錯誤的出生與生命所形成的醫療 法律問題 台北市立聯合醫院中興院區 李壽星 October 24, 2009 Introduction wrongful birth: 怪父母把他生下來。 wrongful life: 怪自己命不好。 wrongful gene: 怪基因不好。 Wrongful Birth Wrongful birth is a legal cause of action in some common law countries in which the parents of a congenitally diseased child claim that their doctor failed to properly warn of their risk of conceiving or giving birth to a child with serious genetic or congenital abnormalities. Thus, the plaintiffs claim, the defendant prevented them from making a truly informed decision as to whether or not to have the child. Wrongful birth is a type of medical malpractice tort. Wrongful Birth The elements of a wrongful birth claim the existence of a patient-doctor relationship between the defendant and the plaintiff; the doctor negligently failed to disclose to the prospective parents the risk of having a child with a genetic or congenital disease; the plaintiff suffered harm; and the doctor’s negligence caused that harm. Wrongful Life A Wrongful Life action is conceptually similar to a wrongful birth action. In a wrongful birth action, parents seek damages for a child born with birth defects. In a wrongful life action, the child seeks damages for being born with a birth defect rather than not being born. Keel v. Banach the plaintiffs were a man and his pregnant wife, who both sought to avoid having a child with genetic or developmental abnormalities. The defendant was an obstetrician who performed several sonograms on the woman and her developing fetus. The defendant did not detect any abnormalities and assured the parents that their child was developing normally. However, the child was born with a variety of severe congenital abnormalities, requiring multiple surgeries. The child died at the age of six. Keel v. Banach The parents sued on a theory of wrongful birth. The court ruled “the parents of a congenitally defective child may maintain an action for its wrongful birth if the birth was the result of the negligent failure of the attending physician to discover and inform them of the existence of fetal defects.” The plaintiffs could recover for any medical expenses caused by the defendant’s negligence as well as for the physical pain of the wife, loss of consortium and mental and emotional suffering. Clark v. Children's Memorial Hospital The plaintiffs sought genetic counseling to determine if their son suffered from Angelman Syndrome - a disorder caused by the abnormal function of the gene UBE3A , located in a small region of chromosone 15. The defendant informed them that all known genetic mutations for Angelman Snydrome had been ruled out. That information was incorrect. Subsequentlt the plaintiff gave birth to another son, Timothy, who was diangosed with Angelman Syndrome. Clark v. Children's Memorial Hospital The trial court determined that plaintiffs could only recover damages for the extraordinary costs for caring for Timothy until age 18. The plaintiffs