“it is a statistical operation for : DESIGNING COLLECTING PROCESSING AND ANALYZING DISSEMINATING Structure of Agriculture • Size of holding • Agricultural Household Information • Land tenure • Land use • Crop Area Planted and Harvested • Irrigation/Fertilizer/Phytosanitaries • Livestock numbers • Labour •Other Agricultural Inputs •Percentage of National GDP BACKGROUND OF AGRICULTURE CENSUS PROGRAMMES IN FIJI • Three National Agriculture Censuses have been conducted in Fiji over the last four decades; NAC 1968, NAC 1978 & NAC 1991 • Latest in 2009 NAC 2009 • All censuses were conducted by sample with technical assistance from FAO IMPORTANCE OF THE CENSUS • It provides benchmark data about the Agriculture Sector in Fiji. • It establishes a basis for monitoring and evaluation that are carried out in periodic surveys. • It provides information to help government and others to make short-term decisions. • It provides valuable experience to the Agriculture Officers who are involved in planning for, collection of and processing of Agriculture Sector data. RELATIONSHIP OF THE AGRICULTURE CENSUS TO THE POPULATION CENSUS • In many developing countries, households and agricultural farms are closely related because most agricultural production activities are in the household sector. • Common concepts, definitions and classifications are used. • Population Census results used in Land use Stratification. • Population Census results are used as check data for Agriculture Census results. AGRICULTURE CENSUS SCOPE • Broadly speaking, the Agriculture Census aims to measure the composition of the agricultural production industry i.e. extent of crops & livestock production International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) • Group 011: Growing of crops; market gardening; horticulture • Group 012: Farming of animals • Group 013: Growing of crops combined with farming of animals (mixed farming) OBJECTIVES OF NATIONAL AGRICULTURE CENSUS Overall Objective • To improve the flow of reliable and convenient statistical information on the Agricultural sector • To strengthen the Fiji Agriculture Statistics System, staff and methodology. IMMEDIATE OBJECTIVES • To conduct the 2009 NAC to provide a benchmark as an objective criteria for planning and policy decisions in sustainable agricultural and rural development; • To strengthen and improve the Fiji Agriculture Statistics System (FASS) in generating key agricultural data on a consistent basis, with the results of the 2009 NAC as the benchmark; • To disseminate the statistical information in the form of hard copy and digital reports. METHODOLOGY 1. Multiple Sampling Frame Methodology (MSF) was used. It combines Area Sampling Frame (ASF) and List Sampling Frame (LSF). • • • • Area Sampling Frame --- approximately 10% of area List Sampling Frame -- 100% large /specialty farms Basis for sampling ---- homogeneous land use Basis for list – significant contribution to agricultural production –must be able to identify 2. Data are collected through on site farmer interviews - Reference periods (reference year /day of interview) 3. The ASF uses sample segments that define an area of 100 hectares in which all households are interviewed. 4. The LSF interviews all farms that are part of a list of large and special farms determined by their contribution to the Agriculture Sector. 