Caltech Optical Observatories / NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory Palomar Adaptive Optics Palomar Adaptive Optics Test Plan Title LOWFS Transfer Curves Date Lead Time requested Required conditions 4/2/2007 V1 Jenny - Purpose Measure TT transfer curves for the LOWFS on the sky 1. Acquire ~10th mag star in the HOWFS 1.1. Go to NGS mode 1.2. Move lgs_x to lgs position (92000) 1.3. Set HOWFS rate to 200Hz 1.4. Take HOWFS background 1.5. Lock TT loop 2. Acquire star in LOWFS 2.1. Start aomonitor to watch residuals 2.2. Set LOWFS rate to 1000Hz 2.3. Acquire the star in the LOWFS using acqview. 2.4. Open the TT loop and go to DNGS mode 2.5. Take a LO sky 2.6. Go back to NGS mode and relock TT on the HO 2.7. Verify that lwfp_recon_4subap is loaded and that pixel, lo_residual and centroid data are being recorded 2.8. Zero LO centroids 3. Move lowfs_x in steps of 50um up to a maximum of ± 350um or to where the residuals become too noisy 3.1. ± 350um should be equivalent to ± .9” which is the maximum field of the quad cell 4. Return lowfs_x to center and repeat the moves for lowfs_y Results and conclusions Start 1175585588 Stop 1175586020 Start at 0, +lowfsx, 7 steps, -13 steps Start 1175586119 Stop 1175586560 Start at 0, +lowfs_y, 7 steps, -14 steps 1