Survivor’s perspective David Kan Tzu Hsiang, Tai

Survivor’s perspective
David Kan
Tzu Hsiang, Tai
"When I came to power, I did
not want the concentration
camps to become old age
pensioners homes, but
instruments of terror."
Sleep tight! Tomorrow might be a
big day
• We in the United
States should be all
the more thankful for
the freedom and
religious tolerance we
enjoy. And we should
always remember the
lessons learned from
the Holocaust, in
hopes we stay vigilant
against such
inhumanity now and
in the future.- Charlie
People in formation
• Father God, we just ask
You to open Your wide,
wide arms and look
down upon us, Lord,
and lead us, and let us
know what we should
do to stop this, this
terrible, terrible
Oven and the chimney
• As freedom-loving
people across the
globe hope for an
end to tyranny, we
will never forget
the enormous
suffering of the
Holocaust.- Bob
Dream house
• "No one yet knows what
awaits the Jews in the
twenty-first century, but
we must make every
effort to ensure that it is
better than what befell
them in the twentieth,
the century of the
• Benjamin Netanyahu
Behind the bars
• It is deeply shocking
and incomprehensible to
me that despite volumes
of documentation and
living witnesses who
can attest to the horrors
of the Holocaust, there
are still those who
would deny it. –Mark
The Quote
• "I want to say to all people around the world this should not happen again. I saw the faces of
the people we liberated - they went through
hell." -Anatoly Shapiro, Jewish Red Army
commander whose troops liberated the camp
“War doesn’t determine who is right, but who
is left.”- Bertrand Russell
“Never Give Up and
Never Forget”-Patrick Tai
Thank you