5. The ASF process utilises the following steps: • • • • Aerial photography Construction of the ASF Sample design and selection Photo-enlargements for selected SMs TYPES OF DATA 1. Farmer (Holder*): identification, sex, age, education, race, religion, marital status and occupation 2. Farm (Holding*): legal status, type of farming (subsistence/commercial), total land, land use, land tenure, type 3. Temporary crops: planted, irrigated and harvested areas (in pure and interplant stands) 4. Permanent crops: planted, irrigated and productive age; age and number of planted and bearing trees (in pure, mixed, interplant and associated stands) * International terms for farmer and farm are holder and holding. 5. Number of scattered plants, trees and vines (planted and bearing) 6. Types of pastures 7. Livestock and poultry: number of cattle by sex, age and use (dairy, beef, non dairy and non beef); small livestock 8. Farm employment: with and without remuneration by sex, cash, kind, farmer household demographics and participation in farm tasks 9. Use of fertilizers: organic, inorganic, agro-chemicals 10. Farm management ASF PROCEDURE • Overlay FIBOS Census EA Maps on to Fiji Topographic Maps • Numbering grids (1 km2) on maps in a serpentine manner by strata • Random selection of segments (Grids) • Selected Grids overlaid onto aerial contact print • Preparation of photo enlargements with relevant details ( Division, Province, District, EA Number, Strata) • Lamination of photo enlargement LSF PROCEDURE • Compilation of list of major agriculture holdings, specialized farms and Research stations around the country • Selection of all large farms STRATIFICATION • Classifying the FIBOS enumeration areas into various homogenous land use strata. The utilization of land for agriculture varies by geographic areas • These areas are based on a fixed number of households; all concentrations of households exist in many EAs and their distribution is not homogeneous, it became necessary to divide these EAs into more than one stratum. It was also noted that the Government of Fiji has identified certain areas as Protected Forest – mahogany and pine forest areas are not for agricultural activities. These areas were given a special stratum identification and removed from the numbered grids. POST STRATIFICATION A sampling technique used to create strata after the sample has been selected. If the sample was already stratified, post-stratification can be used to establish “further” strata within the actual strata. Post-stratification is used for an “adjustment” or “correction” of the original estimation of aggregates. CLASSIFICATION OF STRATUM ESTIMATED % OF AREA SM SIZE (km2) Areas cultivated from 70 to 100 % by temporary, and/or permanent crops. 70-100 Crops 1 20 Areas cultivated from 30 to 69 % by temporary, and/or permanent crops. 30-69 Crops 1 30 Areas cultivated from 10 to 29 % by temporary, and/or permanent crops. 10-29 Crops 1 40 Areas covered from 91% to 100% by improved pastures and unimproved native pasture (grazing lands). 91-100 Pastures 1 50 Areas covered totally by natural forest. 100 Forest 1 55 Areas covered with planted forest (Pine and Hardwood) 100 Forest No Census 60 Non-Agricultural land 100 Non Agriculture No Census 70 Urban and Peri-Urban areas 100 Cities, Towns No Census 75 Small Island Districts with a few villages. Village-scale Farming Any Size 85 Special small areas cultivated by crops located only in few places and List of important farms like big cattle or coconut farms, where their boundaries were possible to be drawn on maps (LSF Farms). 