Participatory action research: Collective reflections on gender, culture, and language 參與式行動研究:集體思考性別、文化跟語言 作者:Alice McIntyre, Nikolaos Chatzopoulos, Anastasia Politi, Julieta Roz 期刊:Teaching and Teacher Education 23 (2007) 748–756 指導教授:劉以琳 老師 報告者:劉婉儀 M99F0210 鄭惠云 M99F0212 摘要 • The focus of this article is the experiences of three undergraduate students who engaged in a participatory action research (PAR) project with a group of preadolescent Latina girls attending a public school in Boston, MA, USA. The aim of the 2-year project was to explore how the girls constructed knowledge about girlhood and other gender-related issues. • 這份研究主要是由參與式行動研究的三個本科系學生,在美國麻州的 波士頓一所公立學校中進行,參與者主要是一組從拉丁來還沒有進入 青春期前的兒童。研究團隊用兩年的時間探索少女時期(少女們)如何 建立有關性別的知識 摘要 • In this article, I (Alice) briefly describe the PAR project. The remaining sections focus on the research team’s reflections. • 研究者主要簡要的描述參與式行動研究的主題,其他的部分集中在研 究小組的反應。 簡介 • Participatory action research (PAR) is an approach to working with people and exploring social phenomena that emphasizes the active participation of researchers and participants in the planning, implementation, and dissemination of research • 參與式行動研究(PAR)是一種與人的工作方法,在規劃 實施和傳播研究,強調研究人員和參加者的積極參與探索 社會現象。 研究議題 • In further writings, I explore how participating in a PAR project enabled the girls to actively pursue their goals as multifaceted partners in processes of inquiry, reflection, and action. • 在進一步的著作,我將探討如何參與PAR項目啟用,積極推動女孩的 目標是在調查、反思、並採取行動中多方面合作的夥伴 研究小組 • Julieta discusses how her life experiences growing up in Romania during the Communist regime helped her to identify with some of the girls’ life experiences. • Julieta談論她的生活體驗如何在羅馬尼亞在共產主義政權下幫助她 辨認與其他女孩生活經驗並且長大。 • Anastasia describes how dialogue, a basic tenet of PAR, assisted her in developing collaborative relationships of trust with the research participants. In the third section of the article • Anastasia在發展描述怎麼對話,在參與式行動研究基本的原則下, 協助她信任與研究參加者之間的合作關係。 研究小組 • Nikos describes how participating in a collaborative process with a group of girls from a dramatically different background than his own challenged him to reflect on his maleness, his ethnic beliefs, and his assumptions about public education in the US. • Nikos描述與一群女孩參與合作的過程中從一個顯著不同的背景,如 何參與自己挑戰,他反省自己的雄性,他的民族信仰,和他在美國的 公共教學的假設。 研究對象 • 參與者有12個年齡為9-10歲的女孩 • 透過參與式行動研究,探究他們如何用種族、性別和語言加入整個計 畫中 研究對象 • The girls participating in the project attend the Williams Elementary School1—a public school located in one of the most diverse neighborhoods in Boston, MA, USA. Eighty-five percent of Williams’s students are eligible to receive a reduced-price lunch. • 參與的女孩上威廉斯小學,一所公立小學位於美國,麻省波士 頓,在其中最多元化的地區之ㄧ。威廉斯百分之八十五的學生 有資格接受減價午餐。 研究對象 • Latina/o students constitute 75 percent of the student population. African-American students represent 20 percent of the student population, while the percentage of both Asian and Native American students ranks less than 1 percent. White students constitute 5 percent of the student population. • 拉丁學生構成學生人口的75%。 • 非洲裔美國人的學生佔學生人口的20%。 • 亞洲和美國本地人學生的百分比少於1%, • 白人學生佔學生人口的5%。 研究方法 • we met on a weekly basis for an average of one and a half hours per group session. All sessions were audiotaped and transcribed by me.2 During the sessions, the girls, the research team, and I engaged in a number of creative activities, for example, storytelling, drawing, and writing—all of which helped us gain a better understanding of how the girls make meaning of girlhood. • 平均每星期用一個半小時開小組會議。