FACEBOOK 495C0925 黃 琪 495C0912 林韶儀 495C0923 林君怡

495C0925 黃 琪
495C0912 林韶儀
495C0923 林君怡
What is “ Facebook”?
 History
 Characteristic
 What can it do?
► Facebook web:http://zh-tw.facebook.com/
Facebook’ s Function
► The Wall
► Gift
► Marketplace
► Status
► Events
► Application
► Webcam
(The Wall)
 Wall is the user profile page on the message board.
Have the right to browse a particular user profile page
complete with other users, the user can see the wall.
Users on the wall message will be output with the Feed.
Many users through their friend's walls, leaving interest
A more intimate communication through the "message"
(Messages) to conduct. Message sent to the user's
personal mailbox, just like e-mail, only the recipient and
the sender can be seen.
► (Gift)
► Facebook
added a "gift" feature. Friends can send
each other a "gift" - some by a former Apple
designer Susan Kare designed to interesting small
Facebook virtual gift from the gift shop selection,
gift, attach a message. Gifts received, as well as
the accompanying information will be displayed in
the recipient's "wall", unless the giver of this gift
enjoy privacy settings for.
► (Marketplace)
 Users can publish the following for free
classified ads: selling second-hand goods, rent,
work, and so on. Supply and demand sides can
be released. All Facebook users can use this
feature. Is currently free of charge.
► (Status)
 State, enabling users to their friends and
Facebook communities, indicating that they are
now where do.
Facebook allows users to fill in the state of
prompt is "(such and such a user) is 。。。",
the user fill in the rest. The user's buddy list of
the "recently updated" zone, indicating that
these states.
► (Events)
 Facebook activity features to help users to
inform friends, the activities will take place to
help users organize the line of social activities.
► (Application)
 Facebook launched Facebook Open Platform.
Use of this framework, third-party software
developers can integrate with the core
functionality of Facebook applications, such as
normal play games and psychological tests.
► Facebook
 At the same time with the Facebook open
platform launch, there is a self-developed
Facebook applications - video sharing.
Users can upload videos, through the "Facebook
Mobile" upload mobile video, as well as with the
video camera lens. At the same time the user
can give the video a friend add "tags."