χ2(χ2(1) = 3.82,P <0.06) 。這意味著,自我概念影響信任程度較高的低齡老人組內連接。 因此,這一發現導致拒絕假設 H4。最後指出,假設 H5 的信任,承諾的影響會比 較高,低齡老人,相對於年紀的老人。正如預期的那樣,χ2 顯著增加,當它被 限定為等於跨組(χ2(1)= 15.81,P <0.001) 。因此,雙方的關係是明顯低齡老 人年紀的老人相比。這一結果與假設 H5。 Summarizing, a comparison of the younger elderly and the older elderly reveals that four out of the five paths in the framework differ significantly in size. Partner quality has a strong impact on trust in both subgroups but a larger effect size for the older elderly. Furthermore, it heavily impacts commitment within the older elderly segment but not in the younger elderly segment. While self-concept connection exerts no significant influence within the older group, it does affect younger elderly’s brand trust. In general, partner quality is best suited in predicting commitment within the older group. Instead, brand trust represents the major determinant of commitment for the younger elderly. 總結,比較的低齡老人和年紀的老人發現,四個不同的路徑的框架的大小顯著。 合作夥伴的質量有很大的影響,在這兩個組的信任,但一個更大的規模效應了年 紀的老人。此外,它嚴重影響了年紀的老人段內,而不是在低齡老人組承諾。雖 然在老年組的自我概念的連接不發揮顯著的影響,它會影響低齡老人的品牌信 任。在一般情況下,合作夥伴的質量是最適合在預測老年組內的承諾。相反,品 牌信任承諾為年輕的老人的主要決定因素。 DISCUSSION 討論 This study contributes to the understanding of the 50+ age market by analyzing differences in brand attachment between two groups of elderly consumers, namely those between 50 and 65 and those above 65 years of age. Results show that the older consumer group displays more emotional brand attachment processes than consumers in their fifties and early sixties. At the latent mean level, self-concept connection, partner quality, and affective commitment are greater for the older elderly. In contrast, both age groups evaluate their preferred coffee brands similarly trustworthy. 本研究通過分析不同的品牌附著兩組之間的老年消費者,即那些在 50 和 65 歲及 65 歲以上者之間的市場的銷售理解。結果表明,老年消費者會顯示更多的情感 品牌附著過程,而不一定是在五,六十年代初的消費者才會。而在潛在平均水準, 在自我概念方面,合作夥伴的質量和情感承諾,以上了年紀的老人為較重視。相 反,這兩個年齡組,在評價他們的首選咖啡品牌時,都同樣覺得值得信賴。 Taking a deeper look into brand attachment processes within the older elderly segment, results correspond to the increasing significance of close relationships during the aging process which emphasizes the growing importance of social interaction and caring for older consumers (Charles & Carstensen, 2010; Sneed & Whitbourne, 2003). Partner quality turns out to be a key driver of trust for both age groups with even more importance for the older elderly. In addition, it strongly impacts brand commitment of the oldest consumers. The marginal impact of trust on commitment among older elderly challenges conventional wisdom (i.e., high levels of trust do not always lead to high commitment). From a theoretical standpoint, emotion regulation can explain this seemingly contradictory result. It can be assumed that a heightened emphasis on positive emotions within the older elderly segment makes the most emotional and relational variable the best predictor for commitment. Apparently, “we-ness” (i.e., feelings of being cared for) is more relevant than “me-ness” (i.e., feelings caused by self-concept connection) and brand trust for older elderly’s brand commitment. Older consumers’ strong needs for connectedness and being cared for (Charles & Carstensen, 2010) are best reflected in a brand’s partner quality. Hence, what a brand does in its role as caring relationship partner is central to older elderly’s brand attachment. 以深入探討了品牌附著了年紀的老人段過程,的結果對應密切的關係,它強調的 是日益重要的社會交往和照顧年長的消費者(2010 年查爾斯·卡斯特森,在老化 過程中的日益重要的作用;斯尼德和 Whitbourne,2003) 。合作夥伴的質量將是一 個關鍵的驅動程序了年紀的老人,更重要的這兩個年齡組的信任。