100 Special and Complete Farms Any Size STRATUM 10 DEFINITION IN WORDS Preparing for sample selection for the ASF Homogeneous?? Numbering of the grids tikina 101 stratum BA 10 20 30 40 60 70 102 10 20 30 103 10 20 30 60 70 104 30 105 10 20 30 70 106 10 20 30 40 50 60 90 20570.72 4593.06 11217.25 209.59 1504.15 295.62 38390.40 1086.12 10980.83 35623.44 47690.39 4349.84 2350.63 7194.87 3216.74 793.15 17905.23 20329.91 20329.91 10527.58 17019.43 22912.82 26.24 50486.07 10951.33 22153.46 25080.56 9885.01 3741.28 127.71 4159.34 76098.69 320910.27 16 552.61 9 230.21 5 903.65 209.59 349.65 295.62 32 541.34 1 086.12 10 980.83 35 623.44 47 690.39 4 445.89 2 311.44 6 392.63 1 949.50 781.43 15 880.90 6 326.28 6 326.28 10 527.58 17 019.43 22 912.82 26.24 50 486.07 9 905.24 21 968.47 21 392.52 9 885.01 3 741.28 124.19 3 580.98 70 597.70 270 527.95 samp segs nonfarm segs lsf farms 17 4 11 0 0 0 3 0 8 0 0 0 8 3 8 1 0 0 2 11 35 0 7 25 0 1 6 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 0 0 SIS 0 7 15 15 0 2 11 12 0 2 3 15 0 10 21 22 10 3 0 0 5 15 13 9 2 0 0 18 3 14 1 1 0 0 Strata combined DATA PROCESSING Refers to all steps for the following census questionnaires received at the Data Processing Centre prior to tabulation of results. NAC Form 1 [Segment Questionnaire] NAC Form 2 [Farm Questionnaire] NAC Form 3 [Non-Farm Questionnaire] The Manual Processing Machine Processing • manual review of the entries for completeness and acceptability • as well as coding some of the items • Involves data entry, computer editing of entries • summarization of data according to predetermined tabulation formats PreProcessing Phase Enumeration Review /Edit Questionnaire Manual Processing Phase Data Capture Phase Consolidation & Tabulation Phase Analysis and Publication Phase Receipt and Control Data Encoding Data Aggregation Generation of Final Tables Completeness Checking Add Weights Coding/ Editing Data Cleaning Consistency Checking Final Analysis of Tables Consistency Tables Publication Adjust Weights /Data Editing PRE - PROCESSING PHASE ENUMERATION Household to household collection of agricultural data, through direct interview of farmers in the ASF and LSF frames Locate ASF/LSF Farm(s) • Identify physical boundaries from Topo Map, Aerial Photo • Demarcate Farm Tracts, fields within tracts and non-farm areas within segments on aerial photo enlargement The Interview • Enumerators interview farmers (persons responsible for day-to-day farm activities) and fill in questionnaire NAC forms 1, 2 and 3 REVIEW/EDIT QUESTIONNAIRE Supervisors manually review all questionnaire NAC forms 1, 2 and 3 for completeness, acceptability and make necessary adjustments before they are dispatched to operations office for processing R&C Clerk NAC Forms from Provinces (START) Coder/Editor Data Entry Clerk DPS Data Editor 1. Receive docs from provinces; Segregate, record and arrange Forms 2. Inform DPS of submitted forms 3. Assign SM to Coder /Editor (C/E).. 4. Retrieve and give questionnaires to C/E. Record on DP Forms 7. Inform DPS of the completion of edited questionnaires in SM. A 5. Review and edit entries on the questionnaires 6. Return questionnaires to R&C •NC •DPS •R&C •DEC •C/E •DE •SM - National Consultant Data Processing Supervisor Receipt and Control Data Entry Clerk Coder/Editor Data Editor Segment OUTPUT : EDITED/CODED DATA CAPTURE DATA CAPTURE PHASE DATA CLEANING Type-in data is compared with the previously encoded data and if there is a match, the verification proceeds to the next data item. Completeness Checking Checks if encoded Geographic Area IDs/codes are valid, i.e. the IDs/codes assigned to the questionnaire are on the list of districts and if all sample areas have encoded sample households/questionnaires Data Consistency Checking The last step of the data capture phase is checking the completeness, correctness and consistencies of data items. R&C Clerk Coder/Editor Data Entry Clerk DPS Data Editor A 9. Retrieve and give SM to DEC. Record on DP Forms 12. Inform DPS of the encoded SM. 8. Assign SM to Data Entry Clerk (DEC). 