Senate Agenda The Associated Students Leadership Team serves the University of San Diego undergraduates as official representatives, who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a diverse, inclusive, and engaged community. Thursday, October 23th, 2014 12:15pm University of San Diego, Salomon Hall The public is invited and encouraged to attend and participate in all Associated Students Senate Meetings. All meetings are open to the public, and are accessible to those with disabilities. Public participation in all discussions is welcomed, and the public is invited to address the Student Senate on non-Agenda items during the Announcements and Hearing of the Public portion of the Agenda. 1. Call to Order a. 12:26pm 2. Roll Call (Ashley Matkins, Briseida Jimenez, Daniel Smeraldo, Danielle Priore, Cameron Cooke, Kaitlin Goodhart not present) 3. Approval of Minutes from Senate October 9th 2014 a. Approved 4. Approval of Agenda a. Approved 5. Approval of Nathan Phillips, Commuter Senator a. Approved 6. Master Plan Update and Input a. Campus Plan encompasses the future of the campus and where it will grow under a 1520 year horizon b. Throughout the 2 year process there will be opportunities for students and faculty to be involved c. Dom: This is your opportunity to have a say in the master plan, from having more housing to a recreational center, so this is an opportunity to express what students prioritize i. Kelsey: feedback now or later? ii. Dom: No, at the Pop-Up iii. Carnot: The masterplan website has poll questions up, but any feedback through photos or notes will be useful for me iv. Matthew: what are some new projects that are coming in the near future? v. Carnot: There are many masterplans, the campus would like to do an expansion in the school of business, library, and residential halls vi. Matthew: How soon will we see structural improvements? vii. Carnot: It’s uncertain, but this plan is starting make sense of ideas Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego October 9th, 2014 Senate Agenda The Associated Students Leadership Team serves the University of San Diego undergraduates as official representatives, who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a diverse, inclusive, and engaged community. viii. Diego: it may be important to realize the spaces we have and how we can make them better ix. Rommel: Does this plan include classroom spaces? x. Diego: Yes, it is the top space need xi. Carnot: This study looks at which spaces are used on campus, how they are used xii. Bryan: I heard a rumor that Camino/Founders will get a lot of renovations xiii. Carnot: The campus wanted Camino/Founders to repurpose those buildings and possibly removing the street for only pedestrians. The masterplan a couple of years ago has been outgrown in another direction, so this plan is designed to guide that growth, that looks at the best possible use of land xiv. Mathew: Athletic Center at missions field? xv. Carnot: There are conceptual plans established but nothing set in stone xvi. Spencer Hoffman: Camino/Founders area would be repurposed with grass or cement? xvii. xviii. Carnot: Both, cement for easier pedestrians use and grass for recreation Spencer: Unknown, but that question might be used to direct more sustainable xix. Dom: Nothing is set in stone because they don’t know what to prioritize, so connect with them and let them know what students want xx. Diego: Architecture can be slow, so it’s important to have sustained input xxi. Kelsea: is there anything in the plan that I can study solely by myself without distraction? xxii. Carnot: We want to hear that from you, that’s exactly the feedback, a suggestion along with the question xxiii. xxiv. Kelsea: Is there a survey? Carnot: type in master plan in the search bar on the university’s website d. Pop-Up event at Colachis Plaza on Act 27, 2014 i. Help by leading the event ii. Advertising through social media 7. Hearing of the Public (10 minutes per topic) 8. Reports from Chairs of Standing Committees (3 minutes each. Unless otherwise noted) a. Kelsea Tower, Academics Committee Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego October 9th, 2014 Senate Agenda The Associated Students Leadership Team serves the University of San Diego undergraduates as official representatives, who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a diverse, inclusive, and engaged community. i. Brainstormed bringing a Ted Talk and call it a Torero Talk, calculators in Copely, and looking into study spaces b. Janiq Meneze, Inclusion and Diversity Committee i. Unplug and Engage Initiative, putting funny fliers or conversations starters in the tram ii. Showcased art that aligns with the missions of USD Stands For c. T.J. Hodges, Student Life Committee i. Consolidating our efforts to focus on 1-2 things ii. In contact with people in charge of improving tram iii. Making the nighttime hangout scene more present at USD d. Sarah Nolan, Student Organizations Committee i. Approval of Clubs and Organizations 1. Alpha Pi Sigma interest Group a. Also known as HOPE b. Primarily Latino organization, wishes to be involved in the multicultural center c. Will be able to rush both semesters d. Approved 2. American Society of Heating, Refrigerator, Air-conditioning Engineers a. Students who know this is what they want to study b. More than enough interest in this organization (>10) c. Henry Huang: targeting freshmen and sophomores, there are good professional aspects to the club d. Approved 3. Green Farming Collective a. Want to have a mini garden b. Focused on sustainability c. Approved 4. Harry Potter Alliance a. Pior Totum Locomotor, which is a National