The Optimum Design of Motion Icon for Mobile Phone Based on the Human Comfort Affection Cheng-Hsun Hsieh 1, Shing-Sheng Guan 2, Ting-Chun Tung 1 Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, 123, Section 3, University Road, Touliu, Yunlin 640, Taiwan, R.O.C. 2 Department of Visual Communication Design, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, 123, Section 3, University Road, Touliu Yunlin, 640, Taiwan, R.O.C. 1 { Cheng-Hsun Hsieh, Shing-Sheng Guan, Ting-Chun Tung: } Abstract. This study aims to find the correlation between the “moving rate” and the “moving range” in different movements based on the human comfort affection. The authors defined three basic kinds of movement- horizontal moving, swinging and zooming- and using them to design the experimental samples. Subjects were asked to judge the moderate, maximum, and minimum moving rate in every moving range by their comfort affection. After the analysis, each of the movement samples will create three regression equations. Finally, according to the equations, the authors develop a program to help designer set the motion icon more easily. Keywords: Movement, Motion Icon, Optimum Design 1 Introduction Icon is the basic element for graphic user interface. In the early years, due to the faint of mobile’s hardware, icons used in mobile phone were almost static. At a later time, some designers tried to use animated icon on the interface of mobile. Bringing animation to user interface has both cognitive and affective benefits [1]. Besides, animation can provide learners with explicit dynamic information that is either implicit or unavailable in static graphics [5]. Motion icon could be stylization. Programmer uses parameters to control the icon speed and moving area in order to make it move. That’s a very different way from the frame by frame animated icon. Furthermore, movement can enhance the human attention and lead human feeling. Movement permeates all of life and is central to the human experience of electronic media [3]. Movement can bring us positive or negative feeling. For example, if the icon moves too fast, we feel uncomfortable. As a result, the aim of this study is to find the correlation between the “moving rate” and the “moving range” in different movement based on the human comfort affection. 2 Making Experimental Samples and Running Investigation There are many different kinds of movement used on icon, but which one is more presentable? The authors should define some basic kinds of movement for the investigation. The particulars are as follows. 2.1 Defining Basic Movement The craft of traditional (cartoon) animation was tremendously advanced by the Disney animators of the 20s and 30s, and from this work emerged a set of design principles and specific techniques. These techniques were also related to interactive systems [1]. Useful techniques from traditional animation include, for example, slow-in slow-out movement, squash and stretch, movement in arcs, anticipation, follow-through and secondary action [4]. In another early study, Vaughan (1997) had defined four physical properties of animation to be : Path (the line the object movement creates), Area (the use of space by the object), Direction (the direction of the animation) and Speed (the speed and tempo of the animated object) [2]. Through numbers of animation studies and considering the designer’s understanding of motion icon. The authors defined three basic kinds of movement for motion icon: horizontal moving, swinging and zooming. Fig.1 shows that the authors use Vaughan’s physical properties to define the movement. However the authors replaced the “area” with “moving range” and the “speed” with “moving rate” in the investigation. Fig. 1. Three basic movement (from left to right): horizontal moving, swinging, and zooming As shown in Fig.1, the bold line with an arrow on each end represents demonstrate what direction of the movement is, and the length of the bold line shows the moving path and range of movement. The moving rate of the horizontal moving is pixel/per frame; the swimming is angle/per frame and zooming movement is scale/per frame. Fig. 2 The size of the colorless mail icon is 26*20 pixel. It was put in the center of a frame (107*107 pixel) to simulate the mobile screen. 2.2 Choosing Representative Icon Due to the high utility rate of short message on mobile phone, a mail icon (26*20 pixel) was chosen as a representation (Fig.2). Then the authors used it to collocate the three kinds of movement to make experimental samples. For avoiding the interference from the color, all samples were colorless. The icon was put in the center of a frame (107*107 pixel) to simulate the mobile screen. All of the samples were made by flash and be shown on a 15” LCD monitor under a resolution of 1024*768 pixel. 