10. Encode SM questionnaires NO 11. Return SM to R&C All SM encoded? YES 13. Merge and backup Data. 14. Merge, back-up data. 15. Run completeness checks Passed completeness? NO YES 18. Run consistency checks •NC •DPS •R&C •DEC •C/E •DE •SM - National Consultant Data Processing Supervisor Receipt and Control Data Entry Clerk Coder/Editor Data Editor Segment Passed consistency? YES B 16. Run completeness checks. 17. Run edit program or edit and back-up data. 19. Run consistency checks. NO 20. Runs edit program, edits and back-up data. Economist National Consultant DPS Data Editor B 21. Run Add Weights Program 28. Run Edit Program / adjust weights 22. Generate consistency tables programs. 26. Review tables, create edit specs or adjust weights 23. Back-up data, run Tabulation programs, and give the results to National Consultant 27. Create Edit Program / adjust weights 25. Review tabulation program and generate tables NO 24. Are tables consistent? YES 30. Publish results. END 29. Review final Tabulations •NC •DPS •R&C •DEC •C/E •DE •SM - National Consultant Data Processing Supervisor Receipt and Control Data Entry Clerk Coder/Editor Data Editor Segment DATA AGGREGATION After all data files have been certified to be free of errors, the files are merged into one big file in the database CONSISTENCY TABLES Consistency tables are generated to find out if the resulting data are acceptable, i.e., aggregates are not deviating from the current situation and are consistent with data from other surveys. ADD WEIGHTS For surveys, computed weights will be attached to each record and data file will be reformatted to facilitate tabulation. DATA EDITING Review questionnaires if inconsistencies are discovered when the consistency tables are generated OUTPUT : ANALYSED READY FOR DISSEMINATION ANALYSIS AND PUBLICATION PHASE 2009 Division Central Province Naitasiri Northern 1 261 7.4 2 255.32 2 115 12.5 1 258.29 2.7 Serua 1 812 10.7 5 195.94 11.3 4.9 6 279 37.0 16 685.05 36.3 Total 16 977 26.3 45 908.13 18.3 Ba 10 242 48.1 56 016.75 53.3 Nadroga 5 302 24.9 24 472.39 23.3 Ra 5 741 27.0 24 662.87 23.5 Total 21 285 33.0 105 152.01 41.9 Bua 3 972 20.1 14 324.65 15.1 Cakaudrove 7 712 39.1 33 046.22 34.9 8 040 40.8 47 284.44 50.0 19 724 30.6 94 655.32 37.7 Kadavu 2 288 35.2 1 676.14 30.7 Lau 1 724 26.5 2 414.44 44.2 Lomaiviti 2 281 35.1 1 112.40 20.4 Total Rotuma FIJI % of Total % of Total Farms Farms Total Area (HA) Area 5 511 32.5 20 513.52 44.7 Rewa Macuata Eastern 1991 NAC Namosi Tailevu Western NAC 209 3.2 262.24 4.8 Total 6 502 10.1 5 465.22 2.2 Total 64 488 251 180.68 DIVISION AND PROVINCE NUMBER OF FARMS % TOTAL LAND (Has) % CENTRAL NAITASIRI NAMOSI REWA SERUA TAILEVU 19062 7386 1101 2739 1470 6366 20 7.7 1.2 2.9 1.5 6.7 76719 30502 3510 5588 7567 29552 13 5.2 0.6 0.9 1.3 5 WESTERN BA NADROGA/NAVOSA RA 43401 26340 10783 6278 45.5 27.6 11.3 6.6 269743 121697 101817 46229 45.6 20.6 17.2 7.8 NORTHERN BUA CAKAUDROVE MACUATA 22402 3086 7926 11390 23.5 3.2 8.3 12 190039 34170 69467 86402 32.1 5.8 11.7 14.6 EASTERN KADAVU LAU LOMAIVITI ROTUMA 10535 2518 2864 4501 652 11 2.6 3 4.7 0.7 54906 6125 29492 15209 4080 9.3 1 5 2.6 0.7 TOTAL 95400 100 591407 100 2009 NAC 1991 NAC NATURAL FORESTS PLANTED FORESTS NAITASIRI NAMOSI REWA SERUA TAILEVU 21389 10510 549 1637 2018 6675 532 141 0 7 9 375 WESTERN 15355 2125 BA 12006 1412 1937 501 540 1084 48422 8005 23553 16864 3913 1839 88 1986 19172 2183 10754 4662 1573 1789 167 1195 419 8 104338 8359 DIVISION AND PROVINCE Division Central Province Naitasiri Namosi Western Northern 8.52 171.13 5.02 Serua 1 067.04 671.56 Tailevu 2 752.29 550.03 