行銷碩專二 N98D0017 陳凱鴻 Strategic Online and Offline Retail Pricing: A Review and Research Agenda 網路以及實體店舖之定價策略: 回顧以及研究程序 P1. Abstract 摘要 In the increasingly complex retailing environment, more and more retailers operate in more than one channel, such as brick-and-mortar,catalogs, and online. Success in this dynamic environment relies on the strategic management and coordination of both online and offline pricing. 在日益複雜的零售環境,越來越多的零售商透過不同管道來銷售產品,像是刊登 brick-and-mortar目錄以及上網銷售。在這多變的環境裡要如何成功,與如何策略 性之管理以及整合線上以及實體店舖定價,有著很大的關聯性。 This article provides an overview of findings from past research in both offline and online domains and presents an organizing framework, as well as an agenda to spur additional research. 本研究提供過去研究發現做大綱摘要並針對線上以及實體店舖定價之策略提出 組織架構,並對之後之研究提供補充。 In the turbulence of recent months, global economies have faced unprecedented crises in the forms of severe liquidity, fluctuating gas prices, inflation and deflation, massive increases in the cost of goods, foreclosures, soaring unemployment levels, and fluctuations in stock prices. These factors reinforce the need for retailers and manufacturers to manage and coordinate their pricing policies strategically. 在最近多變的環境:全球經濟面臨不景氣以及通貨膨脹。物價上漲、失業率上漲, 以及庫存成本提高。這些因素導致零售商以及製造商對於產品之定價管理以及整 合策略有著非常重要之關鍵因素。 Varied and rich streams of retailing research tackle a host of pricing topics, ranging from promotional prices to competitive pricing practices. Yet a lot of the research pertains to the domain of brick-and-mortar retailers, even as the emergence of pure online play (e.g., Amazon) and bricks-and-clicks (e.g., Staples) retailers has grown steadily in the past decade. 先多樣以及豐富之零售研究,本研究針對這些研究定價之論文做標題分類,範圍 介於促銷定價到競爭單價來進行分類。然而,很多關於郵購零售商之領域研究, 像是線上購物的出現(e.g., Amazon)以及郵購(e.g., Staples)零售商,在過去的十年 裡皆穩定的成長。 In particular, retailers have begun using their Web sites for not only transactions but also as advertising vehicles for their brick-and-mortar stores and as hubs for managing customer relationships. Because of these multiple objectives, a retail Web site demands careful management and coordination. 特別的,零售商開始使用他們的網站或甚至廣告車來推廣他們網路商店產品並管 理顧客間之關係。因為這些多重因素讓零售網站能夠針對顧客之需求了解的比較 清楚,並針對顧客之相關資料做管理。 Several review articles summarize key insights from the retailing domain (e.g., Ailawadi et al. 2009; Brown and Dant 2008a,b; Grewal and Levy 2007, 2009), as well as from means of leverage across channels (Achabal, Chu, and Kalyanam 2005; Neslin et al. 2006; Neslin and Shankar 2009) and the specific pricing arena (e.g., Kopalle et al. 2009; Ratchford 2009). Drawing on such insights, we offer an organizing framework (see Fig. 1) that we propose may guide further research into multi channel pricing strategies and issues. 針對幾個零售領域之論文做摘要(e.g., Ailawadi et al. 2009; Brown and Dant 2008a,b; Grewal and Levy 2007, 2009) , 對於非零售業領域之論文做摘要(Achabal, Chu, and Kalyanam 2005; Neslin et al. 2006; Neslin and Shankar 2009)以及特殊定 價之論文做摘要(e.g., Kopalle et al. 2009; Ratchford 2009) 。本研究提出一個組織 架構(如表1)對於後續之研究者提供多重之定價策略之執行。 Our review begins with a description of what we know about the development of appropriate price and promotion strategies; we summarize some representative articles in the Appendix. We also note some key lessons from behavioral research regarding promotional prices and their effects on perceptions of value and purchase intentions. We then introduce three key antecedents— firm factors, product (good/service) factors, and channel factors 本研究首先針對之前的研究,描述如何制定合適之價格以及促銷策略;並針對幾 個代表性之文章整理於附錄。本研究也利用消費者行為的研究提出了一些實際會 影響消費者對於促銷價產品之知覺購買價值之影響關鍵因素。之後介紹3個主要 項目-分別為主要因素,產品(好/服務)之因素,以及透過哪些管道之因素。