Senate Meeting

Senate Meeting
The public is invited and encouraged to attend and participate in all Associated Students Senate Meetings. All meetings are open to the
public, and are accessible to those with disabilities. Public participation in all discussions is welcomed, and the public is invited to
address the Student Senate on non-Agenda items during the Announcements and Hearing of the Public portion of the Agenda.
1. Call to Order
a. 12:42pm
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of Agenda
a. Approved
4. Approval of Minutes
a. March 12, 2015
b. Approved
5. Hearing of the Public (10 minutes per topic)
At this time, any member of the public may address the body on non-Agenda items.
6. Report from Speaker of the Senate
a. $4,000 in the discretionary fund, put to good use!
b. Vote!
c. Run again in the Fall!
d. Padres game and senator appreciation day
e. Two more senate meetings! Let’s go! Thursday we come back from spring break, there is senate
Have a fun, SAFE spring break
7. Reports from Chairs of Standing Committees (3 minutes each. Unless otherwise noted)
a. Kelsea Tower, Academics Committee
i. Daniel and Kelsea will be going to the next faculty senate
ii. Harry met with the dean to solidify updates
iii. Ashley library survey
iv. Katie working on getting market and salesforce
b. Janiq Meneze, Inclusion and Diversity Committee
i. Voice of Silence campaign went really well
ii. Diversity forum went well, but disappointed that no one from AS came
1. Lauren: would have been great to have more support
2. Michaela: Thank you TPB for coming
iii. Compiled a list of things that people suggested from the forum
iv. Resolution of a safe assembly committee
c. T.J. Hodges, Student Life Committee
i. Hammocks are back!
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 26, 2015|12:15 pm|KIPJ Boardroom
Senate Meeting
ii. Tori and Danielle met with the Women’s Center
1. Meeting centered around mood and women’s health and sexual health. The reviews were not
specific and a short survey was used, working on getting a more specific survey
iii. Draft of dining resolution
d. Sarah Nolan, Student Organizations Committee
i. Had student org mixer, had about 10-15 people and brought suggestions, concerns ideas
ii. May have another one before finals
8. Reports of Executive Board and Ex Officio Members (3 minutes each, unless otherwise noted with agenda items)
At this time, any AS Executive Board Member and any Ex Officio Member may address the body on non-Agenda items.
a. Dom Pera, President
ii. Torero Beach Towels! + Banana Boat
i. Look at the posting policy on
Sunscreen, tot bags, and USD
campus, draft a resolution that
would say we want posting policy to
iii. Get excited!
be revised and to include student
e. Alexandra Steinhaus, Torero Program Board
1. Tori: really good idea
i. Thank you for your support,
ii. Tuesday after spring break will be
especially March of the Toreros
the first Torero Pride Tuesday,
ii. Step out of your comfort zone and
where if you wear something Torero
immerse yourself in I&D
spirited, you get
iii. Talk to your constituents about what
iii. ASBC is back!
they want
iv. Get on the Grass ideas
b. Rommel Pinlac, Vice President
i. More updated version of the core
ii. April 21st = lunch on the lawn
12:15pm on Maher lawn
c. Bryan Chiang, Finance Chair
i. Money came from a drained amout
of $9,500, and $47,000 came from
Val Estrada, United Front Multicultural
Center Rep
1. We want to thank Greek Life and everyone who
joined us for out #What's Trending event this
past Thursday.
10. 2. Diversity Banquet is shortly approaching, so if any
seniors wish to participate please go to the UFMC
website and RSVP as soon as possible.
11. 3. Have a great SPRING BREAK!
b. Kaylee Gil, RHA Rep
c. Lexxi Sullivan, Panhellenic Rep
i. Raised $53,000
d. John Michael, Communications Chair
ii. Like PanHellenic Page
iii. Tuesday April 7th Language Matters
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 26, 2015|12:15 pm|KIPJ Boardroom
Senate Meeting
d. Weston Preising, IFC Rep
ii. That same night there will a social
e. Meghan O’Rourke, Athletics Rep
i. Tuesday April 7th, USD Ping Pong
iii. Wels Fargo Scavenger Hunt
Tournament outside of Aromas
iv. Crew Classic this weekend
12. Unfinished Business
13. New Business
a. Approval of Student Organizations
i. Pi Phi and NSBE
1. Pi Beta Phi
a. Approved
2. National Society of Black Engineers
a. Approved
ii. Bryan: FYI these student orgs are where the money goes!
iii. Sarah: Student orgs also getting money from other orgs
b. Statue Discussion
i. Need student input
ii. Committee is comprised of all areas of campus
iii. Where do you want to see it? What do you want to see?
1. Matt: Torero
2. Katie: Torero, helps tie in a sense of pride…a more abstract meaning could be lost
3. Michaela: Torero pride
4. Daniel: There needs to be a statue that’s something tradition based
5. Ashley: A Torero, but maybe something that revolves around pride
6. Briseida: Adds to the overall image
7. TJ: Put it in a location where there is a big student population
8. Sarah: in front of the SLP, in front of Paloma, and NOT of Diego
9. Shalin: shouldn’t be something abstract, center of Colachis plaza
10. Mary: In front of the UC’s, new students coming in, meetings
11. Matt: In the middle of the strips of grass
12. Lauren: On top of the hill
13. Nick: Placing the statue in the middle
14. Shalin: reason to not put in front of the SLP, to spread activity out
15. Kaylee: Be cautious about the tradition
16. Matt: POC, how long term is that?
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 26, 2015|12:15 pm|KIPJ Boardroom
Senate Meeting
a. Dom: if the timeline overlaps, they will be put together
17. TJ: Another argument for a Torero statue, the more creative the statue the more creative the
c. Funding Appeal Request
i. The project is ongoing so request is unnecessary…not true. Every simulation run uses a lot of hard drive.
Asking for storage, several hard drives of 12 terabytes to form graduate level research
ii. The computer is in Loma, and it is not in the computer, and the upgrade would be hard drives to put in
that could be extracted and erased at any time, so these hard drives would still be useful
iii. Kit: voting to send this back to the Honor Council, so if we approve this, it will go back to be reevaluate
iv. Dom: vote to send it back, not the decision itself
v. Michaela: Support to approve of this request because of new information
1. Approved
14. Final Announcements and Hearing of the Public
a. TJ: discretionary fund will be used by hammocks
b. Michaela: A main reason we had this forum was because senators expressed interest
c. Dr. A: Asking to attend April 8th in Degheri Wednesday from 3:00-4:30pm meeting
d. Crash: Come to Mr. U!
e. Janiq: Support!
f. Kit: Keep up the good work
At this time, any Senators, Ex Officio Members, or member of the public may voice any announcements or concluding comments.
15. Adjournment
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 26, 2015|12:15 pm|KIPJ Boardroom
Senate Meeting
Associated Students Senate of the University of San Diego
March 26, 2015|12:15 pm|KIPJ Boardroom