Total 8 786.81 1 302.04 Ba 5 849.47 269.06 Nadroga 2 298.04 289.20 Ra 3 205.56 256.49 Total 11 353.07 814.74 Bua 4 208.83 451.55 Cakaudrove 9 795.96 203.45 Macuata 7 144.26 188.86 21 149.05 843.85 Kadavu 106.37 5.08 Lau 157.07 3.24 57.50 0.00 Lomaiviti Rotuma FIJI 506.19 Rewa Total Eastern Natural Forest Planted Forest 4 290.15 66.90 11.29 0.00 Total 41 621.16 2 968.95 Total 15 524.52 14 791.36 CENTRAL NADROGA/NAVOSA RA NORTHERN BUA CAKAUDROVE MACUATA EASTERN KADAVU LAU LOMAIVITI ROTUMA TOTAL 2009 NAC size of farm category < 1 ha % of Total Area % of Total Farms Farms (ha) Area 28 212 43.7 11 709.83 4.7 1 up to 3 ha 17 053 26.4 29 252.59 11.6 3 up to 5 ha 7 881 12.2 31 003.49 12.3 5 up to 10 ha 6 905 10.7 46 802.46 18.6 10 up to 20 ha 3 040 4.7 41 493.99 16.5 20 up to 50 ha 987 1.5 28 954.31 11.5 50 up to 100 ha 285 0.4 21 403.67 8.5 126 0.2 40 560.34 16.1 64 488 251 180.68 100 ha or more FIJI 1991 NAC SIZE OF FARMS (Has) NUMBER OF FARMS 0 0.1 - 0.9 1.0 - 2.9 3.0 - 4.9 5.0 - 9.9 10.0 - 19.9 20.0 - 49.9 50.0 - 99.9 100 and more TOTAL % TOTAL LAND (Has) % 13068 28252 17638 12276 12703 6332 3173 1407 551 13.7 29.6 18.5 12.9 13.3 6.6 3.3 1.5 0.6 0 11358 32000 49321 87283 85334 98141 95471 132499 0 1.9 5.4 8.4 14.8 14.4 16.6 16.1 22.4 95400 100 591407 100 2009 Division Central Western Northern Eastern 1991 NAC Total Farms 2011 Total Livestock 19 671 Namosi 322 2 001 Rewa 146 867 Serua 624 4 267 Tailevu 1526 18 021 Total 4628 44 827 Ba 4655 19 962 Nadroga 2915 18 020 Ra 3233 19 648 Total 10803 57 630 Bua 1498 9 024 Cakaudrove 1082 8 855 Macuata 3779 12 650 Total 6359 30 529 10 276 Lau 177 642 Lomaiviti 137 346 Rotuma 42 162 365 1 426 22155 134 411 Province Naitasiri Kadavu Total FIJI NAC DIVISION AND PROVINCE NUMBER OF FARMS % TOTAL CATTLE % CENTRAL 7679 17.9 75254 26.9 NAITASIRI NAMOSI REWA SERUA TAILEVU 3249 344 304 690 3092 7.6 0.8 0.7 1.6 7.2 29311 3057 2504 6683 33699 10.5 1.1 0.9 2.4 12 WESTERN 25894 60.4 155239 55.4 BA NADROGA/NAVOSA RA 14492 6999 4403 33.8 16.4 10.3 68869 55286 31084 24.6 19.7 11.1 NORTHERN 8177 19.1 42787 15.3 BUA CAKAUDROVE MACUATA 1149 1423 5605 2.7 3.3 13.1 8604 14756 19427 3.1 5.3 6.9 EASTERN 1039 2.5 6941 2.5 KADAVU LAU LOMAIVITI ROTUMA 187 365 250 237 0.4 0.9 0.6 0.6 610 4265 1253 813 0.2 1.5 0.4 0.3 42789 100 280221 100 TOTAL 2009 FARMERS NAC male female % male % female TOTAL % of TOTAL 10-19 yrs 592 28 .9% .0% 620 1.0% 20-39 yrs 20 534 318 32.3% .5% 20 852 32.8% 40-59 yrs 29 966 1 162 47.1% 1.8% 31 128 48.9% 60 yrs and older 10 217 805 16.1% 1.3% 11 022 17.3% Total 61 309 2 313 96.4% 3.6% 63 622 100.0% 1991 NAC DIVISION AND NUMBER OF FEMALES PROVINCE FARMS % MALES % CENTRAL 18600 669 3.6 17931 96.4 NAITASIRI NAMOSI REWA SERUA TAILEVU 7193 1062 2650 1423 6272 231 24 134 97 183 3.2 2.3 5.1 6.8 2.9 6962 1038 2516 1326 6089 96.8 97.7 94.9 93.2 97.1 WESTERN 42750 2763 6.5 39987 93.5 BA NADROGA/NAVOSA RA 26137 10352 6261 1981 421 361 7.6 4.1 5.8 24156 9931 5900 92.4 95.9 94.2 NORTHERN 22032 1335 6.1 20697 93.9 BUA 3026 98 3.2 2928 96.8 CAKAUDROVE 7726 213 2.8 7513 97.2 MACUATA 11280 1024 9.1 10256 90.9 EASTERN 9906 90 0.9 9816 99.1 KADAVU LAU 2457 2481 21 39 0.9 1.6 2436 2442 99.1 98.4 LOMAIVITI ROTUMA 4319 649 22 8 0.5 1.2 4297 641 99.5 98.8 TOTAL 93288 4857 5.2 88431 94.8 2009 1991 NAC NAC DIVISION & PROVINCE Division Central Province Naitasiri Namosi Western .00 .00 Rewa 72.34 66.93 Serua 3.68 3.68 Tailevu 147.62 147.62 Total 227.60 222.18 Ba 139.65 121.76 11.56 11.31 200.24 198.18 Nadroga Ra Total Northern 351.44 331.24 Bua 3 208.76 2 614.01 Cakaudrove 9 564.73 9 494.48 354.44 344.22 13 127.93 12 452.71 .00 .00 1 684.19 1 681.32 47.88 21.84 Macuata Total Eastern Kadavu