我在每一次開會都用錄音帶並 且抄寫下來,開會期間,女孩們與研究小組和我創造了不少數量的活 動,例如,講故事,圖畫,文字,都幫助我們得到對少女時期意謂著 甚麼有更好的理解。 研究方法 • The girls took over 500 photographs of people, places, and things that represented what it means for them to be girls. Of the 500 photographs, they chose 26 that they then matched with 26 words that began with the 26 letters of the alphabet. Then the girls wrote texts for each photograph describing how the photograph was related to being a girl. • The girls called their final product The A–Z Girl Photo-Alphabet. • 女孩拍攝了人、地方和事物的500張相片,這代表了他們必須是女孩。在500 張相片中,他們選擇了26張可以從26個字母表開頭中與26個字母匹配 的字。 • 他們最後稱為A-Z女孩相片字母表。 研究方法 • The opportunity to participate in decision-making processes was an educative experience for the girls. • 有機會參與決策過程是女孩們的教育經驗。 • By engaging in the challenges that accompany collaborative decision-making, the girls identified goals for themselves and for the completion of the overall project. • 透過決定一起挑戰的夥伴,都有完成整個計畫。 • The girls learned how to engage in ongoing processes of reflection and action that assisted them in gaining confidence in themselves as learners and doers. • 女孩們學習到如何在過程中不斷反思和行動,幫助他們在自己作為學 習者和實踐者時獲得自信心。 研究內容-Julieta • Since coming to the US, I have been exposed to new ways of thinking about gender, about how to participate in one’s education, and about the importance of language in expressing oneself. • 自從到了美國之後,我被暴露在思考性別議題的新方法、如何參與在 某個人的教育當中和用語言表達自己的重要性。 研究內容-Julieta • Similarly, the girls and I belong to distinct ethnic groups in this country. • I identify with the girls in terms of how some people in the US perceive them. • 那些女孩和我在這個國家中都是不同種族的 • 我就參與在那些女孩之中來觀察美國社會是怎麼看她們的 • • For example: Sometimes when I am in a store, a sales associate will stop smiling and treating me nicely when she or he hears my accent. Other times, people think that because I am a foreigner, I am dangerous. • 舉例來說,有時候當我在商店時,當他或她聽到我的口音後店員會停 止微笑跟招待我。其他時候,人們會認為我是危險的,因為我是外國 人 研究內容-Julieta • Usually when the girls were excited, angry, or frustrated they stopped speaking in English and reverted to Spanish. • 當那些女孩高興、生氣或失意的時候,他們就會停止說英語,而變成 說西班牙語。 • I do so without even thinking about it. It is much easier for me to express myself in my native language than it is to do so in English. • 我甚至沒有想過這種事情。比起英文,對我來說表達自己最容易的方 式就是說我的母語。 研究內容-Julieta • Participating in the project taught me to be reflective about myself and my life history and how both influence my teaching. In addition, by engaging in PAR, I am becoming more conscious of how language informs my identity and, as important, the ways in which I relate and communicate with others. • 參與這個計劃教會了我反思出我自己與我的人生,並且影響了我的教 學。除此之外,PAR的魅力在於我更有自覺我的語言是如何代表我自 己,我與人相處的方式和關係,是同樣重要的。 研究內容-Anastasi • participating in the project provided me with the opportunity to confront the negative stereotypes I had about people of Color— stereotypes that I was exposed to growing up in Greece. • 參與這個計劃提供給我機會去面對反面的舊習使我在希臘 這段時間有所成長,讓我知道我有對有色人種有所歧視的 陋習 • 例如:我從美國到Rhodes(羅茲島)這座島上的這段時間內,不過出乎 意料的,我成了"其他人" 研究內容-Anastasi • Furthermore, by working at the Williams School as a student teacher and as a researcher, I realized how intelligent and curious all children are, including children of Color. • 此外,藉由在威廉斯小學以學生的老師和研究員的身分工 作,我更了解到每個小孩都是聰明且有好奇心的,包括有 色人種的孩子們。 研究內容-Anastasi • In addition, being exposed to research material in my coursework has helped me to undo the belief that some people have in the US about children of Color: that they are less intelligent and less worthy than white children • a belief that is false and one that I now see as discriminatory and unjust. • 除此之外,被暴露在研究之下有助於我去了解在美國對有色人種小孩 的看法:他們比起白人小孩是比較不聰明和比較沒有價值的 • 這種看法是錯誤的,並且我知道這是一種差別對待且不公 平的。 