此外,它強烈 影響最古老的消費者的品牌承諾。的邊際影響年紀的老人挑戰傳統的智慧(即高 層次的信任並不總是導致高承諾)承諾之間的信任。從理論的角度來看,情緒調 節可以解釋這種看似矛盾的結果。可以設想,一個上了年紀的老人段內的積極的 情緒的高度重視,使得大多數的情感和關係的變量對承諾的最好的預測。顯然, “我們的性質”(即,被照顧的感覺),更不是“我的性質”(即感情所造成的 自我概念連接)年紀的老人的品牌承諾和品牌信任度。老年消費者的強烈需求, 聯繫性和被照顧性強,最能表現一個品牌的夥伴份量。因此,哪一個品牌在關懷 關係,的夥伴的角色扮演上,是老人的品牌情感最重要的選擇因素。 By contrast, for consumers aged 50–65 years, trust turns out to be a key factor in brand relationships. These consumers are in an earlier stage of the aging process (i.e., lifetime remaining is longer) which lends greater priority to pursuing cognitive goals. Thus, common reasoning regarding the trust-commitment link (Morgan & Hunt, 1994) applies. Surprisingly, both brand attachment expression variables (i.e., partner quality and self-concept connection) exert no direct effects on commitment. However, “me-ness” and “weness” are still important which is demonstrated by their indirect effects via trust. In contrast to hypothesis H4, the impact of self-concept connection on trust is found to be higher for the younger elderly. It was assumed that the link between self-concept connection and trust occurs automatically when favorite brands are studied, independent of age. In other words, self-concept connection was not understood as a basis for consciously assessing the brand’s trustworthiness. One reason for the diverse result might be that this link is more conscious and cognitively driven than expected as long as self-concept connection is moderate. The lowest mean score for self-concept connection among model constructs may give some indication for that. Understanding the link as more cognitively demanding may also suggest different mental resources as possible explanation. The younger segment may simply outperform older elderly in processing information more deeply and in forming brand trust judgments on this basis. Generally, considering the commitment process based on the constructs investigated in this study, it seems that younger elderly’s brand commitment strongly depends on their trust judgments. Trust, in turn, is determined by partner quality and self-concept connection. Thus, how a brand is with respect to its whole characteristics determines the younger elderly’s brand attachment processes. 相比之下,年齡 50-65 歲的消費者中,信任變成了品牌關係是一個關鍵的因素。 這些消費者中的老化過程的早期階段(即一生剩下的就是更長的時間),這使它 更加優先追求認知目標。因此,一般推理的信任承諾的鏈接(摩根和亨特,1994 年)。令人驚訝的是,這兩個品牌的附件表達式的變量(即合作夥伴的質量和自 我概念的連接)施加的承諾沒有直接影響。然而,“性”和“weness”仍然是重 要的,這是證明他們的信任間接影響通過。相反,假設 H4,自我概念的影響, 被發現有較高的低齡老人的信任。這是假設的自我概念之間的聯繫和信任的鏈接 時,會自動喜愛的品牌進行了研究,與年齡無關。換句話說,自我概念連接不被 理解的基礎自覺地評估品牌的誠信度。可能是這個環節是意識和認知驅動比預期 的自我概念的連接,只要溫和的不同結果的原因之一。最低的平均得分為自我概 念模型結構之間的連接可能給一些指示。了解更多的認知要求,也可能建議不同 的心理資源,可能的解釋。年輕的段可以簡單地超越年紀的老人更深入地處理信 息,並在此基礎上形成品牌信任度的判斷。一般情況下,似乎考慮的承諾結構在 這項研究中調查的基礎上,低齡老人的品牌承諾在很大程度上依賴於他們的信任 判斷。信託,反過來,是由合作夥伴質量和自我概念的連接。因此,一個品牌如 何就其整體特徵決定的低齡老人的品牌依附的進程。 Limitations and Directions 限制和方向為進一步研究 for Further Research The major limitation of this research is that only women were analyzed. Although there are good reasons for choosing women in studies on brand attachment (Adams, Blieszner, & De Vries, 2000; Fournier, 1998), and the underlying rationale for age differences should not be gender-specific (Charles, Mather, & Carstensen, 2003; Fung & Carstensen, 2003; Labouvie-Vief et al., 1995), explicit comparisons across gender and products/ brands are needed to assess generalizability. 本研究的主要限制是唯一的女性進行了分析。雖然有充分的理由選擇品牌附件 (亞當斯,Blieszner,和德弗里斯,2000年福涅爾,1998),“年齡的差異和基 本原理的研究中對婦女的不應該是特定性別(查爾斯,奧美,卡斯特森, 2003 年馮卡斯特森,2003年Labouvie在-Vief等,1995),不同性別和產品/品牌的比較 來評估的普遍性。 