Senate Minutes

Senate Minutes
The public is invited and encouraged to attend and participate in all Associated Students Senate Meetings. All meetings are open to the
public, and are accessible to those with disabilities. Public participation in all discussions is welcomed, and the public is invited to
address the Student Senate on non-Agenda items during the Announcements and Hearing of the Public portion of the Agenda.
1. Call to Order
a. 12:35pm
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
a. Approved
4. Approval of Minutes
a. February 26, 2015
i. Approved
5. Hearing of the Public (10 minutes per topic)
a. Nicole, March of the Toreros Tuesday March 17th 12:15pm-2:00pm
i. Volunteer List to staff food tables
ii. Jessica
iii. Lauren
iv. Paige
v. Michaela
vi. Danielle
vii. Henry
b. Jennifer Siebel Newsom
i. Monday at 7pm
c. Request the budget from the non-profit group
d. Dillon, Outdoor Office Hours
i. 10am-12pm
e. University of Portland is here!
6. Report from Speaker of the Senate
a. Speak loudly
b. Do office hours, Let’s Connect, and doing the events
c. Keep announcements short for last announcements
d. New Athletics Representative
e. Committee meetings are required to attend, communicate with your committee chairs
Get agenda in by Monday by midnight
g. Bonding day: go to a Padres Game, do something fun, Kit will be thinking of something fun
7. Reports from Chairs of Standing Committees (3 minutes each. Unless otherwise noted)
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 12, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
a. Kelsea Tower, Academics Committee
i. Re vamping website, creating checklist for students to align with major/minor
ii. Wants to host training/workshop at USD
iii. Proposal for faculty senate to support transparency between students and professors
b. Janiq Meneze, Inclusion and Diversity Committee
i. Voice of silence tabling
ii. Thursday is Diversity Forum at 6pm in Salomon
iii. USD Chopped on Thursday
c. T.J. Hodges, Student Life Committee
i. To go boxes for meal swipes for dinners
1. It was contradict the purpose of the SLP, to bring underclassmen together
2. BUT because all sophomores are on campus next year, there would be over crowing, so that
would open up the space even more
ii. Alicia has been talking about hammocks, just no in the courtyard in Founder’s
1. They are open to ideas of different locations
iii. Will be a joint meeting between three entities on campus (Women’s Center and Health Center)
d. Sarah Nolan, Student Organizations Committee
i. Have Tuesday 17th of March from 7-8pm
8. Reports of Executive Board and Ex Officio Members (3 minutes each, unless otherwise noted with agenda items)
At this time, any AS Executive Board Member and any Ex Officio Member may address the body on non-Agenda items.
a. Dom Pera, President
iv. Please check AS/TPB calendar
i. Great job senators
v. Directors need help all throughout
ii. Having first meeting of getting a
statue on campus
the year
c. Bryan Chiang, Finance Chair
iii. University of Diversity Week, please
i. ASBC have frozen funds
ii. Currently have $12,000 in their
iv. Torero Pride Tuesdays during dead
iii. Until more funds can be made
v. Another meeting for Strategic
Planning on 20th
iv. No one will be able to make requests
b. Rommel Pinlac, Vice President
i. AS Primary Elections
ii. Thursday the 19th during dead hours
for ASBC
v. $24,000 have been given to GBMs,
which is an issue
iii. Remind constituents to vote on
Thursday in the portal
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 12, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
vi. Funding of student conferences has
iv. Big Hero Six movie tomorrow night
gone up, as well as community
v. Saturday is Big Bear trip
vi. PCN Shiley Theatre Saturday Night
vii. Keslea: where are there more funds?