then appealed that decision. After a careful review of the relevant caselaw, the Appellate Court ruled that the plaintiffs could plead a cause of action for wrongful birth to recover damages for the extraordinary costs of caring for the disabled child beyond the age of 18. Jury Awards $21.1 Million In Wrongful Birth Case TAMPA - A jury has awarded the Estrada family $21.1 million for a misdiagnosis of their first child, that led them to believe their second child would not be born with the same genetic disorder. The family is now raising two children, who will never be able to communicate, have significant birth defects and will need constant care the rest of their lives. Prenatal Diagnosis and Treatment The following prenatal diagnosis are common: 1. Genetic counseling 2. Down Syndrome Screening 3. Thalassaemia screening 4. Amniocentesis and Chorionic villus sampling a. Chromosomal study (Fetal Karyotyping) b. DNA study (for genetic disorder) 5. Prenatal Ultrasound Assessment 6. Fetal anatomy survey Prenatal Diagnosis of Genetic Disorders CHROMOSOME ABNORMALITIES SINGLE-GENE DISORDERS CHROMOSOME ABNORMALITIES A variety of chromosome abnormalities can occur in association with a live birth. Most autosomal trisomies result from maternal meiotic nondisjunction, a phenomenon that occurs more frequently with advanced maternal age. Numeric sex chromosome abnormalities can result from either maternal or paternal nondisjunction; inversions and translocations may be sporadic or familial. SINGLE-GENE DISORDERS The number of single-gene disorders that can be diagnosed prenatally is increasing rapidly. The list of diagnosable diseases currently includes: neurofibromatosis, myotonic dystrophy, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, adult polycystic kidney disease, Huntington's disease, osteogenesis imperfecta, cystic fibrosis, phenylketonuria and other enzyme deficiency diseases, hemophilia A, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, and fragile X syndrome. 臺灣台中地院87重訴字第724號判決 原告主張 被告所屬醫師謝○○雖為原告李美蓮執行 共計十一次超音波檢查,仍未能注意原告 之胎兒顯示異常訊息,足認被告謝○○于 原告產檢過程中未提供可合理期待之安全 服務。超音波照片顯示,縱使胎兒因纏繞 僅缺少手掌(肢末端)之殘缺,亦能經由超 音波而診斷出。 臺灣台中地院87重訴字第724號判決 被告抗辯 行政院衛生署醫事審議委員會鑒定認為:根 據眾多文獻記載,肢體端異常是超音波不易 診斷的主要專案之一,其敏感度僅有五成左 右。本件超音波未能檢出上開先天性肢體殘 缺,應屬超音波診斷功能之限制,而非被告 有所疏失之情事,亦非被告注意能力所能及 之,是故,本件已符合當時科技水準。 臺灣台中地院87重訴字第724號判決 判決理由 查醫療服務是否已符合當時科技或專業水準 為一專業領域之判斷問題,而行政院衛生署 醫事審議委員會及臺灣大學附設醫學院之鑒 定既為專業判斷,應可采信。是被告抗辯本 件醫療符合當時科技或專業水準,僅因受限 於檢查儀器之靈敏度與診斷極限,而未查知 胎兒肢體異常一節,尚屬可信。 對消保法無過失責任的限制 科技抗辯 過失責任制 推定過失責任制 無過失責任制 消費者保護法第7條 從事設計、生產、製造商品或提供服務之企 業經營者,於提供商品流通進入市場,或提 供服務時,應確保該商品或服務,符合當時 科技或專業水準可合理期待之安全性。商品 或服務具有危害消費者生命、身體、健康、 財產之可能者,應於明顯處為警告標示及緊 急處理危險之方法。企業經營者違反前二項 規定,致生損害於消費者或第三人時,應負 連帶賠償責任。但企業經營者能證明其無過 失者,法院得減輕其賠償責任。 消費者保護法第7-1條 企業經營者主張其商品於流通進入市場,或 其服務於提供時,符合當時科 技或專業水準 可合理期待之安全性者,就其主張之事實負 舉證責任。 商品或服務不得僅因其後有較佳 之商品或服務,而被視為不符合前條第一 項 之安全性。 臺北地院民事91年度訴字第768號 判決理由: 經馬偕紀念醫院「馬院醫婦字第九二二八一 四號」鑑定報告,證明被告無過失。且依現 行標準產檢項目實施之超音波攝影,不能完 全察覺原告之子於出生時之先天肢障狀況, 因認被告無過失,而馭回原告請求。 