At the time of this study, chronological age was preferred over cognitive age because it is a segmentation cue that can easily be employed. Incorporating cognitive and ideal age in future studies could improve understanding of the subject even further (Barak et al., 2011; Sudbury & Simcock, 2009). In addition, a direct measure of perceived time remaining in life might enhance predictability (Carstensen, 2006). Moreover, a nuanced combination of SST and cognitive decline theories may best account for the complexity of the aging process (Charles & Carstensen, 2010). 在本研究中,實足年齡優於認知的年齡,因為它是一個分割的提示,可以很容易 地使用。結合認知和理想的年齡在今後的研究中,可以提高了解進一步的主體(巴 拉克等人,2011年薩德伯里和西姆科克,2009年)。此外,在生活中的直接測量 剩餘的知覺時間可能會提高可預見性(卡斯特森,2006年)。此外,細緻入微地 相結合的SST和認知能力下降的理論(查爾斯·卡斯特森,2010年)的老化過程的 複雜性,可能最好的解釋。 Finally, a promising area of research to assess would be whether the findings in this study are due to lifecourse effects or to cohort influences. For example, in the year 2014, all baby boomers (those born in the United States between 1946 and 1964) will be at least 50 years old, and in 2026 the first boomers will turn 80. This time span (i.e., 2014–2026) will allow for studies that include members of only one cohort, ruling out cohort effects. Ideally, the time span will also be used for longitudinal studies that might be the best way to trace brand relationship development over time (Moschis, 2007). 最後,一個有前途的領域的研究,以評估這項研究的結果將是,是否是由於生命 歷程的影響或隊列的影響。例如,在2014年,所有嬰兒潮一代(在美國1946年和 1964年之間出生的人)將是至少50歲,在2026年的第一次嬰兒潮一代將滿80。此 時間跨度(即2014年至2026年)將允許研究,包括成員只有一個隊列,排除了隊 列的影響。在理想的情況下,時間跨度也將被用於縱向研究,可能是最好的方式 來跟踪品牌關係的發展隨著時間的推移(Moschis,2007年)。 CONCLUSION AND MANAGERIAL 結論和管理涵義 IMPLICATIONS The research goal was to examine age differences based on emotion regulation in older consumers’ brand attachment. Using SST, the authors proposed differences in the commitment and trust processes among younger and older elderly. The empirical work tested this core proposition via a survey involving 341 women over the age of 50. Participants were divided into two groups using chronological age of 65 as the delineation point. The findings support the theoretically derived assumption of systematic shifts in brand attachment with respect to consumers’ life cycles. SST (Carstensen, 1995; Carstensen, Isaacowitz, & Charles, 1999) has been successfully used to describe these shifts. Hence, this article contributes to the neglected field of studying older consumers in the marketplace (Yoon, Cole, & Lee, 2009). 這項研究的目標是中老年消費者的品牌依戀的情緒調節的基礎上,研究年齡的差 異。使用SST,作者提出了不同的承諾和信任的過程之中年輕和年長的老人。通 過調查,涉及341名婦女,50歲以上的測試這一核心命題的實證研究。參加者被 分成兩組,實足年齡為65歲的分界點。這些發現支持了理論推導的假設的品牌依 附的系統轉變到消費者的生命週期。 SST(卡斯特森,1995年卡斯特森, Isaacowitz,與查爾斯,1999年)已成功地用於描述這些變化。因此,本文將有 助於研究老年消費者在市場上被忽視的領域(尹,科爾,李,2009年)。 The present research has at least two major implications. First, chronological age is a segmentation cue that is of value for both researchers and marketing managers. The findings challenge prior research that devaluated chronological age in favor of other measures such as cognitive age. While the authors do not contend that chronological age would be a better segmentation cue, it still has its justification. A major advantage is the simple use. Likewise, chronological age is closely related to future time perspective (Carstensen, 1995; Henry, 2000; Padawer, Jacobs-Lawson, Hershey, & Thomas, 2007), making it an effective proxy. This research suggests that firms that focus on older consumers in terms of their age do not have to fear the risk of misleading segmentation. Contrary, current calls for such focusing out of marketing practice (Beinhocker, Davis, & Mendonca, 2009) seem appropriate. 