年級 夜四技英語一甲 夜四技英語一乙 班別 英語聽力訓練(一) 課程中文名稱 課程英文名稱 課程概述 課程目標 English Listening Comprehension Practice(I) English listening and oral training lessons are designed for all college students to improve their abilities of listening and speaking. Hopefully, they can have a fluent English conversation ability. Let students can listen and speak English with American without fear. I teach college students how to understand America culture and how to speak English fluently. I also teach the method which students can listen well English little by little. I use some approach to make listening easier and increase their abilities of understanding English listening in our daily lives. Topic one: 1.問答題 1.問答題 2. 簡短對話 Topic three: 1.問答題 2. 簡短對話 Topic two: 課程大綱-中文 2. 簡短對話 Topic four: 1.問答題 2. 簡短對話 . . . Topic Fourteen : 1.問答題 2. 簡短對話 Topic one: Part one---questions and answers Part two----some conversations 課程大綱-英文 There are total 14 units in this class before the class is over. Basic vocabulary and grammar abilities 先修科目或預備能力