書報討論 平時測驗二 班級: ... 1. Heuristics were included in this system to solve the...

書報討論 平時測驗二 班級:
1. Heuristics were included in this system to solve the dynamic layout problem.
2.In terns of cost savings, there is no significant difference between the control group
and the experimental group.
3. There are many factors that affect product strategy.
4. It is possible for the system to gather all unknown variables.
5. Minimization of total operating costs is achieved by a planning horizon.
6.Precise measurement of neural networks by practitioners is a heavy emphasis of
computer vision systems.
7. The manager can be assisted by the proposed model so that the order size can be
precisely determined.
8. The temperature is increased by uncontrollable factors as indicated in the
experimental results.
9. Consumer preferences are markedly affected by advertising.
10. Provision of textbook materials should be offered by the instructor.