目前的研究至少有兩個重大的影響。首先,實足年齡是一個的分割提示是研究人 員和營銷經理的價值。研究結果挑戰貶值的實際年齡,以前的研究,贊成的其他 措施,如認知年齡。雖然作者沒有爭辯說,實足年齡將是一個更好的分割提示, 仍然有它的理由。一個主要優點是簡單的使用。同樣,實足年齡密切相關的未來 時間透視(卡斯特森,1995年,2000年,亨利Padawer,雅各布 - 勞森,好時, 和托馬斯,2007年),這是一個有效的代理。這項研究表明,公司在他們的年齡 集中在老年消費者不必擔心誤導性分割的風險。相反,目前要求的市場營銷實踐 拜因霍克,戴維斯,門東薩(2009年)等重點似乎是適當的。 Second, the group of 50+ consumers is not homogeneous with regard to brand attachment. In general, for the older elderly, what a brand does in terms of how it behaves as a relationship partner appears to be more relevant. This is expressed in this study by a strong impact of partner quality on brand trust and affective commitment. The importance of partner quality for the older elderly segment can be used to reach these consumers. The results suggest that positioning strategies and advertising themes that emphasize one brand’s quality as a caring and understanding relationship partner are more likely to be well received and rewarded with commitment by these consumers. Especially service brands that reach their consumers via personal contact have the unique opportunity to interact with them and impart this message directly, for example, by showing respect and appreciation, friendly communication, and understanding responsiveness to consumer desires. Although this will be appealing to all age segments, it is essential for older elderly’s brand relationships. Compared to shortfalls in other brand attribute dimensions (e.g., product reliability, product superiority, price), unfulfilled needs for caring or negative emotions ensuing from modest partner quality are likely to threaten older elderly’s brand commitment to a much higher degree. Hence, investing in relationship activities and thinking about an adequate interaction frequency that enhances the felt orientation toward consumers would be a wise strategy. In addition, brand managers may try not to change marketing programs too often in order to enhance predictability of the brand’s actions. In this study, it was observed that consumer orientation differs greatly between the coffee brands available in Germany. The benefit for those that use good partner quality as an actual competitive advantage is demonstrated, especially with regard to the older elderly. 二,組50 +的消費者是不均質關於品牌依戀。了年紀的老人,在一般情況下,一 個品牌在它的行為作為一個合作夥伴似乎是更相關的。在這項研究中,這是一個 強大的合作夥伴質量的影響對品牌的信任和情感承諾。了年紀的老人段夥伴質量 的重要性,可用於達到這些消費者。結果表明,定位策略和廣告主題,強調一個 品牌的質量作為一個關懷與認識關係的合作夥伴,更容易得到很好的與這些消費 者的承諾和獎勵。尤其是服務品牌,達到消費者可以通過個人接觸有獨特的機會 與它們進行交互和傳遞信息,例如,表示尊重和讚賞,友好的溝通,了解消費者 的慾望的反應。雖然這將吸引所有年齡段,它是必不可少的年紀的老人的品牌關 係。相比其他品牌屬性維度(例如,產品可靠性,產品優勢,價格)的不足之處, 體貼的還是消極的情緒,隨後從溫和的合作夥伴質量的尚未滿足的需求可能會威 脅到一個更高的程度年紀的老人的品牌承諾。因此,投資關係活動和思考進行充 分的互動頻率,提高面向消費者的感覺將是一個明智的策略。此外,品牌經理可 以盡量不改變營銷方案往往以提高可預測性品牌的行動。在這項研究中,有人認 為,消費取向之間有很大不同,在德國的咖啡品牌。證明對那些使用好夥伴質量 作為一個實際的競爭優勢的好處,特別是關於了年紀的老人。 For the younger elderly, trust seems to be important for brand commitment based on their judgments how a brand is. Brand characteristics (e.g., partner quality, self-concept connection) in its entirety are used by the consumers to develop brand trust. Hence, the critical hurdle to secure younger elderly’s loyalty is to gain their trust. According to relationship marketing literature, trust-strengthening activities could include competence signals (Sirdeshmukh, Singh, & Sabol, 2002). As brand attachment processes are more rationally based on the brand’s performance in the respective characteristics, indicating high quality (e.g., via communication, quality seals, test winnings, high price signals), also in comparison to competitors, seems promising. Moreover, brand failures such as product defects or service shortcomings have to be immediately and professionally corrected. 