Lau Lomaiviti Rotuma FIJI Coconut Area Coconut Area Planted (Ha) Bearing (ha) 3.96 3.96 85.49 82.08 Total 1 817.55 1 785.23 Total 15 524.52 14 791.36 COCONUT(Has) PLANTED PRODUCTIVE AGE CENTRAL 1800 1686 NAITASIRI NAMOSI REWA SERUA TAILEVU 115 3 571 5 1106 71 3 545 5 1062 WESTERN 1458 636 623 326 509 287 8 341 14313 12954 2101 9361 2851 1926 8649 2379 EASTERN 11415 6314 KADAVU LAU LOMAIVITI ROTUMA 421 8082 2200 712 360 4650 812 492 28986 21590 BA NADROGA/NAVOSA RA NORTHERN BUA CAKAUDROVE MACUATA TOTAL 2009 NAC 1991 NAC DIVISION & PROVINCE Division Central Province Naitasiri Namosi Western 37.71 16.72 146.16 108.05 Tailevu 136.37 48.73 Total 489.19 271.79 Ba 489.19 271.79 Nadroga 405.48 188.46 Ra 463.19 247.12 1 357.86 707.36 989.44 494.90 6 159.13 740.52 515.48 257.62 7 664.05 1 493.04 717.94 141.70 Bua Macuata Total Kadavu Lau FIJI 100.66 Serua Cakaudrove Eastern 317.09 Rewa Total Northern Yaqona Area Yaqona Area Planted (Ha) Harvested (ha) 763.99 375.44 75.97 31.44 Lomaiviti 367.45 119.26 Rotuma 12.47 2.39 Total 1 173.83 294.79 Total 11 597.06 3 144.79 YAQONA(Has) PLANTED HARVESTED CENTRAL 914 56 NAITASIRI NAMOSI REWA SERUA TAILEVU 504 119 39 63 189 14 19 0 13 10 WESTERN 600 24 BA NADROGA/NAV OSA RA 132 0 218 250 23 1 NORTHERN 1298 107 BUA CAKAUDROVE MACUATA 359 664 275 32 41 34 EASTERN 933 71 KADAVU LAU LOMAIVITI ROTUMA 143 150 638 2 2 9 60 0 TOTAL 3745 258 2009 NAC 1991 NAC DIVISION & PROVINCE Division Province Central Naitasiri Namosi Rewa Serua Tailevu Total Ba Nadroga Ra Total Bua Cakaudrove Macuata Total Kadavu Lau Lomaiviti Rotuma Total Total Western Northern Eastern FIJI Rice Area Planted (Ha) 1.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 19.44 20.56 19.85 15.14 17.84 52.82 606.43 0.09 2 943.80 3 550.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 623.70 Rice Area Harvested (ha) 0.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.93 1.65 18.44 2.31 6.65 27.39 598.03 0.00 2 227.52 2 825.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 854.60 RICE (Has) PLANTED HARVESTED CENTRAL 3082 2622 NAITASIRI NAMOSI REWA SERUA TAILEVU 523 3 167 1196 1193 421 3 87 1040 1071 WESTERN 1377 1151 BA NADROGA/NAVOSA RA 385 694 298 357 534 260 NORTHERN 7217 5869 BUA CAKAUDROVE MACUATA 1432 177 5608 1346 160 4363 EASTERN 0 0 KADAVU LAU LOMAIVITI ROTUMA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11676 9642 TOTAL 2009 1991 NAC NAC DIVISION & PROVINCE Division Province Central Naitasiri Namosi Rewa Serua Tailevu Total Ba Nadroga Ra Total Bua Cakaudrove Macuata Total Kadavu Lau Lomaiviti Rotuma Total Total Western Northern Eastern FIJI DALO Area Planted (Ha) 4 369.67 447.95 243.09 500.13 1 776.87 7 337.71 335.67 476.43 1 293.42 2 105.52 974.87 3 592.53 439.27 5 006.67 408.46 89.62 258.61 40.85 797.54 15 247.45 Dalo Area Harvested (ha) 2 419.31 224.02 112.86 249.30 930.41 3 935.90 150.43 195.57 599.56 945.56 332.57 1 254.16 134.32 1 721.06 152.86 29.41 65.66 12.85 260.78 6 863.30 DALO (Has) PLANTED HARVESTED CENTRAL 3378 1280 NAITASIRI NAMOSI REWA SERUA TAILEVU 2376 237 254 134 377 993 44 60 53 130 WESTERN 877 193 BA NADROGA/NAVOSA RA 258 289 330 34 68 91 NORTHERN 373 123 BUA CAKAUDROVE MACUATA 59 151 163 11 38 74 EASTERN 917 214 KADAVU LAU LOMAIVITI ROTUMA 78 401 293 145 13 67 76 58 TOTAL 5545 1810 OTHER OUTPUTS – DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND FIJI ISLAND BUREAU OF STATISTICS •A STUDY OF THE AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES INDUSTRIES AFF_2008_Report_Final On-Going Fiji National Statistical System (FASS) 2012 OBJECTIVES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE EXISITING AGRICULTURE STATISTICS SYSTEM An agriculture