vii. Sunday: Movie Night the Hobbit
1. They have 30 days to return
viii. Jennifer Newsom coming on
their receipts, and left over
money returns back into the
Val Estrada, United Front Multicultural
Center Rep
d. John Michael, Communications Chair
g. Kaylee Gil, RHA Rep
i. Go to Outdoor Office Hours
i. Going to Bay Side Community
ii. Share election material
e. Alexandra Steinhaus, Torero Program Board
Center to help with March 21st
h. Lexxi Sullivan, Panhellenic Rep
i. Fundraising for City of Refuge,
i. Thank you for your hard work and
packed around 300 backpacks
support TPB
ii. Delt Dodgeball this weekend
ii. Talk to constituents and find out the
Weston Preising, IFC Rep
type of programing on the weekends
or during the week
i. Pi Kappa Phi is still recruitment
iii. Tonight have Coast to Coast 6-8pm
on Plaza Menor, second half is San
9. Unfinished Business
a. Resolution 1: Media Fee -Vote
i. First five points are setting up for the actual resolution
ii. Funds that we are getting now from own funding, so these funds would be dispersed among the centers
iii. The only thing Senate is voting is to move for it to be voted on for the undergraduate population
iv. John: Good idea, can reallocate $20,000, so freeing up that money is good, and a student government
funding a student journalistic organization
v. Keslea: We aren’t accepting it, we are pushing it forward, USDtv showed much interest and will spend
money wisely
vi. Moved to approve the resolution
1. Approved
10. New Business
a. Research Grant Application Vote
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 12, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
i. Requesting ownership over his project, so he can use it after graduation
ii. Loma is getting renovated, typically get thrown in the basement, project getting torn apart and lost,
entering in competitions, and before any personal money is
iii. Henry: how much was allotted?
1. $3,400
2. No one in the team is interested in taking the project, since it was done solo
iv. Harry: Can AS only fund certain parts of it, since AS has regulations of recycling
1. The parts that are being recycled
v. Kit:
1. Rep: if I win the competition, then I will have rights over the project
vi. Kelsea: asking for $3,400 or rights?
1. Kit: Both
vii. If the product isn’t licensed then the rep will not be able to own it
b. Moved to approve request for ownership
i. Approved
c. Nonprofit Leadership Association Appeal Vote
i. Denied request because the request was required in the minor, but that was a miscommunication
ii. ASBC has funded it in the past
iii. There are two appeals possible: ASBC didn’t follow bylaws, or miscommunication/new communication
iv. Katie: how does this work considering we froze the budget?
1. Because this request has been in the forefront, this request can be considered
2. Matt: ASBC needs to review the procedure
v. Tori: ASBC has been funding conferences, so ASBC should be consistent
vi. Shalin: We should look at
vii. Matt: Studen funds should be used for the whole student body
viii. Katie: There are very few things that cover the whole student body
ix. Dom: Any student group is allowed to make any request, this request has no role of whether or not be
x. Sonia: makes University look good
xi. Motioned to approve appeal
1. Approved
d. Resolution 2: Blackboard -Vote
i. Send to deans and faculty
ii. As a body we would like to see the information such as grades on blackboard and improve transparency
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 12, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
iii. Daniel asked them to start using Blackboard using it more
iv. Faculty explained why they didn’t necessarily like Blackboard
v. Tori: supports this
vi. Henry: requiring every professor to utilize Blackboard?
1. Kelsea: No, just shows transparency
vii. Henry: problem is going to be like an all or nothing thing, issue is that some teachers use it, some teachers
viii. Rommel: this resolution is just getting the Board of Trustees/to mobilize Faculty to start using blackboard
ix. TJ: One of the questions might be, what do we do after they see this?
1. Rommel: This will take a longer time than one year
x. John: since it’s going to faculty senate, should it be more structured, something more forwar
xi. Moved to approve it
1. TJ: Much more effective to give a strategic plan
2. Dan: Can’t force them to do anything, we’re just giving them the specific reasons
3. Daniel: Improve the transparency of the grades next semester, students want this transparency
xii. Approved
e. Approval of Student Organizations
i. Health Occupation Students of America
1. Almost like a pre-health team
2. Approved
ii. Theta Tau
1. Academic, social, professional
2. Approved
11. Final Announcements and Hearing of the Public
a. March of the Toreros be there
12. Adjournment
a. 1:48pm
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 12, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C
Senate Minutes
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 12, 2015|12:15 pm|UC Forum C