最高法院92年台上字第1057號 羊水檢體培養、分析、判讀,屬於產前遺傳 診斷,需具有專門訓練之人員,始能從事相 關羊水檢體培養、分析、判讀,故行政院衛 生署制定有臨床細胞遺傳學檢驗單位評估要 點,規定技術員須具有一定之資格或經驗, 被告丙並無前開學經歷,其自無單獨從事羊 水之染色體培養、分析及判讀之能力,被告 乙竟任由其單獨為之,而依其情形又非不能 注意,竟疏於注意,致生本件錯誤之結果, 自難辭其過失責任。 Postnatal - Gene Therapy 基因治療與非基因治療確有差別。傳統治療 是對生命的表現型(phenotype)出錯之後,加 以一時的調整,使其恢復正常功能。基因治 療是對生命的遺傳基礎基因型(genotype), 加以長期甚至可遺傳的修改,間接恢復正常 表現型。在一些疾病,如遺傳性的罕見疾病 (血友病、黏多醣寶寶、玻璃娃娃等),基因 治療可能可以完全根除疾病。甚至可能改善 高血壓、糖尿病、癌症等常見疾病,因此基 因治療有很大的潛在效益。 Jesse Gelsinger Case U. Penn. 一名罹患遺傳性疾病 Ornithine TransCarbamylase Deficiency(OTC deficiency)的18歲 患者 Jesse Gelsinger 參與 U. Penn.由 Dr. James Wilson 所主持的基因治療研究計劃,治療方法是 將患者所缺乏的基因以腺病毒(Adenovirus)作為載 體(vector),傳送入肝臟細胞,使肝臟能製造所缺 乏的酵素 OTC,以恢復肝臟原有清除體內蛋白質 代謝所產生的毒素 ammonia 的功能。不幸該患者 在 1999年 9 月接受注射試驗藥劑後,隔日即出現 全身腫脹等異常現象、隨後病情迅速惡化、陷入 昏迷因而死亡。 Jesse Gelsinger Case A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) investigation concluded that the scientists involved in the trial, including the lead researcher Dr. James M. Wilson, broke several rules of conduct: * Inclusion of Gelsinger as a substitute for another volunteer who dropped out, despite having high ammonia levels that should have led to his exclusion from the trial. * Failure by the university to report that two patients had experienced serious side effects from the gene therapy * Failure to mention the deaths of monkeys given a similar treatment in the informed consent documentation. Gene Therapy Case Tufts University 一位已知肺部生長腫瘤的病患被招 募成為人體基因治療研究計劃的受試者。研究方法 是將一種已經獲得專利,可促進血管生成的基因 VEGF2(vascular endothelial growth factor 2)注入 體內,使心臟能長出新生血管,治療心臟血管疾病。 該病患在1999年7月已知肺臟內有大小約1公分的腫 瘤,於同年8月追蹤時為2公分,但仍然進行研究計 劃,於同年9月21開始注射 VEGF2,結果兩個月後 腫瘤更增大至5 分,之後病患死亡。 Gene Therapy Ethics Tufts University 的案件涉及忽視研究風險評 估的倫理問題。因為該研究所使用的 VEGF2(vascular endothelial growth factor 2) 是一種可以促進新生血管生成的基因,為避 免造成促進腫瘤生長,不應該以已經罹患腫 瘤的人作為受試者,而這項禁忌是基本的醫 學原理,計劃主持人沒有理由不知道。 基因治療人體試驗申請與操作規範 本規範所稱基因治療(gene therapy)係指利用基因 或含該基因之細胞,輸入人體內之治療方法,其目 的在治療疾病或恢復健康。依行政院衛生署86年8 月28日衛署醫字第86054675號函規定,基因治療屬 於應施行人體試驗之新醫療技術。 基因治療人體試驗應依本規範行之,本規範未規定 者,適用醫療法、醫療法施行細則、新醫療技術人 體試驗申請與審查作業程序等相關法令規定。 醫療法 第七條 本法所稱人體試驗,係指醫療機構依醫學理 論於人體施行新醫療技術、藥品或醫療器材之試驗 研究。 第五十六條 為提高國內醫療技術水準及醫療,或預 防疾病上之需要,教學醫院經擬定計畫,報請中央 衛生主管機關核准,或經中央衛生主管機關委託者, 得施行人體試驗。非教學醫院不得施行人體試驗。 第五十七條 教學醫院施行人體試驗時,應善盡醫療 上必要之注意,並應先取得接受試驗者之同意;受 試驗者為無行為能力或限制行為能力人,應得其法 定代理人之同意。 醫療法施行細則 第二條 本法第七條所定於人體施行新醫療技術、 藥品或醫療器材之試驗研究,以合於左列情形之 一者為限:一、在國內或國外業經實驗室、動物 實驗研究,有相當文獻發表者。 二、國外主要國 家在人體試驗階段者。三、其他經中央衛生主管 機關認可者。 第三條 在國外已施行於人體之醫療技術,中央衛 生主管機關認為仍有施行人體試驗之必要者,得 預先公告之。在生產國已核准使用於人體之藥品 或醫療器材,其醫療效能或安全性未經證實者, 中央衛生主管機關在核准查驗登記前,得令其施 行人體試驗。 醫師懲戒 醫師法第25條 醫師有下列情事之一者, 由醫師公會或主管機關移付懲戒: 一、業務上重大或重複發生過失行為。 二、利用業務機會之犯罪行為,經判刑確定 三、非屬醫療必要之過度用藥或治療行為。 四、執行業務違背醫學倫理。 五、前四款及第二十八條之四各款以外之業 務上不正當行為。 醫師懲戒 醫師法第25-1條 醫師懲戒之方式如下: 一、警告。 二、命接受額外一定時數繼續教育或臨床進修 三、限制執業範圍或停業一個月以上一年以下 四、廢止執業執照。 五、廢止醫師證書。 前項各款懲戒方式,其性質不相牴觸者,得 合併為一懲戒處分。 大法官釋字第545號解釋 所謂「業務上之不正當行為」是指醫 療業務行為雖未達違法程度,但有悖 於醫學學理及醫學倫理上要求而不具 正當性,應予避免的行為。醫師違背 職業上應遵守的行為規範,授權主管 機關懲處,以維護醫師職業倫理。 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION