IMPLEMENTATION OF A PORTABLE ULTRASOUND DENSITOMETRY BASED ON FPGA Jian-Xing Wu, Tain-Song Chen, Pei-Jarn Chen 1 Institute of Biomedical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University Abstract—This work was major in utilizing the power electronics technology to build a high-voltage ultrasonic pulser (300 ~ 500 volts ) with high power factor(>0.9). Then the high-speed AD converters and the ultrasonic receiver were integrated with FPGA technology. Finally the transmitted or the echo ultrasound signal was designed to transfer to a notebook (NB) with USB port through the designed platform between the FPGA and the LabVIEW. In addition, the speed of sound (SOS) and the broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA) could be measured on the LabVIEW environment. AS a result, the ultrasonic densitometry can estimate the characteristic of bone tissue based on transmitted or the echo signal with the portable system based on proposed FPGA technique. Index Terms—Power electronics、FPGA、LabVIEW Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION The population who suffers from osteoporosis in Taiwan rises year by year. To develop an easy to use Ultrasound densitometry is a quite important subject. Recently, some researchers reported that the acoustic speed and attenuation of ultrasound waves on bone tissue may convey more information of bone quality, such as, microstructure, elasticity, density etc., to predict the bone fracture. Therefore, the ultrasound densitometry has become an alternative way for osteoporosis assessment with no X-ray exposure concerns and low cost. Therefore, how to develop a novel technique to obtain above ultrasonic parameters has become an important issue on ultrasound densitometry development. The measurement of ultrasonic parameters including broadband ultrasound attenuation (BUA, dB/MHz), speed of sound (SOS, m/s) has been applied for bone densitometry. It is a bone density measurement technology called Quantitative Ultrasound (QUS) which in and without risking subjects to radiation. QUS is a measure of mechanical wave that can be influenced by the microstructure as well as the density of bone. QUS seems therefore to offer an alternative to conventional absorptiometry, in providing structure information in additional on density . Recently QUS has been developed for fast, accessible and less expensive use, as well as QUS of the tibia, patella and multiple other sites. Theoretic QUS development of the ultrasound interacting with bone will be discussed in following paragraph. Presently, to measure the bones density, ultrasound densitometry is used. But this systems feature is limited with the Pulser/Receiver, which can not provide high-voltage ultrasonic pulse to penetrate twice the thickness of the bone. Meaning, not enough penetration is produced. In this study, we won’t design the pulse frequency for the different body parts, only for the feet’s heel. Two systems will be used, first is the power electronics technology to provide the high-voltage ultrasonic pulse and second is the FPGA hardware language. By combining these two systems we were able to implement a high voltage portable ultrasound densitometry model. The FPGA will create the different pulse frequencies in the bone by using a high-speed AD transform and then links this to the USB translator. Therefore, we were able to design and implement a portable ultrasound densitometry system. Ⅱ. METHODS The development system is portable, low-cost, and is able to gain a high accuracy output. FPGA does the integration for the following: Control System, Ultrasound densitometry (Fig 1. shows the block diagram for the development system): Fig 1. Block Diagram A. Power supply A power supply system controlled by the L6562 IC is the source of high-voltage ultrasonic pulse. This is used to improve the power factor rating by compensating the lag or lead of the phase angle of the current with respect to the output voltage (Fig 2.) s, and can acquire a high power factor rated power supply. By using the L6562 a high power factor rate (90%) will be acquired this can improve the output effects because we were able to avoid distortion problems in the power output like the crossover and total harmonic. The power supplies voltage is adjustable ranging from 300 to 500 volts since there are different measurements conditions present in the system. In addition, the system was made automatic; it will turn on and off by itself to prevent harm from happening to the user and the system. Fig 2. voltage and current phase B. Pulser Pulser's structure includes two parts, one part is PRF Generator and the other is Pulser Generator, the front end is PRF Generator that designed by using FPGA to control ultrasound pulse frequency signals. (Fig 3.) Back end is Pulser Generator. Back end is Pulser Generator. There two integrated these two parts into a pulser. We use FPGA to replace the traditional PRF Generator that using oscillator, by improving the noise of the signal from hardware circuitry. The cost and hardware circuit volume of FPGA PRF Generator both are decreased. Moreover, the PRF Generator become precise for frequency and provides with lots kind of frequency. Fig 4. Receiver signal D. A/D Converter The A/D converter of the system uses TLC5540 IC, and it’s the maximum conversion rate is 40MHz. By using the FPGA we can control the sampling rate and the operating frequency of A/D converter. Not only can it produce a high-speed sampling rate for the ultrasound, but also economize the development costs. Since we have a digitized form of the signal we can now connect it to the USB of the notebook computer, this can show the real-time waveform (Fig 5.) and be able to analyze the signal. Fig 5. LabVIEW 端存取訊號 Fig 3. Pulser signal C. Receiver The receiver amplifies the weak signals received (mv) and also attenuates the noise in the receiving probe (Fig 4.). At the end of the receiver an Analog-to- Digital converter is added so that a digitized output is produced. Two IC’s were used for the amplification, namely AD797 for the first level amplification and AD811 for the second level; this can amplify the signals from 8 up to 88 times. The advantage of using this IC’s is that, AD797 can produce low noise and distortion, and AD811 is a high performance Op Amp. The bandwidth of the receiver starts from 8Hz to 20Hz. The signal received was increased from a small output voltage to a positive output voltage of 1~10 volts. E. FPGA System In ultrasonic densitometry, the core controller used is FPGA (Fig 6.), to produce various pulse frequencies for different conditions. FPGA will replace the analog circuit elements but will retain the high-voltage electronic part in the Hardware, this will minimize the pulse systems size by a third of its original size, resulting to less noise in the signal and development costs. FPGA controls how the A/D converter works and then connects the USB system to convey data to the HMI for analysis. Since the input current of 110volts is not enough to run the whole system we needed to add an inductor that provides 500 volts direct current. Having a high voltage system, we need to attenuate the voltage inputs necessary for the FPGA to run. An automatic turn off device is designed to avoid harm from users and to the system. For the future works the plan is to first use an LCDM for displaying the ultrasound signal in real time, second, by replacing VHDL and using NIOS II as the design circuit we can reduce the complexity of system, lastly, we hope to create a stand alone embedded ultrasonic densitometry system. 100 Im-part Resistance (£[) 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,400 1,500 Frequency (MHz) Fig 6. FPGA block diagram Ⅲ.CONCLUSIONS In this study, the instrument structure has been accomplished (Fig 7& 8 ), for Pulser/Receiver test, a simple and low cost Pulser/Receiver (500V). for simple Ultrasound densitometry system based on FPGA. Can show the real-time waveform and be able to analyze the signal by LabVIEW. The error less than 10%. The results are consistent to the manufacture’s specifications and accuracy. Fig 7. Ultrasonic densitometry Fig 8. LabVIEW system Ⅳ. REFERENCES [1] G. T. 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