CHAPTER 9 Inventory Management Five Learning Objectives To determine (計算)the costs of holding inventory To identify the costs associated with a stockout To understand the EOQ concept 9-2 To differentiate the various inventory flow patterns To appreciate the role of scanners in inventory control 9-3 17 Key Terms ABC analysis Economic order quantity (EOQ) Fixed order interval system定期訂購系統 Fixed order quantity system定量訂購系統 Handling costs Insurance costs Inventory carrying (holding) costs存貨 (持有)成本 Inventory shrinkage 存貨損耗 9-4 Marginal analysis邊際 效益分析 Obsolescence Opportunity cost Reorder point (ROP) Safety stocks Stockouts Storage costs儲存成本 Taxes Vendor-managed inventory (VMI)供應商 庫存管理 9-5 content 9.1 Inventory Classifications 9.2 Inventory-Related Costs 9.3 When to Order 9.4 How Much to Reorder 9.5 Inventory Flows 9.6 Contemporary (當代)Approaches to Managing Inventory 9.7 Inventory Management: Special Concerns 9-6 Inventory Management Inventories are stocks of goods and materials that are maintained to satisfy normal demand patterns Inventory management Decisions drive other logistics activities Different functional areas have different inventory objectives Ex: finance vs. marketing dept. 9-7 Inventory costs are important to consider Inventory turnover: cost of goods sold divided by average inventory at cost cost of goods sold = inventory turnover average inventory Ex: $200,000 = inventory is sold 4 times per year…愈大愈好 $ 50,000 Compare with competitors or benchmarked companies 9-8 Low inventory turnover = high inventory carrying costs, little (or no) stockout costs High inventory turnover = low inventory carrying costs, high stockout costs Managing the tradeoff is important to maintain service levels 9-9 9.1 Inventory Classifications Psychic stock 精神庫存(stimulates demand!):如零 售店架上存貨、看到會想買! Cycle or base stock週期/基礎庫存:為一般需求之 採買 Safety or buffer stock安全/緩衝庫存:週期存貨外、 應付不確定需求之存貨 Pipeline or in-transit stock管線/過渡庫存:供應鏈 上不同倉庫間之存貨 Speculative stock推測庫存:應付季節性需求、漲 價預期等之存貨 9-10 9.2 Inventory-Related Costs Inventory carrying (holding) costs:包含下列因素 Obsolescence過時 Inventory shrinkage:入庫數大於出庫數 Storage costs:如空間成本 Handling costs Insurance costs Taxes………通常當天的存貨要壓低 Interest charges利息成本 Opportunity cost=備料錯誤之成本 Stockouts (costs)…as shown in table 9-1 9-11 Table 9-1: Determination of the Average Cost of a Stockout Alternative(種類) 1. Brand-loyal customer 2. Switches(向別家買) and comes back 3. Lost customer(損失顧客) Average cost of a stockout Loss Probability $00.00 .10 $37.00 .65 $1,200 Average Cost $00.00 $24.05 .25 $ 300.00 1.00 $324.05 These are hypothetical figures (假設數字)for illustration. 