研究內容-Anastasi • Through my participation in the project, I have come to understand that one of the most important things I can do as a teacher and a researcher is engage in a type of dialogue • where people can be reflective about themselves and about their capacity to be creative, construct knowledge, and be actively involved in the teaching-learning process. • 我透過參加這個計劃,我了解到身為一個老師和研究員最 重要的事情是我可以在他們的對話之中佔有一席之地, • 並且在對話中人們可以反映出他們自己具有創造力的才能, 建構知識並且主動參與教學的過程中。 研究內容-Nikos • My involvement in the PAR project helped me to better understand the way I (Nikos) perceive gender and ethnicity. • 參與PAR計劃對我的幫助是讓我更了解我自己對性別跟種族的認知。 研究內容-Nikos • I had preconceived notions about the roles of males and females. Several times during the project I found myself taking initiatives and assuming responsibilities simply because, as a male, I felt that I was expected to take a leadership role. • 我已經對於男生和女生應該扮演的角色有了先入為主的觀念。好幾次 在計劃執行的過程中,我發現到我自己會採取主動的行動和自大的負 起簡單地責任,身為男性。我感覺我期待扮演一個領導者的角色。 • my actions undermined the principles of PAR and of how discriminatory my beliefs and actions were toward the girls. • 我的行為削弱了PAR的定理,並且我把我觀念中的差別待遇投射到那 些女孩身上。 研究內容-Nikos • Using one of the most powerful tools in PAR—the cycle of observation, action, and reflection—I managed to see my previous beliefs as barriers to my relationship with the girls. • 使用了在PAR當中最有力的工具之一-觀察、行動跟反思的循環-我控 制我之前的觀念,這個觀念會在我跟那些女孩之間形成一種障礙。 研究內容-Nikos • I realized that ‘‘my’’ language is not better than other languages and ‘‘my’’ culture is not superior to anyone else’s. • Nor do I believe any longer that because I am a male, I know more, have to do more, or have more rights than females. • 1、我了解到“我的”語言並沒有比別的語言好,並且“我的”文化 沒有比任何其他一個文化優越 • 2、我也不相信因為我是男性而我會知道得更多、必須做更多或比女 性有更多權力。 研究內容-Nikos • my participation in the PAR project also challenged my personal beliefs about students of Color living in the US, and about the education they receive. • 我參與PAR這個計劃也挑戰我的個人信仰,有關生活在美國的有色人 種的學生和他們所受到的教育。 研究內容-Nikos • I believe that the collaborative nature of PAR is the source of the most important benefits that I gained from my involvement in the project; benefits that I am eager to use in the future as an elementary school teacher. • 我相信合作對PAR來說是最重要的好處,這是我參與這個計劃當中我 的收穫;好處是我會把這份熱心用在未來身為一個國小教師的自己身 上。 研究內容-Nikos • However, the benefits that derive from such projects have empowered me to lift my veil of ignorance around the issues of gender and ethnicity and have inspired me to continue my efforts to educate myself and others around issues of social discrimination. • 然而,得到的好處是從計劃中能夠讓我拿下我不知周圍那些性別和種 族爭議的面罩,並且啟發了我繼續我對教育和其他周圍對於社會差別 待遇的爭議的努力。 結論 • As the above reflections reveal, participating in PAR has provided opportunities for Julieta. • Anastasia, and Nikos to engage in reflexive research that contributed in a significant way to how they view themselves, Latina girls, education, and the multiple issues that characterize teaching and research. • 因為上述的反應顯示,參加參與式行動研究提供機會給Julieta。 • Anastasia和Nikos在自身的研究有助於他們如何看他們自己重要的路, 拉丁女孩、教育和描述教學和研究多樣的議題。 結論 • In addition, participating in PAR gave them insight into the power of creativity and personal expression within learning processes, which will enable them to develop effective ways of dialoguing with the students they teach. • 最後,參加參與式行動研究提供了他們洞察力進入創造力的力量和個 人表達在參與教學,使他們能夠發展對話的有效方法和他們教的學生。 End