Organization b. Implement love for Harry Potter to help others e.g. read to children c. Possible joining with Quidditch Club Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego October 9th, 2014 Senate Agenda The Associated Students Leadership Team serves the University of San Diego undergraduates as official representatives, who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a diverse, inclusive, and engaged community. d. Approved 5. USD Improv a. There is no theatre club on campus, so they’re opening it to everybody b. If it grows to much, they’re open to having auditions c. Spontaneous and rehearsed performances d. Approved 6. Young Democrats a. Plan to work with local democrats in the region b. Approved 9. Reports of Executive Board and Ex Officio Members (3 minute each, unless otherwise noted with agenda items) At this time, any AS Executive Board Member and any Ex Officio Member may address the body on non-Agenda items. a. Dominic Pera, President i. Send questions to me that you want on the survey ii. Thank you to those who were in the USD Stands For Video iii. Next Thursday Oct 30, make sure you come iv. Working on getting a statue on campus, tell me if you want to get involved b. Rommel Pinlac, Vice President i. University Senate is starting to get heated up, follow up with me with feedback c. Bryan Chiang, Finance Chair i. The AS By Laws cannot be voted on today because we didn’t post them ii. Added Lavanya to the agenda d. John Michael, Communication Chair i. Please work on getting me requests two weeks earlier e. Alexandra Steinhaus, Torero Program Board Chair i. Today is the Curious Beasts Gallery Opening right now ii. Come to the events! iii. Like AS and TPB to stay updated iv. If you’re ever thinking of an initiative that coincides with programing, let us know! Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego October 9th, 2014 Senate Agenda The Associated Students Leadership Team serves the University of San Diego undergraduates as official representatives, who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a diverse, inclusive, and engaged community. v. Will be filming you to express what you’re working on f. United Front Multicultural Center Rep i. Hold Safe Space Ally Trainings ii. Nov 14 Multicultural Night iii. Conversation about #what’strending g. Kaylee Gil, RHA Rep i. Just had training ii. Encourage residential senators to attend RHA h. Sandra Gadow, PanHellenic Rep i. Tuesday was sorority recruitment informationals ii. Sorority recruitment is up i. Philip Juarez, IFC Rep i. In the process of planning the Fraternity Winter Informational ii. Still having conversations about sexual assault and domestic violence j. Spencer Hoffman, Athletics Representative i. Come out and support the teams 10. New Business a. Janiq Meneze, Inclusion and Diversity Initiative i. Members of I&D will be coming to your students orgs ii. Made mock mural that was penciled 1. Everyone: Looks great! iii. Art student wants to collaborate iv. Where should we hang it? 1. Maher, or Copely v. Kit: If you have any suggestions speak with Janiq vi. New quote every two weeks b. Dominic Pera, Presidential Search Committee Presentation i. Over the summer we built the presidential profile, which is what we will be basing the rankings off of ii. 60 candidates total, and we are figuring out which are the top 8 iii. Decision in hopefully February iv. Reviewed the residential profile v. What do you want to see in USD’s President: Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego October 9th, 2014 Senate Agenda The Associated Students Leadership Team serves the University of San Diego undergraduates as official representatives, who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a diverse, inclusive, and engaged community. 1. T.J.: Someone who is present and active 2. Keslea: Someone who is focused on the students 3. Ashley: Present at games 4. Sarah: approachable, not afraid to come to them 5. Tori: Constituents want someone who is open to other religious affiliations 6. Tyler: Identifying qualities that we don’t like vi. Dom: any questions or comments to me? 1. Michaela: As a committee, how did you decide the significance of prioritizing being a Catholic President 2. Dom: USD will always have Catholic president for ever 3. Danielle: will we get to interact with the candidates? 4. Dom: At the forums. Please turn in your sheets to me after talking to your constituents c. Bryan Chiang, ASBC By-Laws and Approval of ASBC Committee members i. Committee Members 1. Nick Bunick, Greek Life 2. Paige Monk, Senator 3. Tyler Safran, College of Arts and Sciences 4. Daniel McConville, Alternate 5. Bryan Patrick, Torero Program Board a. In the case that Alexandra is absent, we will have TPB reps that are available as reps 6. Morgan Offenheiser, Torero Program ii. Approved iii. Bryan: “Ole on” 11. Final Announcements and Hearing of the Public a. Kit: some tips i. No phones or computers ii. Read the minutes iii. Read the newsletter iv. You must be addressed by me before any comments or questions v. We are respectful, no side conversations Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego October 9th, 2014 Senate Agenda The Associated Students Leadership Team serves the University of San Diego undergraduates as official representatives, who promote opportunities for growth and expression, address student issues, and enrich a diverse, inclusive, and engaged community. At this time, any Senators, Ex Officio Members, or member of the public may voice any announcements or concluding comments. 12. Adjournment a. 1:34pm Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego October 9th, 2014