對於年輕的老人,信任似乎是重要的,根據自己的判斷一個品牌的品牌承諾。消 費者所使用的品牌特徵(例如,合作夥伴的質量,自我概念連接)的全部開發品 牌的信任。因此,關鍵的障礙,以確保低齡老人的忠誠度,贏得他們的信任。根 據關係營銷文獻,信任,加強活動可能包括能力信號(Sirdeshmukh,辛格,薩 博爾,2002年)。作為品牌依附過程更理性地根據各自的特點,說明高品質(例 如,通過溝通對品牌的性能,優質的密封件,測試的獎金,價格高信號),還有 的競爭對手相比,似乎是有前途的。此外,品牌的故障,如產品有缺陷或服務的 缺陷,必須立即和專業的糾正。 For marketing managers it seems generally useful to bind elderly consumers to the brand at an earlier stage (Stammerjohan, Capella, & Taylor, 2007). Given that no major failure troubles the relationship with the consumer, younger elderly will grow older and the collected positive brand experiences as well as buying habits may then even bemore important for their brand commitment. Thus, marketing strategies that consider aging stages and its specific needs a priori are not only likely to be successful but may also profit from synergy effects. 對於營銷經理似乎很有用,,結合老年消費者的品牌在較早階段(Stammerjohan, 五車二,泰勒2007年) 。由於沒有重大故障的困擾與消費者的關係,低齡老人隨 著年齡的增長,所收集的積極的品牌體驗以及購買習慣,然後可即使這樣才能更 好的為自己的品牌承諾。因此,考慮老齡化的階段,其具體的營銷策略,需要先 驗不僅有可能成功,但也可能從協同效應中獲利。 APPENDIX Measurement Scales 附錄 量表 I. Self-concept connection (adapted from Aaker, Fournier, & Brasel, 2004 and Escalas, 2004; 6-point scale: “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”) 1. Using my coffee brand lets me be a part of a shared community of like-minded consumers. 2. I proudly show my decision for this coffee brand. 3. My brand fits well with my current stage of life. 4. I feel a personal connection to this brand. II. Partner quality (adapted from Aaker, Fournier, & Brasel, 2004 and Park, Kim, & Kim, 2002; 6-point scale: “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”) 1. I feel the brand understands my needs. 2. This brand shows a continuing interest in me. 3. I feel as though I really understand this brand. III. Trust (adapted from Delgado-Ballester, Munuera-Alem´an, & Yag¨ ue-Guill´en, 2003; 6-point scale: “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”) 1. This coffee brand meets my expectations. 2. I have confidence in my coffee brand. 3. This brand will never disappoint me. IV. Commitment (adapted from Aaker, Fournier, & Brasel, 2004 and Park, Kim, & Kim, 2002; 6-point scale: “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree”) 1. I have been appreciating this brand for a longer period of time and will do so in the future. 2. I feel very loyal to this brand. 3. I am so happy with my brand that I no longer feel the need to watch out for other coffee alternatives. 4. Due to the long tradition I made a commitment to this coffee brand. 一,自我概念連接(改編自艾克,富尼耶,Brasel,2004年和Escalas,2004年,6 點刻度:“非常不同意”到“非常同意”) 1。用我的咖啡品牌,讓我志同道合的消費者一個共享的社區的一部分。 2。我很自豪地展示自己的決定這家咖啡品牌。 3。我的品牌非常適合我目前的人生階段。 4。我覺得個人連接到這個品牌。 II。合作夥伴質量(改編自艾克,富尼耶,Brasel,2004年和公園,金及金,2002 年,6點刻度:“強烈不同意”到“非常同意”) 1。我覺得的品牌理解我的需求。 2。這個品牌持續在我的興趣。 3。我覺得我真正了解這個品牌。 III。信託基金(適應從德爾加多-Ballester,Munuera Alem'an,YAG激光¨UE-2003 年Guill'en,;6點刻度:“強烈反對” 到“非常同意”) 1。這家咖啡品牌符合我的期望。 2。我有信心,在我的咖啡品牌。 3。這個品牌從來沒有讓我失望。 IV。承諾(改編自艾克,富尼耶,Brasel,2004年和公園,金及金,2002年,6點 刻度:“強烈 不同意“到”非常同意“) 1。一個較長的一段時間,我一直在欣賞這個品牌,將在未來這樣做的。 2。我覺得這個品牌非常忠誠。 3。我很高興與我的品牌,我不再覺得有必要看其他咖啡的替代品。 4。由於我作出了承諾,這家咖啡品牌的悠久傳統。