2016 Sigma Rho Chi Application University of San Diego Sorority Recruitment Applicant Information

2016 Sigma Rho Chi Application
University of San Diego
Sorority Recruitment
Applicant Information
Greek Affiliation: ___________________________________________
Date of Initiation: ___________________________________________
Class Level in Fall 2015: (Check One) ___ Sophomore ___ Junior ___Senior
Local Mailing Address: ______________________________________
Cell Phone Number: _________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________
I have previously served as a Sigma Rho Chi: ____No ____Yes, _____ (year)
Application Requirements
Interested applicants must submit a completed application
beginning Wednesday, September 2nd and no later than:
Friday, September 18th at 3:00 pm
Turn in applications on the 3rd floor of the SLP at the Student Involvement Desk 316.
(Next to conference room). There will be a folder to place in. Please also sign up for an
interview timeslot.
*Late applications will not be accepted.
Applicants must also sign up for and complete a 20 minute group interview with the
Sorority Recruitment Team. Interviews will take place in UC 220 on:
Tuesday, September 22nd between 12:00 - 2:00pm
Wednesday, September 23rd between 6:00-8:00pm
For women who are abroad, an Interview Question sheet will be sent to the email
address provided on the application on Friday, September 18th. Applicants will need to
answer and return these questions to usdvprecrutimentprogramming@gmail.com by
Wednesday September 23rd at 8:00pm(PST). Late submissions will not be
**In order to be properly trained as a Sigma Rho Chi, it is important to attend the fall
semester meetings and trainings. Preference will be given to women that can attend Fall
2015 trainings. However, USD Panhellenic encourages all women to apply, including
women who are studying abroad.
Short Answer Questions
Please answer the following questions (2 pages max) and attach to application:
1. Why have you chosen to apply to be a Sigma Rho Chi? (300 words max)
2. What qualities make you an ideal candidate to be a Sigma Rho Chi? (300 words
3. What is the most important thing you hope to gain from the Sigma Rho Chi
experience? What will the recruitment team and potential new members gain
from having you serve as a Sigma Rho Chi? (300 words max)
Obligation and Requirements
Serving as a Sigma Rho Chi is an honor, and with this position comes important
obligations. All Sigma Rho Chi’s must be an active member in good standing with their
chapter. To verify each applicant’s membership and standing, the chapter President’s
signature is required below. Abroad women are required to submit a statement verifying
their good standing, from their chapter President via email to
usdvprecrutimentprogramming@gmail.com. Failure to do so will result in an
incomplete application.
There are mandatory team meetings on 10/6/15, 11/3/15, and 12/1/15 from 12pm (Tuesday) in UC 107. The only exception for these meetings is for women who
are abroad Fall 2015. Women who are unable to attend due to being abroad will have to
make up these meetings by arriving to retreat early on January 15th.
Sigma Rho Chi’s are also expected to attend both of the Fall Informational Sessions.
Must attend one session on 10/20/15 and one session on 11/12/15.
Informational sessions: 10/20/15 (12-2pm and 6-8pm) and 11/12/15 (122pm and 6-8pm).
Sigma Rho Chi’s are also expected to attend the entire EPX retreat (January 15th17th), recruitment preparation and training (January 19th) and ALL sorority
recruitment events (January 20th-24th).
Additionally, at the beginning of the Fall 2015 semester, Panhellenic will be revisiting
and voting on section VI. g of the recruitment rules that pertains to the NPC Pilot
program continuing. More details will be available after recruitment rules are revisited
by the Panhellenic council community. The following rules were approved May 7, 2015,
and might be amended in the future. If rules are amended, they will be revised on this
application. Per the 2016 Panhellenic Council Recruitment Rules of Operation, Sigma
Rho Chi’s are subject to the following rules/regulations:
a. Members, new members or alumnae of USD sororities shall have no contact
whatsoever with Sigma Rho Chis beginning January 15, 2016, 12:00 AM until
Bid Morning (January 24, 2016, 11:00 AM). Contact with the Panhellenic
Recruitment Team during that period is limited to the conduct of Panhellenic
business pertaining to recruitment. If contact is made with a recruitment
counselor, the counselor will be removed from her position.
b. Sigma Rho Chis shall not have any contact via social media (Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, Pinterest, etc.) and deactivate their accounts beginning January 15,
2016, 12:00 AM until Bid Morning January 24, 2016 at 11:00AM
c. Sigma Rho Chis are required to attend all training meetings instructed by the
Vice President of Recruitment Programming.
d. If a Sigma Rho Chi drops out of the process at any point, there will be
a penalty assessed to the corresponding chapter. The fine will be $50
after she has accepted her position as a Rho Chi, or $100 after
December 1st. Additionally, the Sigma Rho Chi will not be allowed to
participate with her chapter in any part of the recruitment process.
e. Every chapter must have five percent of members apply to be Sigma Rho Chis
based on their chapter’s total. The Panhellenic Executive Board will establish the
minimum number of Sigma Rho Chi applicants for each chapter. For every
applicant a chapter is short, the chapter will be fined $50 per woman.
f. There will be a minimum number of 2 Sigma Rho Chis and a maximum number
of 6 Sigma Rho Chis per chapter, extenuating circumstances may be considered.
g. The Panhellenic Recruitment Team must disaffiliate themselves, emotionally and
physically, from their chapter. They may not communicate or visit with any
chapter members (including, but not limited to, new members, active members,
active members not recruiting, alumnae, advisors, traveling advisors, headquarter
personnel, etc) throughout the entire recruitment process. The Sigma Rho Chis
must positively represent the sorority community and shall remain unbiased
through all interactions with potential new members and larger community
h. Sigma Rho Chis and the stated Panhellenic Officers must remain completely
neutral at all times. They may not wear or display any type of sorority jewelry,
clothing, car decorations, or any other identifying articles during the recruitment
i. Sigma Rho Chis will act in an appropriate (respectful, polite, and mature) and
ethical manner at all times. They will always act as a role model. They represent
the Greek system and the University of San Diego at all times. They will treat all
sorority members, advisors, alumnae, Panhellenic Council members, and USD
employees with extreme respect and make recruitment a positive experience for
all involved.
j. Sigma Rho Chis must live without active chapter members for the duration of the
recruitment process. Sigma Rho Chis are expected to arrange living
accommodations during recruitment in a neutral space. VP Recruitment
Programming will assist in arranging these details.
k. Sigma Rho Chis will complete all necessary forms and paperwork properly to
ensure that recruitment is handled in the most professional manner possible.
l. Sigma Rho Chis understand that they will be entrusted to use Inter Collegiate
Solutions (ICS), and they understand to only use it for assigned duties during
assigned times during recruitment, and keep all information regarding ICS and the
Potential New Members completely confidential.
m. The entire recruitment process is substance-free for Sigma Rho Chis. Failure to
comply may result in removal from her position as Rho Chi and a corresponding
fine of $50 to her chapter. Exact dates are January 15, 2016 through January 24,
n. All Sigma Rho Chis must be removed from Chapter Social Media by January 1 ,
2016. Failure to comply will result in a $25 fine to the chapter per Rho Chi.
o. Sigma Rho Chis and the Panhellenic Recruitment Team may not participate in the
planning or implementation of chapter formal recruitment events in any fashion.
They must be excused from recruitment planning workshops.
By signing and submitting this application, you are agreeing to attend and fully
participate in all Sigma Rho Chi related activities and adhere to the requirements and
general rules. Failure to do so may result in removal from your position of Sigma Rho
Chi and a possible corresponding fine to the affiliated chapter.
Chapter President’s Signature _______________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________ Date: __________
Please contact:
Nichola Usher, Vice President Recruitment Programming
Application check list
o Completed applicant information
o Attached short answers (Please attach with paperclip, NOT staple)
o Chapter President’s signature verifying membership and good standing
o Abroad woman- Chapter President has sent email verifying good standing
o Signature agreeing to terms
o Sign up for group interview time