2.3 Running the Motion Icon Investigation Twenty-five students from National Yunlin University of Science and Technology were invited randomly to carry on the judgment on moving rate of motion icon. The subjects are from twenty to thirty-five at age and all of them have normal eyesight. They were asked to adjust the moving rate under different moving range according to their comfort affection. For example, the moving range of the horizontal moving would increase 1 pixel in every step until it equal to 10 pixel, then the moving range would increase 2 pixel in every step until it equal to 20 pixel. Therefore, subjects must carry on the fifteen samples one by one. For each sample, they were asked to adjust the moderate (the most comfortable rate), maximum (the maximum rate they can stand), and the minimum (the minimum rate they can stand) moving rate. The moving range setting of each movement samples has listed in Table 1. Table 1. Samples’ Detail List Movement Moving Range Setting Horizontal Moving 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,14,16,18,20 4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34 Swinging ,36,38,40,44,46 6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26,28,30,32,34,3 Zooming 6,38,40,42,44,46,48,50 3 pixel Total Numbers of Samples 15 degree 22 percent 25 Unit The Linear Regression Analysis and Examination Program After the investigation of the motion icon, the authors started to run the linear regression analysis in order to understand the relationship between the moving rate and the moving range. The authors made the moving range as the response variable and the moving rate as the predictor variable, then put the data into the SPSS statistic software package to do the linear regression analysis. After the analysis, each of the movement samples will create three regression equations. Further analysis is as following. 3.1 The Linear Regression Analysis of Horizontal Moving Icon In Table 2., the Rsq value of the moderate, maximum and minimum moving rate are 0.987, 0.986, and 0.982 for the horizontal moving icon. Each of them were passed the significance test (Sigf. = 0.00). Therefore, the linear regression equation of the moderate moving rate for the horizontal moving icon can be: moderate moving rate = 0.678 + (0.077*moving range). In the same way, the linear regression equation of the maximum moving rate can be: maximum moving rate = 1.61+ (0.127*moving range), and the minimum moving rate can be shown as: minimum moving rate = 0.325 + (0.044*moving range). 3.2 The Linear Regression Analysis of Swinging Icon In Table 2., the linear regression equation of the moderate, maximum, and minimum moving rate for the swinging icon can be: moderate moving rate = 0.985 + (0.06*moving range); maximum moving rate = 2.853 + (0.085*moving range); minimum moving rate = 0.335 + (0.035*moving range). 3.3 The Linear Regression Analysis of Zooming Icon In Table 2., the linear regression equation of the moderate, maximum, and minimum moving rate for the zooming icon can be: moderate moving rate = 0.764 + (0.037*moving range); maximum moving rate = 1.77 + (0.051*moving range); minimum moving rate = 0.152 + (0.022*moving range). Table 2. Detail List of Samples Horizontal Moving Rsq d.f. F moderate .987 13 959.09 maximum .986 13 926.93 minimum .982 13 716.77 Swinging Rsq d.f. F moderate .996 20 5334.57 maximum .980 20 984.58 minimum .987 20 1529.89 Zoomming Rsq d.f. F moderate .995 20 3809.08 maximum .989 20 1803.29 Sig f .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 Sig f .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 Sig f .00 0 .00 b0 .678 1.61 .325 b0 .985 2.853 .335 b0 .764 1.77 b1 .07 7 .12 7 .04 4 b1 .06 0 .08 5 .03 5 b1 .03 7 .05 minimum .984 20 1248.42 0 .00 0 .152 1 .02 2 3.4 Building Examination Program Finally, according to the three equations, the authors develop a program by Flash to help designer decide the optimum setting between the moving rate and range more easily. As shown in Fig 3, this program will display the moderate, maximum, and minimum moving rate when the moving range be inputted. But when designer inputs a moving rate over the maximum, a warring message will appear on screen. 1. Suggested Rate 2. Warring Message 3. Manual Moving Rate and Range Fig. 3 This program will display the moderate, maximum and minimum moving rate if the designer inputs the moving range. If they input a moving rate over the maximum, a warring message will show on screen. 4 Conclusion If the moving rate is over the maximum or lower minimum rate suggested by the program, the user will feel uncomfortable. In spite of the designer can adjust the range between maximum and minimum rate, the moderate rate suggested by the program is an optimum value and recommended. This program provides a simple way to check the setting of motion icon never against human comfort affection. References 1. Chang, B.W., Ungar, D.: Animation: From Cartoons to the User Interface, Proceedings of the 6th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States (1993) 45–55. 2. Vaughan, L. 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