statistics system should be responsive to change in order to meet data requirements of users. Fiji Agricultural Statistics System (FASS) are task to collect, process, analyze and disseminate those data and information in the quality, reliability and timeliness desired by users. The needs of users for statistics should be met within the constraints of available resources. Encourage to integrate this agriculture statistics system with the Fiji Island Bureau of Statistics (FIBoS) offices, working towards a statistical system that is responsive to the needs of the users. OBJECTIVES FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE EXISITING AGRICULTURE STATISTICS SYSTEM [Cont’] To consider the importance of NAC 2009 within the framework of the national statistics system, in terms of the use of information about the agricultural sector and as one of the three sources (agricultural census, periodic sample survey and administrative data) of the agricultural data. Continue to strengthen the agriculture statistics system by building up national capacity in terms of permanent staff and advanced training for undertaking agricultural censuses and sample surveys To be receptive to current development in statistical methodology, data processing and analysis systems and opportunities for training and manpower development. a GPS is ................. a Global Positioning System ....it allows you to determine your position using positioning satellites. It can be used to update maps, which are stored in a GIS. DEMAND DRIVEN APPROACH & LIST SAMPLING FRAME GPS LOCATIONS PROVINCE: Tailevu DISTRICT: Sawakasa DEMAND DRIVEN APPROACH GPS LOCATIONS PROVINCE: Lomaiviti DISTRICT: Gau LIST SAMPLING FRAME GPS LOCATION PROVINCE: Lomaiviti DISTRICT: Ovalau AGRICULTURE MAPING SOPAC – 2011 - 2012 GIS ACTIVITIES MAPPING COVERAGE 7 MAJOR ISLANDS IN FIJI • • • • • • • Viti Levu Vanua Levu Ovalau Gau Koro Taveuni Kadavu AIM To produce a landuse/ cover map of the seven major islands of Fiji with the major focus on agriculture. OBJECTIVES 1. To map all the Agriculture areas of the seven main islands. 2. To produce a raster map of the mapped areas 3. To calculate the area of the different mapped land use/ cover types METHODOLOGY VISUAL INTERPRETATION Elements of image interpretation • Tone or colour • Texture • Shape(recognition of an object) • Pattern(mixture of colour and shape • Knowledge of interpreter PROCESSES IMAGE RECTIFICATION The process of making raw digital image confirming to a projected map coordinate system. IMAGE ENHANCEMENT The process of controlling the brightness of the image to have a better contrast between forest cover and non forest. DIGITISING OF ALL THE LANDUSE TYPES IN THE IMAGE To polyganize or delineate all land use that you can interpret on the image CREATION OF THE RASTER MAP There are two main type of spatial data storage – vector & raster layer. All digital image are stored in raster data format. Most modern map plotters convert vector data to raster data before printing it on paper. ANALYSING AND CALCULATION OF AREAS – Yet to be done COMPLETED MAP SHEETS • • • • • • L27 L28 L29 M27 M28 M29 DATA SETS ALOS IMAGE DATA (NATURAL COLOUR COMPOSITE)2007 ALOS IMAGE_2007 (INFRA RED BAND) IKONOS IMAGE_2002 QUICK BIRD Image FLIS- Base Map Digitized agriculture layer on the alos image FORESTRY VEGETATION COVER OVERLAYED WITH DIGITIZED LANDUSE DISSEMINATION WORKSHOP • 6- 4-2011-3 Thank you for your contributions to the agricultural sector of Fiji. We appreciate your support and interest in better information for decision-making. It is our goal to provide you with what you need within the constraints of our resources.