
The purpose of this project is that we found the published books about the
marketing of shoes and the real marketing of shoes selling are very different. Those
published books were so theoretic and too difficult that public couldn’t understand.
Moreover, the point of view of published books is almost by brand. We can see there
is no book was standing by clients. And wondering what kinds of marketing strategies
are profitable to consumers. Therefore, the object of this project is the female buyers
who love to purchase shoes in department stores. Readers can compare with three
sections - customers, department store, and brand that were defined in this project.
It is undoubted that a department store wants to be choices for consumers when
they shop. But other department stores have same idea as the former. At this time,
what factors will affect consumers to make decisions when they face to many choices?
To tell it exactly, how do a department store to remove the multitudinous competitors
and to convince a consumer to choose it? Most department stores always thought that
the reason why consumers choice them is because their service attitude and quality
are better than other competitors. In fact, there are many important factors make
consumers decide to patronize department stores. For example, brand awareness,
commercials, prices, quality, characteristics and so on. All the factors are worth to be
discuss on market. It is a lesson for department stores to find their demerits and mend
them, besides, also to create plan for improving advantage.
Brands get a very important position in female shoe marketing because brands is
the origins of products, and the producers of customers’ needs. And the main goal of
brands is to make profits in the market. And this product chose six points for brands
gaining profits which are fashion, popularity of brands, quality, target market,
promotion, and advertisement. Using in a simplicity to make consumers know that the
production of a shoes, showing and selling are difficult and complicated. Moreover,
readers will get further understanding about brands shoes marketing in department
The project was divided into 3 sections - customers, department store, and brands.
We applied the 4Ps of marketing in our study.( Product, Place, Promotion, Price)
Readers could found the interest that the issues among consumers, department stores,
and brands’ point of view are different in this research. Consumers place importance
on shop environment. Department stores intends xxx (awaiting 姵均.) And brands
focus on gaining profit. Each section gets dissimilar points. It can help all of the
sections to bridge defects and combine the original excellences. Through this project,
consumers, department stores, and brands certainly will create benefit to public; it is
also the worthiest purpose of our study.