9-12 由前表可知,Stockouts (costs)愈高之品、需 要準備愈多之safety stock 9-13 Trade-offs exist between carrying and stockout costs Marginal analysis:找出讓存貨持有成本與缺貨成 本相同之(安全)存貨水準! As shown in table 9-2 9-14 Table 9-2: Determination of Safety Stock Level Number of Units of Safety Stock Total Value of Safety Stock ($480 per Unit) 25% Annual Carrying Cost Carrying Cost of Incremental Safety Stock Number of Additional Orders (Filled) Additional Stockout Costs Avoided(節 省) 10 $4,800 $1,200 $1,200 20 $6,481.00 20 9,600 2,400 1,200 16 5,184.80 30 14,400 3,600 1,200 12 3,888.60 40 19,200 4,800 1,200 8 2,592.40 50 24,000 6,000 1,200 6 1,944.30 60 28,800 7,200 1,200 4 1,296.20 70 33,600 8,400 1,200 3 972.15 9-15 9.3 When to Order Fixed order quantity system Fixed order interval system Reorder point (ROP) ROP = DD x RC under certainty ROP = (DD x RC) + SS under uncertainty Where DD = daily demand RC = length of replenishment cycle SS = safety stock 9-16 9.4 How Much to Reorder Economic order quantity (EOQ) in dollars EOQ = √(2AB/C) Where EOQ = the most economic order size, in dollars A = annual usage(用量), in dollars B = administrative costs per order of placing the order C = carrying costs of the inventory (%:每年存 貨成本之百分比) 9-17 Economic order quantity (EOQ) in units EOQ = √(2DB/IC) Where EOQ = the most economic order size, in units A = annual demand, in units B = administrative costs per order of placing the order C = carrying costs of the inventory (%) I = dollar value of the inventory, per unit 9-18 Figure 9-2: Determining EOQ by Use of a Graph 9-19 Table 9-3: EOQ Cost Calculations Number of orders (訂 購)per year Order size ($) 1 1,000 2 Ordering cost ($) Carrying cost ($) Total cost (sum of ordering and carrying cost) ($) 25 100 125 500 50 50 100 3 333 75 33 108 4 250 100 25 125 5 200 125 20 145 9-20 簡單的EOQ公式無考慮購量大之下的折扣因素 EOQ中假設需求是連續、不受時間影響的(確定的 需求模式!) 9-21 9.5 Inventory Flows Safety stock can prevent against two problem areas Increased rate of demand Longer-than-normal replenishment(補貨延誤) 如後圖 9-22 Figure 9-3: Inventory Flow Diagram 9-23 由前圖可知,若原本在第十四天會到的貨延至 第十五天才到,因此第十四天的30單位貨由安 全存貨支應(M點),隨後EOQ到貨 9-24 When fixed order quantity system like EOQ is used, time between orders may vary When reorder point is reached, fixed order quantity is ordered……電腦化設定reorder point ! 9-25 9.6 Contemporary (當代)Approaches to Managing Inventory ABC Analysis 有些企業會加入D等級貨、像是dogs(看門狗)或 dead inventory(呆貨)之意味:表已無需求之存貨、 只增加存貨持有成本! 使用ABC Analysis需謹記: A等級之品不可過多!否 則分類管理之技巧便無意義 9-26 Just-in Time (JIT) Approach:將存貨視為浪費(注重 原物料流動!), ex: supplier park Just-in-case (JIC):將存貨視為應變突發需求之保障 Lean inventory(臨界存貨、精敏存貨):著重製造 商與零售商間產品、存貨流動。如ECR(用於飲料 業、零售業)與QR(用於成衣業) 9-27 Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI):供應商決定 下單的時間。如螺絲業、消費品業 需避免共享資料不正確之問題….. Inventory Tracking:如利用無線射頻辨識 9-28 9.7 Inventory Management: Special Concerns Defining stock-keeping units (SKUs) 材料需以SKU或LINE ITEMS(線上貨)做分類! 不同SKU:代表種類不同或記錄方式不同之貨 Dead inventory……失敗的新產品? Deals(交易):指將暢銷品與滯銷品組合出售 Substitute items:企業需注意某些替代關係是單向的。如小螺 栓可能取代大螺栓、反之卻不然 9-29 Complementary items(搭配品):指需一起使用、一 起銷售之貨 Informal arrangements outside the distribution channel:如連鎖店間調貨 9-30 Repair/replacement parts:如有公司提供 parts bank(零件銀行)服務! 特例:零件製造商給採購量最多之伙伴免費度假 旅遊。然下游伙伴為取悅其妻、增加不必要採 購,造成供應鏈中該零件庫存大量增加 Reverse logistics……回退品與回收品(可再 利用者) 9-31 981小考二題庫 何謂ABC存貨分析? 存貨持有成本包含哪8個主要因子? 9-32