Senate Agenda Thursday, November 20, 2014 12:15pm University of San Diego, Salomon Hall The public is invited and encouraged to attend and participate in all Associated Students Senate Meetings. All meetings are open to the public, and are accessible to those with disabilities. Public participation in all discussions is welcomed, and the public is invited to address the Student Senate on non-Agenda items during the Announcements and Hearing of the Public portion of the Agenda. 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Agenda a. Approved 4. Approval of Minutes a. Thursday, November 6, 2014 i. SCHWP ii. Approved b. Approved 5. Hearing of the Public (10 minutes per topic) At this time, any member of the public may address the body on non-Agenda items. 6. Report from Speaker of the Senate a. Cookies were passed b. Parking has emailed exec, explaining that senators should be role models and not get too many tickets c. Survey will be sent with Dom’s survey 7. Reports from Chairs of Standing Committees (3 minutes each. Unless otherwise noted) a. Kelsea Tower, Academics Committee i. Harry: trying to streamline math department and engineering ii. Daniel: working on promoting blackboard iii. Ashley: working on getting calculator iv. Briseida: study spaces v. Tyler: Torero talks vi. Keslea: working with academic fraternities to say if they have any needs b. Janiq Meneze, Inclusion and Diversity Committee i. Looking at overrepresentation of unrepresented students, and it was okay with admissions material ii. Still trying to find space for the art iii. Combating negativity on social media sites c. T.J. Hodges, Student Life Committee Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego November 20, 2014 Senate Agenda i. Shalin: contacted tram director, said try to work with backing up trams and crosswalks are a factor, many variable at play but committee still working on it ii. Creating lines or signs to enforce lines iii. Possible increasing in signage, but everything has to go through university exterior design, a concern being vandalism iv. Digital countdown to when trams will arrive d. Sarah Nolan, Student Organizations Committee i. Had student mixer organized by the committee ii. Approval of Clubs and Organizations 1. Aviation Club a. Approved 2. Semper Phi a. Approved 3. SACNUS a. Janiq: what is the benefit of having this? b. Sarah: started as a Latino organization to promote Latino students to pursue career oriented c. Henry: networking is emphasized d. Approved 4. ASTRA a. Approved 5. Mortar Board a. Approved 6. Armenian Student Association at USD a. Approved 7. Tau Beta Pi a. Approved 8. Reports of Executive Board and Ex Officio Members (3 minutes each, unless otherwise noted with agenda items) At this time, any AS Executive Board Member and any Ex Officio Member may address the body on non-Agenda items. a. Dom Pera, President i. Tomorrow, 3pm Turkey Day Party ii. Interested in leadership conference? Let Dom know, AS supplies funds iii. Working with leftover meals to equal 1 can of food/meal, donating canned goods to Montgomery iv. Monday, 10:00-11:30am Cocurricular Outcome Planning Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego November 20, 2014 Senate Agenda v. Use your $4,000 discretionary fund in Senate b. Rommel Pinlac, Vice President i. Get on the Grass is happening right now, go after Senate ii. Open Forum for Core Curriculum coming up on December 2nd iii. Connect with directors c. Bryan Chiang, Finance Chair d. John Michael, Communications Chair i. Make more of an AS family ii. Trying to brand AS more e. Alexandra Steinhaus, Torero Program Board Chair i. Thank you who did AS update, TPB loved it ii. Thank you for your hard work, updates are exciting iii. Crafternoon happening iv. Friday is Blue Friday Bananza v. Saturday is winter dormal for first year students, spread the word vi. After Thanksgiving there will be more events vii. TPB is here as a resource, reach out to us, we’ll reach out to you f. Val Estrada, United Front Multicultural Center Rep i. Thank you who attended MultiCultural Night ii. Virgin de Guadalupe Mass on December 7th iii. UFMC is hiring someone for the Spring Semester iv. Looking for volunteers for the UF formal committees g. Kaylee Gil, RHA Rep i. Winter Wonderland is two weeks from now, come have fun! h. Sandra Gadow, Panhellenic Rep i. Had sorority recruitment informationals, went well ii. Encourage others to register i. Philip Juarez, IFC Rep i. IFC and PanHellenic hosting informational tonight ii. Dec 9th SLP courtyard fraternity rush informational j. Spencer Hoffman, Athletics Rep i. Men’s soccer and Women’s soccer have been successful ii. Look out for more games iii. Kelsea: big game tonight at 7! 9. Unfinished Business 10. New Business Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego November 20, 2014 Senate Agenda a. USDtv Change of Funding request i. Last year had a discussion in changing the finance in order to expand USDtv ii. Promo video shown iii. Funding is put into lens, bodies, memory cards, tripods, marketing efforts, college broadcast conferences iv. Last year’s $3,800 allocation v. Allocated $5.000 to exec members to go to important conference vi. Money is still limited vii. Resolution: a fixed 2% from the student fee every year, about $20,000 viii. USD is implementing responsible allocation practices ix. Suggested media fee, partner with Vista and radio, but proven not to be favorable x. Board of Trustees would not pass another fee, and Vista is not open to it xi. Why shouldn’t other centers get the same treatment? xii. The nature of the technology calls for continual growth xiii. USD Radio is still in its early developing stages xiv. Other centers would be mainly faculty and not students, and USDtv would therefore be the ideal starting point for starting centers xv. Continue to work with TPB and AS xvi. Screens in SLP or not of USDtv xvii. Videos from USDtv come up next to major branded videos xviii. Videos were not getting views before xix. TJ: what is the conference? 1. Hosted by Inter Collegiate Broadcasting System (?), biggest college conference for broadcasting, sending 4 representatives to IBS conference, we feel the conference is just another step to bettering the program xx. Kelsea: Where would the money be going if not to the 2%? 1. Bryan: ASBC is not in charge of this fee 2. Bryan: 2% comes from a flat rate, and would be dispersed regularly 3. Mandy: ASBC is probably where it would come from that is undesignated 4. Keslea: How many people are in USDtv? a. Erik: Exec + departments = 20-30 b. Kelsea: I think you do deserve this funding, but how would you use this to get more students involved? c. Erik: with more branding, we took more students at Alcala Bazaar d. Bryan: increase in funding would help, 10 students are sharing 2 cameras, produce more content Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego November 20, 2014 Senate Agenda e. Erik: students are discouraged when they f. Tori: program was awesome, my major concern is how you plan on using your budget to increase your presence, and how students are going to be consumers of USDtv i. Bryan: Council oversees policies to ensure responsible conduct ii. Erik: looking to expand for filming for sporting events, which would put the brand out there iii. Bryan: think we could improve on campus promotions, no one is going to watch a soundless UC promotion, boost over Facebook iv. Dom: POC, we need to have a universal rule to how we allocate to centers, if we open the door to the centers then they might come, keep that in mind 1. Eric: if a center realty needs the resources to grow, they will reach out to you, and you will know if they are worth considering v. Michaela: how long would this resolution last for? 1. Dom: It’s indefinite, and USDtv will receive 2% permamentaly vi. Puya: how do you reach your goals, I think you should focus on marketing, do you need a %2 fixed fee to increase marketing? 1. Erik: build content and build portfolio, but our goal is to keep the consistency of the quality of our photos 2. Bryan: even more important than the marketing is the foundation of the people, and only 4/30 student are able to go, but the allocation could change that…we will improve marketing but we will strive to grow our students, which will grow the program vii. Matt: move to table discussion 1. Tori: what would tabling entail? 2. Keslea: I think we should discuss it now 3. Rommel: we have more to do, keep that in mind 4. John: we should talk about it now 5. Michaela: you can ask them questions and vote next week 6. Kaitlin: We should talk about it now 7. Not approved viii. Danielle: move to add 10 minutes to discussion 1. Approved Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego November 20, 2014 Senate Agenda ix. TJ: this is discussion, doesn’t have to be a question? x. Bryan: allocated 5,000 to Black Student Resource Center, giving them this flat rate could stir up the fixed pot, and is this good stewardship of the student activity fee xi. Daniel: where can student access USDtv? I’ve never heard of it as a freshman 1. Erik: our content has moved to online 2. Bryan: has every website xii. Daniel: is there a possibility to any outside funding of USDtv? 1. Bryan: maybe, it would be difficult 2. Erik: got a big donation, and Channel 7 news donated set xiii. Daniel: what is the breakdown for they universities mentioned? 1. Bryan: LMU have a newspaper fee xiv. Kaitlin: unless you guys are buying equipment every single year, take into consideration that we are not a film or media school like LMU, and you all emphasized xv. Nathan: statistics on if USD students are watching the videos? 1. Erik: we don’t have those statistics, that’s something we could look in to 2. Bryan: switched to local USD news, covering these things that apply to students 3. Danielle: if channel 75 was canceled, would you be able to reallocate your budget? a. Bryan: It’s free 4. Harrison: sounds like the conference is everything you wanted, and not about the students a. Bryan: not just for the conference b. Eric: it’s about the consistency xvi. Kit: ask them questions during the week b. Henry: move to discuss next week i. Sarah: Do we have aagenda itmes next week? 1. Kit: no ii. Michaela: how will this impact the bylaws? 1. Bryan: it would catch people by surprise iii. Kaitlin: it needs more time iv. Tyler: We should at least try to propose it Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego November 20, 2014 Senate Agenda v. Bryan: we want the bylaws up to date so we can teach it to them the right way vi. Kelsea: we’re discussing it now, how long would it take? 1. Bryan: 10 minutes vii. Henry: I withdraw this motion c. Bryan Chiang, ASBC By-laws Change i. Student orgs wanted to pay student org group, but we only pay to contracted performers ii. When you confirm, you need to have the EVR approved, although we’ve been lenient this semester iii. GBMs, requested money is usually not allocated, so we thought it would be better to request only up to 4, but they will be able to request for 3 more after iv. We fund conferences at the lowest possible rate of that conference, and we do not fund conferences that are a requirement within the minor or major, and funding only for undergraduate students 11. Final Announcements and Hearing of the Public a. Dr A: Take the student health survey! b. Kit: read my emails! At this time, any Senators, Ex Officio Members, or member of the public may voice any announcements or concluding comments. 12. Adjournment a. 2:03pm b. Approved Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego November 20, 2014