科目:英語教材教法 班級:碩專應英三甲 學號:N99C0027 姓名:謝佩如 英語教案設計 Text Book Longman English 5 Topic Unit 2:Time to Get Up 40 minutes Candace 謝佩如 Teaching Class Grade 5 Time Students Numbers 28~30 Made by 1. Understand new words and the sentence pattern of “I _____ at ______.” 2. Ss are able to recognize the new words and speak correctly 3. Ss are able to fill in the worksheet to review U1~U2 vocabulary Goal Review: number 1~10, 10~60, and U1 vocabulary (art, computer, math, PE, Chinese, English, music, science) Vocabulary New: eat breakfast, do homework, go to bed, take a bath, get up, go home, go to school, watch TV Language focus Teaching Aids New: I _______ at ______. 1. Flash cards: new words; time cards 2. CD player, worksheet Students’ level and background Method Review: What time is it? It’s 9:40. What time is your___ class? It’s at _____. 1. 28~30 students in the class. They have learned English for almost 2 years in school English system. Two periods a week. 40 minutes/ period. This is a mixed-level class. 2. Students can use the pattern: What time is it? It’s ____(Grade 4) 3. Students can use the pattern: What time is your ____ class? It’s at ______. (Grade 5 U1) TPR、觀察法、講述法、問答法、Group Activity Step-teaching procedures Steps 1. Warm-up T’s Activities T’s Activities Method 1. 先學生表示,哦老師忘了帶 1. 學生要能回答 “It’s 問答法 手錶,並問他們“What time is ______. it?” 2. 接著問他們今天有哪些課 2. 學生要能回答 程?並問他們 ”What time is your ______ class today?” 3. 以上複習之前學過的句型。 2. Presentati on do you see in the poster? 3. 帶入單字介紹:eat breakfast, do homework, go to bed, take Aids 3 Watch Sentenc e pattern 5 Poster Flash cards “ It’s at_____.” 3. 會區分二者句型的 不同。 1. 掛上 U2 的海報介紹(如附件 1. 學生準備上新單元 P.12) 2. 詢問他們看到了什麼?What Time 2. 學生能用學過的單 字回答。(Mark, time, food…) 3. 能試圖理解英文口 觀察法 講述法 a bath, get up, go home, go to school, watch TV 4. 聽老師用英文介紹海報內 述圖片內容。 容,並詢問學生 ”What about 3. Practice (Activity) you? What time do you go to school?” 1. 貼上單字的圖片及文字的 1. 學生 repeat。 flash card,老師唸出單字。 2. Activity: 單字比手劃腳 2. 學生聽懂並理解單 (1) 老師告訴學生單字,並表 字意思而做出動 演出來讓台下的同學 作。 猜,並秀出文字。 (2) 猜對的同學,再上來抽一 TPR 2 Group Activity 6 Flash cards Time cards 講述法 問答法 張圖片表演,以此類推, 直到八個單字全部表演 完畢。 3. 小組活動:超級比一比: 3. 小組合作,理解單 整排同學上台,排成一排, 字,引發學習興 不可往後看。最後抽一張卡 趣。 片,不出聲音表演地往前傳 遞。傳到第一個同學後,大 聲讀出單字,全組跟讀。直 12 到全班所有同學都練習過。 4. 在黑板上寫出句型 I_____at 4. Repeat, match and ______。並將圖片卡片放在 use the sentence 第一個空格,而在第二個空 pattern “I ______ at 格放上時間卡片後面練習 I _______.” ______ at _____.的句型。 5. 再次複習單字 5. Repeat, and answer (1) 將圖片貼在黑板上,隨機 the question. 給予八位學生文字卡片 上台做配對。(P13, part A) 4 3 (2) 在學生上台放置卡片的 同時,老師隨機唸一個時 間,並使用 What time do you _____?與學生問答, 做為下一次課程的預習。 4. Wrap-up 1. 能聽懂並找出相對 1. Listen to CD and number the 應單字,填上數字 pictures in part B on P13. 2. 講解 Homework: Vocab. *2 & 2. Listen and do Chinese *1 & worksheet homework and (Review U1~U2 Vocab.) worksheet 講述法 問答法 5 CD player HW worksh eet 科目:英語教材教法 班級:碩專應英三甲 學號:N99C0027 姓名:謝佩如 Design your weekly schedule. My name is ______________. Class:_______ No.________ Day Time 6: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday get up 7: 8:40 9:20 10:30 11:20 12:00 12:40 1:30 2:20 3:20 4:00 Sentences: On Monday, my English class is at 10:30. (or I go home at 4:00) Your turn:_____________________________________________________.